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Think Loyalist Jedi characters will ever get an opportunity to turn Lana to the Jedi?


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She's never been the MOST evil of Sith, I've seen less moral Jedi than her in the game, and we have seen people who have done much worse be accepted into the Order. I'm sure Angral's Pureblood mate had some stains in his past but we could still turn him.


It'd be cool to at least be shown having "the talk" with her at some point lol. Even as a throwaway thing, if you don't wanna let us turn her completely. Intro scene of an expansion/FP/etc at some point, before the threat happens, it's a normal ol' Alliance base day, chatting to Lana, and we come in on the tail end of the conversation :p "Well Lana, Just know the offer is always there...". Cos of course I could understand her being too independent to want to join up.


And of course, pew-pews could easily have different class based lines for that part on a different subject


(Yes, I know, lots of you are sick of Lana, no need to remind me, but she's still gonna be someone we see sometimes and a main alliance member who self identifies as a member of my Order's greatest foe)

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At this point many people want a kill option, but I vent.


She's not the stereotypical megalomaniac Sith of the Class stories, any class any faction. However, she has been consistently Sith/Dark. She wants the quickest, easiest response to any problem. If people die in the process she doesn't care. She follows your orders without question but never volunteers an option that helps people. Her only interest is whatever helps you and the Alliance. She found her freedom by disavowing desire to be in charge of everything. For her there is nothing to be redeemed.

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At this point many people want a kill option, but I vent.


She's not the stereotypical megalomaniac Sith of the Class stories, any class any faction. However, she has been consistently Sith/Dark. She wants the quickest, easiest response to any problem. If people die in the process she doesn't care. She follows your orders without question but never volunteers an option that helps people. Her only interest is whatever helps you and the Alliance. She found her freedom by disavowing desire to be in charge of everything. For her there is nothing to be redeemed.


If they "redeemed" Lana by making her a Jedi, even if that is only an option, they may as well just kill her off because this character can't be more dead.

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If they "redeemed" Lana by making her a Jedi, even if that is only an option, they may as well just kill her off because this character can't be more dead.


:rolleyes: Yes, you dislike her, I get it. Character development over long stretches of time is equal to character death now... Ok.

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At this point many people want a kill option, but I vent.


She's not the stereotypical megalomaniac Sith of the Class stories, any class any faction. However, she has been consistently Sith/Dark. She wants the quickest, easiest response to any problem. If people die in the process she doesn't care. She follows your orders without question but never volunteers an option that helps people. Her only interest is whatever helps you and the Alliance. She found her freedom by disavowing desire to be in charge of everything. For her there is nothing to be redeemed.


There's plenty of Jedi in the game who take the easy route. And as I said, she wouldn't even need to be hardcoded to say yes. I'm just saying it'd be a fun scene to see her reactions and replies

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:rolleyes: Yes, you dislike her, I get it. Character development over long stretches of time is equal to character death now... Ok.


No, I don't dislike her. I dislike how the writers turn Lana into a soul less NPC.


Lana is introduced as this Sith who is driven by her passion, who is willing to step out of her comfort zone for her passion, who is willing to kill and die because of her passion. But she is also a Sith who is not some blood thirsty maniac. She is proof that a good writer is capable of writing a Sith who is "good" but still follow the Sith code, or rather, someone who follows the Sith code doesn't necessary equal to "evil".


The short talk about power between Lana and Gnost-Dural is the best character highlight of her for a long time. I was looking forward to more conversation like that because you know what? That would be real character development for Lana in the Republic Loyalist branch. She is a better Sith because of the player and the Republic in general values freedom more. She is more free than the other Sith who are still struggling with power because the Sith Empire is still the same **** hole that chains everyone in it. She would admit she has changed her ways of thinking through the years with you, but that's because a good Sith should adopt and become stronger, and your decisions (no collateral damage, saving civilians etc.) turn out to be better in the long term, not because "oh noes the Dark Side is BAD now I'm a Jedi".


But nope, I don't get any of that. It's all "yes commander" this and "you have an appointment at 2pm, commander" that. Turning her into a Jedi will erase what is left that could potentially make her special. You may as well replace her with T-7 and it'll still be the same.

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Doubt it unless you are ok with more "grey" Jedi, she has very strong beliefs and focuses on pragmatic solutions, not 2 goody 2 shoes kind of solutions so I doubt she would ever change her beliefs to be a full on jedi, maybe an edgy dark jedi xd


You can talk to her about it on Rishi...

What was the conversation like? Curious.

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Something amiss happens in your alliance, she blames Theron and goes after him, again. He runs, because, he knows it’s the end. Find Theron on a small corner of Hoth hiding out in a cave. New intel back in command center proves it wasn't Theron, but its too late if Lana finds him he’s dead. (back on hoth) She approaches in a fury, he doesn’t put up a fight. In her rage she growls for a defense.

No he replies.

His weakness no longer matters and she grabs his jacket to whisper “trader” before making the final blow.

She locks eyes and everything changes, she knows, she can feel it, it wasn’t Theron. She has made up her mind, blood will be spilled today, she lifts her arm, but cant bring it down.

The conflict inside is too much. Her eyes flash red to green to blue to red as the conflict inside erupts to the surface.


1) Let Theron live

2) Kill Theron




Lana cowers on the floor before her past, her choices. Therons hand is on her shoulder, embracing her, though not a jedi giving any strength he can. Her eyes color changes slow down and stop, on blue. It is over and she falls into her loves arms.

Legend says the events of that day were so intense a hot spring formed in that cave that day,


They make their way back to the alliance where the truth is revealed and Theron is cleared.


And we can finally close the Theron love thread, he’s taken.

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As someone who always puts her with every Consular reroll, I don't feel she'd take the offer to be a Jedi. Though, I can see a Jedi always making the offer and possibly making it a lovingly joking offer if they're together.


I also don't see why the non Jedi classes would offer it.


And no, Lana can't get with Theron. She's with my Consular :p

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As someone who always puts her with every Consular reroll, I don't feel she'd take the offer to be a Jedi. Though, I can see a Jedi always making the offer and possibly making it a lovingly joking offer if they're together.


I also don't see why the non Jedi classes would offer it.


And no, Lana can't get with Theron. She's with my Consular :p


Oh of course, as I said in my original post, I'd completely understand her refusing, as a character, just it'd be a fun conversation.


And yeah, non-force could obviously talk about other things, they've swapped lines out between classes before

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Personally i judge more Lana by the little dialogue she has on a ship (Meksha story i think), when she is talking with a Master Jedi and explains why she is with ME and why its different from the Sith code and the force.


(sorry been a long time i did that part, and i cant remind it more clearly)

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There's plenty of Jedi in the game who take the easy route. And as I said, she wouldn't even need to be hardcoded to say yes. I'm just saying it'd be a fun scene to see her reactions and replies


Depending on the story those Jedi fall to the Darkside or you kill them before they do.

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Depending on the story those Jedi fall to the Darkside or you kill them before they do.


Not really, not in every case. I can't remember his name now, but what about Mr Cranky Pants on the council in the main class stories? Kaedan is it? Sith toons can kill him on Ilum? He never goes dark, yet always seems to push for quicker, darker options than any normal Jedi. He's an extremely militant one. And that's literally off the top of my head. There are LOTS of imperfect Jedi in this game. Far more than there are perfect ones in fact. Just because they die doesn't mean they weren't Jedi. And in most cases when they DO fall to darkness, they only break at the literal end of their rope. Lana isn't getting pushed like that regularly, so it'd be far easier to keep up a facade at least

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Personally i judge more Lana by the little dialogue she has on a ship (Meksha story i think), when she is talking with a Master Jedi and explains why she is with ME and why its different from the Sith code and the force.


(sorry been a long time i did that part, and i cant remind it more clearly)


Yeah that's Pubsiders en-route to Corellia after Mek-Sha, it is a fun convo, and literally seeing it again on my latest playthrough is why I made this post.


It's not even that I wanna make her a Jedi, I just want more of THAT. Maybe WE can be the one who has the philosophical chat next time.

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Yup. I'm guilty of this! :d_evil:


Hey, so do I. I don't get how anyone doesn't? We all RP different personalities in our characters yes? Anyone with a couple of alts is gonna have at least one who would want her dead by this point. Same can be said for almost any character.


Although she is a bit tougher to RP reasons for that don't sound really petty lol, since they did make her such a yes woman you know? We haven't been given any good reasons yet, but of course it's easy to add a reason to the story with the kill option haha. It's not just like "Ah Commander, here's todays brie....aghhhh!! Whhyyyyy... *death rattle*"

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On the flip side I’d also like a convo or situation with Theron being more okay with helping the Sith Empires version of Intelligence / having him see himself more on that side now too if you’re an dark side Sith loyalist.


Yeah, it'd be good to try to turn him also, he could never be a real loyalist imo, but he could be convinced to be an Imperial reformer I'd say. Make it his mission to change the Empire so they don't commit genocide and stuff

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Hey, so do I. I don't get how anyone doesn't? We all RP different personalities in our characters yes? Anyone with a couple of alts is gonna have at least one who would want her dead by this point. Same can be said for almost any character.


Although she is a bit tougher to RP reasons for that don't sound really petty lol, since they did make her such a yes woman you know? We haven't been given any good reasons yet, but of course it's easy to add a reason to the story with the kill option haha. It's not just like "Ah Commander, here's todays brie....aghhhh!! Whhyyyyy... *death rattle*"


I don't as I just don't trust what would happen to her if players were allowed to kill her. I feel we've lost lots due to characters being killable. Already lost lots when some companions were regulated to alert status.

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