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MY friends are 50. they say nothing to do.


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Wow, you are either neglecting one of those things you mention above, or are lying. That IMHO, but there are only so many hours in the day, and considering that you work "close to" 80 out of 168, and have to sleep say 35 hours a week. Something doesn't pass the "common sense" test.


I go to work at 6AM EST, I get home around 5PM EST. That's my first job. After I make dinner for myself and my fiance I work my second job from around 7PM EST to around 2AM EST, although this is much slower, so I could not truly count all the hours.

I sleep from around 2:30AM EST to around 5:30AM EST.


I am lucky enough that I can play SWTOR at my first job from around 6 until 2. Most of the other tutors just mess around as well. Sometimes we [the tutors] have morning appointments, but I only have 1 morning appointment a week. My second job is essentially SEO and SME. So I can play while I work on my second job and just play windowed, I don't get as much work done - but that job is fairly slow anyway.


I don't need 35 hours of sleep. I sleep maybe 25-30h a week. I also work my first job on Saturdays, and my own business on a MUCH slower pace on both weekend days.

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Every MMO all over again.


The one thing NEITHER the players NOR the game companies seem to learn.


The players seem never to learn - Don't rush to max level; there most likely will be very little to do there; BECAUSE the game companies never seem to learn peple will rush to max level; so have something worthwhile there.



Even though the bottom line message NO MMO player seems to learn - MMOs are not about the end game, because the end game is an illusion. The "end game" is just an intermission to the next expansion. MMOs are about the journy, not the "win" because you cannot "win" an MMO. There is no defined parameters for "winning".


There is no "end" to an MMO. (well, unless you are Earth and Beyond, Auto Assault, Shadowbane or SWG hehehe).


QFT... well said.

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Has anyone else noticed that absolutely no one on the internet admits to living in the basement of their mom's house and never getting out of their underwear? Not trying to cast aspersions to the person quoted, just making an observation.


Why you'd be jealous of the very simple life I live I cannot fathom, but you seem to be... by your post anyway.

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If they fix the unresponsive combat system (which will fix pvp) there will be plenty to do.



But, I can't tell the future and with all the displeasure I could still see this game crashing here in a month or two.

a few days ago, I would have sworn that couldn't happen, but I'm having second thoughts.


Amen. The combat makes doing the content that IS in the game unenjoyable 90% of the time.

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I go to work at 6AM EST, I get home around 5PM EST. That's my first job. After I make dinner for myself and my fiance I work my second job from around 7PM EST to around 2AM EST, although this is much slower, so I could not truly count all the hours.

I sleep from around 2:30AM EST to around 5:30AM EST.


I am lucky enough that I can play SWTOR at my first job from around 6 until 2. Most of the other tutors just mess around as well. Sometimes we [the tutors] have morning appointments, but I only have 1 morning appointment a week. My second job is essentially SEO and SME. So I can play while I work on my second job and just play windowed, I don't get as much work done - but that job is fairly slow anyway.


I don't need 35 hours of sleep. I sleep maybe 25-30h a week. I also work my first job on Saturdays, and my own business on a MUCH slower pace on both weekend days.


And you classify this as work??


LOL. Can't wait til you grow up and enter the real world.

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<- Level 50

Plenty to do.

Have run EV a few times, (2/5 HM now)

Run guild mates through FPs to gear them up for leveling

PvP non stop

Run my Ilum dailies

Laugh at people on Imp fleet cause they aren't 50 yet

Troll SWTOR forums

Troll General Chat

Eat lunch

Exploit the GTN because no one knows how to sell things on it for profit

Take baths in my millions of credits

Kill lowbies on Tatooine


hail to the king

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And you classify this as work??


LOL. Can't wait til you grow up and enter the real world.


I'm older than you, of that I can assure you. I also spent the better part of my 20s in Iraq... the 'real world' you pampered masses will never see.

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They have time to work out the high level content and will IMO. The good news is if you hit 50 and get bored... there are several other story lines to explore from other character classes. No game is meant to be all things to all players. This one is certainly about the story. The journey can be a grind (for some of us) but the stories are there and they are good.
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I go to work at 6AM EST, I get home around 5PM EST. That's my first job. After I make dinner for myself and my fiance I work my second job from around 7PM EST to around 2AM EST, although this is much slower, so I could not truly count all the hours.

I sleep from around 2:30AM EST to around 5:30AM EST.


I am lucky enough that I can play SWTOR at my first job from around 6 until 2. Most of the other tutors just mess around as well. Sometimes we [the tutors] have morning appointments, but I only have 1 morning appointment a week. My second job is essentially SEO and SME. So I can play while I work on my second job and just play windowed, I don't get as much work done - but that job is fairly slow anyway.


I don't need 35 hours of sleep. I sleep maybe 25-30h a week. I also work my first job on Saturdays, and my own business on a MUCH slower pace on both weekend days.


Earlier in the thread you made it sound like you worked hard at your 2 jobs. I'm glad the truth came out. Now I know that you have 8 hours to play SWTOR every day during work.

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I'm level 50, and this game is still awsome. PvP is good, no classes seem increadbly over powered, wait times are reasonable, waiting on my friends to hit 50 to farm flashpoints.


I have no idea why anyone would think this game sucks. I have had more fun playing 2 weeks in SWtor then I did all of WotLK, Cata, Rift, AoC, WAR, or APB.


Don't mind the poster you are quoting, he's been hating on this game ever since they announced a limited launch and his country wasn't on the list. He still bought it and imported it though, and is still here and will likely still be here for a long time yet. Game must be terrible for him to do all that, right? ;)


Also, I agree, I've been playing MMO's for 15 years now and I'm having the most fun in SW:TOR I think I've ever had, from beta until now it's still just as fun, if not more so, than the myriad of other MMO's I've played over the years. :)

Edited by Malefactor
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Earlier in the thread you made it sound like you worked hard at your 2 jobs. I'm glad the truth came out. Now I know that you have 8 hours to play SWTOR every day during work.


Please quote where I made it sound like I work hard at my jobs? I'll be waiting.

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I'm older than you, of that I can assure you. I also spent the better part of my 20s in Iraq... the 'real world' you pampered masses will never see.


So you worked hard for a year or so, and now you sit on your *** mashing the spacebar when you should be working? And this somehow equates to busting your ***?

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Not sure what you're getting at? All four posts were cohesive...



Wow, you are either neglecting one of those things you mention above, or are lying. That IMHO, but there are only so many hours in the day, and considering that you work "close to" 80 out of 168, and have to sleep say 35 hours a week. Something doesn't pass the "common sense" test.


This one sums it up nicely I guess. But whatever.


To add a little bit to this discussion. The comparison between WOW and SWTOR is just flawed because one of those games was released 7 years ago. SWTOR will not be remembered for what content they had at release, as none actually did with WOW.

They will be remembered for, how fast new content gets pushed out and how polished it is.

My comparison in this case would be RIFT, which did a good job at pushing new, exciting content (for everyone, not just the hardcore). Sadly it is ultimately doomed by its class design, but that is another topic.

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So you worked hard for a year or so, and now you sit on your *** mashing the spacebar when you should be working? And this somehow equates to busting your ***?


A year or so? Try 8 years as 11B. Still enlisted as well. I still have to work from 2PM EST to 4:30PM EST teaching immigrants to speak English. Unless you've ever done it - please don't comment on it's level of difficulty. I don't make that much at the job though, so I have to supplement my income by staying in Active Reserves. I also do work, as I stated, with SEO and SME. Not very difficult jobs, but not the most lucrative either - and unless I have an active customer, it's generally pretty slow.


I'm sorry that you don't understand that not everyone is a blue collar farm boy.

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No one who is playing this game the way it was meant to be played should be 50 yet. Keep skipping all the content (conversations and storyline) and then complain that you are bored. That makes a lot of sense.


actually that is a false generalization. i am 50, and i never skip cutscenes (which really pisses guildmates off sometimes), do pretty much all the quests including bonus series on planets, and i still have a lot of stuff to do

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Quite so im afraid.

You see, they are hiding behind the "casual veil" where its normal to be level 10 17 days into games launch. Well I got news, if you play this game casually (with a job and social life,) its almost impossible not to reach level cap by now. This game is way easy to level in. But yes, we all clearly rushed for not wanting to reroll 7 times to listen to each class story and find each codex entry and datacron.


If what you say is true, then why were their only like 20 people on Hoth and 5 people on Belsavis last night on the server I play on? By contrast, there were over 100 on Taris. Only way to reach 50 at this point is by power leveling on purpose.

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If what you say is true, then why were their only like 20 people on Hoth and 5 people on Belsavis last night on the server I play on? By contrast, there were over 100 on Taris. Only way to reach 50 at this point is by power leveling on purpose.


one time i accidentally all the levels.

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No one who is playing this game the way it was meant to be played should be 50 yet. Keep skipping all the content (conversations and storyline) and then complain that you are bored. That makes a lot of sense.


I'm all about going out and finding stuff to do, but your argument doesn't hold water. If it wasn't meant to be played this way, BW should have prevented people from doing it. It is not like it is a secret that this was going to happen. There were threads predicting this would happen on the old forums all the time.


Let people blow thru leveling and inevitably complain about being bored. That makes a lot of sense.

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If what you say is true, then why were their only like 20 people on Hoth and 5 people on Belsavis last night on the server I play on? By contrast, there were over 100 on Taris. Only way to reach 50 at this point is by power leveling on purpose.


At peak hours hit o. Navigate over to 'who' and replace Imperial Fleet or Republic Fleet with 50.

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What mmo has launched with end game? I play lord of the rings online it didnt have a single raid at launch. It did not have skills above lvl 30 for almost a year even tho the cap was 50. I could go on and on games dont launch with end game they launch with beginning "game".


Even WoW adds entire raid areas during the year ... AFTER the release of the new expansion !

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The most played (unnamed) MMO in the world suffered a lack of end game in its first year. Then content was added along the way, as I'm sure it will be here.


Revisionist history happens too much, and that other MMO, despite millions and millions of users, had one, single end game raid for the first 9+ months of the game. One.


Give it time. At release, the focus, obviously, is on lower, leveling content. As time goes on, and the majority of customers have L50's, the focus will shift. Older leveling content will see less focus, and end game will become the priority.


Working as intended.


Not only that but the one single end game raid was:


a.) Completely broken and impossible to finish.

b.) Required months of weekly runs to even get past the first few bosses because no reasonable gear was available any other way

c.) A total POS eyesore with generic bosses/trash reusing models from level 20 mobs and no storyline whatsoever.


Meanwhile there was:

a.) No PvP system whatsoever. No Honor, No PvP Gear, No Battlegrounds, No PvP Rewards. Well maybe warriors 1-shotting people with an arcanite reaper or warlocks fearing characters permanently was the pvp system.

b.) Buggy or ridiculously difficult 5-mans (basically not doable with any reasonable PuG).

c.) Extremely unstable servers. The game crashed completely for about a week after release and they had to give everyone a free month. Constant lag-fest/crashing subsequently.


It's easy to have rose colored glasses about games like WoW now that the've been out for years and have a boatload of added content but early on most of those games were much bigger trainwrecks with stupid and broken/lacking content compared to SWTOR.


Give it time. No company on Earth can make a game with the features/refinement of 2011 WoW at release. It is simply not economically or logistically possible.

Edited by DecimaPoiuytr
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I have a lot of in game friends who are saying this game is really boring when you get to 50. This is really starting scare me cuz I need something to do.


I haven't gotten to 50 yet...


But I wonder if part of the problem is that other games that shall not be named have perpetuated the idea that leveling is a formality to get to the end-game content. Leveling *should* be the main goal, but everyone wants to "Get it out of the way" and race to the end.


"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller

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