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The anti-alt focus of 7.0 is not doing the game any favors


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The CQ system has been abused.


I can't think of how many times I've seen people on auto-follow during a rampage during Relics of the Gree as Defeat enemies 2 keeps appearing on my screen over and over.


The cq rewards have been abused in regards to people creating alts for the singular purpose of gaining and selling flagship plans. 50k cq was super easy to get on every toon.


As far as 'you" personally spending 60 million per week on crafting mats.. It only illustrates how inflation has been out of control.


I came back to the game in Mid Sept with 5 milion credits and turned that into several billion in a few months. #boring.


The system was being abused and did cause inflation as people farmed out large amounts of credits using a flawed system which DID lead to inflation.


I don't think you understand basic economics.


If I sell you a flagship plan for 3 million, I'm not generating three million worth of digital currency, neither are you. In that sense it's a closed system.


IOW players selling to players does not (in a closed system) create credits. Even if player C bought {WIDGET X} off of the CM and sells to player D, that's merely a transfer of credits between players (after EA gets their RW cut).


Even 36 alts, selling one flagship plan at 5 mil apiece, is only 180 m credits. That's not very much when certain (discontinued) items sell for 6 B.


CQ guilds running planets (or EV) for CQ don't generate a whole lot of credits. (I've tested it to disappointing results)

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I also believe that it is mainly due to inflation. The game has too many legit credit faucets and too few sinks. Thats before we even look at people historically using credit glitches.


I don't think that purely targeting cash inputs is a good idea though. Afaik there's no new credit sinks being implimented and several taken out. The credit sink that is Amplifiers and the GTN tax on trading Matrix.


How this 'We’re also planning on removing Solid Resource Matrix items from Conquest rewards and instead putting them on Jawa vendors available for purchase with Jawa Junk.' is going to help battle inflation baffles me. They should have removed the credit chips surely?


I feel that a system that taxes all goods traded for credits between accounts should be taxed in the same way as the GTN and the GTN should have a progressive taxation system in which higher value goods are sold for more.

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Crafting of course.

And of course I have over fifty level 50 companions :)


Right. But that's not "inflation", that's you buying or sending alts on missions (credit removal), creating something (time, even if you're on another toon), and hoping for a crit.


That's not inflation, that's Capitalism.




There is another mechanism in play. Credit generation from an un-named source or sources.

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If you need max operation gear to run heroics for conquest, maybe you should consider practicing more to get better at the game.


If you're one of the people who only does casual content, nothing will change for you. You can do all of the things that you do now. You do not need 330 gear for Dromund Kaas heroics.

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# of alts people have: "The average is 4"


I have 24 on Star Forge.

I have 33 on Satele Shan (that was because of server merger)

I have 14 on Darth Malgus

I have 16 on Leviathan

I have 13 on Tulak Horde.


The ones I have the most credits on is Tulak Horde, because they are fewer. None has more than 4 million credits.

That is where I have worked the most up to better armor.

The one where I've completed the story the most is Star Forge.

And I've been playing since 2013, took about a year break in 2015 for financial reasons, and then came back once I got back on my feet.

I do mostly solo content because of my work schedule, I don't have 8 hours a day to play. I would if I retired, but then I wouldn't have the money to pay for the things I want.. So it's a trade-off. And I consider I'm fairly typical player.

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No matter how you try to spin it, you always go back to the credits and rewards.


When I started this game (on launch day) they had no such systems and it was fine.


People farming cq to get flagship plans on 30 toons each week and selling each for 2 million is an abuse of the game


Flagship plans and Matrix farming aren't bad. Trading them, as long as its via the GTN, actually benefits the economy because the GTN charges 8% tax. Last night the encryptions were 3M each unit. If I sell 50 of them that's 150M credits however the game eats 12M credits and removes that from the economy thus reducing the amount of credits in game and fighting inflation.


The problem is the credit rewards for completing objectives and the credit chips. Both of those create credits out of thin air. Instead of giving credits and credit chips we need MORE tradable items and a mechanic to stop traders bypassing the GTN tax

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# of alts people have: "The average is 4"


I have 24 on Star Forge.

I have 33 on Satele Shan (that was because of server merger)

I have 14 on Darth Malgus

I have 16 on Leviathan

I have 13 on Tulak Horde.


The ones I have the most credits on is Tulak Horde, because they are fewer. None has more than 4 million credits.

That is where I have worked the most up to better armor.

The one where I've completed the story the most is Star Forge.

And I've been playing since 2013, took about a year break in 2015 for financial reasons, and then came back once I got back on my feet.

I do mostly solo content because of my work schedule, I don't have 8 hours a day to play. I would if I retired, but then I wouldn't have the money to pay for the things I want.. So it's a trade-off. And I consider I'm fairly typical player.


Sorry to break it to you, but having almost 100 alts with millions on each one is not typical whatsoever.

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If you need max operation gear to run heroics for conquest, maybe you should consider practicing more to get better at the game.


If you're one of the people who only does casual content, nothing will change for you. You can do all of the things that you do now. You do not need 330 gear for Dromund Kaas heroics.


Ha. Totes. I sometimes forget to equip my gear when swapping gear between alts and do base heroics with only a weapon equipped


Gear litterally doesn't matter in heroics other than speeds things up a bit

Edited by Potima_Wolf
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Ha. Totes. I sometimes forget to equip my gear when swapping gear between alts and do base heroics with only a weapon equipped


Gear litterally doesn't matter in heroics other than speeds things up a bit


I love Alts. And I’ll play some more now due to being able to, for example, play smuggler with a cannon. But after the origin story is complete, there isn’t much incentive to play more. Cause if the new stories are as bad as eternal throne, I’ll play once and then not care anymore.

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My point was that they build games that are created for the masses, not for small groups that consume large amounts of content.


The average person has a life, job, school, and family. They play a few hours in the evening after work or school.


The minority of people play 8+ hours a day and have tons of alts.


If you build it for a minority, you make the majority of people feel badly as they cannot compete against the minority.


It is clear that the system was being heavily abused by a minority of players.


Where is the line? Ask the devs for the data!


How many alts does the average player have? The devs normally do not change systems willy-nilly!

I prefer to rely on data but i would suspect the number is 4. :)

And they made it harder for those players who only play a few hours, which is in contradiction to your BS reasoning that it's about appealing to the masses... how many times do I have to say it until it clicks.

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The system was being abused and did cause inflation as people farmed out large amounts of credits using a flawed system which DID lead to inflation.

You know what is truly flawed? Being able to stuff like 100b into your legacy cargo. If you could store only 100m and carry only 100m etc. where would the prices be? Money caps are the only way to deal with an open economy where money will endlessly be generated. The influx just decides how fast you can run towards the caps, but the caps decide how far things can go. It is kind of funny that MMO game designers fall flat on their nose time and again with this 101 MMO game design problem. Even funnier is, that there were MMOs out there 20 years ago already who fully understood the underlying issue and consequently never had any true inflation. Which means regardless what process created the influx of money, it is in the system and it will only get more, so everything points continously upwards until the caps are reached. Obviously the GTN one has been hit already for a number of items, but others have more room upwards. Also, the least affected are the farmers; it is the normal players who will feel the impact the most, aside of new players.

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You may not need better gear for Dromund Kaas heroics, but you certainly do to complete Star Fortress Heroics.


This is 100% not true. This actually couldn't be further from the truth. When Star Fortresses came out, I solo'd all of them on hard mode using a Shadow in old PVP gear. As in all of my gear was filled with Expertise, a stat that did nothing in PVE content. It wasn't even hard.


So, once again, if you need max operation gear to run casual PVE content, keep practicing.

Edited by HaoZhao
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You know what is truly flawed? Being able to stuff like 100b into your legacy cargo. If you could store only 100m and carry only 100m etc. where would the prices be? Money caps are the only way to deal with an open economy where money will endlessly be generated. The influx just decides how fast you can run towards the caps, but the caps decide how far things can go. It is kind of funny that MMO game designers fall flat on their nose time and again with this 101 MMO game design problem. Even funnier is, that there were MMOs out there 20 years ago already who fully understood the underlying issue and consequently never had any true inflation. Which means regardless what process created the influx of money, it is in the system and it will only get more, so everything points continously upwards until the caps are reached. Obviously the GTN one has been hit already for a number of items, but others have more room upwards. Also, the least affected are the farmers; it is the normal players who will feel the impact the most, aside of new players.


That is really interesting. However, EA would have to institute some form of BoL vendor, (something I have advocated for for weeks now), that accepts credits only.


Say a limit (true limit) on carry and legacy credit. A limit that each month depreciates by a percentage.


Money velocity would be through the roof.

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This is 100% not true. This actually couldn't be further from the truth. When Star Fortresses came out, I solo'd all of them on hard mode using a Shadow in old PVP gear. As in all of my gear was filled with Expertise, a stat that did nothing in PVE content. It wasn't even hard.


So, once again, if you need max operation gear to run casual PVE content, keep practicing.


Star fortresses on release are nothing like they are now. They've been updated and made harder. your argument is invalid

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Star fortresses on release are nothing like they are now. They've been updated and made harder. your argument is invalid


I've beaten them in 6.0 and they are easier than ever because PVP gear isn't a thing anymore. I ran these in 4.0 using PVP gear from 3.0. In all of 6.0, they were a joke. lmao


No, my argument is still quite valid and you should practice more.

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I've beaten them in 6.0 and they are easier than ever because PVP gear isn't a thing anymore. I ran these in 4.0 using PVP gear from 3.0. In all of 6.0, they were a joke. lmao


No, my argument is still quite valid and you should practice more.

Understanding that other people are not all at your same skill level and the game shouldn't revolve around how good you are is incredibly easy to empathize on. Get on my level, nub. Practice that empathy more.

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I've beaten them in 6.0 and they are easier than ever because PVP gear isn't a thing anymore. I ran these in 4.0 using PVP gear from 3.0. In all of 6.0, they were a joke. lmao


No, my argument is still quite valid and you should practice more.


I never stated I had issues with them. My argument was that when they were first released they were super easy, which they were. But since then they have been updated and are far more difficult for newer or inexperienced players. And way to use a shadow... just mob skip everything lol. not everyone uses stealth

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Understanding that other people are not all at your same skill level and the game shouldn't revolve around how good you are is incredibly easy to empathize on. Get on my level, nub. Practice that empathy more.


Heroic content is meant to be completed with a group. If you're good at the game, you can solo this content, however. Group content shouldn't revolve around people wanting to solo it even though they don't really know what they're doing.


I never stated I had issues with them. My argument was that when they were first released they were super easy, which they were. But since then they have been updated and are far more difficult for newer or inexperienced players. And way to use a shadow... just mob skip everything lol. not everyone uses stealth

No, 6.0 was the easiest form of this game, ever. 6.0 super juiced everyone with tacticals, the strongest set bonuses of all time, and amplifiers. There was never a point where Star Fortresses were easier than they were in 6.0. If you found them hard, you need to practice more. Keep at it. You'll get there. I also question if you've ever beaten this content based on your post here. Being in stealth allows you to skip some trash. All of the encounters that an inexperienced player might consider hard are scripted encounters that cannot be avoided. lol

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Heroic content is meant to be completed with a group. If you're good at the game, you can solo this content, however. Group content shouldn't revolve around people wanting to solo it even though they don't really know what they're doing.



No, 6.0 was the easiest form of this game, ever. 6.0 super juiced everyone with tacticals, the strongest set bonuses of all time, and amplifiers. There was never a point where Star Fortresses were easier than they were in 6.0. If you found them hard, you need to practice more. Keep at it. You'll get there. I also question if you've ever beaten this content based on your post here. Being in stealth allows you to skip some trash. All of the encounters that an inexperienced player might consider hard are scripted encounters that cannot be avoided. lol


lol right cause you couldn't run ahead and stealth out of combat (and literally only fight the bosses)... but you must be right I've never completed said content. nope only the great HaoZhao and his condescending attitude

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lol right cause you couldn't run ahead and stealth out of combat (and literally only fight the bosses)... but you must be right I've never completed said content. nope only the great HaoZhao and his condescending attitude


Star Fortress trash is just that... trash. No encounter that can be skipped in Star Fortress is a threat. If I can beat the bosses in 3.0 PVP gear, what exactly is your point? You don't know. You're just bitter and lashing out. lol

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