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New inventory literally hurts the eyes of people


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Worth noting that it's also less usable and presents an accessibility problem. It's far more difficult to tell how much space you have in your inventory at a glance than it used to be, and for apparently no reason.


If they're married to the new design, even a simple color tweak would make it way more usable: https://i.imgur.com/57LSc3R.png

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I highly dislike the new inventory look too (most of the new UI). The window takes up too much real-estate on my screen, the extra padding in between the cells is very disorienting, and the contrast of the colors kills my eyes. I much prefer the old look and not just for this but the character creation, class icons, character sheet, etc...
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It's honestly pretty amazing how easily it can hurt the eyes. The second time I looked at that side-by-side comparison, within seconds my right eye started to hurt from taking in the new inventory. (My left eye was in front of the old design and so had an easier time of it).


Also, I haven't always been quite sure why there's so many little dots and lines and patterns on UI windows and such... but now I 110% get it. The old inventory has a lot more life to it, compared to the empty black boxes of the new one which just looks bland in comparison. Things like this are small touches that make a pretty big difference in how immersed you are in a game.

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I am going to jump in here and add my agreement to this, on the off chance that it will make even the slightest bit of difference.

Of all of the changes that I have experienced so far, this is the absolute worst. I have no idea what is in my inventory, simply because it is too painful look at it.


Hopefully some kind of fix that eliminates, or at least massively tones-down the color, will be released quickly.

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The new UI is bad for the user experience - It doesn't match the game style, it's inconsistent, very uncomfortable to look at and difficult to see what is selected (example: the ability tree). I understand updates come with some bugs. I even understand little bits of story from now and them. But it's hard to justify a product to be delivered looking like an early beta version and a lot of already known bugs and problems. It's sad. :mad:
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I certainly don't like the UI either, and seeing some of the replies in here, I think my wave of dizzy nausea I had when I played yesterday is a mixed combination of the UI, the framerate stutters I experienced, and the ever wonky camera I've always dealt with, which feels even more wonky since returning.
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I know I sent in a bug report saying that the new Inventory/Cargo UI is PAINFUL to look at. The borders between spaces are TOO BRIGHT and it's very difficult to adjust your eyes to see what's a full or empty spot at times.


YES, some people do not have that issue - but not everyone sees things the same way (Remember the Blue/White/Black dress crap??). It also looks like every bug that was reported on the PTS (unclickable doors, being stuck behind shielding, and more!) was NEVER fixed in the 2-month delay.


But - this new UI is the absolute WORST!

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Worth noting that it's also less usable and presents an accessibility problem. It's far more difficult to tell how much space you have in your inventory at a glance than it used to be, and for apparently no reason.


If they're married to the new design, even a simple color tweak would make it way more usable: https://i.imgur.com/57LSc3R.png


Exactly this. The whole thing is an accessiblity issue.

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Agreed. I find the new Inventory window hard to look at, but my wife mentioned it bothered her eyes too. It's reminiscent of the "high contrast" setting available in Windows for people who have issues seeing shades and colors, but in Windows you only have to use it if you want to or need to. There should be a way to turn off those bright boxes in inventory and make it look more like it used to.
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I also hate the new UI for the inventory. Makes my eyes go all funny as if I'm looking at an optical illusion. Not to mention all the items in the boxes seem to have got smaller so it's harder to discern what certain things are, then, add on the little dots to the item and it's bloody terrible.
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The UI changes don't affect my gameplay at all, but I have to wonder.


How much time did they spend working on something that improved no one's experience and deeply harmed many people's experience? And why did they listen to absolutely none of the feedback on the PTS?

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My left eye has issues with viewing bright colors like White and this new inventory window. I keep it open too long I get ill a massive headache. BW did not change the other windows for ship, guild, and legacy storage, why then have the mucked up the inventory window. @Eric, @Chris, @Charles, fix this monumental mistake you've made. If you do not, I will be physically unable to play the game anymore due to this gaudy cyan blue you're using. I will have to unsub and will instruct my bank to CB the charge since I cannot play anymore.


How do you cope with planets like Hoth?

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The new UI is pretty horrible indeed and is wickedly bad on the eyes.

Seeing the old UI next to the new UI, I can't for the life of me understand how they ended up with the current design.

Fixing (or in this case, breaking) what wasn't broken to begin with is the name of the game these days.

Edited by jeffreydekogel
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I generally like the new UI layout. Takes some getting used to, but in the long run I tink it's better. But the grid in the inventory is really bad i.m.o.

I much prefer the thin hairlines of the old inventory.


Same or some background color or toning the bright blue down… No problems with anything else, but every time I open my inventory to look, I get horrible eye strain with all the blue boxes lined up, double that with inventory and bank opened at the same time to move things… Please, we are begging you, Please do something about this, it really is hurting people's eyes :(

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I agree with everyone here that it is tooooo bright. Someone in the dev design teams thinks adding white lights to every combat move, bomb and being all flashy is a good thing. IT IS NOT! It bothers my eyes and I already have migraines, thank you very much. I may have to dump this game and my sub if it continues. I have other games that I can play and pay just fine without all the flashy nonsense. Not that it matters to anyone but I've been a non-stop sub from day one and I question why... I Love SWTOR to pieces... come on guys. :rolleyes:
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Someone in the dev design teams thinks adding white lights to every combat move, bomb and being all flashy is a good thing. IT IS NOT!


Kinda off topic but fully agreed. Vengeful Slam was one of the few good animations on Jugg. Now my whole character disappears to some random super nova when I use it????? Ah well,I'm sure they'll just remove it come next expansion.

Edited by Stradlin
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Okay, so after reading this whole thread and many others aswell, my conclusion is that ALOT of agree that the new UI/Inventory/Character Sheet black background /Character creation black background is not an improvement for the better, rather and un unimprovement for the game. But how do we get the devs to listen? As many people in this thread has stated, the issue with the inventory was repeatedly being addressed by the community on the PTS feedback forum by MULTIPLE people before 7.0 went live, and the devs did not listen then, how in the heck are we going to make them listen now?!


Some people have literally canceled their subscriptions and quit the game for good because of this disaster 7.0 (Like this guy: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1001491 ) . I think if we ALL do everything we can to get the devs attention and bring these issues to them and if enough people do this, i think there is still hope we can get this resolved. Please dear players, use your fingers and make new threads in "suggestions" "general discussion" and even create tickets regarding this issue


:csw_vader:WE CAN DO IT:csw_jabba:

:csw_fett:Like a bantha!:csw_fett:


did i just say "use your fingers?"

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Also hurts my eyes. My sub was not recurring anyway, but I've already uninstalled, just thought I'd pop back in to add my voice to those whose eyes are hurt by the UI. I was squinting when I tried out the expansion yesterday dealing with it. It's not the only reason I uninstalled, but it's certainly a good one. There is no way in hell I'm "getting used to" (as some weirdos I've seen on reddit try to claim will happen) a UI that hurts my eyes to look at. There is no way I can immerse myself in a video game like that.


Far too late now, but they should have added UI color/style scheme customizing instead, with some base presets, like classic style and new style, as well as the ability to put together your own. That would have made far more sense than inflicting this literal eyesore on the playerbase.


Overall, 7.0 basically systemically dismantled everything that "play your way" put together and has left us with something most like the design of a mobile game that wouldn't even be fun as a mobile game. Like for all the flack mobile games rightfully get for their common business model, there are some that are actually fun. The most offensive (to the sensibilities) part of this expansion to me is that it doesn't even have a notably coherent design like some game changes do, as an excuse for its sweeping and unwanted changes. The closest thing I can recognize to a "theme" in its design is that the aim is to take things away and make people miserable.


And the design leads who should be out here either explaining themselves and standing by their design, or apologizing and going back and forth about what to do next, are nowhere to be found, presumably hoping they can wait it out until all the people who hate everything are gone, so the defenders can say "see, people got used to it" while they fudge population numbers and say that missing players are just because normal expansion hype died down. I prob won't be here then even as a reader. BW has very little time left to do something about how poor this "expansion" is before patience on the more patient people runs out. Some are already gone. But history would indicate they are organizationally incapable of moving quickly, ever, so the damage is prob going to just be done and they'll do some minor placating over months for whoever is left, then the budget will quietly be slashed even more when they fail to meet their profit targets.

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Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but there is a medical term for this that I suspect is at play here called "tryphophobia" (warning: the pictures may cause discomfort to some). It's more common than people think, and many people don't realize they suffer from it. However, almost any UI/UX engineer *should* be aware of it -- it's just not acceptable IMO to make this design error in 2022 and it should be immediately fixed....
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