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Maintenance: April 26, 2022


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I was looking through the patch notes and there is no fix for the companions not healing you in late game content. It was posted on the devs post that this was on the public test server and would be available with the newest patch i see that it is not.


It is actually listed in the patch notes, shown as this....


"Fixed an issue where companions were missing attacks, taunts and heals, as well as some of their stats."


...But i suppose you can find out for certain tomorrow by re-running whichever "late game content" gave you trouble.

Edited by Nee-Elder
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Still no real balance changes, particularly for extremely underperforming classes like Commandos/Mercs?


Whatever happened to "We made all these changes to utilities/tree so we could balance better/faster"? There's a 30% DPS difference between the top and bottom parsing classes. Is this your idea of "balance"?!?


This dev team is &^*^%#. Get your $h1t together, BW. Or don't. Hopefully this game will finally die and the Star Wars licence can be given to a company that won't treat it so horrendously.

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Thank you for now allowing us to exchange medals of commend (now conquest commendation) for tech frags. That is a much needed change.


However, the big issue is this. For ruins of null i only saw the following:

Ruins of Nul


Sa’har’s collar is no longer clipping through the neck during the cinematics of Ruins of Nul Flashpoint.

Fixed the visual issue on Apex Ranphyx’s teeth and horns during the Ruins of Nul Flashpoint.


Cosmetic issues. Not a fix for the Malgus fight. The Malgus fight is why most players are unable to get thru the damned flashpoint.

I'm not worried about Apex's teeth and horns. I'm worried about not being able to clear content in STORY mode.

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Thank you for now allowing us to exchange medals of commend (now conquest commendation) for tech frags. That is a much needed change.


However, the big issue is this. For ruins of null i only saw the following:



Cosmetic issues. Not a fix for the Malgus fight. The Malgus fight is why most players are unable to get thru the damned flashpoint.

I'm not worried about Apex's teeth and horns. I'm worried about not being able to clear content in STORY mode.


I've had more bugs with the first fight (twice in 25 runs) than Malgus (once in 25 runs).

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Those are issues that shouldn't have taken 3 months to be fixed.


I don't blame the devs, they're doing what they can. I blame BW and EA, who apparently would rather keep their profits than hire enough people to get their game running.


The gemini captain problem - hopefully fixed by the companion fix. But it's literally game breaking for new players. I mean, I'm sure a bunch of new players quit the game on that fight, after dying 20 times. It shouldn't have taken 3 months to fix.


The first Ruins of Null boss issue hasn't even been acknowledged.


The weapon outfitter could have been made much better but hey, "at least they gave us the weapon outfitter in a timely manner."


The vindican lightsaber - hopefully it's fixed too, but it's slightly irritating that 1) people who bought it for dual wielding classes (like I did), can't really use it, 2) people can get the limited edition lightsaber without buying the limited edition.


And yes, I'm glad they are fixing bugs, I just think it's disappointing to take more than 3 months to fix bugs caused by their expansion and to give us a very anticipated feature in a disappointing state.


Also still no change for alacrity/accuracy scaling down and that's pretty annoying too considering that 95% of the content is sub level 80...


I'm absolutely entitled to be disappointed by this patch.


I agree with what you are saying. No, it is not being a 'spoiled' brat expecting a product to work and function as advertised. From what is being released today only a few of the actual concerns are being addressed. The major issues like imbalanced, stats, companions, we have 'no' idea about. There is little point in higher gearing if the stats are reduced in 95% of the game.


I have been playing this game for 10 years and rarely has BW surprised me with something good/positive. Fortunately, I set my expectations low and just assume the worst. This 7.0 is one of the worst. They have actually removed incentive to play the game. People like to have goals and receive rewards for playing games, not just grind for the sake of a few trinkets. I don't know anybody that would think making old content more difficult if a good idea. So yes, in this expansion they made the player weaker, while making mobs, etc more powerful. There was no point in level 80.


The poor communication from the Developers speaks volumes. Most of us can read between the lines when they go into the technology discussion trying to justify their errors. And certainly, it should not be month 3 and some fixes are coming. Here is the thing 6.0 was working, all that was needed was a few updates in story, flashpoints, equipment and they would not have the problems they are having now.


I have read many of your post and you are on spot with many of your comments. Some folks just don't get it and never will.

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I agree with what you are saying. No, it is not being a 'spoiled' brat expecting a product to work and function as advertised. From what is being released today only a few of the actual concerns are being addressed. The major issues like imbalanced, stats, companions, we have 'no' idea about. There is little point in higher gearing if the stats are reduced in 95% of the game.


Thank you.


And yeah - you hit the nail on the head there.


That being said, they are fixing some of the companion bugs, so there's that.

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And certainly, it should not be month 3 and some fixes are coming. Here is the thing 6.0 was working, all that was needed was a few updates in story, flashpoints, equipment and they would not have the problems they are having now.

Very much this.


It has been clear to me from the day they announced their ambitions for this expansion (combat styles including possibility to use combat styles from opposite faction, loadouts, revamped GUI, new gearing system, increased level cap, ability tree, rebalanced classes, new in-game economy, new level sync system, weapon in outfitter, ... in addition to new playable content) that they would be unable to deliver the expansion and correct the bugs in a reasonable time, considering their track record and their shrinking resources. History has proven me right since virtually all expansion items I've just cited were or still are bugged or not working as intended.


It baffles me that EA/BW executives decided to engage in a project that was doomed to fail from day 1. This is not the developers fault. It's an unforgivable fault of the management. I can't imagine the pressure developers are under.

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  • Fixed an issue on several Pummeler’s Lightsaber items which incorrectly had Alacrity instead of Critical Rating.


Are you also going to fix the several Pummeler's Focus items which incorrectly have Critical Rating instead of Alacrity? If you only fix one but not the other, it's going to screw up a lot of peoples' stat distributions.


big surprise that now both mainhand/offhand have crit rating and stats are messed up lol.

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Remember this is a 10 year old engine and not alot of the original team left to work on the "coding" id assume the weapon outfitter took so long because they couldn't find the right person w the knowledge.


30-40y old coders have all moved on to bigger better positions rare to find a young coder that had knowledge of a decade old engine.


Then perhaps the devs should not have been trying to "re-invent the wheel" by messing with code they do not have the skills to understand. We already had modable weapons working fine for 10 years, why this unneeded change when they don't even understand how the code works fully?

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Hey so... why was my damage cut in half? Did you rework damage overall? I'm very confused.


From the patchnotes:

The Damage value shown in the character sheet is no longer displaying higher than intended. Players will notice the value has been reduced by roughly half, this is only a display change and has no impact on the damage they deal.
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Well I might be wrong, but I was sure that all dps legendaries had crit.


Now some have alacrity.


No, they were split alacrity/crit before for most disciplines. (With exceptions. Mara legendaries are both crit, scoundrel legendaries are both alacrity). This patch just updated the colors to match the stats (green for alacrity, red for crit, etc).

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No, they were split alacrity/crit before for most disciplines. (With exceptions. Mara legendaries are both crit, scoundrel legendaries are both alacrity). This patch just updated the colors to match the stats (green for alacrity, red for crit, etc).


Ok thank you, I thought I was going nuts because it didn't seem to bother anyone else...


Still makes no sense but heck that's 7.0 for you.

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