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Please change back the symbols for "origin" storys


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The new ones are just plain ugly.

For those that appear in my stronghold decorations, I am gradually removing the new ones, which we had no say in the change to the stronghold decoration changing.


When we finished a class story, we got MANY copies of this deco, and now the change is glaring.


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You know, when I saw those dull gray things on the Public Test Server, I just assumed they must be a work in progress, or a placeholder of some sort. I never thought they'd actually use them.


For the life of me, I cannot understand why they did this. Replace a series of nice-looking full-color icons to these flat, lifeless gray blobs. I just don't get it.

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Agree! The design is ugly, and not even well executed since the lines are jagged and pixelly. Also my characters never wear helmets so having the classes represented by helmets feels off and unconnected.


Finally, the aesthetic doesn't match the rest of the screen. Which makes me worried that they're planning on turning the whole login screen into some kind of hideous minimalistic thing like the character designer. Please don't do it, Bioware. Minimalism is extremely unoriginal and boring, and it's not anywhere near as popular as its ubiquity would suggest. Stick with the slightly retro style of classic SWTOR and bring back the old class icons.

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They don't fit in and are quite basic. Had they started the game with those, okay, I guess. But they did not, instead replaced better ones with them. They look like taken out of some old point-and-click game more than anythign else.
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The problem persists with them spending the lions share of funding on overpriced voice actors thanks to SAG/AFTRA instead of the art department. Bioware could replace a lot of the overpriced big names with cheaper people that sound the same and nobody would care as it's not the actors name that sells the game but actual content which over the years has been getting lesser and lesser. This is a game development management issue.
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For the life of me, I cannot understand why they did this. Replace a series of nice-looking full-color icons to these flat, lifeless gray blobs. I just don't get it.

I would really like to know the reasoning behind that downgrade,



Bioware gave some spiel about the old ones not scaling in 4K or 8k displays or huge resolution UIs. so now they made these new ones because they will scale


The talent that made the original icons was obviously lost, no longer on the team to update the old icons to new tech.

Edited by Falensawino
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Bioware gave some spiel about the old ones not scaling in 4K or 8k displays or huge resolution UIs. so now they made these new ones because they will scale


The talent that made the original icons was obviously lost, no longer on the team to update the old icons to new tech.


"Oh, this nice landscape does not scale, so we give you a picture of a toad that does". Brilliance.

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Aside from looking terrible, the new icons are also inconsistent. On the character selection screen, where it shows your list of characters, the icons on the right side(to the left of the character's name) still use the old, much better-looking icons.
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I'm pretty sure it's just one more thing they didn't finish.


But hey, you know what does work? The new Cash Shop (Galactic Seasons), where you can spend real money for gear upgrade mats like Medals of Commendation and Legendary Embers.

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everything in media is going minimalist now.


Laziness ≠ minimalist.


You need to work a lot in order to make a good minimalist. It has to be crisp, clear to the point, both visual-wise and meaning-wise. I have no idea what most Origin Symbols are supposed to represent what and it showed in the "design". The artist clearly didn't get paid enough because they can't even figure out what could be representative to a Smuggler they had to slap an out of no where CC symbol to the Smuggler hat icon.


Same goes the in game Combat Style icons. They are unnecessarily "complicate" that you simply can't tell one Combat Style from the other except the Sniper one which is the same as the old one. Not to mention that the color code is a meaningless mess.

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You know, when I saw those dull gray things on the Public Test Server, I just assumed they must be a work in progress, or a placeholder of some sort. I never thought they'd actually use them.


For the life of me, I cannot understand why they did this. Replace a series of nice-looking full-color icons to these flat, lifeless gray blobs. I just don't get it.


1000x this. I thought the exact same thing on PTS. I gotta be honest, it’s pretty terrible.

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