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So was the point of the 10th anniversary to get us to cancel our subscriptions?


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Last time this kind of backlash happened was 5.0 with "exciting RNG" gearing. Back then BW realized that people aren't kidding when they said they'll unsubscribe and started mitigating the catastrophe that was 5.0 gearing. Hopefully same thing will happen now.


Very true, if server populations drop and large numbers unsubscribe, they will make a course correction. It is the bottom-line that drives them, not creative issues and community opinion.

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I’m not sure why everyone is upset honestly. I’ve just returned but to me it’s better than 90% of the mmorpgs I’ve played recently including FF and New World.



Edit/ I admit that may be because I’m a Star Wars fan.

Edited by xXxNYROxXx
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I don't understand what the heck people are complaining about.


I've never had so much fun than last week.




True, me leaving SWTOR means I have more time for ESO. They would never even consider doing what Legacy of the Sith did to the game. ESOs focus is on new content, not making old content fun again. The two games are in totally different places.

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I don't understand what the heck people are complaining about.


I've never had so much fun than last week.




As a huge elder scrolls fan I really wish I could get into ESO. I've tried to play it several times and I just can't get into it.

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Yeah I’d rather play the single player games than ESO it’s a fail for me.


I can relate, back in the Revan days almost my entire guild (Ten Rings of Nova Corp) quit the game and moved to GW2. I couldn't get into that game and stayed here. No game is for everyone as much as developers may try.

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I can relate, back in the Revan days almost my entire guild (Ten Rings of Nova Corp) quit the game and moved to GW2. I couldn't get into that game and stayed here. No game is for everyone as much as developers may try.


I’ll stay here simply because it’s Star Wars. But honestly I think people are just upset right now. I don’t think it’s a “bad game” they just did something the playerbase doesn’t like and I’m sure they’ll adjust.

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I’ll stay here simply because it’s Star Wars. But honestly I think people are just upset right now. I don’t think it’s a “bad game” they just did something the playerbase doesn’t like and I’m sure they’ll adjust.


There's a lot of truth in that statement. In the past when these times hit, I'd take time off from the game and stay a sub until what I hated was gone. I mainly stayed a sub during those times because I was afraid they'd make me rename my toon. Now I'm just tried and feel like we've been here before. The play your way mentality seems to be fading and turning back into play our way by locking gear behind activities. I know some in the community like that, because they want more people to raid. I understand that I raided for five years. Now, I have too many other demands on my time and find myself playing on off hours. My postings yesterday and today are something of a wake for me. Yesterday was rage at ruining my fun, today is saying goodbye to an old friend.

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Bioware/EA are lucky to get the Star Wars Licence.


Agree 100%!


EA took the least amount of opportunity while they were the exclusive owners of the IP for Games. It's kind of disgusting the number of games they made considering how long they owned it. Battlefront was damn good and Respawn did an absolutely amazing job on Fallen Order. Super excited to see what they achieve for Fallen Order 2 AND their brand new First person shooter Star Wars IP too. Finally EA has some redemption with the Star Wars IP license.


Obviously now that EA arent the only holders of the license, other studios are already creating amazing new games. I honestly think the only reason we're getting a "UI Refresh..." is because they want to make it seem like theyre putting effort into this game, some kind of strange and terrible business decision in order to not lose customers going to other Star Wars games developed by non EA studios (Aspyre, Ubisoft, Quantic Dreams)

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99% of the whiners are so dumb and stupid... :rolleyes:


You get a lil pieces every 2 months or so. Everything is time-gated in MMOs nowadays.


Yeah, I prefer a "Makeb" open-world expansion at start too.


I think one of SWTOR’s problems, and probably many other MMOs, is that they really need to rethink their strategy on marketing of future content/expansions. With the decrease of resources, such as funding, developers or just time, I do not see them ever again producing a “tradition” expansion. When you think of what a typical expansion normally consists of, there is usually a larger story with multiple side quests as well, several new zones, an increase to the level cap, a new class/race, and sometimes changes to different systems (combat, gearing, etc.). While this “expansion” did meet some of those benchmarks, it will never be considered a true expansion by any gamer.


I think what we saw with the release of 7.0 is what to be expected going forward. Releasing small content at intervals to tell of a bigger story. So why not follow what they did with The Book of Boba Fett and instead of calling this an expansion, rename it to Book 6: The Legacy of the Sith? And how they did it with KotFE/KotET, each content update would be named a chapter. Therefore, 7.0 would just be called Book 6: The Legacy of the Sith, Chapter 1.


Doing this would alleviate any pressure from the company in producing a large-scale expansion with their limited team and resources. It could also allow the team (hopefully) to address most bugs prior to release date. Also, this would scale down some of the expectations from the customers. When I hear expansion, I am expecting a lot more than what 7.0 contained. However, if they called this Chapter 1, I would know that not everything would be released all at once.

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I think one of SWTOR’s problems, and probably many other MMOs, is that they really need to rethink their strategy on marketing of future content/expansions. With the decrease of resources, such as funding, developers or just time, I do not see them ever again producing a “tradition” expansion. When you think of what a typical expansion normally consists of, there is usually a larger story with multiple side quests as well, several new zones, an increase to the level cap, a new class/race, and sometimes changes to different systems (combat, gearing, etc.). While this “expansion” did meet some of those benchmarks, it will never be considered a true expansion by any gamer.


I think what we saw with the release of 7.0 is what to be expected going forward. Releasing small content at intervals to tell of a bigger story. So why not follow what they did with The Book of Boba Fett and instead of calling this an expansion, rename it to Book 6: The Legacy of the Sith? And how they did it with KotFE/KotET, each content update would be named a chapter. Therefore, 7.0 would just be called Book 6: The Legacy of the Sith, Chapter 1.


Doing this would alleviate any pressure from the company in producing a large-scale expansion with their limited team and resources. It could also allow the team (hopefully) to address most bugs prior to release date. Also, this would scale down some of the expectations from the customers. When I hear expansion, I am expecting a lot more than what 7.0 contained. However, if they called this Chapter 1, I would know that not everything would be released all at once.


YUP !!


IMO we should also be able to "Repeat" those chapters with a choice of difficulty levels available!

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I will be informing my guild of 5 and a half years that I wont be playing unless drastic changes happen. I have been here since alpha, and before the game was even a GAME. I was on the squadron forums before there was anything. giving them ideas, testing things etc. this is the worst expansion in the HISTORY of the game. I may seriously be out. gonna knock down to preferred after i get all my guild things in order and have somebody else i trust, take over.


the fact that you can't even criticize the game or call things out without fear of being attacked by others, says it all.

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Bioware/EA are lucky to get the Star Wars Licence.



Not so lucky to us...


Bioware, just have done a piss poor job managing this game since release...


Expansions have been so so... I would prefer to pay for a good expansion, that have 4 or 5 "DLC´s" for free...

These "expansions" are just garbage...


The game didn´t just flat out because its a SW game... any other non SW IP, would have been declared dead and burried a long time ago...


But hey... we still have Cartel Market! :p

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Unsubscribed as well.


This 'expansion' is such an avoidable mess of bad decisions I'm having a hard time believing it was done in good faith. If this was a good faith effort, then the entire team should be ashamed. Vote with your wallets. This was inexcusable. :mad:

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this is step one for the mega severs... get enough people to leave that they can finally manage to have eberyone on one server...


what was the thing that came out that was better than mega servers? cross faction group finder?


I mean, there should have been only a single server left after the last merge. Both servers are on the east coast now so having SS was stupid. Everyone just moved back to SF because most people were on those servers before jumping to harbinger which was being treated as a mega server by the players.

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I mean, there should have been only a single server left after the last merge. Both servers are on the east coast now so having SS was stupid. Everyone just moved back to SF because most people were on those servers before jumping to harbinger which was being treated as a mega server by the players.


It wasnt even a logical business move to have two servers for the US based in the same data centre. Double the cost and splitting the population. It’s not like the new server hardware was ever going to be overloaded with such a small population.

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Star Wars license is the only thing that has kept this game alive honestly. If it was a new IP this MMO would have died years ago.


You won’t get any disagreement from me or probably anyone else. EA would have shut this down long ago like they did with Anthem if this wasn’t Star Wars.

Edited by Totemdancer
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