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Is SWTOR even a MMO?


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I don't particularly understand what the OP is complaining about. WoW is basically two continents, a massive ocean, and one other planet, but it only consists of one continent..... Seriously, TOR is made up of planets, you cannot walk between them. Traveling in WoW could take up a good amount of time, but hey, it was realistic. If you brought that over to TOR, it would take even longer to get anywhere if your ship flew through space in real time. Imagine, trying to get from Taris to the other side of the galaxy in real time. My God, that would take forever.....


I'm not saying that traveling on each planet should be made easy, but a line has got to be drawn somewhere. TOR has the potential to become much bigger than WoW between added planets and new zones for existing planets. How about we compare the two in realistic ways and leave some of the more silly arguments and complaints on the wayside?....


i am on imperial fleet. i go to mu hangar: loading screen. i enter my ship: loading screen, i travel to hoth and exit my ship: loading screen, i walk through the station and use the shuttle to land: loading screen. and swtor loading screens are anything but quick.


wow: zero loading screens to go from one area to another expect if you enter an instance or change continent.


and wows continents are like 10 planets here, when it comes to size of playable area.

hell, there are single areas bigger than 2-3 swtor planets


so, being able to play from level 1-50 without a single loading screen, is very nice and it is one of my favourite features in world of warctaft.

having loading screens all over the place in swtor sucks monkeyballs.


when you leave a planet and you have the landing/takeoff sequence, it would be nice if the loading happened meanwhile, because even if you DONT skip it, you still have to load afterwards. thats retarded. i know of commodore 64 games that were able to load stuff while displaying graphics on screen.


do whatever it takes, call steve jobs back from his grave if needed, but get rid of the loading times/loading screens. you take a shuttle offplanet? ok, display a takeoff sequence, but if i press spacebar i want to inmediately continue. if i enter/exit my ship i dont need a freaking loading screen. and so on.. it CAN be done.


edit: nevermind all the typos. i am a bit tired xD

Edited by zandadoum
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i am on imperial fleet. i go to mu hangar: loading screen. i enter my ship: loading screen, i travel to hoth and exit my ship: loading screen, i walk through the station and use the shuttle to land: loading screen. and swtor loading screens are anything but quick.


wow: zero loading screens to go from one area to another expect if you enter an instance or change continent.


and wows continents are like 10 planets here, when it comes to size of playable area.

hell, there are single areas bigger than 2-3 swtor planets


so, being able to play from level 1-50 without a single loading screen, is very nice and it is one of my favourite features in world of warctaft.

having loading screens all over the place in swtor sucks monkeyballs.


when you leave a planet and you have the landing/takeoff sequence, it would be nice if the loading happened meanwhile, because even if you DONT skip it, you still have to load afterwards. thats retarded. i know of commodore 64 games that were able to load stuff while displaying graphics on screen.


do whatever it takes, call steve jobs back from his grave if needed, but get rid of the loading times/loading screens. you take a shuttle offplanet? ok, display a takeoff sequence, but if i press spacebar i want to inmediately continue. if i enter/exit my ship i dont need a freaking loading screen. and so on.. it CAN be done.


edit: nevermind all the typos. i am a bit tired xD


You refer to seamless world, but I can not help wondering what a seamless world has to do with a game being a mmo or not?

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Massively - Check



Multiplayer - Check



Online - Check



Role-Playing - Check



Game - Check


Why yes it is. :) Next tro, err question.



By that definition, I guess BF3 is an MMO. As is Call of Duty. Or, League of Legends. They all fall within the paradigm of that description.


You troll and then complain that nobody has anything constructive to say. I find your position and subsequent reaction quite odd.

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How are you defining MMO?


This game is as much an MMORPG as Rift or WoW were...


Hell I feel like I have more of an incentive to group in this game below max level than in those games, since there are a bunch of H4 quests to do on every planet...

Edited by Ethias
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You cant walk to SW from Darnassus without loading/dying. Your reasoning is now invalid.



Listen, if you read posts later on rarther than making quick judgment I admitted I made a mistake and than corrected myself. But you catch my drift? there are less loading times and more of a sandbox type of game rarther than this. Now stop being idiotic and read other posts of the discussion we all had.

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You cant walk to SW from Darnassus without loading/dying. Your reasoning is now invalid.


Are you trying to say that WoW doesn't have a massive world?


It takes 11 minutes to take the flight from Eastern Plague Lands to Stranglethorn Vale.


The continents are huge and WoW certainly feels like a world.


SWTOR is just a bunch of static microscopic hubs, especially in comparison.

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Are you trying to say that WoW doesn't have a massive world?


It takes 11 minutes to take the flight from Eastern Plague Lands to Stranglethorn Vale.


The continents are huge and WoW certainly feels like a world.


SWTOR is just a bunch of static microscopic hubs, especially in comparison.


One of the best posts in this thread. WoW feels like a World, much more open space and freedom. This game has no freedom, it feels claustrophobic like your trapped and you feel compacked in a space and the only way to get out is by a stupid loading time.

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The_Old_Empire are u like 8 yo or something?

SWTOR got PLANETS and it's unresonable think that 21 planets must be the size of 21 Azaroth, however if u visit Tatooine or Hoth u will notice they are more or less big as much as the entire estern kindoms.


Go Nortend or Outland, it's exactly like a swtor world.


Also, why do u care about wow world when 99.9999999999% of times u can make everything from SW\ORG without even past their gates. What are u talking about.. really.

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The_Old_Empire are u like 8 yo or something?

SWTOR got PLANETS and it's unresonable think that 21 planets must be the size of 21 Azaroth, however if u visit Tatooine or Hoth u will notice they are more or less big as much as the entire estern kindoms.


Go Nortend or Outland, it's exactly like a swtor world.


Also, why do u care about wow world when 99.9999999999% of times u can make everything from SW\ORG without even past their gates. What are u talking about.. really.


"Tatooine is as big as the entire Eastern Kingdoms"


Such powerful delusion, frankly I'm speechless when it comes to the delusion of some of the people on this site.


How can you convince yourself that a statement so wrong could possibly be true?

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Please stop comparing Swtor to WOW, its nothing like it, thank god. SWTOR is fantastic and a must for all Star Wars fans, I have been waiting since 1977 for technology to catch up enough for a computer game to feel like your playing in a book. As for not being an open MMO, that makes me giggle, how if you dont travel by starship can you get to other worlds, its a long walk. When your on a planet you can travel from zone to zone freely, just like any other mmo, so please give it a rest, watch some of the movies, read some of the books or comics and then play the game, no other MMO lets you feel like your part of the story apart from lotro and I would rather be a Jedi knight then a hobbit any day.
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I like the idea of spaceship hop to planets and don't mind the loading screen. What kills it for me is when you arrive at the planet and find that it's a linear series of little confined maps that you can't even ride too without getting a taxi.


So yes WOW is very open world and this is not.

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I would say it's an MO but not an MMO. I certainly do not have any sense of "massively multiplayer" when I am playing. I see one or two folks from time to time, the planets usually have around 15 people on them at once on a standard server.


Battlefield 3 has 64 people at once on a map. I have seen nothing here that matches that, and I don't pay $15 a month to play Battlefield 3. In any case, I'm playing it solo and canceling when I reach 50 until an expansion comes out, so no big sweat off my brow anyway.

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True MMO's died when the genre went mainstream with WoW.


Now that mainstream clientele have taken over, the concepts of what made a MMO stand out so much more then just a multiplayer RPG are dead. Now it's please the largest community as possible in order to achieve the most profit.

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