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Force RP names on RP servers


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RP servers are about community.
If you believe this, the best thing you can do is promote a healthy, tolerant community that doesn't have a chip on its shoulder or unjustified sense of self entitlement.
I do my best. I try to lead by example and not with a stick.
Without knowing the full breadth of my conduct in game or elsewhere, I'd respectfully suggest that you're in a poor position to make such thinly veiled remarks. Regardless, if what you say is true, I'd expect you have plenty to say to others in this thread. Demanding that another player conform to some arbitrary standard and then punishing them when they don't reeks more of the stick than being laissez-faire on the matter, to be sure.


I believe you have me confused with someone else. I said that I do my best to promote a healthy, tolerant community through positive examples. No where did I mention "demanding that another player conform to some arbitrary standard and then [punish] them when they don't." Nor do I believe anything I said was a "thinly veiled remark."


My "lead by example and not with a stick" remark was meant to imply that I help and guide other players when they have questions (quests, AC choices, etc.) and, if someone is just being a dick, I may remind them where they are, but I don't chastise or ostracize them. I'm not the RP police.


It appears that you've had a bad experience with an overly-strict RP community either recently or in the past and for that I apologize. We're not all like that. RP communities, in my opinion, are about inclusiveness and maturity. We're here to have fun and, yes, we greatly appreciate it when someone respects the RP tag of a RP server.

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You create your own immersion. No one else has control, in the end, over that immersion.


Understand your own likes, dislikes, and personal peeves. No one will come to a concensus on what is "good" or bad. Hell, I'd FAR rather see a BH named Canopener than a Twilek SI with a name ripped from High Elvish Tolkein. But that's me. Others opinions will differ.


That being said, If you know names are your personal peeve, then go into preferences and turn off nameplates. You will never see them, they won't bother you, easy peasy. When you are rp'ing with someone, they offer you their name, or give it if you ask for it. And chances are, if they ARE rolepaying with you ... whatever name they give you is going to sound a hell of a lot more rational to your mind purely for the fact they -are- roleplaying.


If nameplates bother you. Turn them off.

Edited by Rhaethe
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Naming Policy


When creating a character or guild name for Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is encouraged that you select a name that reflects the theme of the game. The guidelines listed below outline the types of names that you can NOT use, and apply to both player or character names, as well as guild names.

  • You may not use any names that violate the General Rules. This includes the use of names that are hateful, defamatory, racist, ethnically offensive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or any other language that is offensive in nature.
  • You may not use names that are harassing or defamatory to other players or employees of EA, BioWare or LucasArts, e.g. EASUX, Timsretarded, and Biowaresux.
  • You may not use names of any EA, BioWare, or LucasArts employee or service related to Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  • You may not use names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials or products, e.g. Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper.
  • You may not use names from popular culture or media, e.g. Lady Gaga or George Lucas.
  • You may not use names that are religiously or historically significant, e.g. Jesus, Winston Churchill.
  • You may not use proper names of areas within Star Wars for character names. Guild names, however, MAY use the proper names of specific areas to help promote role-playing and realm pride, e.g. Defenders of Tython or Protectors of Hutta.
  • You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker.
  • You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them, e.g. General Supertrooper, Captain Tim, Darth Timmy, Knight Wakey.
  • You may not use names that refer to drugs or that are drug related.
  • You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.
  • You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules, e.g. Hamsolo, Yooda, DorthVader.
  • You may not use gibberish names when creating character, e.g. ajsdu, rifndsw, qweszs.


If you violate any part of the above Naming Policy you will either be assigned a new name, or given the option of changing the name. In addition to this, your account could incur a penalty up to and including account closure.


Where does Octupushead breach the above, if you'll indulge me?

Edited by Hrisskar
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^ **** Bioware, wow... Everyone report it maybe they will actually put a rule in for the RP servers so they are actually Rp...?


Press \ ingame (or press the ? at topright and on the window that pops up, click the tab at the bottom for Request Help) then click Submit Name Report

Edited by SelinaK
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When I ran across a level 30 Twi-lek named Octopushead on my RP server, I knew there was no real naming policy enforced.


I hear where you're coming from, but then I remember that it is sort of in line with other official Star Wars names like Mon Calamari and Hammerhead (I know the latter are Ithorians, but the link is to a StarWars.com page that refers to the race as Hammerhead).

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Where does Octupushead breach the above, if you'll indulge me?


Outright? none. Though it could be covered with "You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk."


One of the points of a RP server is to have an environment that promotes roleplaying. I'm not one that goes around roleplaying much at all, but I do enjoy coming across and watching some good roleplay.


I cannot imagine any point in time where I would be able to take anything said by someone named "Octopushead" seriously.


I'm fine with someone claiming a name like "Gearbox" might be a nickname but I think claiming "Octopushead" as a nick name is a bit of a stretch.

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I hear where you're coming from, but then I remember that it is sort of in line with other official Star Wars names like Mon Calamari and Hammerhead (I know the latter are Ithorians, but the link is to a StarWars.com page that refers to the race as Hammerhead).


Well, it's not some large thing to me - though, the name a player has chosen for their character does factor in to whether I invite them to my group or not. That is a rule that I developed back in my days of EQ1 and early days of WoW. There's a crazy relevance between the quality of player and their choice of name for their character. In general, I've found that players that chose silly names tend to not care enough to play well or treat others well in game. I tend to avoid them.

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^ **** Bioware, wow... Everyone report it maybe they will actually put a rule in for the RP servers so they are actually Rp...?


Press \ ingame (or press the ? at topright and on the window that pops up, click the tab at the bottom for Request Help) then click Submit Name Report


There is nothing to report. No rule is being broken. RP is created by people RPing, not by Bioware and not by useless and counterproductive customer-service tickets.

By sending in false reports over non-violations you take time away from moderators trying to deal with real problems like credit-farmers, keyloggers and true harassers.


Outright? none. Though it could be covered with "You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk."


What is the sentence that Octopushead would be a fragment of?


If a name is not against the rules, like Octopushead, then it is harassment to report it.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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What is the sentence that Octopushead would be a fragment of?


If a name is not against the rules, like Octopushead, then it is harassment to report it.


Why would you assume that I reported it?


I was merely observing that the name acceptance routine at character selection apparently is quite liberal for RP servers.

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Why would you assume that I reported it?


I was merely observing that the name acceptance routine at character selection apparently is quite liberal for RP servers.


It is the same for RP servers as it is for regular servers. And I did not assume you reported it. I was stressing the point that seems lost on many people that there is nothing to report.

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I'm on a rp server, they call me Jedi Kieraknightly, and no im not greifing since there is no rule "you must rp on a rp server"


Some people play on rp servers to play with other adults, rather then childish ethugs


You may not use names from popular culture or media, e.g. Lady Gaga or George Lucas.



There is no rule. The server description asks to "respect other's playstyle". We could go round and round looking at every single name mentioned here and seen in the game, however, it is not for us to APPLY these rules to the names and exact punishment.


For those that wish to, we have the RIGHT to apply these rules and report the name to those who will bring punishment if necessary.


To a previous comment of having immersion broken being game-breaking, or so upsetting: I find such things to be the bane of my existence as an RPer. I once quit RPing altogether, lost all creative spark. I wanted this game to help bring it back.


Unfortunately, when there is an accepted "Windu" legacy allowed, and of course the horrid "peanutbutter" and "jellytime", I cannot take it. It IS immersion breaking for me.


So instead, I report when I feel it warrants it in regards to the stated policy. I RP with only those I enjoy their RP, and avoid Cantina RP - better known as "hi, watch me emote how to drink this alcohol in multiple ways because I have no depth to my character".


Thanks. I'll continue reporting, especially those like you who are so adamant they've done nothing wrong, but apparently can't even read the simplest of rules.

Edited by Jalyra
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So instead, I report when I feel it warrants it in regards to the stated policy. I RP with only those I enjoy their RP, and avoid Cantina RP - better known as "hi, watch me emote how to drink this alcohol in multiple ways because I have no depth to my character".


Thanks. I'll continue reporting, especially those like you who are so adamant they've done nothing wrong, but apparently can't even read the simplest of rules.


What always surprises me is that those who insist that they are defending RP servers and everyone's immersion from silly names, are the first to attack the various types of RP they do not like. So far, the only people who have expressed a dislike for RP in this thread are the ones who are most gung-ho about reporting names.

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You make a valid argument about not judging a book by its cover, but I'm not sure why you're appending the fractured community remark on me; I wasn't addressing that issue in my post. I included the full quotes so that you and others can see what issue I was addressing so that you don't read more into it than was intended.


I was expanding on a point made in your second paragraph: "Why? It's about respect for the other players, respect for the game theme, and appropriateness to the server type. RP servers are about community."


My apologies if it seemed as though I heaped everything on you specifically, but the point I was trying to make is that for servers that are supposed to be about community, there are players (not necessarily you, but others in this thread certainly) who make choices that are exclusive rather than inclusive, which fractures that very community. When you see a name like "Canopener", it's your choice on how to react to it. Choosing to label that person a troll or lolgrinder or whatever else is someone making the choice not to include that person in the community. If their mere existence disrupts your immersion, it's because you let it. Sometimes that can't be helped, particularly with very offensive/disruptive names (that actually violate the naming policy).


But other times, you can choose to incorporate those names into your immersion. If you're already roleplaying, why not pretend that Canopener has an RP reason for the name, instead of assuming the opposite? Another poster noted that we can't assume that "Canopener" or "Marshmallow" are RP names, and that's true. But we can't assume they aren't either. The only difference is that those players (again, not necessarily you) who flip out over those names are choosing to disrupt their own experience.


"Roleplaying" is just a grown-up way of saying "pretending" or "make-believe." There's nothing wrong with that. It's just that threads like this lose sight of the idea that your own imagination is what makes the role worth playing.

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What always surprises me is that those who insist that they are defending RP servers and everyone's immersion from silly names, are the first to attack the various types of RP they do not like. So far, the only people who have expressed a dislike for RP in this thread are the ones who are most gung-ho about reporting names.


I am defending no one's immersion but my own. I dislike the word "attack". That was my judgement of said RP, and my answer to the judgment is to avoid it. If I were to "attack" it, I'd sit in the Cantina and tell everyone their RP sux!


This is a discussion wherein I offered my opinion, not an "attack". "Attacking" someone for their RP is not my style. Mine is to avoid them and try to find what I am looking for from like-minded individuals.


I dislike RP that is not to my standards. So I do not indulge in it, nor encourage it. You can call me elitist all you want, for I do agree with you. I have standards, like every other person would, I follow them.


I still retain the right to offer my opinion in discussions. Just as you do yours, that I am I "attacking".

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I am defending no one's immersion but my own. I dislike the word "attack". That was my judgement of said RP, and my answer to the judgment is to avoid it. If I were to "attack" it, I'd sit in the Cantina and tell everyone their RP sux!


This is a discussion wherein I offered my opinion, not an "attack". "Attacking" someone for their RP is not my style. Mine is to avoid them and try to find what I am looking for from like-minded individuals.


I dislike RP that is not to my standards. So I do not indulge in it, nor encourage it. You can call me elitist all you want, for I do agree with you. I have standards, like every other person would, I follow them.


I still retain the right to offer my opinion in discussions. Just as you do yours, that I am I "attacking".


When your judgment is that anyone who engages in a type of RP you don't like has no depth to their characters -- and you feel the need to complain about this perceived lack of depth on the forums in a thread that has nothing to do with the topic -- I think it could safely be called an attack.


If I said that your thoughts on naming policies were nonsense because you are a bad RPer that would be an attack... even if I called it a "judgment." I am not saying that you are a bad RPer, by the way -- this was an example of what a person might say.


You don't need to sit in a cantina to tell everyone their RP sux for it to be an attack... You can come onto the forum and tell everyone their RP sux.


Which is what you did.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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In my experience, what Bioware deems an offensive name is highly subjective. I had a name on the old pre-launch forums that if you added a vowel to the last three letters of a longer name - part of it could have been made a curse word and was taken offensively so I had to change it...and I am an RPer big on the whole "make respectable names" thing... so based on that, I am under the assumption that they will make people change their names. Honestly at the time I was wondering if they even looked at the reports at before making people change their names.


The whole process however was a completely unorganized nightmare...really really poor outsourced customer service. So I wouldn't expect to see any names you reported changed within a few weeks. Who knows how long it was actually reported for until they even got to me. However, that nightmare is certainly enough to keep you from making another bad name in the future...so plus side there I suppose.

Edited by MsChevious
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When your judgment is that anyone who engages in a type of RP you don't like has no depth to their characters -- and you feel the need to complain about this perceived lack of depth on the forums in a thread that has nothing to do with the topic -- I think it could safely be called an attack.


There you go twisting people's words again. She said players who go to a cantina and spam drinking alcohol emotes ad nausim have zero depth to their characters. Guess what? She's right. If all one has in their RP arsenal are emotes, they lack depth.


This is not a bad thing, it usually the mark of a beginner. Beginners are role-players to and need the proper direction to add depth and story to thier character's development.

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I agree, the rules should be followed both to the letter and the spirit of them. Too bad Marshmallow in spirit, violated the rules and was in no way ignorant toward them.


There is no actual evidence to support anything in your second sentence. It's irrelevant what Marshmallow knew or didn't know when it comes to the rules, because they apply nonetheless, but you can't say whether ignorance played a role. The assertion that the "spirit" of the rules is violated is equally unsupported -- which, incidentally, is why there's a tendency to enforce the letter of rules instead of speculating as to their spirit in the first place.


Bioware listed quite a few things in the naming rules. It would have been simple for them to say, "no references to real world non-human objects as names, e.g., marshmallow, milkcrate, mayonnaise, etc." They didn't. We don't get to impose that "spirit" on the rest of the clearly delineated rules.

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There you go twisting people's words again. She said players who go to a cantina and spam drinking alcohol emotes ad nausim have zero depth to their characters. Guess what? She's right. If all one has in their RP arsenal are emotes, they lack depth.


This is not a bad thing, it usually the mark of a beginner. Beginners are role-players to and need the proper direction to add depth and story to thier character's development.


Unfortunately, I fully admit I lack the patience to do this encouragement myself. Therefore, I step away and remove myself from them. Some may view this as "bad", but it is best for me. I am glad though that there are people with the patience to give this encouragement. I would rather have more competent RP than, none at all.

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Many of you who say they are not are not truly role-players. If you were, you would see bad or silly names as RP griefing and not something to be passive about when you see it.


Interesting viewpoint. Not one I share as a RP'er, but have at it.



Then you would be in the same catagory as those who impose the affliction on our RP servers. To be passive is just as good as saying you support the behavior.


Yes. Me advising people to simply turn their nameplates off to preserve that immersion they wish for equates to promotion of horrible griefers. Right. Ah well, another viewpoint I don't share. Good on you though.

Edited by Rhaethe
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