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Played everything there is on the PTS, this is my full Imput


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Hello everyone. First off, I am just a random player, no content maker and no one in the partner program with SWToR. However, I have been engaging most actively with the PTS and have spent my last couple weeks exclusively being active on it, and since I have not pursued the rewards, I just kept playing as if it were a live version already to get as much experience with what 7.0 currently feels like as possible. This post will be my full, unfiltered take on everything. The good, the bad, the ugly, the unnecessary, and yes, even the memes.


As I am not going to be summarizing anything, this will be an extremely long take, and I will make a disclaimer that everything stems from my own anecdotal experience and might not completely align with what you have experienced, but I most sincerely believe that what I have to say should be taken very seriously regardless.


There is a TL;DR at the very end, but I don't recommend skipping it, as it won't have any of my anecdotal examples or my thought processes in it.



LotS so far, all in all, does not seem too different from the current expansion, but that is to be expected given that the majority of what's to come is not even on the PTS, only the Flashpoint and the new gear. And as such, so far, there is nothing much to be said. But the new gearing system is... I am not a big fan of it, and for good reason.


First of all, why do we change the gearing system literally every expansion? We have not once had the same gearing system, and albeit some variants just had small changes, we've never lived past 1 expansion with it just... not being touched. This forced need for change just for the sake of change is a toxic concept and a serious beginners mistake for a developer as big as BioWare.


Secondly: Stats are now fixed on the items, no more item modding for customized stats and idealized, individual fine-tuning. This wouldn't normally be an issue, but it does, because the way those stats are spread out mess with both the minimal and recommended stat thresholds for almost every class, particularily damage dealers. If you play any DPS class, this is what the 318 Vendor offers you: 2x Accuracy Equipment, 3x Alacrity Equipment, 3x Critical Equipment, 1 Ear piece of each secondary stat and 2 implants of each secondary stat as well as all the offensive relic options. This becomes an issue if we just add 1 teeny, tiny, little detail: IMPLANTS ARE YOUR NEW SET BONUSES, AND NONE OF THEM GIVE ACCURACY.


Any player who has even a moderately minimal but necessary knowledge with secondary stats will already see exactly why this is an issue. It means you only have a max. of 3 items that give you accuracy, which at the 326 item rating (the highest for Flashpoint-based gear) puts you at ~106% accuracy, or +2% per item roughly. For average, negligeble content like dailies and heroics, this is not an issue, but for Flashpoints and specially Operations, this is a massive deal. Not being able to hit the 110% treshold unless you purposefully neglect your legendaries and their bonuses is a self-contradicting conflict of item purpose, because now you have 2 types of items meant to strenghen you, but both of them take away a different, but just as important a strength in return. So either you have 110% accuracy but no bonuses, or you are at around 106% accuracy with legendary bonuses. This has to be fixed. The recommended, and in my opinion the only action anyone should consider is to give us a choice on the legendaries, add 3 different types for each bonus, each with either crit, accuracy or alacrity, for us to choose from. Matter of fact, I do take the extra miles of audacity to say this is the only option anyone with any amount of balancing knowledge should consider, because this solves all the problems without adding any new ones.



The scaling difference between lvl 75 and lvl 80, between current live version and PTS version, is beyond abyssmally high. What is usually a mildly challenging, but fairly and commonly doable task in current Live version is a nigh-impossible challenge on the PTS. Case and point: Just yesterday I ran an SM Karagga's Palace within the PTS to see the difference between pre- and post-7.0 operations. Well, let me summarize how bad it is in one sentence, one that you should never hear because of how horribly impossible it is to ever achieve such a condition: WE REACHED ENRAGE AT THE FIRST BOSS.


Yes, you read that right. Bonetrasher, the arguably easiest and most straightforward boss due to the only challenge being moderate positioning oversight, within the 2nd easiest operation in the entire game, in story mode difficulty, and we managed to hit his enrage timer before he hit the 10% health mark. This is such a bad performance it is completely unheard of, even when KP was just released and used to be the last ladder on the difficulty climb, this was rare. Hitting Enrage within story mode Operations in either Eternity Vault or Karagga's Palace is ironically one of the hardest things to achieve, and the PTS screwed stat scaling up so badly that it has become a very common occurance. Just to re-double the point, the enrage timer on sm Bonetrasher is so liberal that most detailed guides, including Merlyn's and Dulfy, don't even have any noted timers in them. All you know is that there is an enrage eventually.


This... this is not okay. This is not okay AT ALL.


Oh but this isn't even the end of it. Even some flashpoints for Master Mode are completely undoable because bosses hit the enrage timer so early that no matter what you do, you don't stand a chance. Once more, case and point: Attack on Korriban, the 2nd boss, he very commonly hits his enrage mark before he is down to below 30% health, 40% or even 50% if damage is on the low end of things. And this is one of the earlier flashpoints that was released, many years ago. Newer flashpoints that pose a considerably increased challenge, like Crisis on Umbara or the Nathema Conspiracy, or even the new Elom Flashpoint, Ruins of Nul, are completely and inarguably undoable. For Nul you don't even need to hit enrage, the 2nd boss, Regnat, has such a high damage on his adds that just for the laughs I once went in with 1 tank and 3 healers and we still got wiped in under 1 minute. 1 Minute is barely the time-frame for 2 add wave to spawn, the first after 10 second of beginning the fight and the 2nd after 40 seconds. With no cores down, this means each add wave spawns only 3 adds, only 2 of which deal damage regularily, something that is expected to be rather common for this boss.


Operations and flashpoints need to be looked at from head to toe and the entire balance needs to be completely re-vamped. The entire PvE content's growth difference between players and said content in itself is too large and even the best, highest geared (so far) players on the PvE are completely locked out from endgame content because of just how borderline undoable it is. Gods of the Machine has returned to pre-5.9 era where the very first add wave in the whole OP can wipe the whole squad, except this time you are lucky if you kill 1 or 2 adds before that happens.



PvP is probably the only thing that gets any positive words from me because the new combat style changes have made it much more interesting, and since the changes in the ability/passive choiced for your current discipline are instant and can be done even within an instance, it has allowed for new, creative and fun approaches that have made vast turn-arounds possible within rounds 1, 2 and 3 of unranked game modes. This has given its innate competitiveness a new level and has made it so that PvP of all things has fluctuating and exciting dynamic that makes not just each match, but each encounter slightly different, but enough to make sure no one is having it nice and easy.



To put it short: Boring, Bland, Unimpactful and for some combat styles borderline negligeble. How do you add a new sub-system for items that promises impactful new powers, but then you tone these powers down so much that for some classes you can genuinely just not take any legendary and, if we consider earlier mentioned issue with accuracy, get an IMPROVEMENT in your performance? Not having a legendary should be undisputably a nerf to your character in all situations, and yet it isn't. Again, worse even, in some cases NOT having a legendary equipped makes you even better and stronger. If that isn't the definition of missing the mark, I don't even want to ask what is.


My most aggressively negative feedback goes to how dumbed down the bonuses were. Previously, Set Bonuses from items were unique to each class and had varying degrees of frequency and just as varying methods of triggering them which made them interesting, highly impactful, allowed for a more fluid and functional playstyle and was just overall an improvement on every perspective. Now, its just boring and uninspiring "use X Ability to get Y% (Typically 2%) more damage for (typically) 15 seconds, procs only every (typically) 30 seconds". Each one of the 8 combat styles has at least 1 choice for a passive, minimal damage increase. In some cases, like the Sith Assassin, it gets even more boring, like the Force Training package which just gives you a flat 3% damage increase to everything you do. That's literally it, just "Equip this and- yap, you now deal 3% more damage from all sources you have". The only noteworthy difference is Vanguard/ PowerTech, who gets a 10% damage boost and a reduced ressource cost of 4 on the ability that triggers it, which is Rocket Punch for PT and Stockstrike for Vanguard. Why, out of all the choices, the combat style with the already highest recorded parsing numbers gets the highest, most impactful raw damage boost from the raw-damage-buffing-legendary is beyond me. And some Legendaries are even downright useless from the bonuses itself as well, such as the Dynamic Force package for Assassins, which just reduces the cooldown of Recklessness by 15 seconds. Neither spec needs it, as Deception reduces the cooldown by a full 1 minute whenever exiting combat and Hatred reduces it by 1 second whenever any DoT crits. And both of them have a secondary option via their skill tree choices to reduce the cooldown even more. Deception reduces it by 2 seconds whenever Voltaic Slash crits and Hatred by 5 seconds for each enemy Death Field damages. Meaning that Recklessness is going to be off-cooldown anytime you want and need it, and it will do such so requently that a flat 15 second cooldown decrease is... completely useless and unnecessary and nobody will ever pick it.


Legendaries are a shadow of the Set Bonuses that are currently live, and its a very dimm and easy to ignore shadow as well. Some Legendaries need to be completely changed to be actually useful, others need meaningful number buffs, and all of them need to come with stat options, as was mentioned earlier.



Where to begin with this one...


I will say it right away, Combat Styles is a nerf to every single class and completely counter-productive to the intended goal of simplifying abilities for newer players.


The goal that we were told, aka the purpose we were given for Combat Styles as seen on the PTS was for an easier overall ability management for all players, particularily those less skilled in hotkeying or just new players in general. But since we have a constant and all-time-available set of choices we can switch back and forth on a whim for each situation, the thought process for which choices you take on which encounter have now legitimately reached the impossibly large void between Never Changing A Damn Thing and Radical Changes For Every Single Unit Encountered. Having to individually process or even memorize what choices you need/want for every single encounter has not simplified it at all. On the Opposite, every single Combat Style has completely lost any and all sense of what is the "recommended choices" because everything can be situational and unreliable. This is quite literally multiplied by factor N wherein N=Group Members because now you not only ask yourself what choices you want, but now you ask yourself what choices are necessary based on knowing/guessing what choices your allies made.


For the more complex and strategy-necessary content, such as Dread Fortress operation, this means that any randomly assembled group will have a certain default-line of missed potential they cannot cross, meaning a certain performance difference between the perfect, most ideal squad of premades and the average squad of a random fleet assembled team is permanent and ever-present, and if you bear in mind earlier mentioned issues with the scaling difference between current live and PTS, this means that this permanent performance-gap can potentially create an impassable barrier where non-premade teams that aren't idealized to the finest detail simply cannot deal with their challenge fast enough and get wiped by enrage mechanics 24/7.


But that's not the worst of it. Due to the nature of some of those changes, certain disciplines within some Combat Styles have become completely and utterly unplayable. Innovative Ordnance Mercs and Assault Specialist Commandos come to mind. Speaking from a Merc's perspective, since Thermal Sensor Override was integrated into Vent Heat, we lost an entire Ability that we had full control over with which we managed our heat. Heat Management has suffered a literal 50% blow, and it shows. No matter what you do, no matter how you play, you will always overheat too fast and too frequently, so much so that I have opted a semi-inting playstyle where I take Gyroscope choice and intentionally run into an enemy's stun mechanic just to get reduced heat at the cost of taking potentially combat-resetting damage. Heat management has become just that bad. IO Mercs and AS Commandos NEED a new tool, a complete and unquestionable, universal buff to help manage their heat ressource or else this discipline will become unplayed and forgotten.


Combat Styles can stay for all I care, but they have completely missed their intended mark and have nerfed some disciplines so unforgivingly harsh that they are in need of mandatory, compensatory buffs.



The forgotten children given to the foster care because they didn't grow up to be rich, so to speak. GSF sees absolutely no changes whatsoever and will be even less engaging for players because its quests offer none of the ressources needed for any gear advancements.


Trying to tie high Conquest Points to the Uprising weeklies was a nice try to incentivise this mode being played, but by far not nice enough. The only people who dare touch Uprisings with more than a 20 foot long, sterilized pole are achievement hunters, and now even the story mode is no longer soloable, see "FEEDBACK ON PVE" for details. If you want players to see this mode as anything more than "That what shall not be named", you will have to either: Tone down the difficulty a lot; Add a secondary ressource needed for gearing; massive increase the numbers of the primary ressource it gives, being Aquatic Ressource Matrix.



This ties in with the Gearing Feedback, but I put it last because it stretches across all modes of gameplay. The grind is ridiculous, bland and it completely forces you to participate in every piece of content all at once, which is a sure way to piss off a lot of PvP players, because they aren't interested in PvE and likewise the other way around. Why we have PvP specific gear when it is not anyhow different from Flashpoint PvE gear aside from its looks is beyond me, but if we are already going to have these arbitrary, gameplay-dependant gear choices, the very least should be for us to get the highest ratings of that type of gear with only playing that type of content. For PvP players to be forced to spend their time on heroics for those aquatic ressource matrix' to upgrade their stuff is simply unfair to them.



PvP is the only corner of this entire expansion that sees any noteworthy beneficial changes, but that is followed by its own set of issues that cannot be ignored. Everything else suffers horribly and if 7.0 is released the way it currently is on the PTS, there will be a large list of content that will be very literally unplayable. This expansion may be named 7.0 but with the amount of content so unplayable that it should be seen as inaccessable, it feels like we went backwards all the way to 5.0. LotS as it currently stands is the by far, BY FAR!!! biggest collective heap of virtual radioactive waste this game has ever seen and if this is what we get in 1 1/2 months, then I cannot help but very vocally advocate against getting this expansion, as the issues are so vast, so big and so far spread throughout all contents of the game that even if the developers listened to every word what I said and did everything i suggested, there'd still be enough problems left to make two dozen corners of this game unenjoyably disappointing.

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Thank you for this valuable input.


I appreciate the fact that you have done and written all of the above.

Even if i am just a fellow player.


This HAS TO BE read by Dvelopers and conclusions made.

Becasue as it looks now, the ENTIRE idea of 7.0 changes looks like bad idea and will make the game unplayable for us.


I feel less and less interested, frankly.


I have no idea what lies behing changing the gearing way, no idea why do we need to loose some abilities and why we cannot min-max our gear. The last I would understand IF the earned gear leads to the "perfect stats" set-up for particular class, but that's not the case.


Also seeing HOW the levelling process is being made I have a feeling the Devs want us to actualluy STOP playing the game.


And maybe that's the hidden goal behind it? Maybe EA wants to say : "look, players are leaving, time to shut done the game down"

Edited by Przemo_No
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Thank you for your excellent feedback post, OP! I enjoyed reading it more than I enjoyed playing on the PTS.


I really hope that the devs in charge will read it.


Thanks for the info. I hope it won't be what I read in your post.... :eek:


How should it not be like this? The devs come back to work in 2 weeks and then they have a few weeks time for bugfixing. They don't have time to change anything else. The PTS as it is now (minus maybe some bugs) is what we get in Februrary. (Unless they decide to scrap 7.0 for good. Which I doubt they will do.)

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Very well written, and while I can't confirm everything, as I have not spent as much time on PTR. The issues I have noticed you, covered accurately AF! Thank you for your time and effort. True tester and what these forums need. Now if they would just listen to the feedback. Edited by Setta
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Thank you for your excellent feedback post, OP! I enjoyed reading it more than I enjoyed playing on the PTS.


I really hope that the devs in charge will read it.




How should it not be like this? The devs come back to work in 2 weeks and then they have a few weeks time for bugfixing. They don't have time to change anything else. The PTS as it is now (minus maybe some bugs) is what we get in Februrary. (Unless they decide to scrap 7.0 for good. Which I doubt they will do.)


We have no way of knowing their schedule ... I seriously doubt they would release something that is so broken and so hated by those who've been testing and giving feedback . Like I said in some previous posts, the core of the expansion might be more or less as it is now. They might add some tweaks to gearing for example to make it partially easier and fairer to solo players as well . The rest of the hopefully " fixes" will come in later patches. As usual, they scrap something that was mostly balanced (6.0 gearing) with something that everyone hates to spend the next 5 patches trying to fix it . :confused:

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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We have no way of knowing their schedule ... I seriously doubt they would release something that is so broken and so hated by those who've been testing and giving feedback . Like I said in some previous posts, the core of the expansion might be more or less as it is now. They might add some tweaks to gearing for example to make it partially easier and fairer to solo players as well . The rest of the hopefully " fixes" will come in later patches. As usual, they scrap something that was mostly balanced (6.0 gearing) with something that everyone hates to spend the next 5 patches trying to fix it . :confused:


They did it before, they'll do it again. In fact remember when the 6.0 gearing system came out and they had to go back months later and fix it, because the outcry was so loud and people were leaving the game in droves? It was mentioned on PTS that it was going to be the case, and they didn't listen because their "spreadsheets" said it would be fine.


Then it wasn't. I see the same thing happening here. They'll release it as is, because their spreadsheets say it should be this way. It'll bomb, people will leave, and they'll fix it 6 months later. I really hope they don't. I'm begging for them to not release the gearing system and split the 7.0 launch into two different launches, but they won't.

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They did it before, they'll do it again. In fact remember when the 6.0 gearing system came out and they had to go back months later and fix it, because the outcry was so loud and people were leaving the game in droves? It was mentioned on PTS that it was going to be the case, and they didn't listen because their "spreadsheets" said it would be fine.


Then it wasn't. I see the same thing happening here. They'll release it as is, because their spreadsheets say it should be this way. It'll bomb, people will leave, and they'll fix it 6 months later. I really hope they don't. I'm begging for them to not release the gearing system and split the 7.0 launch into two different launches, but they won't.


That does seem to be the way they work.


As far as the OP's experience with SM KP goes, I got in a group to do SM Gods from the Machine late last night. I'd never done it before...seriously...but either the group was very good or it was relatively easy as there were no wipes or anything.

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General thoughts:


I did enough solo PVE content last night, before the raid, to get nearly 200k in conquest points.

Many of the heroic missions, CZ-198...the simple day to day stuff that many people play.


There were strange spots where "silver" mobs seemed harder to kill than "gold" mobs, and times where "gold" mobs seemed just a little harder (took longer time) to kill.


The main thing I don't like is the removal of abilities that we're used to using.

When on live you can have both ability A and B, on PTS you can only have A OR B and that is annoying me like very few things in the game do.


I did, however, notice (and maybe it isn't new to 7.0 as I don't often do that heroic) is that the invisible "wall" that companions can't cross in one of the Taris Heroics (imp side) is gone. I didn't have to dismiss / call my companion when going into the next room. I'm going to test that again on the Pub side black hole heroic mission because the same thing happens at the rooftop fight.


(sadly, just did this...it isn't fixed)

Edited by Darev
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From people datamining each iRating gear stats. If you wanna have about the same power and whatnot as full 306, you need 330+ gear. So they’re pretty much nerfing us entirely and tuning everything up absurdly high. And they should just remove accuracy, it’s a pretty deprecated stat in todays MMOs. Edited by iFenris
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From people datamining each iRating gear stats. If you wanna have about the same power and whatnot as full 306, you need 330+ gear. So they’re pretty much nerfing us entirely and tuning everything up absurdly high. And they should just remove accuracy, it’s a pretty deprecated stat in todays MMOs.


I understand the nerf to a degree. A vocal minority have been complaining that end game content is too easy with the current gear set up, and something needs to be done. Of course like every MMO out there, devs haven't learned to ignore vocal minorities, but that's another complaint. So they listened and they nerfed.


Fine, we will overcome and adapt. That's what players do. The problem is, and always has been with SWTOR, is that they have zero clue what balance is in this game. They never have. It's why Sorcerers went from Godly to God Aweful a few patches back.


So we're just seeing another example of how they have no idea how to balance. They've nerfed gear AND buffed NPCs. So instead of getting a fine tuned balance, they've over-tuned it and created this mess.

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I understand the nerf to a degree. A vocal minority have been complaining that end game content is too easy with the current gear set up, and something needs to be done. Of course like every MMO out there, devs haven't learned to ignore vocal minorities, but that's another complaint. So they listened and they nerfed.


There is a better solution: make a hard \ VM instance like there is a pvp instance on every planet. Of course if they do it the new instance would be emptier than pvp instances are now but at least those few people who want challenge will get it and it won't ruin the game for the rest of us.


Fine, we will overcome and adapt.


Or we will take a break until BW realizez how bad they messed up and fix it.

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Dude you hit every single nail. Simple heroics are so damn time consuming because the DPS is so low now and the balance is screwed up. Heroics are supposed to be quick, fun and doable. Now they seem like Heroic +4's when trying to run daily heroics. It's ridiculous and have fixed stats is terrible. They shift our levels on story planets but then don't give us the iRating buff that we had in 6.0 with full 306 armor. So now we get less in every aspect of this update. Just terrible. I have nothing to add to this. You explained all of our frustrations.
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I understand the nerf to a degree. A vocal minority have been complaining that end game content is too easy with the current gear set up, and something needs to be done. Of course like every MMO out there, devs haven't learned to ignore vocal minorities, but that's another complaint. So they listened and they nerfed.


Fine, we will overcome and adapt. That's what players do. The problem is, and always has been with SWTOR, is that they have zero clue what balance is in this game. They never have. It's why Sorcerers went from Godly to God Aweful a few patches back.


So we're just seeing another example of how they have no idea how to balance. They've nerfed gear AND buffed NPCs. So instead of getting a fine tuned balance, they've over-tuned it and created this mess.


I 100% noticed that I am weaker and do less damage in this update playing the EXACT SAME content as we have been playing in previous updates and main story. It's complete ********. People don't realize that if you got 306 armor doing story. It is going to be easy cause you are playing content meant for gear rating less than 306. This "minority" really needs to nerf themselves and wear 278 or less armor if they want a challenge. They love to **** things up for everyone.

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I agree with the fact the devs change too much about the gearingsystem but never the annoying bugs we been trying to live with since the very beginning...


Whats more were gonna be forced to play all different content now?


why so many different new currencies??

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Hearing about the increased difficulty really makes me sad. (I'd play PTS, but my eyes can't handle the new UI.)


I started this game in open beta, and I did not play between 2012 and 2016 because it was just too tedious because some of the story bosses were just too hard. (Sage, I'm looking at you.)


Maybe I'll just have to get over my distaste of FFIV's artistic style.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, after reading the full report you did, Gran'Ma wanted to test if she would be able to play as before.


I tested with a lv 80 geared 318 a first time, then with a lv 80 still wearing a full 306, augmented with 286 augments. -1 companion for the first atttempt influence 1, then 50 for the second attempt

i am really not as good as you all so i went to test some FP story mode i am used to do for fun, Copero and Nathema and test oneSM FP not known: Nul (for the first time).


Copero and Nathema SM, with my shadow infiltration with the 318 gear was really long. Each fight was boring. I did not stealth inside i fought my way. The companion of course died alot, but way alot even as healer. I died 5 times when usually in SM mode i do not die unless i am very tired.


Nul - with a companion influence 1 : the adds were not that hard. The first boss was very very long to kill. I was under the feeling that i was fighting with a butter knife. But i killed if finally. The second boss was way hard. I did catch the how to after my 6 deaths for this boss. The adds respawning was so fast, at a time i had about 15 robot on me. So to be honnest, as i wanted to test with the influence 50 comp, i gave up at this boss, knowing that i understood the mechs.


Nul with a lv 50 comp and gear 306, was way easier. Some robots are quite hards, and without companion i would die i am sur. First boss was quite easy, but long long enough though. But this time i was under the feeling of a fight not just tickling it.

Second boss, knowing the fight was easier but NOT EASY. WAY NOT.

I am certain a lot of player doing SM will have trouble. Too much adds with the laser. Then it was quite difficult, more than any of the story we have actually, and we need to give our full attention to the fight.

The last boss though was a full deception. For this last fight i would have expect the same kind of difficulty that the second boss, even higher. But no. It was quite fast, no risk, some blabla, and he was dead. What ? really ? usually a last boss in the final fight and is harder, in this case its a pity. Yes even for a gran'Ma (70).


Will i do this often, NO. Story mode went from fun to ennoying long and difficult for nothing. i had 2 identical drops of decoration. And that's all. Usually i had some legacy gear dropping, not this time. And some purple mods to decon. Not this time either.


I wont say anymore because you all know better than me what to think of this. I dont like though the fact that knowing that all this is a fiasco, they kept tempting us with CM. Something wrong.

Edited by mirellha
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So, after reading the full report you did, Gran'Ma wanted to test if she would be able to play as before.


I tested with a lv 80 geared 318 a first time, then with a lv 80 still wearing a full 306, augmented with 286 augments. -1 companion for the first atttempt influence 1, then 50 for the second attempt

i am really not as good as you all so i went to test some FP story mode i am used to do for fun, Copero and Nathema and test oneSM FP not known: Nul (for the first time).


Copero and Nathema SM, with my shadow infiltration with the 318 gear was really long. Each fight was boring. I did not stealth inside i fought my way. The companion of course died alot, but way alot even as healer. I died 5 times when usually in SM mode i do not die unless i am very tired.


Nul - with a companion influence 1 : the adds were not that hard. The first boss was very very long to kill. I was under the feeling that i was fighting with a butter knife. But i killed if finally. The second boss was way hard. I did catch the how to after my 6 deaths for this boss. The adds respawning was so fast, at a time i had about 15 robot on me. So to be honnest, as i wanted to test with the influence 50 comp, i gave up at this boss, knowing that i understood the mechs.


Nul with a lv 50 comp and gear 306, was way easier. Some robots are quite hards, and without companion i would die i am sur. First boss was quite easy, but long long enough though. But this time i was under the feeling of a fight not just tickling it.

Second boss, knowing the fight was easier but NOT EASY. WAY NOT.

I am certain a lot of player doing SM will have trouble. Too much adds with the laser. Then it was quite difficult, more than any of the story we have actually, and we need to give our full attention to the fight.

The last boss though was a full deception. For this last fight i would have expect the same kind of difficulty that the second boss, even higher. But no. It was quite fast, no risk, some blabla, and he was dead. What ? really ? usually a last boss in the final fight and is harder, in this case its a pity. Yes even for a gran'Ma (70).


Will i do this often, NO. Story mode went from fun to ennoying long and difficult for nothing. i had 2 identical drops of decoration. And that's all. Usually i had some legacy gear dropping, not this time. And some purple mods to decon. Not this time either.


I wont say anymore because you all know better than me what to think of this. I dont like though the fact that knowing that all this is a fiasco, they kept tempting us with CM. Something wrong.


Yeah unfortunately there are no gear drops ever in solo activities.

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Will i do this often, NO. Story mode went from fun to ennoying long and difficult for nothing. i had 2 identical drops of decoration. And that's all. Usually i had some legacy gear dropping, not this time. And some purple mods to decon. Not this time either.

The scalaing and balance is not final on all content, so I can only hope they make changes. Make sure you put your feedback in the appropriate feedback thread about game scaling so they know this is a problem.


I don't know if story mode flashpoints will drop any gear, but veteran mode has a chance to drop gear and typically you will get at least 1 piece for every 3 bosses, and with luck 3 for 3. You will only ever have a single piece drop from an enemy and it will never exceed your current item rating equipped.

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The scalaing and balance is not final on all content, so I can only hope they make changes. Make sure you put your feedback in the appropriate feedback thread about game scaling so they know this is a problem.


I don't know if story mode flashpoints will drop any gear, but veteran mode has a chance to drop gear and typically you will get at least 1 piece for every 3 bosses, and with luck 3 for 3. You will only ever have a single piece drop from an enemy and it will never exceed your current item rating equipped.


Unfortunatly thinking of grouping in 7.0 is more a nightmare for me.

Considering they raised the difficutly of all FP, if i do a vet mode with a group and follow their path of quickness, then i will be lay down with my breather for hours. And i certainly will not ask anyone to go slowly because of me. So what i was able to do before 7.0 will be part of sweet memories i guess.


I so do not understand why they changed that much the game. May be they want to get rid of old people

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