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  1. Hey there, posted this in the other thread but in case any of you are subscribed to this thread - looking for some Sith / Empire RP'ers to help out with some cross-faction RP! PM me!
  2. Any Empire RP'ers out there want to PM me? I'm trying to set up a cross-faction RP event with some tense negotiations.. maybe even some firefights.
  3. Replied! I feel like this could go somewhere, hehe.
  4. Come to Jung Ma - I actually have a project you might be interested in! If interested, PM me here on the boards.
  5. I'm really liking the Republic side. I keep finding a good mix of random RP'ers and dedicated ones in chat channels. Nice balance.
  6. I've found a lot of good RP as Republic on Jung Ma.. haven't played Imperial there yet haha
  7. It is currently Republic, but I think the Imperials should have a sister-system to report their own RP news, and maybe if two of the channel 'leaders' could meet up in PVP zones, we could have discussions - whole new level of RP: politics! Hehe.
  8. Sorry to double-post this, but I'd like to clarify for some people asking - the channel is designed to be a pretty literal copy of the Holonet, so basically, it's designed to post updates on your RP storylines in the form of news stuff, weather updates, distress signals, etc.
  9. I'll be there! We've been having fun with the Holonet channel.
  10. The channel is /cjoin Holonet - here's the full thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=142844
  11. I made a channel for everyone who wants to have an in-character channel to use as a game representation of the Holonet. Type /cjoin Holonet and help build it up!
  12. I hope so.. Also, I made a new I.C. channel for people - I figure I'll make a thread for it, just to get the word out.
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