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332 Gear, Only for OP's...


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Being a BETA / founder player for this game I can honestly say this is the worst expansion to-date gearing wise even trumping the 1.0 rng / dupe drop fiasco , so let's start with the fact that RAIDERS are considered first class citizens and everyone else is just a brokeback average joe that doesn't deserve the best gear anymore.


I don't remember an expansion where a pvp-er or even a casual daily player couldn't obtain the highest rating GS and min-max his gear properly until now , but it's ok I hope the loss in subs they will take from this quarter will teach them a lesson long term because this situation is unnaceptable , everyone has a right to get the best gear in the game by doing the content that they enjoy and not being forced to go out of their comfort zone just because BIOWARE decided to ruin the gearing process.


Inb4 all the pve carebears come crying about how hard PVE is and that you don't need high gs if you only do dailies or play capped PVP that's waaaaay besides the point , this new gearing system has set in some serious discrimination between the playerbase.


And yes this all started with the golden augs.

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In order to get the BEST gear in the game... You MUST belong to a RAIDING GUILD, and one that does NIM OPs....

Have you heard of Nefra yet? Literally gets pugged everyday every hour.


I cannot stand grouping with people that constantly yell SPACEBAR and race throught OP like there is a time limit. I Play the Game, I Watch ALL the Cut Scenes. I DO NOT SPACEBAR, ..... EVER!. I DO NOT CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES, I clear the entire ZONE. I did raids in EQ2 and we ALWAYS KILLED EVERYTHING in the raid.

You can do that in raids? Other people don't get stuck in cutscenes just because you don't skip? It is not a flashpoint but you of course knew that since you also thought max gear is 332.


Or they will look at your Irating then kick you out for being TOO LOW, my Gear is NOT TOP OF THE LINE even for GREEN GEAR. Grouping in SWToR is a lesson in futility. You can not get into a NIM OP PUG unless your ALREADY HAVE BIS GEAR and KNOW THE FIGHTS INSIDE AND OUT. I have NEVER BEEN ABLE to complete any OP without some Ahole whining then getting kicked so I NEVER get to finish much less learn the OPs....


Well, you are not wrong. Why would anybody want to "waste" their time teaching you stuff you could learn in a raidgroup, many groups are looking. Odds are if you you have no experience from HM you won't stand your ground in a MM Operation. I don't know what you can and can't do but most people seem reasonable enough to not kick you out of a Nefra run for being 324 or something. If you want to CLEAR a MM operation, you don't ask on fleet? What? Nah bro you ask your friends and mates that you think are up to the task and then go for it and have a blast. DF is easy enough for most groups to stand a chance, TFB and Denova are... unreasonably hard even for good NiM groups, the average group doesn't really stand a chance vs Kephess or Lothe'k (If I remember that name correctly).

Also, they have invested time and effort into getting gear and being ready for the raid, if you don't have that commitment of course they will look for people who do. If you belive they should still carry you I think you are being the "Ahole" here.


Before they SCREWED the PLAYERS I was finally able to outfit all 29 of my characters with BIS gear... NOW all I have is CRAP AND GARBAGE...

Then improve and get the gear, or don't. Both is fine, no player will go up to you and say "lol your gear sucks" just because they have better one UNLESS gear is needed. Lets be totally real here, if you wanted to you could be in 326 with 330 implants on 2 specs at the very least since its still legacy bound, you just need new implants + main and offhand for more specs. Which btw is awesome! Gearing alts is really not hard :D


Since I do not belong to a RAIDING GUILD I CANNOT get BIS gear. It's really simple WHY I do not and CANNOT get BIS GEAR with the current system....


Again, of course you can its called Nefra. Or you go look for guilds, but they will have a 326 barrier of entry which is also not unreasonable. Gold Augs + 330 would be unreasonable even for guilds like Failure, Ordinance or Farming Components, but they don't recruit newbies anyway. And who could blame them? They invested time into getting good and having game knowledge and credits and so on, if you don't want to commit - why should they even trial you?


Most of them commit to getting BiS asap just because they are nice people, not because they want to flex on you. They like raiding NiM and want to get back to it asap, so 1 player invests time and so the other ones are expected to do the same (in a reasonable amount of course) because you would "slap the guy who invested time into getting gear" in the face by showing up in 322.


AND even though they scale down your gear and stats you still get HUGE bonuses from BIS gear. It is not the SAME as having ONLY GREEN GARBAGE....

Then get purple garbage? It's not like its a secret how you get gear, just do it.

If you don't want to do it its not the PvE players fault. Also these elitist people I hear so much about, where are they? Why don't I ever meet them? I do NiM on a daily basis, WHERE are they? See, I don't like you spreading lies about my friends just because you can't get gear, they are not elitist, they don't look down on you. If you trashtalk them of course they will shoot back? If you make unreasonable claims of course they will call you out?


Idk maybe I am overthinking this, but the path to gear is:

GSF until 326 -> Rakata Shell farm from Nefra -> EV farm with 306 earpiece for the hazardous -> 330 :cool:

all while doing a few dailies here and there. If you don't want to do it. DON'T DO IT. But this way everyone who just remotely has spend 30minutes thinking about stats and rotations and uses keybinds will get to 330 within I'd say around 3 weeks, maybe less maybe more depends on nefra drops. Forcing is only worth for the last 3 pieces I'd say.

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Have you heard of Nefra yet? Literally gets pugged everyday every hour.


Useless apologetic wall of text to a gearing system that ruined this expansion , you completely missed the point of this thread and nobody cares about being forced into OPS to get BIS gear when previous expansions dealt with it way better and everyone got to minmax from playing the content they loved.


Everyone deserves the best gear in the game and gold augs and I don't care if it's a f2p player that plays 1 day a week or a tryhard , there shouldn't be any higher tier gear for pve carebears only. Period

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Everyone deserves the best gear in the game and gold augs and I don't care if it's a f2p player that plays 1 day a week or a tryhard , there shouldn't be any higher tier gear for pve carebears only. Period


Nah you missed my point friend, I couldn't care less if everyone gets BiS gear. Sure give everyone gear, I don't mind at all. Why? Because nothing would change, if everyone would get insta 330 + gold augs do you think anything would change? No, it wouldn't.


That is why I don't understand how not being BiS is a big thing, because if you would be BiS you'd still do half the damage of someone else who maybe can't clear Brontes ATM. As I said gear != damage, not at all. If you currently fail to complete something with 324, having 330 won't change that. Maybe if 8 people go from 324 to 330 it changes something, but for solo content the notice is marginable.

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I will put this out there though - the reason people are having such a hard time with Ops players getting the best gear (and mods, don't forget mods, that's coming) is that IT HASN"T BEEN THE CASE FOR YEARS.


You can't make such a change after years and expect people to be happy about it. Part of the people who have been playing the game in the last years have been playing BECAUSE everyone could get the best gear. Deciding to change it after years is a slap in the face to your subscribers.

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I will put this out there though - the reason people are having such a hard time with Ops players getting the best gear (and mods, don't forget mods, that's coming) is that IT HASN"T BEEN THE CASE FOR YEARS.


You can't make such a change after years and expect people to be happy about it. Part of the people who have been playing the game in the last years have been playing BECAUSE everyone could get the best gear. Deciding to change it after years is a slap in the face to your subscribers.


Exactly this.

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My discouragment from 336 gear is; why would I play flashpoints with a character in 336 gear, when flashpoints wont drop gear equal to what i am wearing?


This system gives me zero incentive to play any content that doesn’t at least drop equal gear.


Why would I waste my time playing a flashpoint that drops gear several ratings lower that what I have.


No rewards = Lost interest.

Edited by kirorx
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While it is true since 4.0, top gear had been easy to attain, all it did was cultivate an expectation of easy gearing. Now that we have to work for it, people are suddenly upset that they oh gosh, have get out there and do things for it. For those that had been here since the old days, as soon as they were told the names of the new gear, they knew what that would entail.


The current gearing system is fair in that it rewards people for what content that they actually do. The more you do, the better the gear you get. There's nothing wrong with a system that rewards those that do more work. To get there is easier for some people than others, and that is understandable.


I believe the issues of class imbalance and mob attunement are much larger problems, however. There is a misconception that gear will enable you to overpower things. It does not. Depending on what spec you are playing, the relative effort you have to spend to kill something will differ dramatically. This not only applies at the solo level but at the raid level.


Almost everyone is complaining that killing things takes longer or that you feel weaker. Before 7.0 we were told that we would feel more powerful as the expansion moved along. While we certainly hope so, as of the moment, for a lot of people that just simply is not the case.


While i disagree that the gearing system is unfair, i do agree that class changes and mob attunement need to addressed relatively quickly. There's already a lot of bad feelings out there and it is only going to get worse if nothing is done soon.

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My discouragment from 336 gear is; why would I play flashpoints with a character in 336 gear, when flashpoints wont drop gear equal to what i am wearing?


This system gives me zero incentive to play any content that doesn’t at least drop equal gear.


Why would I waste my time playing a flashpoint that drops gear several ratings lower that what I have.


No rewards = Lost interest.


Well you need to get 336 first of all and if you are not a raider with extreme skill you won't be getting it in any shape or form.

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You want an example of heroics that aren't "doable" solo?

here you go. Section x heroic (not the HK one, the other one - the one that is H4), BONUS mission. (the one where you have to kill x number of mobs and the boss). Yes, I am aware that you can stealth it or "die" thru it and then lob the grenade at the end - I've finished many times that way) but that isn't doing the bonus.

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I will put this out there though - the reason people are having such a hard time with Ops players getting the best gear (and mods, don't forget mods, that's coming) is that IT HASN"T BEEN THE CASE FOR YEARS.


You can't make such a change after years and expect people to be happy about it. Part of the people who have been playing the game in the last years have been playing BECAUSE everyone could get the best gear. Deciding to change it after years is a slap in the face to your subscribers.


Exactly this.


What kept SWTOR alive all these years is the high quality story/solo content and the ability to reach the highest gear quality by playing that type of content.


SWTOR didn't try to force you to do content types you didn't like. It respected people's time, money, and preferences.


While it is true since 4.0, top gear had been easy to attain, all it did was cultivate an expectation of easy gearing. Now that we have to work for it, people are suddenly upset that they oh gosh, have get out there and do things for it.


First of all, people don't pay money for a game that is considered "work."


Second, here's a news flash: the raids in SWTOR are butt easy also. Most raiders are bad at the game and are just getting carried by a handful of people in the raid group who are willing to herd cats, explain mechanics, yell instructions, etc. The raids are actually very subpar compared to MMOs like WoW and FFXIV. In fact, the only thing SWTOR raids do well is STORY. Surprise, surprise.


People are upset because for years they've been able to max out their gear PLAYING THE TYPE OF CONTENT THEY LIKE TO PLAY.


It has nothing to do with wanting something easier or harder. People simply want what they've always max: A PATH TO MAX GEAR PLAYING THE TYPE OF CONTENT THEY ACTUALLY ENJOY


Hardly an unreasonable expectation or demand.

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It has nothing to do with wanting something easier or harder. People simply want what they've always max: A PATH TO MAX GEAR PLAYING THE TYPE OF CONTENT THEY ACTUALLY ENJOY[/color][/b][/size]


Ok but, this is about solo-ers mostly right? So you if conquest gear is capped at 324 or something and you are not doing group content which would translate to my understanding of no player interaction the BiS Gear might as well be 324? Why do you want more gear, or just the same gear, as everyone else if you don't care about everyone else? Isn't this a contradiction?

Idk I think you guys just should do the content you want to do and get the BiS gear for that path and never look to other players since your focus is on solo content anyway.

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You want an example of heroics that aren't "doable" solo?

here you go. Section x heroic (not the HK one, the other one - the one that is H4), BONUS mission. (the one where you have to kill x number of mobs and the boss). Yes, I am aware that you can stealth it or "die" thru it and then lob the grenade at the end - I've finished many times that way) but that isn't doing the bonus.


Idk seems pretty doable to me:


Sure I stealthed through some packs at the end but only because I didn't need anymore kills and beat the exact setups of groups before. Pretty sure, no sorry - 100% sure this is doable on all classes too. The closest I got to dying was probably when shae was on 50%, but that was without unity. I don't see any problem here.


And before someone says "well your gear might be better", try again - since your level is scaled down your stats are too.


Also it says H4 meaning that you should have 4 players. H2+ means two players + companion, so in a way they are still waaaaay too easy. Also if you would be raiding you would know how these force storm casts work, they target you location and then shoot lightning, you still have to get out of it. There is only the lightning as indication but with Keybinds you should see it no problemo.


If you talk about unbeatable content: the only thing that doesn't seem to be beatable is a raid called gods from the machine in NiM mode. Which is an ops, but do you see people complain about this actually not possible content? No. I don't know, it seems to me like raiders weren't that good of this patch afterall. But grass is always greener on the other side I guess.

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Second, here's a news flash: the raids in SWTOR are butt easy also. Most raiders are bad at the game and are just getting carried by a handful of people in the raid group who are willing to herd cats, explain mechanics, yell instructions, etc. The raids are actually very subpar compared to MMOs like WoW and FFXIV. In fact, the only thing SWTOR raids do well is STORY. Surprise, surprise.

How to tell that someone has never completed a full nim raid, except maybe when they were over leveled back before 4.0.

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Yeah, heaven forbid someone actually takes charge, gives directions, and explains mechanics. 😇


You miss his point, if you are not commited to playing as good as you can, why should anyone have to explain mechanics? Honestly I've tried before, it is just pointless to explain something to someone who doesn't know what you are talking about, reasons could be missing HM experience, no keybinds or a new spec. Also I am pretty sure I read people say that raids are boring and easy anyway, then just clear it and get your 324 rakata gear for which you still have to run EV HM 3x to upgrade it.


Don't get me wrong you seem like a reasonable guy but some people frustrate me... If you tell them the truth you get moderated so I have to somehow find other reasons why they can't clear MM... its quite obvious isn't it? If only the gear difference or gear not being modable would matter, but it just doesn't...

Gear not being a big thing and wanting it sure, sure you can want gear but you also have to commit to the paths there are to get gear. I don't think it is justified to complain about the gearing. You either do, or you don't and that is your decision to make, nobody will judge if you have 326? It is the norm, nobody judged because you didn't have gold augs? Why is this different now.


On an unrelated note: I can't understand how you can make a thread about gearing being bad and being so uneducated about the topic that you don't even know the actual cap.

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I will put this out there though - the reason people are having such a hard time with Ops players getting the best gear (and mods, don't forget mods, that's coming) is that IT HASN"T BEEN THE CASE FOR YEARS.


You can't make such a change after years and expect people to be happy about it. Part of the people who have been playing the game in the last years have been playing BECAUSE everyone could get the best gear. Deciding to change it after years is a slap in the face to your subscribers.


Original swtor until 4.0 offered exact same thing as we have now, harder group content, better gear. Noone complained back then, it was like normal thing.

Im in 326 gear now and I dont expect or need more for the content I do.

Yes, change is often hard to embrace, but it is hard to deny best gear to players who practice and wipe alot, organize operations etc .

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Original swtor until 4.0 offered exact same thing as we have now, harder group content, better gear. Noone complained back then, it was like normal thing.

Im in 326 gear now and I dont expect or need more for the content I do.

Yes, change is often hard to embrace, but it is hard to deny best gear to players who practice and wipe alot, organize operations etc .


No, it wasnt. You could rather easily get BiS (Rakata) in 1.0, and in 2.0. You grinded for credits and bought them on GTN. Implant and earpiece you bought om Belsavis for Daily commendations.

You could take the mods, armourings and enhancement out and reverse engenering it to get the schematics for it.


7.0 is the only time you absolutly must do a NiM raid in order to get BiS, even if its just grinding nefra, it has to be NiM.


I have always had the chans to get BiS even though I didnt start doing NiM ops until 4.0. It took a lot , and i mean a lot, of grinding for credists, but it was doable. I had full Rakat for my first raide ever, EV sm that way.. The NiM community couldnt really complain about that, they were the ones that had sold the gear to me :-)

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No, it wasnt. You could rather easily get BiS (Rakata) in 1.0, and in 2.0. You grinded for credits and bought them on GTN. Implant and earpiece you bought om Belsavis for Daily commendations.

You could take the mods, armourings and enhancement out and reverse engenering it to get the schematics for it.


7.0 is the only time you absolutly must do a NiM raid in order to get BiS, even if its just grinding nefra, it has to be NiM.


I have always had the chans to get BiS even though I didnt start doing NiM ops until 4.0. It took a lot , and i mean a lot, of grinding for credists, but it was doable. I had full Rakat for my first raide ever, EV sm that way.. The NiM community couldnt really complain about that, they were the ones that had sold the gear to me :-)




I used to be able to work and got all 29 of my characters into full 306 Sets. Not by buying anything but by doing missions, Flashpoints, Dailies, Heroics... ect. I earned my BiS gear for All 29 characters too. Not by doing OP's.


But now, no matter HOW many Flashpoints, Dailies or anything other than a NIM OP. I am guaranteed of not getting anything but low level garbage gear and NEVER BiS gear.


For all the years I have been playing SWToR the one thing I could always count on was the ability to gear my characters to their max in the best gear possible in the game. I could deck out my characters in Top of the Line gear. I would be rewarded for taking the time do flashpoints, dailies and heroics over and over, to get the drops I would need for my gear.


Now its.... like I'm no longer Good enough to have what I have always been able to earn before... WHY? Because some people think that since I don't do NIM OPs that I should not be allowed to have this gear, unless I SUBMIT and allow myself to be FORCED in to doing what I have NO interest in.


And Before Anybody Says it....


It Has NOTHING to do with NEEDING it.

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So your argument is that even though you don't need it, you deserve to have BiS gear anyways? Talk about entitlement. You have to just accept that you can't have everything you want. Its either that or go through what it takes to get it. Once you understand the entire process, it doesn't really take that long. Only a matter or weeks and not months as it had been in the past.


Additionally, once you have 1 set, you can use it as the basis of other sets and just pic up the odd piece to substitute to use for other specs. Everything is legacy based, so it makes it really easy to gear up now.

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So your argument is that even though you don't need it, you deserve to have BiS gear anyways? Talk about entitlement. You have to just accept that you can't have everything you want. Its either that or go through what it takes to get it. Once you understand the entire process, it doesn't really take that long. Only a matter or weeks and not months as it had been in the past.


Additionally, once you have 1 set, you can use it as the basis of other sets and just pic up the odd piece to substitute to use for other specs. Everything is legacy based, so it makes it really easy to gear up now.


Yeah, although I got the same gear before without playing content I hate and don't want to play.

I pay the same sub as you.

Why should what I play effect you?

It won't. I'll never play content I hate.

Why should I be treated differently because I don't play what you do?

Me having maxed out gear in content you don't play doesn't matter to you.

I solo / story everything, my gear rating doesn't matter to you.

I just want to be treated as an equal even if I do not play what you do.

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Yeah, although I got the same gear before without playing content I hate and don't want to play.

I pay the same sub as you.

Why should what I play effect you?

It won't. I'll never play content I hate.

Why should I be treated differently because I don't play what you do?

Me having maxed out gear in content you don't play doesn't matter to you.

I solo / story everything, my gear rating doesn't matter to you.

I just want to be treated as an equal even if I do not play what you do.


Because in an MMO players can't always get everything. If I don't do ranked PvP why should I get the ranked rewards? Some of those are the most interesting cosmetic gear in the game.


The answer is I do not deserve those rewards just because pay the same sub. If I do not do the content, I do not deserve to get those rewards.

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Because in an MMO players can't always get everything. If I don't do ranked PvP why should I get the ranked rewards? Some of those are the most interesting cosmetic gear in the game.


The answer is I do not deserve those rewards just because pay the same sub. If I do not do the content, I do not deserve to get those rewards.


Yet I got Gold 306 gear before 7.0 dropped.

On all my solo toons.

I deserved them then, why not now?

Doesn't matter to anyone else,

Took me longer but I got there.

Now I have to play content I have no interest in to get the same result?

So as I pay the same sub but don't play the same content as you I should be punished

and treated differently?

I also have the cosmetic gear I wanted without having to play any of that content.

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