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So now when Season 2 is over, why should we stay subscribed?


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Season 2 has ended and Season 3 is not in foreseeable future, why exactly should we stay subscribed and continue to support you? For new content? But where is the new content?


You still haven't even released the whole expansion yet. Manaan daily area and new operation that were planned to be released for the 10th anniversary (December 2021) and later postponed for soon afterwards are still missing. That's already 8 months past schedule.


And where is the loads of content promised us to be delivered during the year 2022? New FP, new locations, more story, PvP revamp, Master mode R-4, Galactic Season 3, tech modernization, visual improvements and more?


“…why celebrate on one day when you can have fun the entire year?” -Keith Kanneg, July 2021

So, where is the fun?

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Season 2 has ended and Season 3 is not in foreseeable future, why exactly should we stay subscribed and continue to support you?


They don't really care about retaining high subscriber numbers as long as they make enough money with the Cartel Market in the meantime.


And where is the loads of content promised us to be delivered during the year 2022? ... Galactic Season 3?


The did not promise us Galactic Season 3 for 2022.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Oh yes they did:



That link should take you directly to the time stamp but, if it doesn't, it's at 35:52 in Future Plans.


Fair enough. I forgot that they also delayed Galactic Season 2 when they delayed the release of the entire expansion after that livestream. I am fairly certain that they will not stick to that outdated roadmap anymore, though.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Season 2 has ended and Season 3 is not in foreseeable future, why exactly should we stay subscribed and continue to support you? For new content? But where is the new content?

So, are you suggesting that Galactic Seasons is the 'only' reason to subscribe?

What about all the 'non-season' content? Can't you still do that?

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So, are you suggesting that Galactic Seasons is the 'only' reason to subscribe?

What about all the 'non-season' content? Can't you still do that?


It is a progression system that gives some flavor and a reason for people like myself to return after being out since season 1. At this point the rotating events have all been completed long ago... This is like saying you could still only play the base game and be happy right? There is no reason that the season ended in general without a new one starting.


Maybe their intent is to only suck people back for 3-4 weeks then see them leave again? No idea why I would subscribe longer than that.

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You still haven't even released the whole expansion yet. Manaan daily area and new operation that were planned to be released for the 10th anniversary (December 2021) and later postponed for soon afterwards are still missing. That's already 8 months past schedule.

By my count, it isn't even seven months yet. (Mid-December to mid-July would be *exactly* seven months, but we aren't at mid-July yet.)

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20 week galactic season 2 was my daily distraction


my 7.0 starts now. it's finally time for me to gear and prep for 7.1, (and long term, prep for season 3.)


my 7.0 is only just beginning


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I'm finally free to conquest for guilds, I'm finally free to replay stories that have become the subject of forum topic threads lately. As someone who gets distracted by meta game systems. I haven't really been able to play a class story since 2014, or whenever conquest was first introduced.


I prefer not be gamed by the game all the time, especially when it involves FOMO mechanic systems. I'm going to enjoy this season downtime, the off season for the overall game.


There's plenty to do when you're not a locust

Edited by Falensawino
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By my count, it isn't even seven months yet. (Mid-December to mid-July would be *exactly* seven months, but we aren't at mid-July yet.)

You are right. I chose poor wording. I wanted to say when it finally hits it will be likely at least 8 months past original schedule.

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It is a progression system that gives some flavor and a reason for people like myself to return after being out since season 1. At this point the rotating events have all been completed long ago... This is like saying you could still only play the base game and be happy right? There is no reason that the season ended in general without a new one starting.


Maybe their intent is to only suck people back for 3-4 weeks then see them leave again? No idea why I would subscribe longer than that.

Part of the problem is that you asked "why should 'people' subscribe" instead of the more accurate "why should 'I' subscribe". Just because the thing you want to do is over, doesn't mean it's over for everyone else. It's like asking "Why should 'people' go to McDonald's after the McRib is gone?" 🙂

Edited by JediQuaker
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Season 2 has ended and Season 3 is not in foreseeable future, why exactly should we stay subscribed and continue to support you? For new content? But where is the new content?


You still haven't even released the whole expansion yet. Manaan daily area and new operation that were planned to be released for the 10th anniversary (December 2021) and later postponed for soon afterwards are still missing. That's already 8 months past schedule.


And where is the loads of content promised us to be delivered during the year 2022? New FP, new locations, more story, PvP revamp, Master mode R-4, Galactic Season 3, tech modernization, visual improvements and more?


“…why celebrate on one day when you can have fun the entire year?” -Keith Kanneg, July 2021

So, where is the fun?


Good question - i don't know. It's a shame that the dev team is still to lazy to give us a date when season 3 will start. If season 3 will ever start, my fear is that this so-called dev team will never ever anything release more.

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There's plenty to do when you're not a locust


There was almost nothing new content-wise in the expansion and they removed the only max level treadmill that made any degree of sense for continuing engagement outside of GS unless you care about actually gearing up to do ancient content. Locusts would need new content to actually consume and complain about a lack of afterward. Locusts haven't had a reason to actually descend on this game in a while, but I guess I understand what you were trying to say.

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Oh yes they did:



That link should take you directly to the time stamp but, if it doesn't, it's at 35:52 in Future Plans.

I had forgotten that!! Pretty sure it's not going to happen. I'm not even holding my breath for a conclusion to the Malgus storyline any time soon.

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I subscribed a few days ago since the season was ending. I thought that season 3 would start right up. Im pretty disappointed. I feel like I got cheated. Id want a refund if I didn't already spend the cartel coins.
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I feel as a small guild guildleader that I'm trapped in my sub.


I have been the constant player that has been there to nurture up a guildship and unlocking it etc as well as getting the perks paid in the main.


If I want to walk away from the game for a while I lose all the years I've grafted.


I get that a guild is more than one person but lets be honest, even in the big guilds there is a nucleus that people revolve around - if they leave it all goes to crap.


What to do?!!

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Some people will defend anything. The season stuff should be the easiest content to produce. Copy paste the entire last season. All you need to do is create another companion. The season 2 companion didn't have that much to him. Heck be totally lazy and just release an old companion you can't obtain anymore and many would be fine.


But ending a season for no apparent reason and not replacing that dopamine is just plain poor production.

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I subscribed on Friday solely to cash in on the progress from GS. I'm on two servers and racked up about 4k in CCs. Friday was a good day. I have a 60 day sub, and when that ends I will go back to pref and stay there either until the next content drop gated by subscription or the end of the next GS. Either way, that won't be for at least six months, more likely a year or more.


Why should you stay subbed? Idk, have you been subbed this entire time? Why did you do that? :rak_02: The lifers on this forum will never unsub so the question is irrelevant for them. Those like me who sub for specific reasons and are content with preferred otherwise [or playing some other game in the meantime] already have our reasons to go or stay. That leaves....the drama queens who think that making posts like this in Gen will achieve anything more than the hostility / confusion of the forum.

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Why should you stay subbed? Idk, have you been subbed this entire time? Why did you do that? :rak_02: The lifers on this forum will never unsub so the question is irrelevant for them. Those like me who sub for specific reasons and are content with preferred otherwise [or playing some other game in the meantime] already have our reasons to go or stay. That leaves....the drama queens who think that making posts like this in Gen will achieve anything more than the hostility / confusion of the forum.

I had not been subbed the entire time, I too subbed for end of Season 2 to grab rewards... Last time before that I subbed for 7.0. Before that for Season 1, etc. I play as preferred the entire time in between. But I would like BW to give me reason to stay subbed for longer. To make the game better and more appealing to subscribe.


Things like shorter breaks between seasons, content promised to be delivered to be actually delivered and if not at least communicated why it wasn't and not a complete silence and heads in the sand. And I don't say it to cause drama or hostility. I really want the game to be better.

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But I would like BW to give me reason to stay subbed for longer. To make the game better and more appealing to subscribe.

You aren't the only one, but GSeasons by themselves won't do it, especially as completing GSeasons involves all that "reuse of old content" that I alluded to on another GSeasons-related thread (the one about rerunning Season 1 and/or 2).

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And where is the loads of content promised us to be delivered during the year 2022? New FP, new locations, more story, PvP revamp, Master mode R-4, Galactic Season 3, tech modernization, visual improvements and more?


Short answer is they lied. Long answer is the lied for reasons

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A lot of people seem to forget that there is a lot more to this game than just 'seasons' or 'endgame'. Sure, if you've been around forever, you've done most of the stuff and want something 'new' or 'more'. But consider those who are new to the game and are just working on their class story etc. They have lots and lots of stuff to do before they even get to 'endgame'.
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A lot of people seem to forget that there is a lot more to this game than just 'seasons' or 'endgame'.


This thread is about reasons to subscribe. That's why endgame (and seasons) are important. If a player finds their endgame is unenjoyable, then they will be less likely to pay for a sub. I'm sure Bioware likes getting money, they are a business afterall.


If all you find fun is the pre-endgame, then you don't need to pay for a sub to play and enjoy it.


I thought Galactic Seasons was well designed, fun to do, and had plenty of options for different playstyles. I subbed for the end of seasons as a 'thank you' to bioware for the fun it gave me.


The current state of endgame is simply not fun for me. As far as I'm concerned subbing tells Bioware that I'm happy with the direction they're taking the game. Since I'm not happy, I will not be renewing my sub after it runs out this month.

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I've decided I'll just sub for a month when I have a slate of sub-locked things I need to get done.


Like unlocks, buying commander's compendiums for alts, mass crafting etc.....

If I joined a guild that did Ops regularly, I would naturally sub

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I had not been subbed the entire time, I too subbed for end of Season 2 to grab rewards... Last time before that I subbed for 7.0. Before that for Season 1, etc. I play as preferred the entire time in between. But I would like BW to give me reason to stay subbed for longer. To make the game better and more appealing to subscribe.


OK. Aside from the points I mentioned, cashing in on GS rewards and unlocking content on the rare occasion they gate it...the two major reasons for me are 1) the credit cap--which is less important now that the game economy is :eek:--and 2) doing OPs and maybe uprisings (I want the cheevos) i.e the same old content they've had for years.


imo the sub has steadily been decreasing in value for years, and BW does not seem inclined to do anything about that. There's a thread floating around somewhere that suggests this is their actual business model, not an accident. The game is very much the model of taking one step forward and two steps backwards. For example, one sub perk I was interested in was getting a combat style that reflected alignment change for opposing faction chars i.e DS Sages becoming Sorcerers, but there was a recent thread suggesting that this leads to a bug that can block players from accessing their own fleet! They have no solution except to call CS.


Before 7.0, one thing I looked forward to with subbing was that command xp and later renown would accrue and get new levels. CXP came faster and the crates were better, but pref could slowly earn renown which was nice. But of course they removed this piece with the last expansion, meaning there is no point to me to continue with a char once they get to max level. As for gear...


Again, the gear system from 6.0 was great, horizontal, and that kept me busy gearing up all my chars. But this new system is complicated and unfun, very much like the pre-command gearing systems they had at launch. I will probably gear up one char on each faction. Beyond that, gear is another thing that has been made irrelevant--i craft prototype and artifact mods for the chars I level from 1-70, more out of habit than because the content requires it.


The content may or may not be fun for brand new players. I have some doubts about the accessibility but the vanilla story at least is great. Beyond that, subbing is just supporting the devs to continue the status quo. You and I --and everyone else who did the same--subbing at the end of GS sends the devs the clear message that their approach works, exactly like people resubbing to Netflix to watch the end of Stranger Things.

Edited by Ardrossan
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You and I --and everyone else who did the same--subbing at the end of GS sends the devs the clear message that their approach works, exactly like people resubbing to Netflix to watch the end of Stranger Things.

Then I don't see a reason why they can't start new Season immediately or soon after. It's not like it's super hard to design a new companion and bunch of new cosmestics or even recycle the ones from Season 1. It's like they simply don't want the money.

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