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Is SWTOR even a MMO?


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Linear progression can be found in MMOs, however a great MMO is open and sandbox in design.


Tell that to the 10M Subscriber Gorilla on my MacOS Partition.


A Great MMO doesn't HAVE to be Open and Sandbox in design. A Great MMO has to appeal to people and get the playing and give them objectives they want to do.


I don't care about Player ships/cities


I don't care about running my own Smuggling Operations


I DO care about saving the Galaxy by pew pewing or stabbing people to death



inb4 12 year old. I'm 23 with a college degree.

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The oddest thing in this thread is that people keep saying great MMOs are sandboxes, and yet very few successful MMOs are actually sandbox. I'm not saying they are a bad concept; I've thoroughly enjoyed some of the sandbox MMOs I've played. They are however the distinct minority.


Yes it's an MMO; it ticks all the appropriate boxes to achieve that definition of massively multiplayer. This doesn't stop some people from forming their own personal definition with which they try to supplant the generally accepted one. That, ladies & gentlemen, is personal opinion, not a widely accepted definition.

It's not really an MMO, it's an SPO


People will dislike this reasoning; but it's still true

You saying it over and over doesn't make it fact. It remains your opinion. There's no true or false in opinion.

Edited by Grammarye
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Actually I don't notice very many people at all out while I'm questing, so that's the Massive idea gone, which destroys the MMO suggestion.


This concept is entirely bunk. Even if you never see another sole, the fact that there are thousands of players on your server, all of whom you can group with and engage in either cooperative or versus gameplay makes this a massively multiplayer game. Your experience may be not be what you want or expect, but, in the grand scheme of things, it is only your experience... it changes the concept and definition of the game neither for the producer nor the other players.


This game is an MMO, by definition. By disputing this very basic fact, you come of sounding like an incredibly ignorant, self-centered troll. You are perfectly welcome to continue spouting this nonsense, but please don't expect anyone to take you seriously.

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Actually I don't notice very many people at all out while I'm questing, so that's the Massive idea gone, which destroys the MMO suggestion.


Linear progression can be found in MMOs, however a great MMO is open and sandbox in design. Unfortunately not a lot of people like to put the effort in to playing sandbox games, because they like to be safe and in sandbox games you typically have to risk something in order to be rewarded. Which means that a lot of big name companies will not make a game that only has a player base of 200-500k even if it could be profitable (not in the WoW scheme of profitable, but at least makes money).


SWTOR has very little risk vs reward, and a lot of linear story progression.


That's ok, hopefully they will listen to the PvP crowd and start developing a good guild utilities system where guilds can build their own cities etc. Then I will consider this an MMO.


Making it sandbox does not make it an MMO. Infact, they are two totally different things.


I can tell you right now that you're lieing about not seeing anyone when you quest. I see TONS of people, and I've grouped with TONS of people. This is clearly an MMO, it's not even up for debate.

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I have like, 2 people on my friends list. It's not because I'm a jerk (I am, but regardless) it's because I don't meet anyone. Why would I? I'm always doing my own thing.


Here's the thing though: I love that about this game.


It's kind of like watching a movie upstairs with a house full of people downstairs with common interests. I can just watch the movie, or head downstairs and socialize.


Either environment is a blast, they're just different and it offers variety.

Edited by TheFluke
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its a single player game with mmo tagged on the front so they can make some money on it :/ silly really as it would make an amazing game if there was more mmo aspects


Perhaps get out of your anti-social bubble, and try talking / grouping with people.


It works wonders ;).

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Everything feels so linear and feels as if its not open-world. Each zone you teleport to via your spaceship and each of the planets you are restricted for example there may be mountains covering around the planet and thats where it ends. Theres no sense of open world where if your at a planet you cant just ride there without having to have a stupid loading screen.


Its basically.. * Walk to Spaceship * * Click Planet * * Loading Screen * * Your now at the planet *. So its not really open world when everythings loading. Your gonna hate me even more saying this but World of Warcraft was always open world.


I could go from Darnassus to Stormwind by walking, flying without stupid loading screens. The only time you would get loading times if you went on a boat, or went into an instance. In this game it's a linear path you follow.


Whats up with that?



So what your saying, is you think that you should be able to walk to another planet? Really? And last time I checked, the speeders do not open a loading screen, they fly the same path you could take if you walked from point A to pont B on a planet.


Now to your other point. You get a loading screen every time you cross to another continent in WoW. You get a loading screen every time you travel to another planet in SW. So how exactly is that different? Seems to me you are just looking for something to complain about.

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There are plenty of MMO aspects. I ALWAYS see "LFG/M *Insert Heroic Quests here*" or if I'm on the Fleet "LFG/M *insert Flashpoint here.*


Crafting is stellar. I love it more than crafting in any game before it.

Flashpoints are fun.

The community is there.

I see lots of people while questing and I've just started Tatooine.

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The game is not a sandbox, thats my complaint!



They're going to add sandbox features. Give them time. I'm glad this game isn't sandbox honestly....If they add Sandbox features, unless it enhances my raiding I probably won't use them but I will be happy for the sandbox lovers.....



Give them time to sort out things and add features. You can't expect this game to have EVERY single feature you want....ever. Its just not practical.


It is a good game though and one I look forward to playing for a while. especially if they get Addon support and a combat log (those are my complaints but at this point aren't gamebreaking to me)

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I could go from Darnassus to Stormwind by walking, flying without stupid loading screens. The only time you would get loading times if you went on a boat, or went into an instance. In this game it's a linear path you follow.


Whats up with that?


How many other MMOs do you see that have multiple PLANETS?


Do you seriously expect the devs to design complete open-world planets with no restrictions? Do you even comprehend how much time, money and manpower that would take? Have you stopped to consider how much available space is available in total?


Have you also stopped to consider that limiting each planet means they can develop and open each more and more with future content in addition to adding new planets?


Why can no one sit down and think logically before whining on these forums? Have we gone so far backward as a society that this is actually an uncommon ability now?

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They need to do rid of the different instances of worlds, between Tatoonie 1 and 2, i only saw 1 republic person.



I rolled on a pvp server and since playing the game i've killed one person outside of warzones?


I'm unaware if theres another main city other than the imperial fleet, but that's not exactly attackable by the republic. Why isn't it?

Edited by Bigdazz
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World of warcraft is one planet. With 2 continents. In Star Wars you have 17 planets. A planet can't be connected to another planet simply by walking. So would you prefer. The Old Republic: Tatooine Adventures. Where you spend 50 levels just on tatooine with it being 12 times its current size? Just so you can avoid loading screens and space ship rides.


4 continents, and each is about 5000 times the size of a planet in tor.


Terrible comparison.

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Actually I don't notice very many people at all out while I'm questing, so that's the Massive idea gone, which destroys the MMO suggestion


Hmmm, maybe because there are numerous planets, numerous activities (separate FPs, warzones, etc) that can be done at any given level and the game is still new so you have a wide spread of active levels?


Maybe? Possibly? Logically?

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They need to do rid of the different instances of worlds, people Tatoonie 1 and 2, i only saw 1 republic person.



I rolled on a pvp server and since playing the game i've killed one person outside of warzones?


I'm unaware if theres another main city other than the imperial fleet, but that's not exactly attackable by the republic. Why isn't it?


I don't know about the fleets being attackable by the opposing faction but I definitely think Capitals should be (Coruscant and Dromound Kaas.)


4 continents, and each is about 5000 times the size of a planet in tor.


Terrible comparison.



You're comparing a 7 year old game with 3 expansions with one that just released.



Its both Daunting and unrealistic to believe that this game would have as much real Estate as Cata WoW. Its a much more reasonable approach to look at the Real Esate of Original Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor with the Galaxy as of now.

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4 continents, and each is about 5000 times the size of a planet in tor.


Terrible comparison.


Did you play WoW at release? Do you have any idea how small the total landmass available was back then? The total landmass maybe, MAYBE was the size of the available space on Hoth and Alderaan together. WoW is 6 years old. SWTOR released, officially, 11 days ago

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You're comparing a 7 year old game with 3 expansions with one that just released.



Its both Daunting and unrealistic to believe that this game would have as much real Estate as Cata WoW. Its a much more reasonable approach to look at the Real Esate of Original Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor with the Galaxy as of now.



This game is in direct competition with a 7 year old game with 3 expansions.


Of course I'll compare it to that: that's the competition.

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Did you play WoW at release? Do you have any idea how small the total landmass available was back then? The total landmass maybe, MAYBE was the size of the available space on Hoth and Alderaan together. WoW is 6 years old. SWTOR released, officially, 11 days ago


If you really think that I dont think you ever played vanilla wow. What you are saying here is a flat out lie. A terrible one.

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its a single player game with mmo tagged on the front so they can make some money on it :/ silly really as it would make an amazing game if there was more mmo aspects


MMO as a genre is not doing very well. A lot of them lose money. Some go free to play. So slapping an MMO tag on a game to make money isn't really a good marketing gimmick.

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Go take a run across Hoth and get back to me.




Starter planets are much smaller than higher-level planets. They do this on purpose. Asking people to walk across Hutta to do quests at level 5 if it were the size of Hoth would make people ragequit

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