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Everything posted by Darth_Slaine

  1. I'm glad everyone has decided to join us at Ebon Hawk. I knew you'd all come around sooner or later!
  2. My first TOR fanfiction was meant to be a webcomic but I couldn't get anyone to draw it. I still tried to preserve the feel of a visual medium by using a minimalist style. I tried to describe only that which would have been apparent within a comic strip frame -- there was little internal monologue and I tried to write the appearance of actions rather than the meanings of actions... if that makes sense. So my advice is to use words in the same way you might a brush.
  3. Good to see this thread is still kicking along.
  4. Lore might offer generalizations but cannot tell us what is acceptable or unacceptable between two specific individuals. While most Sith probably do not enjoy being called bro by a bounty hunter it is impossible to say how any one Sith will react in a specific situation. Powerful Sith are highly individualistic. Sometimes this leads to a degree of eccentricity. Just look at our silly armor if you don't think so.
  5. If the people RPing the scene have no problem with it, then why should you?
  6. The surname is an extra. You can have your character without the surname and thus not related to your Legacy... or, if you really can't live without a surname, then you can make the second character on a different server. This isn't destroying RP or the "opposite" of RP. They gave you a way to give some of your characters surnames -- many games don't have that at all. Just because you can't have a different surname for each character should not be a problem. Look at the legacy surname as an added bonus on top of your standard RP. You are not bound to use the system. Each character has the option to be part of the Legacy. They are not required to be.
  7. You might turn off the Legacy title on those characters that you don't consider to be part of the Legacy.
  8. How are you using the Rakghoul Plague event in your RP (if at all)?
  9. SelinaH is wise. Collaboration is key.
  10. This is the correct answer. The dilemma has nothing to do with being a Jedi and everything to do with whether it is ethical to impose tyranny upon democracy simply because you do not personally agree with the choices made by other people. The theft, in this case, is a non-issue. It is about politics. It is about maintaining the rule of Law and showing that not even the Jedi are above the will of the democratically elected government. Though I think this quest is only open to Jedi, I feel that the choices would be the same (with the same LS/DS pay-off) for any class. Democracy is not "You have the freedom to choose things that I like."
  11. Yes, it can be done. As Guildrum points out you would need to wait to get your ship, if you ever wanted to fly yourself to a planet instead of bumming a ride -- and you will never unlock your legacy name by using that character. Here is what I did... So, you could leave the Jedi quests immediately and play a Force sensitive swordsman who uses Vibroblades, or you can wait until you might steal your companion like I did, or until you are issued a companion, or until you get a ship. There is no advantage to doing any of this beyond thumbing your nose at the role of the Jedi. What I may do next is make an alt who is a Teras Kasi master. I'd use a Smuggler-template to get stealth and cheap shot and then just add the special Punch and Jab PVP Legacy abilities.
  12. We can enter the ships of group members. And we can now match the colors of our clothing -- that's one for RP.
  13. Yes, let's get the ball rolling! I have run into many players that are RPing Service Corps Jedi but I haven't seen any formal guilds yet. I've made <Jedi Service Corps> on LA for my alt but I assume other guilds must be out there.
  14. My dear apprentices, it has been clear to all of us true lore fans for some time that the Jedi Service Corps are the true heart and soul of the Jedi order. Knights and all that business are fairly boring. Service Corps members are the rock stars of the Force-wielding world -- this cannot be denied. To celebrate the one true iconic mode of Jedi farmer in the Star Wars universe, I have decided to gauge interest in a cross-server RP project. What I would like to do is to create a directory of all Service Corp-themed guilds on the various RP servers to assist those wishing to engage in such roleplay but I'd also like to arrange some sort of mission prompts on a weekly or monthly basis. By mission prompts, I mean something along the lines of "The agricultural division has issued a call for floral materials from Alderaan". All the guilds would be able to answer this call by collecting some amount of stackable grey items in the game... or maybe they would need to take screenshots of specific animals or buildings or organize academic calendars. The point is, there would be something that would provide a touchstone for Service Corp RP across the servers and hopefully it would generate attention and draw in more RPers. Perhaps a guild would be able to win the weekly challenge -- or all participants might be encouraged to create a guild-blog that made public weekly achievements of the Service Corp. I enjoy the Service Corp concept because it allows me to not be the one Jedi knight who saved the entire universe. This thread should be used for discussing possible directions this project can take and for expressing support or disapproval for the idea as a whole. I have only informally surveyed Service Corp players before, so I'm not sure how many of us are out there. What are your thoughts?
  15. This is what you said... That is a snarky one-liner dismissing a player and an entire server. There is nothing to the post that could be considered constructive. Let us keep it real, indeed. While personal experience of each server will vary, the communities themselves are very similar. An extreme dislike of a server -- the sort that prompts people to go into threads and insult people based on nothing more than a server tag-- speaks more about the individual than it does about the object of their ire. edit: Curses. Guildrum beat me to it.
  16. The best thing to do is to stand next to a Taxi Droid as a protest until Bioware fixes this issue in a distant patch. I've had to delete 5 characters over this issue already.
  17. The OP asks... If it has stopped being RP, then it has stopped being IC. The OP was asking at what point IC harassment becomes OOC harassment. If both players want to continue a scene of IC harassment, then there is no issue with that.
  18. I can't say I see a problem with it.
  19. The post was about when things cross the line from RP into OOC harassment.
  20. This is a remarkable post! I think there are some very keen insights here. I disagree with some of the ideas -- mostly those on the nature of Sith Master/Apprentice relationship-- but not because I think you have incorrectly interpreted canon... I think canon has not done the subject justice. I have never been a fan of one to embody power and one to crave it. If I were a Master, I would think why bother? What can I get out of an apprentice that I cannot get out of some other tool? I think there is a need amongst the Sith to take apprentices, and it comes from -- dare I suggest it -- loneliness or perhaps the realization that all glory is fleeting. I wrote a story called Master and Apprentice once (I re-posted it somewhere around here after the forum wipe) and though I think it lame when someone references their own crappy fan-fic, I feel I can't really explain the issue as concretely as I tried to through that medium. Sith will never truly attain immortality except through our apprentices. I am glad you brought this up. I'd really like to see where the conversation goes! Edit: added the link to the story.
  21. I must admit that it was I who reported you. I saw you hopping on the taxi while clearly on personal business and I could not let it go. Taxi rides are for real RPers engaged in official business ONLY! I have been RPing in video games since Pong! and I think I know a thing or two about the mis-use of Imperial taxis.
  22. Thank you both for reading it! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was considering re-editing certain parts to be slightly more in-line with what we know from the game. But I'm very lazy, so I don't see it happening.
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