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Items that will be removed at 7.0


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I don't think FUN is a part of 7.0 "philosophy".

Lol, patch notes are gonna be like:


- Fixed an issue where players were enjoying themselves too much. In the words of Davik Kang, "Sorry! But that ain't gonna happen." (Davik's left sock now available for purchase in the CM)

- Known issues: things that make players want to uninstall the game. We are looking into a fix for 2-3 of these issues with 8.0 release.


Thank you for your patience while we maintain what's left of Star Wars The Old Republic .

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(1) Because the NiM raiders they talk to in Discord (yes, that's a thing) weren't getting enough sales, or were whining that we plebes were seeing NiM content, or we plebes were getting the same gear. Or a combination.


Obviously, chatting in Discord is a thing (why wouldn't it be? There's discords for everything)... and Devs can be found in a lot of discords, not just raiders (most often just lurking or just there due to the one time they joined and not monitoring the convo at all). When they do (rarely) interact, they usually comment on a topic of discussion... or just note issues the people there are having. Raiders about things that pertain to ops balance and such (not sales); PvP'ers stuff regarding PvP balance/issues, and other players topics in their wheelhouse, all to do recon and help them improve the game for everyone. They're even in some casual discords for more general topics, though (again) most of the time they're just lurking in all of these (or just there, but not watching/responding at all), not actively watching or discussing anything.

IIRC most of the latest info from Chris came out of the theory crafters discord (nothing to do with raiding, just people enjoying hunting down optimized gear/rotations/etc for various classes in various situations)... which makes sense; you don't take feedback from the soccer mom about engine issues when pushed too hard- you ask the race car driver. The soccer mom isn't pushing the car anywhere close to the limit, and the most she can comment on is needing more cup holders (nothing to do with the engine) or wanting an automatic transmission (nothing to do with the issue you're trying to actually fix/alter).


To your other assumptions (and I'm gonna be brutally honest here, since you're making leaps that'd make Olympic athletes jealous), though I will preface by saying I don't really mind them being removed UNLESS it also means they'll OP us to near perma-crystal levels as the dev post worryingly alluded;


The only issues raiders had with "plebes getting the same gear" were when the method to gearing directly screwed raiders (or pvp'ers) over, such as was the case in 5.0.0 and the RNG mess that meant raiders could go weeks without the gear needed to do Ops (the stuff they wanted) so that the average player had a good grind (while doing the stuff they would normally) since gear became a goal. They also have issues with players thinking they NEED gear they really don't, as it encourages bad habits, needless grinding and more entitlement/resentment all around.


Personally, I WILL say making the 'best' gear available to all did a net disservice to casual/new players, both by setting a long grind before them AND by making said grind a pre-requisite tp doing more challenging content, where it really shouldn't be. That's a disservice TO casual/new players though, and one that only impacts raiders in that new raiders take longer to try (and when they do, are less likely to fix easy flaws better gear hides for a time, so bad habits become harder to unlearn).

In 4.0 I tried SM ops in green 208 gear (think 270 by 6.0 standards) and that was FINE, because that's what the bosses were tuned to (and still are, the equivalent of)... but now anyone NOT in 306 will be nagged out of of many pugs for SM ops for being a perceived carry/sandbag specifically BY other players who are under the same misconception. A misconception directly resulting from a dissociation of gear from content, meaning there's no clear "you're meant to be able to do this in ___" so everyone defaults to "get best, then start".

Sorry, but no, your really DO NOT need 306 gear to run around doing heroics, nor do you need it to do SM ops, and in the past raiders would carry a non-raiding set for dailies/open world stuff just to save on repair costs (back when the economy wasn't shot to all hell), saving the 'good gear' for when they actually needed it (Ops).


As for your idea that this removal of crystals somehow boosts sales... as someone who actually DOSE sales, I can assure you the chief complaint across the board is how long the wait list is for buyers; not how anyone's hurting for sales. Hell, if anything people get turned away or sales get canceled/postponed due to raiders not being available.

NO ONE is itching for more sales, and no dev would cater to raid selling teams to encouraging players to buy content (it neither benefits the devs in CC/sub time/etc, nor encourages more capable raiders for the players to enjoy playing with... and sellers are raiders first, and sell as a side-hustle because ops themselves aren't profitable). Hell, sales discords often link to each other, just to try and mitigate the "what do you MEAN I need to wait weeks to get my run ?!?" complaints.


I also love how you think there's a TON of 'raiders' doing NiM using crystals though (and only able to do NiM because of crystals ) outside of sales, but that the lack of crystals will somehow boost sales. Crystals are not how someone gets better or sees content they couldn't before. Even with crystals, "plebs" (sic) aren't getting to see NiM content, because even crystals aren't enough to make NiM one-shots survivable, or the content doable to those woefully unprepared.... and those 'close enough' would rather learn/fix their issues than use a 'cheat' by popping a crystal which makes the run basically a self-sponsored messy sale.


If anything, all taking crystals away will do is just concentrate who is capable of selling (fewer sellers capable of doing the under-manned runs, esp the 'hard' ones), and make sales WAY more expensive (since they'll require more effort and likely extra pulls or even attempts for timers plus there'll be fewer people to accomodate the same buyer load)... while at the same time removing a major source of income from many a conquest guild that bulk sell encryptions used to craft the damn things.


Clarification for non-raiders;

Most raiders don't have the schematics until/unless they get into selling runs, and will be totally unfazed by this removal.

ANYONE buying achievements isn't a raider in the eyes of the raiding community as a whole* - those who buy are usually casual/RP/etc players who just want the cool wings or Dread Master Crest, Revanchist title,etc and have no interest in Ops or putting in the effort to earn those legitimately. Those working their way through NiM who get stuck DO NOT become buyers; they reach out and ask for help or work through their issues and adjust.


And yes, it's very easy to tell and very easy to verify. Likewise, the community sees using crystals to get achievements (as opposed to in sales, where you're under-manned) as cheating, and will essentially see you as buyers or 3.0 raiders, and you'll likely have to work twice as hard to prove your worth if you try and join reputable guilds/teams...

This has been true since the crystals were introduced.




* Yeah... there's an odd exception made when someone otherwise established and with 8m chivis buys a 16m run or two due to comp limitations/friends unwilling to do 16m for various reasons, but that's beside the point.

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Sorry, but no, your really DO NOT need 306 gear to run around doing heroics, nor do you need it to do SM ops, and in the past raiders would carry a non-raiding set for dailies/open world stuff just to save on repair costs (back when the economy wasn't shot to all hell), saving the 'good gear' for when they actually needed it (Ops).



That is true, indeed. It's not needed but it is very NICE to have.


However, what i think is the general idea behind EVERYTHING those changes in 7.0 is the fact that players were able to REACH the "ultimate" state of gear WITHOUT doing NiM Ops and ranked PvP.


I think Bioware just have decided that it was "all too easy" for casuals to gear up themselves (incl. all the alts) in 306, just by doing Conquest and whatnot, but NOT NiM Operations.


It gave the "safety pillow" that one potentially COULD attempt the hard content and at least NOT be shunned by those "professional raiders" for gear level.

Yes, I KNOW, gear is not everything, you need to know tactics and mechanics, I know, I know!


But before it was tactics, mechanics, AND gear, in 6.0 it was only tact and mechs.


So now that option of sort of acomplishment is taken away from casual/solo players.


This is what Bioware is doing, they simply bring the grind back to its origins + they remove some useful abilities for some classes + they remove nice extras in terms of tacticals. (I have no ide why the take away the "Go, to sleep" since it was mostly useful for SOLO players, not groups.


it is all going back to the drawing table.


Personally I have absolutely NO NEED or wish to run the grinding wheel anymore whatever form that grind has.

I have reached top levels, I have done all content on all classes and specs, now I wanted to simply ENJOY the game, but again it is taken away from me.

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Hi everyone,


In order to help players prepare for Legacy of the Sith, we wanted to let you know about what will be happening to items that will be removed at the launch of 7.0. This serves as a general clean up of items that were tied to Renown, Social Points, and 6.0 gearing. The following items will be converted into credits upon the player logging in after 7.0 maintenance. All the items listed below will be converted to 100 credits unless otherwise noted.


As mentioned previously, if you want to keep the contents of your Renown Caches, please open them before 7.0 launches. Otherwise, they will be converted into 100 credits.



  • Second Contract
  • Energized Blade
  • Powerlode
  • Slow Mercy
  • Missile Backblast
  • Rocket Fuel Vapors
  • Thermonuclear Fusion
  • Magnetized Shrapnel
  • Grievous Wounds
  • Higher Focus
  • Frenzied Power
  • Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep!
  • Artistic Insights
  • Technical Debt
  • Fanged God Form

Renown items:

  • Renown Cache
  • Chapter Renown Trophy Small/Medium/Large
  • Bonus Chapter Renown Trophy Small/Medium/Large
  • World Boss Renown Trophy Medium/Large
  • Exploration Renown Trophy
  • Flashpoint Renown Trophy Very Small/Small/Medium/Large
  • Bonus Flashpoint Renown Trophy Small/Small/Medium/Large
  • Bonus Renown Trophy
  • Badge of Renown - 5000 Credits
  • Operation Renown Trophy Small/Small/Medium/Large
  • Bonus Operation Renown Trophy Small/Small/Medium/Large
  • Uprising Renown Trophy Small/Small/Medium/Large
  • Bonus Uprising Renown Trophy Small/Small/Medium/Large


  • Minor/Major Social Boost
  • Complimentary Minor/Major Social Boost (Major - 800 credits)
  • Renown Boost - 1000 credits
  • 5-Pack: Renown Boost
  • Complimentary Renown Boost
  • Superior Renown Boost
  • 5-Pack: Superior Renown Boost


  • Token of the Cordial
  • Token of the Sociable - 5000 credits
  • Crystal of Nightmare Fury
  • Schematic: Crystal of Nightmare Fury
  • Command Boost Tier 1/Tier 2/Tier 3



Serious question: Is Bioware TRYING to kill the game?


Between this, the delayed launch with zero notice, the Kai Zykken issues, the game not even launching for people using ROG laptops for the past week, the sudden cash grab thrown out for 7.0, etc.


I hope this doesn't become the case, because that's what it looks like you're doing.

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Serious question: Is Bioware TRYING to kill the game?


Between this, the delayed launch with zero notice, the Kai Zykken issues, the game not even launching for people using ROG laptops for the past week, the sudden cash grab thrown out for 7.0, etc.


I hope this doesn't become the case, because that's what it looks like you're doing.


Kill? No.


Sunset? Yes.


As I posted on another thread about days ago, it's not that SWTOR doesn't make money - it does. SWTOR doesn't make ENOUGH money.


Combine EA's loss of exclusivity with new SW's games coming down the pike. Next throw in Disney's licensing fee (negotiated on an annual or for a set time period), with past and expected revenues from SWTOR, and EA has a decision to make.


Do they continue to mis-manage this game earning (significantly) less than it should be (Read the financials), or do they pull the plug? Again, the situation goes back to SWTOR doesn't make ENOUGH money.


Or do they take the middle road - milk the game for all its got (CM market), until EA's income drops below a certain threshold, at which point, they'll wrap things up. (Remember in the interview, the gentleman said, "We've got plans for the next year." NOT we've got plans for the next few YEARS)


I do hate to be the bearer of bad news because I understand how attached people get to their MMO characters into which they've devoted significant hours of playtime. (RIP all my WoW Dwarves)

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As Ghost said 10 pages ago, the only people who like these changes are NiM raiders.


Honestly, we generally don't.

We're just used to making the best of what we get, or moving on to another game for a while as we wait for things to get less annoying/bad.


Sales are a nice way to earn credits without grinding, and we're quite annoyed over how some of the changes will make some bosses/classes improperly work... nut in the end they're a side hustle, and not our primary game mode.


The ability pruning only favors players who dislike how there's "too many moves" while making it harder for new players to really master their toolkit (since at no time do you actually HAVE your whole toolkit), meaning less obvious uses for moves will become even less known.


The majority of these changes, such as Loadouts, are also annoying to us, and are plainly a solo/RP thing so people can enjoy doing the BH story with a rifle or whatever combo they've long-wanted but couldn't get.

It makes it harder to swap specs quickly, especially for those with long load times. Where before we could at LEAST swap specs between bosses we will now have to zone out to even do that... and the idiotic approach to always-saving changes means we can't even make "boss X loadout" without it constantly getting destroyed by changes between bosses OR having to zone to swap them. Even putting gear away to use on toons removes it from the damn loadout.

Even the second class is a non-issue since any raider has plenty of alts, and if anything the ability to swap means titles earned on certain classes aren't as impressive as they were before (cuz you might have just done it on the other class, etc).


Gearing I think is good for players, for reasons I have stated... but it doesn't change things for us. It'll be best for those wanting to get into ops or pvp or other stuff, as it'll remove the pre-grind and demands to do a long (needless) grind to start trying out fun stuff, but it's human nature to want the best stuff which is why the issue exists.

[spoilers; 306 gear was gold due to rating, but stat-wise it was green, maybe blue at best, depending on how you tweaked it... making the whole quality system meaningless (but hey, it looked pretty and everyone could claim best 306 gear. Some people even called unaug'd, non-moddable drop gear "BiS" because 306 gold. 7.0 is just being less dishonest]

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That is true, indeed. It's not needed but it is very NICE to have.


However, what i think is the general idea behind EVERYTHING those changes in 7.0 is the fact that players were able to REACH the "ultimate" state of gear WITHOUT doing NiM Ops and ranked PvP.


I think Bioware just have decided that it was "all too easy" for casuals to gear up themselves (incl. all the alts) in 306, just by doing Conquest and whatnot, but NOT NiM Operations.

That's a fallacy players fell for.


306 gear, the kind dropping from conquest, etc, esp the non-moddable stuff a LOT of players stuck with was no-where near "ultimate" or even 'good'.

It wasn't until I argued over Legacy bays and 7.0 being alt-friendly (one gear set works for all, no need to stock 6 pieces per class) that it became apparent how wide-spread "BiS = 306" was... or how many players made a non-moddalbe set for each alt to prevent having to swap gear.

The 306 gear that dropped was gold because of rating, not quality. That gear is green quality, if anything... with the moddable versions spanning the quality field and making it way harder to actually make sense of the gear due to too many (mostly meh or bad) options clogging up inventories.


BW tried for two expansions to keep gear dissociated from content and linked to RNG hell. The result was groups demanding the 'best' (aka, highest rating, stats be damned) gear for entry-level content, making it HARDER for new/casual players to get into an odd FP or GF op.


I get wanting the best gear, I really do, but I also want a nice new sportscar despite it likely killing me if I tried to drive it.

While this is a game and it's different than RL "you can't have everything you want" mantras, it still holds true that what we want and what's best for us (the game as a whole if not the individual player) isn't aligned... and I'm honestly NOT coming at this from an elitist "I want to hog the best gear" PoV, but one of remembering how I got INTO Ops, and how I never would have tried them had I been told "grind gear, then come try this" that I see GF plagued with now.


A player who doesn't play more than a few hours a week shouldn't feel pressured to do a huge grind like the 270-306 was, just to START participating or feel they're ready to. With this, you do conquest on one toon and can buy 320 (assuming it holds from PTS)... and that 320 is perfectly fine to go into a GF op or vet FP and so on. And since SM ops gear only GOES to 322 greens hopefully the community will realize that 320 (or at worst 322) is what they can possibly logically ask for in a player wanting to do that.

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Sigh I just spend way too much time getting 6000 tech fragments to replace two of my tacticals. Pretty bitter right now that I STILL need 6000 to replace the other two.


Seriously, not giving us a cache with 1m credit and 3000 tech fragments for every tactical going away is extremely lame.


And I still don't know what to get for my carnage marauder either.

Edited by Pricia
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Sigh I just spend way too much time getting 6000 tech fragments to replace two of my tacticals. Pretty bitter right now that I STILL need 6000 to replace the other two.


Seriously, not giving us a cache with 1m credit and 3000 tech fragments for every tactical going away is extremely lame.


And I still don't know what to get for my carnage marauder either.


Still think BioWare are doing right by everyone? Glad (but not really) that you’ve finally caught up or found that F point the rest us have discovered towards BioWares terrible changes / choices with 7.0. Everyone has a F point and it seems BioWare wants to make sure everyone reaches theirs at some point during the next month. This doesn’t bode well for the game when one of its staunchest supporters the last few months is now throwing shade on them. It would seem my predictions months ago about 7.0 causing a mass subscriber exodus are about to come to fruition in the near future. I sure hope those poor guys at BioWare just following orders have their resumes up to date. Cause you can guarantee those in charge of this mess will just get moved sideways into another project or even promoted (aka Ben Irving style).

So long swtor, I did love you well. It’s such a shame to see you go out like this. You deserved better.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Kill? No.


Sunset? Yes.


As I posted on another thread about days ago, it's not that SWTOR doesn't make money - it does. SWTOR doesn't make ENOUGH money.


Combine EA's loss of exclusivity with new SW's games coming down the pike. Next throw in Disney's licensing fee (negotiated on an annual or for a set time period), with past and expected revenues from SWTOR, and EA has a decision to make.


Do they continue to mis-manage this game earning (significantly) less than it should be (Read the financials), or do they pull the plug? Again, the situation goes back to SWTOR doesn't make ENOUGH money.


Or do they take the middle road - milk the game for all its got (CM market), until EA's income drops below a certain threshold, at which point, they'll wrap things up. (Remember in the interview, the gentleman said, "We've got plans for the next year." NOT we've got plans for the next few YEARS)


I do hate to be the bearer of bad news because I understand how attached people get to their MMO characters into which they've devoted significant hours of playtime. (RIP all my WoW Dwarves)

Maybe along the lines of what you're saying here, they are being asked to meet financial targets they can no longer meet with the resources they are allocated (which are not nearly enough) and so they are desperately trying to meet those targets by running on fumes, but the only way they can come up with to do that is to change the game in ways that makes things worse. So it's just a feedback loop of awfulness that ends up looking like sabotage.


But yeah, I really think people who anticipate they will still enjoy the game after 7.0 should be thinking carefully about what they haven't done yet that they still want to do because this game may not have much left in it and I don't want people to be shocked thinking they had all the time in the world to get it done. Ideally, the sunset of this game will be it getting token maintenance long into the future, or it will get turned into something people can do with co-op or offline, but you never know with EA what they will pull. They aren't exactly compelled by ethics.

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Ideally, the sunset of this game will be it getting token maintenance long into the future, or it will get turned into something people can do with co-op or offline, but you never know with EA what they will pull. They aren't exactly compelled by ethics.


It's funny, a few days ago I suggested BW were minimizing the expansion and cutting features as a means of slashing expenses -- this resulting from Disney shunning EA in favor of UbiSoft owing to the latter's ability to produce an open world, next generation Star Wars milieu. One individual compared my supposition to Qanon conspiracy mongering.


I'm still inclined to believe putting off the initial 7.0 launch and subsequent making 7.0 more of a contraction than expansion has a fair amount to do with EA telling BW to slash overhead. In near future, we're likely to see the game being quietly place on autopilot as BW staff are laid off or redirected to other projects. Sunsetting, yes, but EA will want to milk the diehards until the bitter end.

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It's funny, a few days ago I suggested BW were minimizing the expansion and cutting features as a means of slashing expenses -- this resulting from Disney shunning EA in favor of UbiSoft owing to the latter's ability to produce an open world, next generation Star Wars milieu. One individual compared my supposition to Qanon conspiracy mongering.


I'm still inclined to believe putting off the initial 7.0 launch and subsequent making 7.0 more of a contraction than expansion has a fair amount to do with EA telling BW to slash overhead. In near future, we're likely to see the game being quietly place on autopilot as BW staff are laid off or redirected to other projects. Sunsetting, yes, but EA will want to milk the diehards until the bitter end.

Good points and yeah, I wasn't thinking about how the store would compel them to keep it going to get some easy revenue continuing to come in, even if they aren't updating it anymore. I guess the only question there would be if there are issues with renewing the license when the current one runs out, but they can probably negotiate a token license to keep it running if need be, even if they aren't updating it anymore.

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That's a fallacy players fell for.


306 gear, the kind dropping from conquest, etc, esp the non-moddable stuff a LOT of players stuck with was no-where near "ultimate" or even 'good'.


I've never seen a single person claim the static Onderon gear was BiS. However, I have seen many people claim unoptimized modded set gear is though. And guess what? they were almost always the exact same people who claim getting to BiS was way too fast and are advocates for locking BiS away from casual players. They conveniently ignore two things, even when they are pointed out to them. 1. Unoptimized gear is not BiS and Dxun had exclusive gear. 2. Different playstyles gear up at vastly different speeds. A lot of players "stuck" with unmodded gear because that is as far as they got on the treadmill.


The only issues raiders had with "plebes getting the same gear" were when the method to gearing directly screwed raiders (or pvp'ers) over, such as was the case in 5.0.0 and the RNG mess that meant raiders could go weeks without the gear needed to do Ops (the stuff they wanted) so that the average player had a good grind (while doing the stuff they would normally) since gear became a goal.


You aren't speaking for all raiders. There have been plenty of raiders posting in favor of the 7.0 gear changes who want casual players blocked from BiS gear simply so they can feel exclusive, and that it has noting to do with needing the better gear for the raids themselves. They can only get motivated to raid if they can have exclusive gear for showing off.


Blaming RNG on casual players getting access to BiS is just bizarre. The two aren't linked in any way, shape or form.


Sorry, but no, your really DO NOT need 306 gear to run around doing heroics


This is another point that many raiders keep twisting around. No, we don't need 306 to COMPLETE heroics, but we do need it to complete them EFICIENTLY. Players are being herded into doing ancient content for the thousandth time and 7.0 doubles down on that. The better the gear, the faster the grind for ALL content. Why should casual/solo players have to take 2x longer grinding heroics than raiders? Also, MM chapters do need top end gear as does soloing MM flashpoints.

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Kill? No.


Sunset? Yes.


As I posted on another thread about days ago, it's not that SWTOR doesn't make money - it does. SWTOR doesn't make ENOUGH money.


Combine EA's loss of exclusivity with new SW's games coming down the pike. Next throw in Disney's licensing fee (negotiated on an annual or for a set time period), with past and expected revenues from SWTOR, and EA has a decision to make.


Do they continue to mis-manage this game earning (significantly) less than it should be (Read the financials), or do they pull the plug? Again, the situation goes back to SWTOR doesn't make ENOUGH money.


Or do they take the middle road - milk the game for all its got (CM market), until EA's income drops below a certain threshold, at which point, they'll wrap things up. (Remember in the interview, the gentleman said, "We've got plans for the next year." NOT we've got plans for the next few YEARS)


I do hate to be the bearer of bad news because I understand how attached people get to their MMO characters into which they've devoted significant hours of playtime. (RIP all my WoW Dwarves)


One last additional thing to take into account.


This is the last Legends Star Wars property and, if you go back to interviews done during the middle of the Sequel Trilogy, Disney was showing open scorn towards the idea of continuing Legends properties. This is why, despite Disney proclamations at the beginning of allowing Legends properties to continue, they only allowed a handful of books to be published to placate the fans and Dark Horse to keep the comic license another year and change so they wouldn't repeat the Clone Wars mistake of cancelling the previous property before they were ready to come out with their own.


As I've pointed out, even the KOTOR remake "is going to be brought in line with modern-day sensibilities and the current Disney Canon". While I've said that doesn't make it a bad thing, it shows how Disney feels about Legends canon.


So what does this mean for SWTOR?


Best case scenario: They're not going to cut EA any breaks on the cost of the license.


Worse case scenario: The Mouse has already told EA that they're not getting the license approved for any Legends canon games which means that SWTOR is on the chopping block regardless of what is going to be offered or said.


Ultimately, I'm kinda over the whole 7.0 thing. After taking a week or two off so they can iron out launch bugs, I'm going to bang out the rest of the BH story as well as making a Consular and finishing their story. (Thusly fulfilling the promise I made myself long ago when I first starterd.) I'll send the Warrior or the Warrior and the Trooper through the new content.


After that......

Que Sera, Sera.

Whatever will be, will be.

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I get wanting the best gear, I really do, but I also want a nice new sportscar despite it likely killing me if I tried to drive it. While this is a game and it's different than RL "you can't have everything you want" mantras, it still holds true that what we want and what's best for us (the game as a whole if not the individual player) isn't aligned...


As another sidenote; people who paying the same sub and playing the same amount of time should be able to obtain the same rewards. And gear as such should not even be a reward, its a tool. The reward NiM Raiders get, are exclusive mats, mounts, titles and so on.


The thing is, gear could be very encouraging. I know players who, if they have maxed out their toons feel confident enough to try harder content. Before that it is like "Oh I think play bad and have bad gear, no thanks." Obtainable gear is a way to get more player into harder group content.


And unmodable gear for everyone outside NiM is insulting. The way BW sets stats atm on static gear - most classes would not even reach the stats they need to do a proper rotation.

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Still think BioWare are doing right by everyone? Glad (but not really) that you’ve finally caught up or found that F point the rest us have discovered towards BioWares terrible changes / choices with 7.0. Everyone has a F point and it seems BioWare wants to make sure everyone reaches theirs at some point during the next month. This doesn’t bode well for the game when one of its staunchest supporters the last few months is now throwing shade on them. It would seem my predictions months ago about 7.0 causing a mass subscriber exodus are about to come to fruition in the near future. I sure hope those poor guys at BioWare just following orders have their resumes up to date. Cause you can guarantee those in charge of this mess will just get moved sideways into another project or even promoted (aka Ben Irving style).

So long swtor, I did love you well. It’s such a shame to see you go out like this. You deserved better.


I was never happy with 7.0. I was glad they listened to my main issue (no drops for solo players) and don't think that delaying the weapons in outfitter is a HUGE deal, but I still hate the CQ changes and the idea of playing without 110% accuracy and with gear upgrades that have worse stats than 306 gear.

Still not 100% sure of where I stand with playing all my characters from now on. It took me 20 hours to get 100k CQ points on all of them and that was without being forced into certain content for GS2 and gear upgrades. But I'll need the tech fragments too... I'm dreading having to wait on respawns and clickies with 20 other people. I really hope they changed that too.

Still really looking forward to the story though. It seems that most of the people who are unsubscribing are people who don't care for it that much.

Edited by Pricia
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BW tried for two expansions to keep gear dissociated from content and linked to RNG hell. The result was groups demanding the 'best' (aka, highest rating, stats be damned) gear for entry-level content, making it HARDER for new/casual players to get into an odd FP or GF op.


I remember in the 1.0 days when people insisted not only that people already have gear before being accepted to ops, but also needed to know the fights. This was not a new thing with the introduction of command and renown crates. The only thing that the crates allowed for was a path for gearing that solo players could utilize to get gear too. Like many people, I disliked the rng aspect of this, and I remember how it took a while before BioWare capitulated and came up with a way for us to select our gear without suffering the pitfalls of a pure rng system.


I also remember gearing up new raid members with 220 gear in a couple of hours, and how gear at that level was easy to obtain, and how in those days, the object of having the gear was to make the game more fun.


I don't get why people argue against letting others have fun by limiting the gear rating that they are able to obtain. I don't understand why people think that every expansion should include a gear grind that limits people ability to do certain content even though they have already done the gear grind in past expansions.


How many times dose a person have to earn their gear though unnecessary grinds to make people who like gear grinds realize that not all people think like them? Some people just want to play the game to have fun, and for a lot of those people the gear grind treadmill is not fun.

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Hi everyone,


In order to help players prepare for Legacy of the Sith, we wanted to let you know about what will be happening to items that will be removed at the launch of 7.0. This serves as a general clean up of items that were tied to Renown, Social Points, and 6.0 gearing. The following items will be converted into credits upon the player logging in after 7.0 maintenance. All the items listed below will be converted to 100 credits unless otherwise noted.


As mentioned previously, if you want to keep the contents of your Renown Caches, please open them before 7.0 launches. Otherwise, they will be converted into 100 credits.


Renown items:

  • Badge of Renown - 5000 Credits


  • Complimentary Minor/Major Social Boost (Major - 800 credits)
  • Renown Boost - 1000 credits


  • Token of the Sociable - 5000 credits



What will happen to Bonus CXP Consumables and Command Crates in general, what's the conversion rate to credits


command exp consumables: https://i.imgur.com/pJsO7c9.png

Edited by Falensawino
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How many times dose a person have to earn their gear though unnecessary grinds to make people who like gear grinds realize that not all people think like them? Some people just want to play the game to have fun, and for a lot of those people the gear grind treadmill is not fun.


This is one of the reasons I no longer do raiding - the endless gear grind. You spend countless hours maximizing gear, learning fights, farming for consumables, memorizing rotations (to the point of muscle memory). Then along comes an "expansion" that raises the level and everything you just did for however long it takes you to gear up; gets taken away in order to keep you shelling out cash. I don't mind giving a company my money providing they are giving me entertainment but at the same time, I don't want to be locked in the basement on a gear grinding treadmill. Invalidating everything players just earned is a horrible way to say "thanks for sticking around".

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OMG, the entitlement in this thread...


Most of you complainers treat this like a job. It's not. This is a game you play for fun. Period.


I've been off and on since beta and I agree that updates have not all been pretty. Balance has been horrible at times. Itemization has been confusing. Communication from the team has been poor more often than not. We went for years without a roadmap, then we had one, now we don't. I get it. It could be better.


FYI, the customer is not always right, particularly when there are thousands of customers and many different competing viewpoints.


I agree that refunding 100 credits for something that cost 1M is ridiculous, insulting, and dare I say offensive. But whatever. Nobody said the world is fair. My life will go on. The good news is that you have a choice.




Ok let me explain the basics of what is going on here. Bioware makes swtor hoping people will spend money on it. Yes, customers are entitled to a product they are satisfied with. If they do not receive it, they are entitled to complain about it and to not spend money on it. Also, customers who are not happy with the product are entitled to discourage other people from playing the game. If Bioware can't cope with criticism, then they need to stop seeking people's money.


EA is a multi-billion dollar company with a PR department. They do not need you to defend them.

Edited by divinecynic
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OMG, the entitlement in this thread...


Most of you complainers treat this like a job. It's not. This is a game you play for fun. Period.


Uh, yeah, that would be the point of 99% of complaints -- said complainants want to have fun, not get stuck in yet another repetitive, tedious, job-like gear grind. I'd also harken that having gear stripped away (read: stolen) is absolutely not fun.


In my particular case -- owing to serious physical challenges -- I'm a casual player quite limited to easier game features. I've crafted my butt off so I could afford equipment on my alts that makes the game manageable. With 7.0 much of that effort is being made fruitless. I've also played through all eight classes to achieve the Legacy perks that make the game more playable (even though I really disliked some of those classes/stories). By stripping away my gear and EXPENSIVE fine-tuned RNG amplifiers 7.0 is spitting in my face for having done that. NOT FUN. Moreover, BW has committed the ultimate disrespect by saying my casual-player subscription money and time are not as good as raider-players' subscription money and time.


I'll quote a line from the movie Avatar: They're just p1ssing on us without even giving us the courtesy of calling it rain.

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Remember people, you still have a way to protest. You can cancel your reoccurring subscription. Post feed back in the unsub questionnaire as to why.

Then you can play as preferred or until BioWare make changes to the game that make it worth subscribing for.

And even if you don’t completely unsub, cancelling your reoccurring sub prompts the questionnaire to voice your feed back protest.

You can then pay month to month on each monthly anniversary and it will still be like you are subbed.

Send a message to BioWare and EA management the only way they understand, financially.

And that’s it from me for a while I think.

My sub has run out and the server reset with the patch will prevent further posts. Good luck to you all and stay healthy in 2022.

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