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Combat Too Difficult


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Hello, I have been playing SWTOR for awhile now, and combat during the game has been challenging but doable. Recently, I’ve had some trouble with combat. It seems like normal enemies are draining my health way too easily, and my healer companion is not able to heal me in time. This is especially difficult right now because I am trying to fight the GEMINI captain with my lv. 73 Sith Warrior, but I always get killed pretty quickly. Any help would be appreciated.
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Hello, I have been playing SWTOR for awhile now, and combat during the game has been challenging but doable. Recently, I’ve had some trouble with combat. It seems like normal enemies are draining my health way too easily, and my healer companion is not able to heal me in time. This is especially difficult right now because I am trying to fight the GEMINI captain with my lv. 73 Sith Warrior, but I always get killed pretty quickly. Any help would be appreciated.


I agree but lets not call it "difficult" as that tends to set off some pedantic kids. It is now more boring and tedious. We have been playing this content for 10 years and to go from quick enjoyable combat to slow and tedious is horrible.


No, I do not need to fight this Legendary mob for 1-2 minutes to clear the 1 of 35 mission goal. This is a low level planet and I'm a level 80 in 326 gear with a 50 companion just doing the same Heroic I have been doing for 10 years.


My companion should not have issues healing me or tanking these mobs that are easily 60 levels below me.

Edited by illgot
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There are some fights with broken mission-assigned henchies, such as the Malgus one on Ossus, where he doesn't actually heal anyone. I don't know for certain that this is the case with the Gemini battle in KOTET, but have heard of more than a typical number of players having trouble with it lately, so I'd recommend checking to see if that's happening.


If so, you might be better to set the henchie (Senya or Lana? I don't remember) to tank or dps and let them take aggro off you. Hopefully, you have some self heals or damage mitigation.

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Level Sync is, in general, slightly(1) broken at the moment, and even affects Presence, which has, for consequence, a catastrophic effect on companion performance. (My main account has a base no-companion Presence score in excess of 900 for max-level characters in unsynced areas. The cap doesn't take into account your base no-companion level, so if the local cap is below 900, the Influence rank of my capped characters' companions has exactly no effect on their performance.)


(1) That's sarcastic understatement, if you hadn't noticed.

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You may have to wait until they fix companions for that one. In the past, that was just barely survivable with Senya set as healer and all comps are horribly broken atm. I have tried it with her set to tank, but the damage the mob does is way too much to keep up with. If you feel you need to do it right now, try ranking up Senya''s influence (at least 15) and pick up some adrenals and stims. I really do wish you the best of luck.
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Hello, I have been playing SWTOR for awhile now, and combat during the game has been challenging but doable. Recently, I’ve had some trouble with combat. It seems like normal enemies are draining my health way too easily, and my healer companion is not able to heal me in time. This is especially difficult right now because I am trying to fight the GEMINI captain with my lv. 73 Sith Warrior, but I always get killed pretty quickly. Any help would be appreciated.

You didn't give any indication of your specs. If, for example, you're running around with low level gear, you would have problems. 🤔

Edited by JediQuaker
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Level Sync is, in general, slightly(1) broken at the moment, and even affects Presence, which has, for consequence, a catastrophic effect on companion performance. (My main account has a base no-companion Presence score in excess of 900 for max-level characters in unsynced areas. The cap doesn't take into account your base no-companion level, so if the local cap is below 900, the Influence rank of my capped characters' companions has exactly no effect on their performance.)


(1) That's sarcastic understatement, if you hadn't noticed.


Steve: I always appreciate your input / assessments. Well said! [/two thumbs up]

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Level Sync is, in general, slightly(1) broken at the moment, and even affects Presence, which has, for consequence, a catastrophic effect on companion performance. (My main account has a base no-companion Presence score in excess of 900 for max-level characters in unsynced areas. The cap doesn't take into account your base no-companion level, so if the local cap is below 900, the Influence rank of my capped characters' companions has exactly no effect on their performance.)


(1) That's sarcastic understatement, if you hadn't noticed.


Level sync/stat scaling is busted.



Companions are busted.





Yeah. It is a total mess right now and Bioware just blissfully says/does nothing about it.

Edited by Muckbeast
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Enjoying that enemy Sith Lord's actually endanger you now lmao. 7.0 has it's issues but there are positives too. I'd view this as a positive. I've been doing heroics on Belsavis lately, again something that wasn't in my rotation but since I've been forced to play them as the weekly, im actually enjoying them. There's a mission where u have to defeat some sith and he really pumps dps. Imagine having to understand and use ur dcds to fight a powerful Sith lord, shock/horror 😑😑
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Enjoying that enemy Sith Lord's actually endanger you now lmao. 7.0 has it's issues but there are positives too. I'd view this as a positive. I've been doing heroics on Belsavis lately, again something that wasn't in my rotation but since I've been forced to play them as the weekly, im actually enjoying them. There's a mission where u have to defeat some sith and he really pumps dps. Imagine having to understand and use ur dcds to fight a powerful Sith lord, shock/horror 😑😑


I've done that one myself and you are in no more danger of dying now than you were in 6.0, it just takes four times as long to grind through his health. I'd view the whole companion nerf as a negative for the vast majority of players who now have to grind through old content at a much slower rate. It's not harder, just more tedious for players with powerful characters.

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Nope not even close my dood. The fight takes literally 20 or 30 seconds and as I said the Sith lord actually killed me the other day when I wasn't paying attention, he does good dmg. I know y'all hate 7.0 and have agendas to uphold but it's not the case. The combat is a lot more fun these days.
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Nope not even close my dood. The fight takes literally 20 or 30 seconds and as I said the Sith lord actually killed me the other day when I wasn't paying attention, he does good dmg. I know y'all hate 7.0 and have agendas to uphold but it's not the case. The combat is a lot more fun these days.


Doesn't sound like it was more challenging for you after all since you finished the "tougher" fight in 30 seconds. Pretty much the same as it was in 6.0. Combat is a lot less fun and more tedious unless of course you consider long boring fight = "challenging"

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There is a big difference between fun combat and boring combat. Fun combat, these are the ones in Operations where you need to know the mechanics to fight. The current ones in Heroic? Those are boring. From before, I can finish the Heroic bosses off in 1/2 of my full rotation on my Mara, now it just takes longer. Are my toons dying all the time? When being globaled by multiple elites and healing companion decides to DPS, maybe. But 90% of the time, it just takes longer and tedious. Edited by afwhoefuwov
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Doesn't sound like it was more challenging for you after all since you finished the "tougher" fight in 30 seconds. Pretty much the same as it was in 6.0. Combat is a lot less fun and more tedious unless of course you consider long boring fight = "challenging"


I run with a DPS companion and I'm dps, for exactly the reason you mentioned. Want to have fast fights? Learn to play ur toons rotation and use some dcds and u won't sit around wailing on mobs for an hour while ur comp heals you. There are ways to mitigate all this stuff if ur smart about playing the game instead of wanting everything served on a platter. Anyways it is more challenging because like I said it's a dps race and you actually have to cleanse a force crush thing he puts on you. But once again shock and horror that u actually have to play the game 😂😂

Edited by Samcuu
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I run with a DPS companion and I'm dps, for exactly the reason you mentioned. Want to have fast fights? Learn to play ur toons rotation and use some dcds and u won't sit around wailing on mobs for an hour while ur comp heals you. There are ways to mitigate all this stuff if ur smart about playing the game instead of wanting everything served on a platter. Anyways it is more challenging because like I said it's a dps race and you actually have to cleanse a force crush thing he puts on you. But once again shock and horror that u actually have to play the game 😂😂


It's really simple. Level Sync and Companions are broken (underperforming in Bioware's jargon) and need to be fixed. An Influence 50 companion should be of more assistance than an Influence 1 companion otherwise, "leveling" your companion is useless (no need for gifts or CM boosts which takes away a credit sync and a BW revenue source). If it was working right. you could still have your challenge with a low influence companion and the people who want it "easier/faster" can use their high Influence companion. It doesn't have to be an either or proposition if it was working correctly. I suspect that was what Bioware intended but didn't get it right.

Edited by DWho
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It's really simple. Level Sync and Companions are broken (underperforming in Bioware's jargon) and need to be fixed. An Influence 50 companion should be of more assistance than an Influence 1 companion otherwise, "leveling" your companion is useless (no need for gifts or CM boosts which takes away a credit sync and a BW revenue source). If it was working right. you could still have your challenge with a low influence companion and the people who want it "easier/faster" can use their high Influence companion. It doesn't have to be an either or proposition if it was working correctly. I suspect that was what Bioware intended but didn't get it right.


Well said. Presence is locked so it's like Bioware telling us that all credits/maybe CC spent on Commander's Compendium OR time spent leveling up via gifts are wasteful.

Edited by afwhoefuwov
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It's really simple. Level Sync and Companions are broken (underperforming in Bioware's jargon) and need to be fixed. An Influence 50 companion should be of more assistance than an Influence 1 companion otherwise, "leveling" your companion is useless (no need for gifts or CM boosts which takes away a credit sync and a BW revenue source). If it was working right. you could still have your challenge with a low influence companion and the people who want it "easier/faster" can use their high Influence companion. It doesn't have to be an either or proposition if it was working correctly. I suspect that was what Bioware intended but didn't get it right.


Fair enough, so even then it's only a temporary problem. What's the sense in qq'ing over it? Adapt and evolve, survival of the fittest my dood ❤😂

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Fair enough, so even then it's only a temporary problem. What's the sense in qq'ing over it? Adapt and evolve, survival of the fittest my dood ❤😂


what sense is qq'ing in a thread about people qq'ing about a broken game feature?

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Enjoying that enemy Sith Lord's actually endanger you now lmao.


Nope, I don't.

Different difficulties (like we have them for chapters) for open world are the only way to keep everybody happy.


It's really simple. Level Sync and Companions are broken (underperforming in Bioware's jargon)


There is one thing that certainly underperforms. That thing is called SWTOR.

Edited by juliushorst
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I only play Story. For now I only notice an increase in difficulty starting from Onslaught. Companion as tank doesn't work, and the mook mobs take a long time to drop. Area effect attacks work, but I need to go through them twice when usually once through all of them would work and sometimes not all were needed. Same with single targets. Spirit of Vengeance was always an outlier in difficulty, but all the content can be finished. Different character playing Fallen Empire it's working fine. Companions tank. Mook mobs and single targets are dropping at normal pace. I haven't tried Class stories with new characters yet. Whatever the issues with the game it's end game level 75+ content starting with Onslaught story to Veteran/Master stuff, flashpoints, operations, heroics, etc. where it's happening. It's a big chunk of the game, but it's not the entire game.
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Fair enough, so even then it's only a temporary problem. What's the sense in qq'ing over it?

Remember, forums and reddit or whatever they want to bring up is always a tiny minority of a game's community despite any delusional wall of text they write to make you believe otherwise. This thread as of right now has 20 replies with multiple posts from the same posters and 1k lurker views, the epitome of a vocal minority.

Most players who enjoy the game are playing the game, and if you actually play the game you will see the same fleets with 3-4 instances, people making groups, people doing heroics, people leveling. Business as usual.

You will see the same 3-4 kids whining about companions in every thread requoting each other or duplicating their whine troll threads with fancy big font sizes and colors to make it seem like it's a vocal majority. It's not.


Other than that, companions have finally been fixed from being overpowered for almost a decade and story content finally got some modicum of actual gameplay back when mobs don't get twoshotted. Now BW just have to polish it by fixing comp bugs, "underperformance", as Keith calls it, like them missing all of their AoE attacks and (alledgedly) slow reaction of healing comps. Things are getting better.

Edited by Cleev
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It's really simple. Level Sync and Companions are broken (underperforming in Bioware's jargon) and need to be fixed. An Influence 50 companion should be of more assistance than an Influence 1 companion otherwise, "leveling" your companion is useless (no need for gifts or CM boosts which takes away a credit sync and a BW revenue source). If it was working right. you could still have your challenge with a low influence companion and the people who want it "easier/faster" can use their high Influence companion. It doesn't have to be an either or proposition if it was working correctly. I suspect that was what Bioware intended but didn't get it right.


Well said. Presence is locked so it's like Bioware telling us that all credits/maybe CC spent on Commander's Compendium OR time spent leveling up via gifts are wasteful.




All of this worked extremely well and was fun pre-7.0.


When you're going to be potentially grinding the exact same heroic mission hundreds of times, there's really no need for it to be unnecessarily tedious and slow.


And level 50 influence companions should be significantly more powerful than level 1 companions. All that time, effort, or RL money on compendiums should have a noticeable and appreciable effect.

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Remember, forums and reddit or whatever they want to bring up is always a tiny minority of a game's community despite any delusional wall of text they write to make you believe otherwise. This thread as of right now has 20 replies with multiple posts from the same posters and 1k lurker views, the epitome of a vocal minority.

Most players who enjoy the game are playing the game, and if you actually play the game you will see the same fleets with 3-4 instances, people making groups, people doing heroics, people leveling. Business as usual.

You will see the same 3-4 kids whining about companions in every thread requoting each other or duplicating their whine troll threads with fancy big font sizes and colors to make it seem like it's a vocal majority. It's not.


Other than that, companions have finally been fixed from being overpowered for almost a decade and story content finally got some modicum of actual gameplay back when mobs don't get twoshotted. Now BW just have to polish it by fixing comp bugs, "underperformance", as Keith calls it, like them missing all of their AoE attacks and (alledgedly) slow reaction of healing comps. Things are getting better.


This 100%. People seems to forget that Heroics was actually intend to be group content, and this game has actually was promised to be skill-based.

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This 100%. People seems to forget that Heroics was actually intend to be group content, and this game has actually was promised to be skill-based.


Heroics haven't been group content for 5 years. You need to update your information. They are the primary solo means of completing conquest and have been for a long time.

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