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Conquest.. Please throw us a bone there


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I really don't want to abandon some of my alts but this is crazy.


Too many goals are just gone (sell junk, give gift). Heroics give 700 points after the first one on a planet... down from 5k. Once I'm done with the story I don't even think it will be doable to get CQ done on more than 10 characters in a week.


Why? What's the goal there? What are you afraid we're going to abuse? We get no credits from it anymore, and commendations are capped to 999 anyway...

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Whoever made this decision didn't consider that many people like playing alts and some people don't like playing in large conquest guilds. I really don't like the constant grind and the push for points. I like the social aspect of a guild and I like to roleplay. But small guilds want to be able to unlock their flagships too.
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I don't anticipate getting conquest ever again on any of my characters (unless by accident). I refuse to play their way, and only do those activities they deem worthy each week. I will be simply playing the game my own way, doing the things I like to do and feel like doing at any point in time, and completely ignoring conquest now.


It's such a shame that they removed renown. I know that some of the die-hards didn't appreciate it, but it was good for me having something to work towards - watching that gold renown bar fill up as I played was great, and if it was getting close to logging-off time, but I had just a bit more to do to get to the next renown level, I would stay and play until I clicked it over. A way to retain a player in game surely has to be a good thing for the developer, right?

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I liked renown too. I recall that the rewards used to be a little better. I remember wanting to level up my renown because it meant better rewards. I put bringing it back in the suggestion box but I doubt it will lead to anything... I really liked it as an endgame leveling but not-leveling system. It was better than games that just go on raising the level cap forever.
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I would love to see some infinite repeatables thrown into the mix. Like after completing Socialite II, give me Socialite Infinite where I can just get an additional amount of conquest for each group activity. That would pair well with the current system anyway, trying to get people to queue to stuff.
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I would love to see some infinite repeatables thrown into the mix. Like after completing Socialite II, give me Socialite Infinite where I can just get an additional amount of conquest for each group activity. That would pair well with the current system anyway, trying to get people to queue to stuff.


The removal of those infinitely repeatable goals is another slap in the face for sure.


Gosh I did 6 heroics today and got like 2k CQ points for them. Seriously, what the hell.

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I still haven't really done a LOT of testing....my will to play the game is diminished.

However, I did try doing a single heroic from each planet. That gets the CQ points up faster than doing a bunch on the same planet.

Then, after doing 8 or 9, if you can claim rep somewhere, that may max you out.


But that's really only 1 toon per day.


Also, doing chapter 1 of KOTFE, gets you a decent amount of CQ from the "do the chapter" objective and the "kill the sky troopers" objective and is easy/fast.

Edited by Darev
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I have 63 characters. I think my record for a single week was around 50 of them making conquest. With all the removed conquest objectives and raising the goal to 100k, maybe I'll get three done per week now?




I have 34. Been doing it on every single one each week. Definitely not going to happen anymore. I guess I'll do one at a time and see how many I can do. And hopefully my guilds don't kick my semi-inactive ones. And when I go back to work, I'll be lucky if I get 4 done.


It's just sad. I have so many characters because... I like playing them. Shocker, I know. But now I won't be able to anymore... For absolutely no reason except that BW doesn't want me to (again, it's not like we really get much of anything for extra conquests, so there's no reason to nerf the goals so much).

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I really don't want to abandon some of my alts but this is crazy.


Too many goals are just gone (sell junk, give gift). Heroics give 700 points after the first one on a planet... down from 5k. Once I'm done with the story I don't even think it will be doable to get CQ done on more than 10 characters in a week.


Why? What's the goal there? What are you afraid we're going to abuse? We get no credits from it anymore, and commendations are capped to 999 anyway...


The purpose was to prevent people from gearing too fast via conquest.


My problem with it is that it's counter productive to the purpose of conquest. Conquest should be another reason to keep playing repetitive game content. Before 7.0, conquest was a huge reason why GSF made a comeback. Now once people get their GS2 finished up on a server, the GSF participation will really die on that server since the conquest rewards were significantly reduced.

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The purpose was to prevent people from gearing too fast via conquest.


My problem with it is that it's counter productive to the purpose of conquest. Conquest should be another reason to keep playing repetitive game content. Before 7.0, conquest was a huge reason why GSF made a comeback. Now once people get their GS2 finished up on a server, the GSF participation will really die on that server since the conquest rewards were significantly reduced.


But you're not gearing up faster because of CQ, that's the thing. You'll gear up faster with more characters, but it's completely independent from CQ. And you have a cap on commendations anyway, so WHY nerf conquest goals? CQ goals give no exp, no credit, no gear parts, NOTHING. It's just making it suck for us for no reason (and if anything, I have to do MORE heroics that DO give gear parts to reach that stupid 100k goal).

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All of these issues and complaints and how they changed things just makes me think more and more that they somehow got advice from or hired people from the WoW team.


This game used to be fun and engaging on alts with Conquest and Renown. Now, it's almost like a chore and not even one that's worth it.

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The changes to conquest have definitely the game a lot less fun and feel like a sloggish chore now. It's stupid how much time they are wanting us to put into getting CQ for just one character. It's not like the rewards are really that great either now.


Before 7.0 I could just play the game and I would get CQ without really trying. Now I feel liked i have to actually keep track of what I'm doing if I am to achieve it. So. Not. Fun.


I also miss renown. It was a really nice carrot as a capped character.

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If these forums act like other game forums you'll be able to tell this is the first posting. I've been playing since the beginning of the year. So sure I haven't done a whole lot in game. I recognize that. I've also played MMOs for about 2 decades, and watched as the gaming region online has become super saturated. What keeps players any more? Fun.


The change to selection of your class abilities/combat? Ok, I can deal, easy enough. MMOs change over time. I get that, seen that, helped to guide it in some of them.

The change to renown? Miss the boxes. Nice for looks, but ok.


This latest change to conquest is not fun. Plain and simple. When you have so much competition out there any major change like this will hit. Conquest was very in your face so everyone saw and watched it. Now... well frankly, I don't see any reason to bother with many characters and normally I'll end up building several over years. Due to this change... frankly I'm giving thought to canceling my sub. Esp with the current economy even though I can afford it. I play games for fun. If I'm not having fun, I'm not going to play.

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100% agree with all of this. A paltry 700 cq points per heroic after the initial one (unless your character is a low enough level to get the generic heroic objective at a little over 4k which is infinitely repeatable) makes hitting conquest an absolute slog to get through. I used to have like close to 40-something alts, but thanks to raising the target to 100k and removing a lot of the repeatable objectives (and like.. I'd be fine even with renown gone? It'd still be somewhat more of a grind sure, but not seemingly impossible to keep up with like it is now)... I've reduced my number of characters down to just 15 and I still feel like I'm drowning in unenjoyable work.


And like... Server slots? Or even something like the Master's Datacron to skip leveling on a new character? Absolutely worthless now (beyond tossing them up on the GTN to drive home how little those conquest credits actually matter in this game since there's part of the actual inflation issues right there), since any new character would be preferable to keep at a low level for easier conquest anyway, and maintaining a lot of alts is now stressful enough to make someone go gray early.


Conquest was fine before. It didn't need ""fixing"". But nah, Bioware couldn't let us play the game our way. We have to engage with the content they want us to, not the content we actually want to do ourselves. And even their "weekly" targets still available in the activity tab doesn't even give any boost in cq points either, just coughs up some gear caches at you that you also cannot even open or use unless you're level 80 so like... ??? Makes that utterly pointless. It's like... Thanks for giving us something that can gather dust in our inventory/personal storage, I guess???


I have to assume that they hate smaller guilds, also, since with the conquest changes, things will get a lot harder for guilds that don't have a ton of people.


Honestly conquest right now is like... Three times the amount of work for something that barely qualifies as a ""reward"" and out of all the changes they've made, this is probably the one that makes me the angriest. I could handle the bugs and the changes in combat and what not. What I can't handle is seeing a game that I've enjoyed, a game that I've loved, and put time and actual literal money into, a game where I've met a lot of wonderful people, turn into something completely devoid of any genuine enjoyment.


When I sit down to play, I'm looking to have a good time playing the game like I want to play it, doing a little bit of everything and actually being given some reward for doing heroics and flashpoints and story and whatever I actually want to engage with at any given time, not to joylessly repeat the same tasks over and over, day after day, hoping that it'll be enough to push me over the 100k point requirement.


I'm sure there are those who would argue that the devs don't owe us easy (or at least reasonable) conquest or whatever, except a lot of us literally pay for this game, so yeah. I think we have the right to make some demands here. With the slog that they've turned conquest into, honestly it feels like they should be paying us.

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The small guild hate really confuses me. Last year they were trying to make things harder for large guilds by not letting new players earn CP right away (but they can easily get around this by inviting players on Monday). It feels like everything they do to make things more difficult for large guilds has no real effect on them but is more likely to hurt small guilds. I mean, my guild doesn't care about being number one in planetary conquests. We just want to unlock our flagship. But it's so hard if you don't have a lot of people. And there are a lot of good reasons some people don't like playing in large guilds.


I can't believe how bad the rewards are either. Have they not noticed the rate of inflation on the GTN?

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Lol gearing too fast, i played multiple alts in conquest up to about 2 weeks ago and any gear i got was most non moddle gear, with stats worse than what i modded myself on my own, i usually sold the junk armor i got from conquest to vendors. I had been conquesting for months ever since they started it and still haven't gotten one piece of armor over 276
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Plus, as someone mentioned elsewhere, fewer characters = less money spent on the CM.


Anyway, I did the Section X weekly yesterday. It was a great reminder about how I never want to go to that place again. It was slow, annoying, and in the end I got MORE REWARDS towards gear than if I could just have done 8 heroics from 5 different planets with their good old 5k CQ points each. Guess what... I'd rather have done the heroics for less loot for the same CQ points.


I don't care about the gear upgrades - I'll get there when I get there. I just want to play content I actually enjoy while playing my characters in a way I enjoy. But it's not even possible anymore.


All this reminds me that I have a character server slot to sell...

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Yeah, with 12 active characters, this week is fairly easy with the Manaan quest and all, but next week is ... questionable. So this means many of my toons will eventually get retired, and many of the items blamed for the inflation and the economy, will become harder to obtain. This will bring the price down, I'm sure!
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Yeah, with 12 active characters, this week is fairly easy with the Manaan quest and all, but next week is ... questionable. So this means many of my toons will eventually get retired, and many of the items blamed for the inflation and the economy, will become harder to obtain. This will bring the price down, I'm sure!


Just finishing those last 50k for each character after getting to 80 has been a major PITA (keeping the rest of the story content for next week).


I'll be shocked if I get 10 characters done after I'm done with the story. It's just awful.

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