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Why ask for our feedback on the weapon outfitter if you're not going to listen to it?


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First it's still only one weapon per outfit.


Second, we STILL can't switch crystals or tunings once it's in the outfitter. We have to apply it to the original weapon and apply it again to the outfit. Why does this work differently than other gear pieces?


I mean... I'm not sure why I even bothered giving any feedback considering that none of it was taken into consideration.

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First it's still only one weapon per outfit.


Second, we STILL can't switch crystals or tunings once it's in the outfitter. We have to apply it to the original weapon and apply it again to the outfit. Why does this work differently than other gear pieces?


I mean... I'm not sure why I even bothered giving any feedback considering that none of it was taken into consideration.

This game doesn't have very many credit sinks these days and repairs on our purple 326 gear is much cheaper than our repairs on the old 326 gear. What I'm getting at is having to make a minor change to the weapon and then activating it in outfitter is a small credit sink and really not that big of a deal to me.

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This game doesn't have very many credit sinks these days and repairs on our purple 326 gear is much cheaper than our repairs on the old 326 gear. What I'm getting at is having to make a minor change to the weapon and then activating it in outfitter is a small credit sink and really not that big of a deal to me.


White Knighting terrible design choices is really sad and pathetic.

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White Knighting terrible design choices is really sad and pathetic.


Your reply is pointless. I'm glad the weapon slot was added to outfit designer. I'm already getting rid of the ugly looking level 80 weapons from my characters' appearances. Now I can utilize the fixed stat weapons on my low level characters without changing their looks as well.


I understand that some people want more out of this feature and there may be plans to enhance it over time. IDK. But suggestions should be made in the suggestion forum and hopefully, if reasonable and possible, improvements will be made in the future.


But if you expect me to be angry because you are, then you're going to be disappointed. I form my own opinions.

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First it's still only one weapon per outfit.


Second, we STILL can't switch crystals or tunings once it's in the outfitter. We have to apply it to the original weapon and apply it again to the outfit. Why does this work differently than other gear pieces?


I mean... I'm not sure why I even bothered giving any feedback considering that none of it was taken into consideration.


I have had the pleasure to read several of your posts and responses. You worry about a lot of little things that you make into a big deal. Always amusing......Thank you.


I cannot wait for the next. :)

Edited by Nickodemous
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Your reply is pointless. I'm glad the weapon slot was added to outfit designer. I'm already getting rid of the ugly looking level 80 weapons from my characters' appearances. Now I can utilize the fixed stat weapons on my low level characters without changing their looks as well.


I understand that some people want more out of this feature and there may be plans to enhance it over time. IDK. But suggestions should be made in the suggestion forum and hopefully, if reasonable and possible, improvements will be made in the future.


But if you expect me to be angry because you are, then you're going to be disappointed. I form my own opinions.


Everything I said was feedback that was posted on the PTS forums when THEY asked for feedback. They listened to NONE of it (mine, or others). That's why it's so frustrating!


I mean, it would have been a great feature in 6.0. But it comes out after 7.0, when we have combat styles... and doesn't even work with two combat styles.

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Everything I said was feedback that was posted on the PTS forums when THEY asked for feedback. They listened to NONE of it (mine, or others). That's why it's so frustrating!


I mean, it would have been a great feature in 6.0. But it comes out after 7.0, when we have combat styles... and doesn't even work with two combat styles.

Look how long it took them just to get the basic weapon slot working. People have been requesting that since outfit designer first arrived. We know the weapon slot was scheduled for the release of 7.0 which was delayed 2 months and then 9 weeks after that, they are finally able to give us what was planned. I don't think players are waiting patiently these days, so implementing even more last-minute features into the design probably wouldn't have been wise.

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First it's still only one weapon per outfit.


Second, we STILL can't switch crystals or tunings once it's in the outfitter. We have to apply it to the original weapon and apply it again to the outfit. Why does this work differently than other gear pieces?


I mean... I'm not sure why I even bothered giving any feedback considering that none of it was taken into consideration.

Just because they don't do what 'you' suggested, doesn't mean they don't listen. 🙄


When the kids suggest we go to MacD's, I listen, but we go to Wendy's or A&W instead. 😂

Edited by JediQuaker
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Everything I said was feedback that was posted on the PTS forums when THEY asked for feedback. They listened to NONE of it (mine, or others). That's why it's so frustrating!


This and your post title are making a couple big assumptions: 1) They are not listening to feedback they asked for because everything you asked for was not delivered. 2) Your (or others) feedback automatically equals development requirements to be implemented.


In reading yours and other's feedback, there are a lot of feature asks that go beyond an MVP solution to enabling custom weapons to be skinned in outfitter. While I would like to see everything being suggested, we need to be realistic about agile development along with prioritizing budget and capacity.


Their #1 priority here was weapons in outfitter and they delivered that. Yes, there are 'quality of life' enhancements on the ideal way to manage crystals and 2nd combat styles, etc. that are possible and likely in their backlog now. I think most players that were upset about being stuck with static weapons on appearance would want the MVP solution sooner than later rather than wait for a perfect landing months from now.


There are issues with 2nd combat style that I do not think were intended and/or difficult to solve with the 7.0 layout, but expect those are high on the backlog list to address.


Thank you BW for delivering on this amidst all the challenges and hopefully most players are content with how outfitter works for now.

Edited by HypSpec
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First it's still only one weapon per outfit.


Second, we STILL can't switch crystals or tunings once it's in the outfitter. We have to apply it to the original weapon and apply it again to the outfit. Why does this work differently than other gear pieces?


I mean... I'm not sure why I even bothered giving any feedback considering that none of it was taken into consideration.


Asking for player feedback on issues and never following it is worse than never asking for feedback at all, because now you're just trolling us and wasting our time.


I mean, how much more feedback and how many more attempts are needed for them to fix level sync?

=> Level Sync NOT AT ALL FIXED/IMPROVED. In some areas is even WORSE.


They could have avoided this whole problem by just letting us keep what we already had and liked: fully moddable weapons that also allowed every playstyle to reach max gear quality.

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Just because they don't do what 'you' suggested, doesn't mean they don't listen. 🙄


When the kids suggest we go to MacD's, I listen, but we go to Wendy's or A&W instead. 😂


The reason I said that is that they have not changed a thing since it was on the PTS. They've fixed bugs. Really, they didn't need us to tell them what didn't work, they could have just figured out themselves in about 5 minutes.


THAT's what my thread is about. Asking for feedback then pretty much ignoring it.


I mean, if anyone wants to come and tell me that they've actually made a change from the PTS version after listening to feedback (and no, I'm not talking about mine only, no matter what people believe), I'll be glad to be wrong.

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This game doesn't have very many credit sinks these days and repairs on our purple 326 gear is much cheaper than our repairs on the old 326 gear. What I'm getting at is having to make a minor change to the weapon and then activating it in outfitter is a small credit sink and really not that big of a deal to me.


I think you're missing the point of convenience. It is inconvenient and doesn't work the same as every other item in the outfitter. Therefore it is not intuitive to the player and cumbersome to use. Those negatives vastly outweigh the minor credit sink which this creates.

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Everything I said was feedback that was posted on the PTS forums when THEY asked for feedback. They listened to NONE of it (mine, or others). That's why it's so frustrating!


I mean, it would have been a great feature in 6.0. But it comes out after 7.0, when we have combat styles... and doesn't even work with two combat styles.


Did they make any changes to the weapon outfitter after it went onto the PTR? I did read some of the initial feedback from testers and it seemed like sound advice for making the feature better.

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I think you're missing the point of convenience. It is inconvenient and doesn't work the same as every other item in the outfitter. Therefore it is not intuitive to the player and cumbersome to use. Those negatives vastly outweigh the minor credit sink which this creates.


Exactly. I don't care for the credit sink, but when I already have a weapon in an outfit, for example, it's annoying to have to go back to my vault to find it again when I want to change the crystal color.


Did they make any changes to the weapon outfitter after it went onto the PTR? I did read some of the initial feedback from testers and it seemed like sound advice for making the feature better.


As far as I can tell, they only fixed bugs - like crystals in the weapons not working properly on the PTS.

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Exactly. I don't care for the credit sink, but when I already have a weapon in an outfit, for example, it's annoying to have to go back to my vault to find it again when I want to change the crystal color.


Then don't? You either want it or you don't...

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Exactly. I don't care for the credit sink, but when I already have a weapon in an outfit, for example, it's annoying to have to go back to my vault to find it again when I want to change the crystal color.


I'll be honest, I don't change my characters' looks very often. I create a character with a concept and look in mind and most of my characters only have a single outfit in designer as is. I have learned after my first server transfer (with outfit designer) to keep a copy of their main look in each character's cargo bay.


Anyway, for me, this wouldn't be all that troubling. I suppose it would be a bigger issue for someone that likes to change a lot.


Again, though, I think the players that want to see improvements to the weapon slot would be better served if they created a suggestion thread where they voiced their support for ideas.

Edited by BRKMSN
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First it's still only one weapon per outfit.


Second, we STILL can't switch crystals or tunings once it's in the outfitter. We have to apply it to the original weapon and apply it again to the outfit. Why does this work differently than other gear pieces?


I mean... I'm not sure why I even bothered giving any feedback considering that none of it was taken into consideration.


All your complaints are 100% valid. I loved flipping through my outfits while sitting around waiting. Now I can't even do that since we are locked to one weapon per outfit.


I've also been thinking about which outfits to keep, which to make duplicates for, and which to even bother assigning to a specific combat style. I have 40 characters on my primary server and 10 others spread across the off servers. This is a massive headache for me and honestly not worth my time atm.

Edited by illgot
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This and your post title are making a couple big assumptions: 1) They are not listening to feedback they asked for because everything you asked for was not delivered. 2) Your (or others) feedback automatically equals development requirements to be implemented.


In reading yours and other's feedback, there are a lot of feature asks that go beyond an MVP solution to enabling custom weapons to be skinned in outfitter. While I would like to see everything being suggested, we need to be realistic about agile development along with prioritizing budget and capacity.


Their #1 priority here was weapons in outfitter and they delivered that. Yes, there are 'quality of life' enhancements on the ideal way to manage crystals and 2nd combat styles, etc. that are possible and likely in their backlog now. I think most players that were upset about being stuck with static weapons on appearance would want the MVP solution sooner than later rather than wait for a perfect landing months from now.


There are issues with 2nd combat style that I do not think were intended and/or difficult to solve with the 7.0 layout, but expect those are high on the backlog list to address.


Thank you BW for delivering on this amidst all the challenges and hopefully most players are content with how outfitter works for now.


No, sorry. I'm a consumer that pays for a subscription. I am not going to thank BW for breaking a fully functional system we had in 6.0 for the garbage system we received in 7.0. Then months later adding weapons to the outfit tab which restricts their usage to specific combat specs. They asked for feedback and completely ignored everything... again.

Edited by illgot
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Speaking of weapons in outfitters:


Please add the ability to ADD Tuniing slots to some of the OLDER weapons that don't have them.


I have an older weapon that I'd like to be able to use in the outfit, but it has no tuning slot.

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In reading yours and other's feedback, there are a lot of feature asks that go beyond an MVP solution to enabling custom weapons to be skinned in outfitter. While I would like to see everything being suggested, we need to be realistic about agile development along with prioritizing budget and capacity.


Hey, I'm a full paying subscriber, I expect a fully funtional product and not a f***ing MVP. If they only able to deliver a MVP garbage then they should increase their monthly fee until they are able to deliver a high quylity product.

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No, sorry. I'm a consumer that pays for a subscription. I am not going to thank BW for breaking a fully functional system we had in 6.0 for the garbage system we received in 7.0. Then months later adding weapons to the outfit tab which restricts their usage to specific combat specs. They asked for feedback and completely ignored everything... again.


I understand the frustration and I would like to see a more finished solution too, but I would rather have the ability to add back my custom weapons now than wait months for them to work through the complications of figuring out the 2nd combat styles along with all the convenience inputs that have been promoted.


I don't think it is fair to say they ignored everything. There is a real cap on capacity to implement and test even if the solution design is clear, which is seldom the case with the complexity involved. I am just trying to evangelize being realistic and positive given that fact that the game is 10yrs old and our expectations should be adjusted accordingly as opposed to the game in its prime.


We all have a number of subscriptions we purchase nowadays and I am hard-pressed to find that most are delivering everything I would want. If someone has higher expectations than what is being delivered then they need to decide if the value of the existing experience is worth the cost or not.

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Hey, I'm a full paying subscriber, I expect a fully funtional product and not a f***ing MVP. If they only able to deliver a MVP garbage then they should increase their monthly fee until they are able to deliver a high quylity product.


Increasing their sub amount (in order to bring on more resources) is an option they could consider. I am not sure how that would land broadly across the player base however but it could work. It is reasonable to think there is a balance to strike there which makes the consideration difficult. Additionally, even if you raised the sub $ today it would be some time before they would be able to bring on new staff (and ramp them up) and support the additional staff budget with the increased top line contributions.


I am not fully excusing everything they have done going into and out of 7.0 but like us they are a team of human beings (smaller than it used to be), mistakes are going to happen, and Agile Development has a lot to do with the decision-making process on scoping different features and their ability to release.

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