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[Ruins of Nul: Story Mode] One Shot by Malgus


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When fighting Malgus on Elom when he goes to use Relentless Assault a second time it keeps instantly killing me when I'm pulled to him, I also noted that a lot of people were talking about this in general chat, making the new Flashpoint unfinishable. Edited by pbraden
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Just to piggyback on this thread, I'm doing the Secrets of the Enclave FP trying to finish Onslaught on this toon so I can start the new content. Graul wipes my followers and then I get about 10 adds that don't get damaged or stunned by my ground AOE.
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It's crazy how the devs have not responded to this yet considering this is a major bug with the update they just deployed. I also just saw a bug where someone said he got transported to the republic fleet when he changed his class from bounty hunter to vanguard/trooper. We all knew there would be bugs but some of this stuff should have been preventable considering they had 2+ more months than originally planned. Man I can only imagine how it would of been if they released in December like originally planned.
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I found a way to get past in Story Mode at least, I just had Lana and Rivix kill him while I hit behind a chunk of pillar that is there, this prevents him pulling me.


Sadly this don't work for me. I've tried a number of times and it don't work he go "Enough games" After about four minutes and then resets the encounter.

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I gave up after

  • dying from fall damage 12 times
  • Malgus reseting when I do manage to hide behind the pillar and avoid the fall damage
  • My companions disappear when I try to avoid the fall damage


Yep same here. none of the "work arounds" posted works for me he will reset the encounter.

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The ability Malgus uses is called Relentless Assault (pulls you and companion). When you land it shows that you were defeated by Fall Damage (0 damage).


It doesn't bug every time he uses it. Only some of the time which is even more frustrating as you never know when it's going to one shot you.


I've managed to get him to 35% once before getting hit with it and, of course, have to start the fight over. The real boss here is the programmers apparently.

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This may have already been mentioned, but I don't think it's a problem with Malgus himself (at least not the part where he pushes you through the floor) because I had multiple force user enemies in the flashpoint pull me through and under the map. It seems like it could be an issue with the map itself or the ground. I'm not sure because I was able to reliably not be instant killed by standing on the stone edge of the arena with my back to a pillar. At that point the only issue was my companions getting pushed or pulled through the floor and unable to heal me. Edited by Morriichan
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This may have already been mentioned, but I don't think it's a problem with Malgus himself (at least not the part where he pushes you through the floor) because I had multiple force user enemies in the flashpoint pull me through and under the map. It seems like it could be an issue with the map itself or the ground. I'm not sure because I was able to reliably not be instant killed by standing on the stone edge of the arena with my back to a pillar. At that point the only issue was my companions getting pushed or pulled through the floor and unable to heal me.


I had a few of the battledroids knock me through the floor with their pulse abilities.

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I am also experiencing this same bug. If the fall damage isn't killing me, however, I'm getting a message that I was defeated by myself using Force Barrier. But the damage reported is only a third of my totally HP, and I'm at full health when it hits me.
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I haven't been pushed through the floor yet, just automatically killed or reset to the med droid. The first boss did push me through the floor with its 50% knockback though. I can't even get the health stations to work. This entire flashpoint... Glad we got to test it, yeah? Edited by Octom
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Done it once on both sides so far and no death. Dumb question, are you sure you're running out of range of the red circles?


For me, I die as soon as I get yanked to him from fall damage before even having a chance to try moving.

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Same issue as everyone else. First pull or two you just fall to your death. Even more annoying is your comp doesn't always die from the pull and you're stuck watching for the next pull to yank you into the force barrier or the fight to reset...
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relentless assault is either one shotting my character or it is teleporting me to the med droid. in the instances of the teleport; the fight is still going (you can see malgus using the dash ability with the red arrows). when I approach Malgus will eventually use force pull to pull me through the shield. then the next relentless assault has always been a one shot.
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