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Is SWTOR worth playing anymore?

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Now I know a lot of players will say hell yes, but if you ask a serious question like, are we getting value for money, or have they made the game better a lot of players will say Hell No. Here are a few things I have noticed since their update 7.0


1, We have to grind for everything and at a set level gear becomes pointless. What I mean is this. At level 75 you have your gear at 306 and think cool I can do a lot of stuff now, Nope you can't.

Regardless of your level Heroic ability has changed. I used to solo 80% of the Heroics with 306 gear but now I'm lucky with 322 gear to be able to solo the most basic areas. If getting your butt kicked in a level 37 area is how a level 80 character is now then why are we bothering?


2, we spent credit/real cash on Armours and weapons however we no longer get the affects. All we get at level 80 is stock equipment which you have to grind by doing heroics and other stuff and lose the special effects that you got from weapons, which they still sell at premium rates btw. I lose the special FX from my sabour for something which is worthless to me.


3, Feeling ripped off every time I see a lightsaber which I have pop up on the Cartel Market. I have over 12k in coins and now question my I am playing.


I know this will have negative posters who will grip on to everything but please remember they could have done this all so much easier.



1, Mods could have been made differently so we could have kept out gear and weapons and just added 320 mods into them. They could have kept everything else the same as well as the equipment exchange where we get the 320 gear.

2, instead of stuff we do not want, the Mods themselves could have been upgraded. 320 for 322, but the mods have to be removed before any upgrade could take place. Yes it would be more of a grind however we could keep our stuff as it is.


Now why would I want to buy anything is nothing has value? We used to be able to sell the equipment we got for turning in the rewards for doing Heroics, but now the value for it is Zero, so it cannot be sold. If it all had a value of 1 credit, for example, then at least we are not dragging it out of the items bag and being forced to throw it away. Having no value is just stupid because of the ease of emptying items bag.


OK I get it that people will complain about what I have said but come on this update has cause more upset that ANYTHING they have ever done before.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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I pay to be entertained.


For all my griping, I must be entertained to a point, because despite my griping, despite all of the game's problems and the game not being at a point I'd personally like (hello, SSRs in the original stories) I still play, and have, with only one month's downtime in my subscription since July of 2013.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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OK I get it that people will complain about what I have said but come on this update has cause more upset that ANYTHING they have ever done before.


To me, this is the biggest reason why 7.0 is a failure: what it's done to the community. It's nothing but people snipping at each other, constant arguing, and insults being thrown around - either blatantly or subversively. The forums used to be a decent place - they are no longer.

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Now I know a lot of players will say hell yes, but if you ask a serious question like, are we getting value for money, or have they made the game better a lot of players will say Hell No. Here are a few things I have noticed since their update 7.0.


Is SWtOR worth playing? For me yes, but less of it than before. I still enjoy playing through the older stories, and I still enjoy collecting gear. I don't understand the reason they trashed all of the rewards for everything. It just killed my motivation to do anything outside of the stories now.


Have they made the game better? No. To borrow from Moon Knight, poorly implemented qol changes (loadouts, combat styles and future weapon in outfit designer) does not tip the scales to positive. Even if you take all of the bugs out of the equation, there are just too many horrible changes on the negative side.


Are we getting value for our money? Absolutely not and that is why my sub runs out shortly. I'll pay for another month when I feel like there is significant new content and a genuine tempering of the hostile changes. (Well, I might sub for a month if I need to change up which alts I have access to.)

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Now I know a lot of players will say hell yes, but if you ask a serious question like, are we getting value for money, or have they made the game better a lot of players will say Hell No. Here are a few things I have noticed since their update 7.0


1, We have to grind for everything and at a set level gear becomes pointless. What I mean is this. At level 75 you have your gear at 306 and think cool I can do a lot of stuff now, Nope you can't.

Regardless of your level Heroic ability has changed. I used to solo 80% of the Heroics with 306 gear but now I'm lucky with 322 gear to be able to solo the most basic areas. If getting your butt kicked in a level 37 area is how a level 80 character is now then why are we bothering?


2, we spent credit/real cash on Armours and weapons however we no longer get the affects. All we get at level 80 is stock equipment which you have to grind by doing heroics and other stuff and lose the special effects that you got from weapons, which they still sell at premium rates btw. I lose the special FX from my sabour for something which is worthless to me.


3, Feeling ripped off every time I see a lightsaber which I have pop up on the Cartel Market. I have over 12k in coins and now question my I am playing.


I know this will have negative posters who will grip on to everything but please remember they could have done this all so much easier.



1, Mods could have been made differently so we could have kept out gear and weapons and just added 320 mods into them. They could have kept everything else the same as well as the equipment exchange where we get the 320 gear.

2, instead of stuff we do not want, the Mods themselves could have been upgraded. 320 for 322, but the mods have to be removed before any upgrade could take place. Yes it would be more of a grind however we could keep our stuff as it is.


Now why would I want to buy anything is nothing has value? We used to be able to sell the equipment we got for turning in the rewards for doing Heroics, but now the value for it is Zero, so it cannot be sold. If it all had a value of 1 credit, for example, then at least we are not dragging it out of the items bag and being forced to throw it away. Having no value is just stupid because of the ease of emptying items bag.


OK I get it that people will complain about what I have said but come on this update has cause more upset that ANYTHING they have ever done before.


They don't care. As long as people complain here, but still pay that subscription, they just don't give a flying.....

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Is SWtOR worth playing? For me yes, but less of it than before.


That's where I am. I just don't have much enthusiasm to log on anymore so I've been playing a lot less since 7.0 launch. And not for nuthin but for 7 years straight I've been an avid cartel coin consumer and those days are definitely over; haven't bought any since this all stared and I have no intention to moving forward. Call me naïve, but I used to actually feel good about "supporting the game" with my CC purchases. Now I feel the opposite. Can't imagine ever purchasing CCs again in the state the game has devolved down into.

Edited by Aghasett
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Now I know a lot of players will say hell yes, but if you ask a serious question like, are we getting value for money, or have they made the game better a lot of players will say Hell No. Here are a few things I have noticed since their update 7.0


1, We have to grind for everything and at a set level gear becomes pointless. What I mean is this. At level 75 you have your gear at 306 and think cool I can do a lot of stuff now, Nope you can't.

Regardless of your level Heroic ability has changed. I used to solo 80% of the Heroics with 306 gear but now I'm lucky with 322 gear to be able to solo the most basic areas. If getting your butt kicked in a level 37 area is how a level 80 character is now then why are we bothering?


Which exactly are this Basics Heroics that gives you a run for your money exactly ? If you can't do Basics Heroics with 306, hell you say with 322, the problem ain't in the gear for sure.

Anyway i'm very curious to heard which exactly are this basics heroics you have problem doing with 322 gear.

Where exactly you are getting your butt kicked in a level 37 area(you do know that there is a scaling, right ?) with 322 gear ???

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1, We have to grind for everything and at a set level gear becomes pointless. What I mean is this. At level 75 you have your gear at 306 and think cool I can do a lot of stuff now, Nope you can't.

Regardless of your level Heroic ability has changed. I used to solo 80% of the Heroics with 306 gear but now I'm lucky with 322 gear to be able to solo the most basic areas. If getting your butt kicked in a level 37 area is how a level 80 character is now then why are we bothering?

You're forgetting that 306 used to be the top level (and people griped about having to 'grind' to get it). You might have had trouble doing things with only 256 gear before. Now, 326 seems to be the level to shoot for. 322 is a bit too low.


2, we spent credit/real cash on Armours and weapons however we no longer get the affects. All we get at level 80 is stock equipment which you have to grind by doing heroics and other stuff and lose the special effects that you got from weapons, which they still sell at premium rates btw. I lose the special FX from my sabour for something which is worthless to me.

A valid point, but the "weapons outfitter" should be coming soon-ish. (or at least, level 320+ mods.) 🤔


As far as "value for money" is concerned, let's be realistic. $15 for a whole month isn't all that much. I spent nearly that at Subway today just for lunch. 😏

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It is if you only care about the story IMO. Then you can just stop playing for 3 months to wait for new story content.

Even then, they completely ruined combat when they decided to spread out all the skills for 80 levels, so it might be too frustrating to even go through the story now...


It's really what I should be doing, instead of this horrible grindfest because BW doesn't care for my playstyle anyway.

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I would say its worth playing the story to someone that never played before. The massive drop in veterans playing has already answered the question for current players. The game isnt as fun anymore, they removed too many fundamentals that were enjoyable.


The game saw over a 22% decrease in players over the last 4 weeks on Steam. It is now averaging less than 100 players more than it was pre 7.0 and in the last 48 hours, saw another drop. On my server, we are below pre 7 population by a noticeable amount, even on peak times.


The developers failure is complete. The only question remains is, are they so blind or arrogant that they double down until its too late and the game loses so many players it cannot recover or...are they actually paying attention and are going to do something to save the game. This games revenue isnt high enough to survive a major blow for a long period of time.

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I've been a sub, except for 2 months or so, since January 2012. My current sub runs out in May, and I doubt I'll return to the game. The bugs, combat/class redesign, and problems introduced in 7.0 are irreversible, in my view, given BW's limited budget, staff, and history with SWTOR, especially over the past 5 years.


While I didn't get as much out of the game as in the 1.x-3.x era, prior to 7.0 there was always something worth logging in for, as a Star Wars fan and someone who especially appreciated what the original team accomplished with the 1-50 leveling game's stories and areas.


Throw in GSF, MM FPs, PVP, and the occasional OP I used to enjoy back in the early years of the game (progression OPs through 3.x, essentially), and it was still worth the measly $15/month, even with little to no new content in return.


7.0 removed, with bugs, class, and system design revamps that worsen the player experience for nearly all subgroups of players, almost every reason to subscribe except for GSF, which you don't need one for. And very few people will log into SWTOR for 2 GSF game modes.


I'm of the opinion there's a high likelihood BW sabotaged the game on purpose, in order to shift SWTOR into full maintenance. If this wasn't done on purpose, it takes a staggering level of poor management, decision making to make a mess of nearly the entire game in just 1 update.


I think players' free time is better spent engaging other hobbies.


If I really want to play an MMO sometimes going forward, ESO is fantastic for leveling characters through many different zones and stories, collecting sets and cosmetic items, and is a superior game for anything I care about save for their equivalent of PVP WZs. It's a good fit for much of SWTOR's player base, and actually gets quality new content each year despite being almost as old a game.


I wouldn't even recommend SWTOR to new players now, something that was never true in any era prior to 7.0. The folks running BW's team often simply lie about major player concerns, or strategically engage them in deceptive ways, and the leveling experience has been downgraded a great deal in 7.0, particularly in terms of class design/combat and skill acquisition.


There are way better games and studios out there to support, in the MMO space or generally.


To answer the OP's title question, SWTOR is not worth it anymore.

Edited by arunav
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To me, this is the biggest reason why 7.0 is a failure: what it's done to the community. It's nothing but people snipping at each other, constant arguing, and insults being thrown around - either blatantly or subversively. The forums used to be a decent place - they are no longer.


This may be a symptom of it being an older game. In every MMO I've played that's been around for a while the public forums turn into a small but vocal group of bitter vets complaining about the changes made to the game recently. I wouldn't take it as representative of the game as a whole, plenty of people are enjoying the game and don't feel the need to come to the forums at all.

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The game saw over a 22% decrease in players over the last 4 weeks on Steam. It is now averaging less than 100 players more than it was pre 7.0 and in the last 48 hours, saw another drop. On my server, we are below pre 7 population by a noticeable amount, even on peak times.


So, 100 more players - just on Steam mind you - is a disaster? Keep in mind that Steam serves only part of the player base. Every steam player could quit and SWTOR would still exist. 🙂


Also, the servers seem as busy as ever to me.

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This may be a symptom of it being an older game. In every MMO I've played that's been around for a while the public forums turn into a small but vocal group of bitter vets complaining about the changes made to the game recently. I wouldn't take it as representative of the game as a whole, plenty of people are enjoying the game and don't feel the need to come to the forums at all.


Yes maybe very accurate.


To answer the OPs question, for me yes it's very worth playing.


I have spent long periods of time in the past unsubbed to swtor and playing other games. However as I've had much more adulting to do in recent years swtor has kind of evolved into the perfect mmo for me. It's very easy to pick up and play as a vet of the game. The gear grind has had me playing a bit more recently to get back up to speed gear wise, however once the gear set was fully achieved I can play an hour a day now for 4 or 5 days a week and get conquest/GS2 accomplished relatively easy. When the mmo pvp itch needs to be scratched, swtor pvp is still much better than any other mmo out there especially for casuals.


The only real issue for me has been the bugs in 7.0. Getting 326 purples was insanely easy if u were willing to grind a bit. Having 326 purples as the top gear u can get for pvp was a great idea as long as it's working, but right now it's not lol. Once those issues are all ironed out I think 7.0 is gonna be a superior game than 6.0 was, but that will be a few months away.

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It depends why you are playing. If you had 50 alts and geared them all up in 6.0, that's not happening again. If you just have 1 or 2 alts, you'll probably not be too bothered with the grind. You'll be done in a few weeks (if not already), then take a break until the next major update. If you're just going through story, it hasn't changed much since before. It's a little slower to level due to the new level sync and weaker companions, but for the most part all the story content is accessible. If you want to gear up completely solo, that's another thing not happening again. SWTOR is very different than before. Some things will be unacceptable to some people, but okay for others. If you're having fun, keep playing. If not, there's nothing wrong with taking a break. Leave feedback as you have and feel free to do what's best for you.
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This may be a symptom of it being an older game. In every MMO I've played that's been around for a while the public forums turn into a small but vocal group of bitter vets complaining about the changes made to the game recently. I wouldn't take it as representative of the game as a whole, plenty of people are enjoying the game and don't feel the need to come to the forums at all.


The forums have always featured a fraction of the player base posting or reading them, sometimes voicing concerns, at other times simply discussing the game.


In the 10 years the game has been live, and in the years prior to it launching, I've never seen so many negative posts and threads about an expansion or update, or about SWTOR generally.


It's fine to have differing views on the current state of the game, but the "wait and see" folks have generally been wrong in the past, and I expect will be obviously so again by year's end.

Edited by arunav
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If you have never played it before 100% yes but for anyone like vet players no chance anyone who has been in the last expansions nothing is new it's all rehashed content and so lots of the game is broken, over balanced and poor designed.
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It is not worth playing for me in its current state. This is probably one of the worst patches they have ever released IMO. Honestly LOTS cant even really be considered an expansion. Barely any new content was added and the new systems were implemented in ways that are just confusing and illogical. New UI is also complete trash but I would have let that slide if everything else was good.
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Thank you for posting here.


I used to solo a lot of the game, play in most MMO game play, I did PvP and I have had fun in the game.


If you have noticed, from 306 gear to 320 gear, there is a BIG drop in damage, as my characters have found. I have 4 level 80 characters and playing Space Barbi is not what I signed up for.

If you have spent 500 mil on a weapon you should see the weapons effects and not be left with a Stock weapon which TBH is worthless as it doesn't do the same damage as you had before. Yes 320 gear is a step up but its also a step down.


So it looks like I will not Subscribe until the game changes either to a better system, so we can put Mods into the equipment that we buy, or they allow us you modify the rubbish they give us.


7.0 is a step back from the game and they have removed so much which made the game fun.


As for the game getting silly, if a level 80 is struggling to do Heroics on a level 17 planet, due to them removing a game mechanic, then it makes gaming pointless.

Now please dont get me wrong, Playing on the planets story lines is easy and fun, but you need to do Heroics to get set parts to upgrade equipment. If you cannot solo Heroics then you cannot get whats needed.

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Which exactly are this Basics Heroics that gives you a run for your money exactly ? If you can't do Basics Heroics with 306, hell you say with 322, the problem ain't in the gear for sure.

Anyway i'm very curious to heard which exactly are this basics heroics you have problem doing with 322 gear.

Where exactly you are getting your butt kicked in a level 37 area(you do know that there is a scaling, right ?) with 322 gear ???


Let me quote myself again, and i hope you answer this time.

Which is this Heroics exactly.

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