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Game Update 7.0 - Legacy of the Sith Known Issues


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For me Keybinds have been fixed.




1) Loadouts don't work if gear is in bank and not inventory (high priority)

2) When deconstructing gear, the items received are shown dark (low priority)


Will keep updating if I find anything else.

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While running Ruins of Nul in story mode for the quest a ranphyx as well as a droid dropped a Thyrsian Production Accelerant. The droid was located close to the first key for the door. The ranphyx was in one of the first mob groups in the flashpoint. Would have expected a PvE item to drop like Decurion Isotope Stabilizers.

Apparently, the PvP currency is supposed to drop of mobs occasionally. So not a bug.

Edited by tfunk
Mistaken expectation
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I logged in after the update, but it froze after trying to swap characters. After that I couldn't get past the loading screen. A guildie recommend deleting the AppData Folder, after I did that, it worked. But the game was default low potato graphics, so I customized it a bit, to be a little better. cause while my computer is old, I still like some basics shading and texture. After doing that it I could play or a while but it then froze on me. Tried to get back in but couldn't get past loading screen. Been trying on and off to play for half a day to log on without having to delete that folder every time! Finally I saw a post in the "can't get past loading screen" thread who said the graphic setting were at fault. So I did what they said and just deleted the client setting in the AppData. I could get in and stay in iif left the graphics settings alone, and can now swap characters and so on with little to no problems. But now I'm stuck on really ugly low graphics, and that shouldn't have to be like that. I've been running the game with medium graphics without real problem for months and months, so to be stuck now on very low graphics to just play the game is not fun. :mad:
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I had the same issue listed here, but I was unable to fix it and my character is still stuck in that room.


During the mission "Fortification" rather than going back to where I accessed the Loader Bot, I instead switched places and got stuck in the room. It was easy for me to fix but might as well list it
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Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, so far I've found 2 problems in 2 different classes:


Scrapper: Setup shot (autocrit after using root ability) either doesn't work consistently or at all. Not all my following direct damage abilities seemed to autocrit.


Shadow: 2 cloaks tactical seems to be broken for me and some other people, with the second charge no appearing at all. I heard it works for others though. For me, I flipped my assassin to shadow on 7.0 launch.

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Most of you guys are able to play the new patch. A lot of us cannot even get there cos the Graul boss fight is bugged and your companions go afk after the first swarm at the start. Guess what dies next? So can't even play 7.0, BUT I am indeed paying my sub. Even after the Alder Lake chipset debacle! I am losing patience..........................

No doubt Bioware will cry when the player base drops off markedly with all these bugs! Good job guys, be proud of yourselves!

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I was really looking forward to the update and I’m still not done with it since I have classes and work in the way. But from what I’m seeing from other players is that a lot are disappointed, i personal,y like the ui but if the expansion isn’t really an expansion that makes me sad and feel like someone doesn’t care, the voice actors did their part, the animations look pretty great imo but the bugs and so little done ;/
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So are they gonna ignore Ruins of Nul being literally unplayable? Falling through the floor, one-shot relentless hits, etc. No? Just gonna cash out everyone's money and leave this burning trash as is? Cool - thanks Bioware


My question also. I can't believe this missed the known bugs list.

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I am on the Legacy of the Sith mission "Restoration" and my objective is to deactivate the jamming beacon. Every time I load in to this mission my character is shown under the map/ocean with a dark blue screen. There are enemies in the distance but if I move I die instantly and respawn at the same spot. I have tried resetting the mission, resetting local phase, relaunching the mission, and even travelling to Manaan manually. No matter what I do my character is stuck under the map. If I travel to Manaan manually there is nowhere for me to re-enter the mission from (I know I have to travel to the invasion zone and not regular Manaan). I have no idea what to do and I haven't seen anyone else report this bug.



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add another bug to the list, you can not unify the colors on companions and for the player himself there is only unify all colors or not at all.



i can not belive we gave these guys extra time and they even came out with an cinematic trailer and all, just to scew even the most simple things up.

I rely hope when 7.1 comes and that ASAP it will fix a large portion of the things they messed up bc when i look across all platfroms the only good reviews are on the cinematic trailer everywhere else its just awfull.

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Many items looted and/or in the inventory appear as an empty box with no textures. For instance I gain a chest piece: the icon has a green outline but the inside of this "box" is either very dark or is perhaps missing any textures. The same when I examine what my character is equipped with. Same items look as you would expect but others have no graphic.
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:( why on earth would you take away the ability of sage bubble, under cover/crouch, etc to heal a toon ... i have seen so much 'nerfing' & things taken away from us as of late and am quite disappointed ... and i know many others feel that way ... seriously considering not renewing, when the time comes
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I see people were complaining earlier in this thread that changing combat styles causes all your shortcuts to be reset to default *every single time*. This is true if you use "change combat style". But instead, you should simply set up a Load Out for each style. The load outs are saved and automatically load the correct combat style.


I wish we could have 1 button load out shortcuts on our quicklaunch. With field respec, you could quickly hotkey new loadouts very fast this way before each fight you could go in with basically 1 of 6 different styles (3 disciplines per class and 2 classes can all be a load out).

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I see people were complaining earlier in this thread that changing combat styles causes all your shortcuts to be reset to default *every single time*. This is true if you use "change combat style". But instead, you should simply set up a Load Out for each style. The load outs are saved and automatically load the correct combat style.


I wish we could have 1 button load out shortcuts on our quicklaunch. With field respec, you could quickly hotkey new loadouts very fast this way before each fight you could go in with basically 1 of 6 different styles (3 disciplines per class and 2 classes can all be a load out).


Actually it was also happening using the loadout as well. I found a work around on the loadout. I made an extra loadout for the other combat style and it worked but I shouldn't have had to make 3 loadouts for 2 styles so there is a bug that they knew about since it was on the PTS and it still did not get fixed.

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added to bugs and or issues with cartel / collections




regarding 3 rancor pets canyon rancor , mountain rancor and war rancor pets

all can not unlocked per collection . the cartel market symbol does nothing

meaning i own them i wanted to unlock for account and cartel market button doesn't do anything

all other pets are available to unlock for account as far i checked

Edited by KerryK
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So... *** is this "The “Technological Advancements” Mission is not scaled with the character’s level - Imperial characters." I didn't get the 34 charges after leveling to 80, grabbing the TEch Advance mission and then completing conquest. This is the answer from Cust Support::

"I reviewed your ticket and can see you have mentioned that you did not received the reward for your personal conquest that goes towards the Technological Achievements as the "Technological Achievements" Mission is not scaled with the character's leve - Imperial characters.

Please check the below link for more details:


It was an honor to assist you and I wish you a great journey in Galaxy!

Should you require assistance with any other issues in the future, please do no hesitate to contact us once again."

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Eight pages of people reporting the SAME GAME BREAKING bug MAYBE get it on the list Community managers!


The one i reported here: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10002421#post10002421 isn't exactly "game breaking" of course, but it still hasn't made it onto the Page 1 LIST either for some reason.


Can anyone test/confirm what i reported too? Just curious if maybe it's isolated only to MY toons or something i dunno :confused:

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My class buffs disappear in instances like WZ.


You made class buffs passives, great. And removed an ability to apply them. What's the catch? These buffs DISSAPEAR when I enter warzones. And there is no way to reapply then now.


My character is Mercenary/Operative, and most of the time when I enter warzone I'm missing either BH buff or Agent buff or both of them. This is not UI bug, the stats granted by the buffs are also missing. I've finished both classes stories btw. It happens with both combat styles, but more regularly on Operative.


Either remove buffs completely or return the ability to reapply them, I'm not playing any competitive content without these buffs.

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