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Keith, 10th Anniversary Year is 1/4 over, where is all this promised content?


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but if you do how can you not find them being worthy of an entire Expansion.



Combat styles is NOT in any way shape or form an expansion. And if you’ve noticed Keith doesn’t call 7.0 an expansion anymore. It’s now being called an update. So yeah we’re still waiting on the expansion and the promised content. But sadly I’m not expecting it any time soon or if/when they do that it will bring back all the players they’ve lost

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And if you’ve noticed Keith doesn’t call 7.0 an expansion anymore. It’s now being called an update.


I call it a convoluted mess--> https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1004890


Happy *10th Anniversary* everyone!! :eek:

Edited by Nee-Elder
THIS 'gear grind' = our 10th Anniversary?!?! ugh , come on BioWare let's aim higher, yeah? (it's STAR WARS! )
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You're so right and this is what's coming next for the game.


We all believed the lie (of new & celebration content coming) and were "hooked on hopium" (see my sig) remaining subbed because of all that. We are all fools (who definitely should NOT be pitied) for believing this. They'd have been better off delaying this whole mess for a year, allowing them to come up with changes that work, along with a plan for new (good) actual story content with the writers and voice actors to do the brand of SW justice. I think I said somewhere that 7.1 wouldn't be coming before Easter and was more likely coming nearer to summer. And I'm pretty sure it will only be useful for OPs players and the "story" content will consist of us meeting for 30 seconds with our allies :mad:


To reiterate my annoyances:

  • Loadouts are pretty poorly executed
  • The visuals on the new UI are still bad (disintegrated box items are still almost invisible)
  • Having dual class is not what I wanted and I'm not bothering to choose a second spec on any other characters after the first 3.
  • Bugs. We have a pandemic in real life. We don't need one in the game too.
  • As a story player, where is the story?
  • The gear grind. I want to do the occasional unranked PvP. Unfortunately the imbalance now that OPs grinders are geared is just awful. To remain alive for more then 15 seconds we need higher gear. The grind for it is ****.
  • Instantly replacing items when you buy them without the warning that mods/dyes will be lost is ridiculous
  • Weapons outfitter - hugely annoying to me and the feedback on the PTS about it is not encouraging


I'm almost out. I'm waiting to see what announcements they make in relation to 7.1.


This is exactly what I thought.

There's nothing in 7.0 that's worthy of subscription. Not even the second combat style.

I only feel bad when I told in guild chat "hey, it's my last day of subbing" and the guy I've been helping with practicing tanking for a while (I'm the guild's go to heal if they need one) ran 3 OPs with me.


Watching PTS about weapons outfitter, I have a feeling that Bioware will do nothing about the one thing that is most requested for an improvement: using the same outfit slot but can switch to different weapon type when swapping to a different combat style that uses a different weapon. It's what they did to 7.0 PTS feedback, I don't expect them to change in 7.1.

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Combat styles is more than a "gimmick." Not only does it give you more options to alter the look and feel of your characters (which is always good), along with adding overall utility, but it opens up the door for adding additional combat styles (such as a true melee tech class) in the future. When the devs are talking about their "vision" for the game, they are talking about plans that haven't been revealed. They didn't just make changes for the sake of change. There's a purpose behind the changes.


So far, LotS has been underwhelming early. It arrived late and with loads of issues. Players are upset and are struggling with the changes and not knowing what's ahead. I don't blame people for unsubscribing if they don't like the current product or the state it's in. But hopefully, if they enjoyed this game before, they will at least keep tabs on what happens over the next few months. Once more of their "vision" is revealed, players may not be so upset about what they currently feel are unnecessary changes.


IMO, it was a bad decision to wait so long to get the first real patch out after 7.0. It was a big patch and addressed a lot of issues, but some of those issues could have been taken care of with a couple earlier patches while they continued to work on other issues. Players were getting impatient and some stopped playing (and paying). Now, I would highly recommend that the devs reveal some of their roadmap so the player base can understand their vision. As much as they like to keep secrets and surprises for later dates, I think they need to focus on winning back players that have left or decided to leave soon.


How do you know so much about Keith's vision for the game? He hasn't posted anything about it even when pressed.

Is there somewhere this information is availible?

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Combat styles is more than a "gimmick." Not only does it give you more options to alter the look and feel of your characters (which is always good), along with adding overall utility, but it opens up the door for adding additional combat styles (such as a true melee tech class) in the future. When the devs are talking about their "vision" for the game, they are talking about plans that haven't been revealed. They didn't just make changes for the sake of change. There's a purpose behind the changes.


So far, LotS has been underwhelming early. It arrived late and with loads of issues. Players are upset and are struggling with the changes and not knowing what's ahead. I don't blame people for unsubscribing if they don't like the current product or the state it's in. But hopefully, if they enjoyed this game before, they will at least keep tabs on what happens over the next few months. Once more of their "vision" is revealed, players may not be so upset about what they currently feel are unnecessary changes.


IMO, it was a bad decision to wait so long to get the first real patch out after 7.0. It was a big patch and addressed a lot of issues, but some of those issues could have been taken care of with a couple earlier patches while they continued to work on other issues. Players were getting impatient and some stopped playing (and paying). Now, I would highly recommend that the devs reveal some of their roadmap so the player base can understand their vision. As much as they like to keep secrets and surprises for later dates, I think they need to focus on winning back players that have left or decided to leave soon.


It is completely and utterly ridiculous to think BW is capable of adding another combat style into the game. It's accurate to call the idea laughable, both in the scope of what their team has the resources or talent to do, and also as a reflection of where the game is headed since whatever happened in the leadup to 7.0 and since.


But if throwing the possibility out there will get a few more dollars out of the easily misled? Why not...

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We got Loadouts, those are insanely amazing.

if you have just one Combatstyle you play on each character and absolutely no duplicates then they do nothing for you but for me, they are easily making 7.0 an Amazing Patch just by themselves.

We got Combat Styles, again if you don't use them they do nothing for you, but if you do how can you not find them being worthy of an entire Expansion.


the Bug list is kinda long but the Features I mentioned above are surprisingly painless for the Majority of players considering how far reaching they are.


I can't comment on cutscenes I watched some Trailer on twitter during the Download of 7.0 didn't watch any other cutscene and I have no clue how long it was, if I count time I count in GCDs and during download I had 0 GCDs *shrug*.

But I'm sure I've happily ground more then 2 Hours worth of Mobs since 7.0 hit, it's been much more fun then it was ever since 5.0.


unwanted changes belong to MMOs like Stones belong to the ground, don't ask why, unless you know a great philosopher any lesser being can't answer that (though I assume it has to do with Humans being special snowflakes everyone of which liking different things).


and Timelines are usually either used to Punish someone or to figure out how far behind where you are compared to where you should be.

If people stopped beating other's up with their Timelines we might get good faith Timelines again, but when predicting the Future and failing People will always perceive it as overpromising something for Profit doesn't matter if the Estimate was given in good Faith or not. Look at your first sentence and be ashamed for making it less likely for us to get Timelines.



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We figured out one Dev's secret forum identy. If not put this guy on payroll. 7.0 combat styles is so so. The rest ruined a great game.


lol nope there's so many things I wouldn't have done the way they did it if I was told to implement the below:



Except they screwed up the implementation of both loadouts and combat styles. In theory they both would have been amazing additions to the game but as with everything else in 7.0 they missed the mark by a mile. Cannot change loadouts in group finder content. Combat styles do not allow you to queue for all 3 jobs even though you technically have access to them. In fact ontop of not allowing you to queue for all 3 jobs they removed the ability to dual queue as heals and dps or tank and dps (Because reasons :confused:)


But sure keep on patting them on the back while they continue to run this game into the ground :rolleyes:


I would have called my superior a,... very mean word and likely lost my Job.

but that's a lack of basic intelligence issue with the decision maker not the one who coded Combat styles and Loadouts, I hope.


but at least they didn't touch premade yet, yes we can't switch styles in an Instance either but we can change disciplines and we can swap styles by temporarily leaving the Instance.


and then there's the removal of mods, we still see worthless Debuffs in the Partyframes duplicated 8 times so we definitely don't forget that Smugglers' luck is on CD, I would have hidden those from Frames years Years ago.


but those decisions don't take away from what Loadouds and Combat styles could mean for the game if the people making decisions started using their Brains for good instead of brainstorming how to make the Game worse.

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Combat styles is more than a "gimmick." Not only does it give you more options to alter the look and feel of your characters (which is always good), along with adding overall utility, but it opens up the door for adding additional combat styles (such as a true melee tech class) in the future.


An opportunity to waste even more dev-resources and get no new content.

Also this possibility was always there, they could have added a 3rd advanced class to the existing Classes, if they wanted to do that.


When the devs are talking about their "vision" for the game, they are talking about plans that haven't been revealed.


Exactly. These are wild guesses, based on nothing but wishful thinking.

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We are about 10 days past the first 3 months of SWTOR's 10th year of operation. Leading up to this expansion we were promised a yearlong celebration with a bunch of new content coming out regularly. So far all we have received are 10 mins of cutscenes with 2 hours of mob grinding, an embarrassingly long bug list, massive unwanted changes with no justification beyond "We had to, trust us", and no roadmap or plan or timeline to look forward too.


When is BioWare going to keep its promises and start delivering us this awesome 10th yearlong celebration we were promised?


Weirdest expansion ever.


-> Abilities removed.


-> Ability to gear up to max via solo/story content removed.


-> No new abilities.


-> Barely any new story.


-> Lost access to cosmetic weapons.


-> Companions are busted and nerfed due to bugs.


-> Level sync is broken and nerfs the hell out of your accuracy, alacrity, and crit %s.


But hey, at least you get to grind up 5 levels just to earn back abilities you already had!

Edited by Muckbeast
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Weirdest expansion ever.


-> Abilities removed.


-> Ability to gear up to max via solo/story content removed.


-> No new abilities.


-> Barely any new story.


-> Lost access to cosmetic weapons.


-> Companions are busted and nerfed due to bugs.


-> Level sync is broken and nerfs the hell out of your accuracy, alacrity, and crit %s.


But hey, at least you get to grind up 5 levels just to earn back abilities you already had!





And the worst part is that the dev team that released 7.0 thinks everything is fine so we can expect more of the same for 7.1 and beyond

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Are they really? I think you live in a small world.


not sure why you wouldn't think loadouts are great. The majority of us love having the ability to swap out loadouts. Just because you can't swap in FP's or Ops may annoy some, but the way it works is a major QoL improvement.


Making it so I don't have to redo my entire bar whenever I want to change specs, or in this case even combat styles is a major bonus. It used to take 3-5 mins to redo my bars whenever I swapped. Now it's done in the press of 1 button.

Edited by Toraak
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When they start to bastardize and consolidate existing resources, and label it as "new content", that means that there is not enough resources left for new content, and that also mean that they have run out of options. Especially since they use this last ditch effort to trick you into believing there is something more there. Which is not going to work on a repeatable basis. For that which was fairly packaged, but contained nothing, will receive nothing in return. A fair trade!
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