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10 Warzone losses in a Row. God I hate this game


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Seriously what is going on here. 10 losses in a row. Top damage / medals 7 out of 10 games. I focus play objectives and literally torturing myself over and over again to get a win with a try hard mentality but THIS?!


Is this normal? I solo que most of the time and literally people who AFK on objective do better than I do.


I have never seen this happening in any MMO i ever played (played them all).


Can someone explain me what is going on?


I started to like GSF more since it s a whole lot less painful in comparison to regular PvP.


Honestly PvE gearing is even worse right now. 6.0 gearing system was way better, at least I could spam hammer station grab beer and take it easy.


Now everything feels like a freaking chore in this game with 99999 different currencies... Why? Why do we need so many?


I wish expansion never happened in this game

Edited by ReinhartRussian
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Just Curious if you ever played any other MMO besides SWTOR?

If you have, SWTOR is definitely a bit of a learning curve and I can understand frustration from the newer players, such as yourself. Just keep playing the objective. Even if your team doesn't give you a MVP, I do. Right here.


Good luck, friend, and I hope your fortune changes for the better!

Edited by picklesrskankin
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Just Curious if you ever played any other MMO besides SWTOR?

If you have, SWTOR is definitely a bit of a learning curve and I can understand frustration from the newer players, such as yourself. Just keep playing the objective. Even if your team doesn't give you a MVP, I do. Right here.


Good luck, friend, and I hope your fortune changes for the better!


I think its more solo que vs premades problem than learning curve.

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I usually gravitate towards PVP, but in SWTOR it's trash. you might play GSF, I guess it ain't everyone's cup of tea but then again what is? It's another choice though if you're after the PVP gear.


Yes Premades are a load of crap but it's only part of what I consider bad PVP to begin with.


Well I can't honestly say it's complete crap, Duels are fun!

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To the OP, yes it's annoying and demoralizing when ur trying to get ur weekly done. And yes its very possible to lose that many in a row even for good players, especially if ur playing solo. I'd like to think of myself as a good pvper, and I can carry matches especially with objectives cuz I main scoundrel. Even if I'm trying my hardest I only probably win about 50% when playing solo (which is the majority of thr time for me).


Only way to ensure you can do better is form a premade of like minded players, maybe join a pvp oriented guild, get in voice comms, and you'll probably win a lot more frequently. If you are just pvping for the currency tho, my advice would be just to do GSF. It's easier, and more efficient cuz u get credit for loses. I think there are a lot of ppl of similar skill lvl queueing GSF at the moment as well.

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Even with all the premades, it's a generally favourable split in favour of wins even on a bad day overall for me. Just sounds like you had a REALLY bad day, which can be pretty soul destroying. Worst thing you can do in regs is care about the result, it's pretty much out of your hands. Just care about your own performance, which sounds just fine considering the circumstances. Edited by mothbanquet
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its 15 losses in a row. Like I think I am cursed at this point. I have seen people in Odessen Warzone deactivating our own nodes.


I want to speak with a genius behind removing Losses towards your weekly.


To people who "get friends" just for the ****** love of god can we have a premade vs premade and reg vs reg ques.


How is this even considered remotely fair? Might as well then make ranked arenas group vs solo quers also.


Very close to completely unsubbing and closing down account. Developers made the game a lot worse than it was before.

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Let's not forget about that 15 minute lockout timer, quite freaking annoying especially if you're trying to get weeklies done and don't want to waste time entering in a losing match that's almost finished. These 15 minute lockout timers are the real problem, they should reduce it to like 5 minutes minutes if anything, that would solve a ton of issues no doubt. Edited by DeZanzibar
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Let's not forget about that 15 minute lockout timer, quite freaking annoying especially if you're trying to get weeklies done and don't want to waste time entering in a losing match that's almost finished. These 15 minute lockout timers are the real problem, they should reduce it to like 5 minutes minutes if anything, that would solve a ton of issues no doubt.

Yes, either remove Groups from Unranked Que and put them in a separate box as it is in Ranked, either give us ability to complete weekly's with losses or


Balance your game for PvP. The amount of crickets churping from Dev team is somewhat astounding.

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They need to set the weekly to "wins count twice" like they do GSF, even if they moved the weekly to 8 matches with with wins counting twice, it would be faster than wins only.. Its easier to take getting rofl stomped if it actually counts towards the weekly. AS to premades, I solo queue these days and at least on SF it isnt the premades. Its all of the no calls, no guarding, bad guarding (on the cap), etc. I was in a hypergate today that had 4 of the same guild (guessing premade) and although we died a lot we were able to pull the win by playing denial.
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They need to set the weekly to "wins count twice" like they do GSF, even if they moved the weekly to 8 matches with with wins counting twice, it would be faster than wins only.. Its easier to take getting rofl stomped if it actually counts towards the weekly.


The thing is, it used to be that way. Maybe two and a half years ago, PvP had the same “wins count double” condition that GSF has. But then people complained about players going afk or not trying hard enough and getting rewarded in a loss. The devs decided that the solution was to incentivize effort by making PvP dailies and weeklies “win only”, instead of…introducing an afk timer of like ten seconds in PvP zones? Forcibly removing people from stealth if they don’t move a certain number of meters within a specified length of time? Making click on an objective node regularly so they aren’t just sitting on it? I dunno, these are just suggestions.

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Yup, this is a case of...you can't make everyone happy. Ppl were afking in warzones all the time just to finish the weekly, so then they introduced vote kick. Of course that was abused and used for trolling. So then they recently changed it to only wins counting. I still see ppl complain about ppl going afk but I do think the wins counting thing has curbed that quite a bit. I play a lot of wzs and I still see afk'ers but it's mostly when a match is decided and one team is getting destroyed. Players go off and hide at that point and I completely understand that.


As much as I also hate the must win mechanic, I do think it's working. However it's also driving casual ppl away from queueing for warzones. There's got to be a happy medium. Maybe start counting medals? Of course I could forsee a situation where u have a bunch of ppl queueing who don't want to pvp and then sit on a node and defend the entire time regardless of if ur winning or losing, which would be frustrating if ur trying to win and you end up having to face the opposing team handicapped because players just want to sit on the node and collect guard medals.


It's a tough one to answer. I think now with pvp being a very viable option of gearing up, if you were to award losses you really would see a lot of players queuing for wzs who have zero intention of actually pvp'ing.

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I like the idea of counting medals instead of wins. Like earn 100 medals for the weekly or something. It would encourage actually playing while still rewarding players even if they lose. It's a bad feeling when your team is getting stomped on and you know you won't get anything for the match.
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I like the idea of counting medals instead of wins. Like earn 100 medals for the weekly or something. It would encourage actually playing while still rewarding players even if they lose. It's a bad feeling when your team is getting stomped on and you know you won't get anything for the match.


Could be an idea IMO

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Losing streaks do happen and they are very frustrating. You can spend an hour running WZs and have nothing to show for it. Complete waste of time and zero progress on the weekly. I’m the type of person that would much prefer slow movement in traffic opposed to not moving at all. Even if two routes would get me to my destination at the same time, I’m picking the slow movement route because not moving at all for extended periods of time is beyond infuriating.


Personally I think requiring wins is too hardcore for unranked, especially with the weekly reset now. I finished the weekly last night for only the 3rd time since 7.0 hit and could have kept playing to get the 2nd run of the weekly…but there was little chance of getting it quickly (only had maybe an hour of playtime left for the day). So because the weekly was going to reset the next day, I just called it quits and stopped playing. That’s right, I gave up on my free play time because BW would reset my progress.


Also had a voidstar last night where somebody said in chat at the beginning that they were tired of so many voidstar and wanted to simply dps and ignore objectives. I replied that if we aren’t even going to try and win, I’m leaving. This was after 4 losses in a row for me…yeah I was getting royally pissed off at this point. Not too eager for #5. Yes we ended up losing and I ragequit after.


If you don’t start the weekly early enough in the week, you’re going to be SOL for the week. Don’t even bother starting. Don’t play the game. I guess that’s what BW wants? I doubt it.

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I like the idea of counting medals instead of wins. Like earn 100 medals for the weekly or something. It would encourage actually playing while still rewarding players even if they lose. It's a bad feeling when your team is getting stomped on and you know you won't get anything for the match.


You know, this isnt a bad idea at all.

I doubt well ever see it as it has a downside in makes it that much harder for newer players etc... but at least it would give you something to play for in those matches you know are over in the first minute.

Maybe an either or? Win 2 or get 20 medals.. something idk.

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There has been times it takes me 1-2 hour to get 1 win in a warzone. I totally understand what you are saying. Most of the losses happened due to the majority of the team were toxic casuals (didn't care about objectives, just wanted to kill kill kill).


No matter how hard you try, it is very difficult to carry a team that just doesn't care.

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