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Stop comparing a game that just launched to a game thats been out for 7 years


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Add a few other features? No matter what they add, there will always be people like you throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't add more. They can't win in the face of such stupidity, but in the real world they did a pretty damn good job.


Oh, also, you obviously just want to play WoW. So go play WoW. Stop complaining that SWTOR isn't WoW.


You keep telling people to do that and eventually they will and Bioware will be merging servers, just like Aion, just like AoC, just like LoTRO, just like Warhammer, just like Rift. So yea, keep saying that and your wish will come true. Then see how easy it is to get a group to run that flashpoint at the lower levels. Tell me how well that works for you.

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My point is, people want to rag SWTOR about how it isn't innovative and doesn't do anything new.


Well the reason why I am playing SWTOR as my first MMO because it is the FIRST MMO to incorporate story and all characters fully voiced. I can play it and enjoy it the same way I enjoy and play a Mass Effect or Dragon Age. THAT is what makes SWTOR unique and THAT is what SWTOR has that no other MMO has. THAT is what SWTOR brings to the genre.


Very good points. My only problem with that is, why aren't you still playing mass effect, or dragon age? They were good games, worth what, 100hours to complete everything? People have come to expect that mmos are huge, with things to do for years, not weeks. Especially if they want to charge a monthly fee.


When all your questing is done, and you finish your story (it won't take long), just what will you be paying a monthly fee for? That should be the main focus of anyone reviewing the game.

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This entire post is one big fallacy, it is completely invalid. By stating something I never claimed your credibility has gone to zero.


Good try though.


inference: the process of arriving at some conclusion that, though it is not logically derivable from the assumed premises, possesses some degree of probability relative to the premises.


I inferred what I said, it does not tarnish my credibility in the slightest. However, I would like to say. Stop trolling.

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You keep telling people to do that and eventually they will and Bioware will be merging servers, just like Aion, just like AoC, just like LoTRO, just like Warhammer, just like Rift. So yea, keep saying that and your wish will come true. Then see how easy it is to get a group to run that flashpoint at the lower levels. Tell me how well that works for you.


It'd be better than having people acting like fools because they want to play WoW.

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I'm not sure how my arguement is terrible. I'm just commenting on the fact that Bioware in all of it's Hype for SWTOR wasn't focused on trying to hype it as a great MMO experience that had great MMO features that would blow people away. They hyped it as a story driven game, with voice acting and moral choices.


They marketed it as X, they sold it as X, they hyped it as X, and people are wondering why when they log in they are getting an X and not a Z.


You said I want to go back to Wow. You said something I never claimed or implied. You invalidated your argument.


But go ahead an ignore 2/3 of your post man, go right ahead.


Stop trolling? haha. Inference is not a legitimate argument man, sorry.

Edited by Wazooty
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Rift is a good example; day one it had a few bells and whistles but was buggy and had some issues. However, the developers in short order addressed those issues and after a few months added features and proved to be willing to flesh out the game and keep it growing.


Keep in mind that alot of what Rift did was to bring features that more people wanted then not.


Battlegrounds, LFD groups, Cross Server Dungeons, More UI features, Damage Meters, free Character transfers to any realm, and the like....

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When all your questing is done, and you finish your story (it won't take long), just what will you be paying a monthly fee for? That should be the main focus of anyone reviewing the game.


Uh, once my Trooper's story is done I will start my Imperial Agent. Once my Imperial Agent's story is done I'll start my Jedi Consular. Once my Jedi Consular's story is done, I'll start my Sith Warrior. With school and getting ready to join the Air Force when I graduate college, it probably won't be until around May when I finish my Sith Warrior. Once that happens, I'll have 4 characters to play endgame content with and by that time, there would be a bit more endgame content to do which will keep me busy until the first expansion comes out.


I beat the story for Halo: Reach, but because of the multiplayer features, I continue to play it. Why would it be any different for SWTOR?

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Okay so now that you mention it. How about make a list of what SWTOR lacks that other MMOs have?


Put your money where your mouth is!


It has raids, it has flashpoints, it has PvP. What exactly is SWTOR missing?


Have you not read the 1000's of threads one this very forum that talk about all the issues this game has?


I guess not.


But I can see you're trying to "get me" by saying "put your money where your mouth is!".


Nice try.

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You said I want to go back to Wow. You said something I never claimed or implied. You invalidated your argument.


But go ahead an ignore 2/3 of your post man, go right ahead.


Stop trolling? haha. Inference is not a legitimate argument man, sorry.


Why are you ignoring my post after I called you out?


I asked you to make a list of things that SWTOR lacks but other MMOs have since you claim SWTOR be be a single player game and no a MMO.


Please, put your money where your mouth is.

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My point is, people want to rag SWTOR about how it isn't innovative and doesn't do anything new.


Well the reason why I am playing SWTOR as my first MMO because it is the FIRST MMO to incorporate story and all characters fully voiced. I can play it and enjoy it the same way I enjoy and play a Mass Effect or Dragon Age. THAT is what makes SWTOR unique and THAT is what SWTOR has that no other MMO has. THAT is what SWTOR brings to the genre.


Those are single player games not MMOs, if you want the single player experience play single player games, when they say they are coming out with an MMO we want an MMO.

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You said I want to go back to Wow. You said something I never claimed or implied. You invalidated your argument.


But go ahead an ignore 2/3 of your post man, go right ahead.


Stop trolling? haha. Inference is not a legitimate argument man, sorry.


I think you have me confused with another poster. Either that are you are insane and confusing me with the voices in your head. I never told you to go back to WoW or told you to stop trolling. :tran_tongue:


Please get the confusion corrected so we can converse like rational human beings.

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I really don't get why people say this game is missing features. It a complete game. Are there areas it can improve. Yes, but so can all of the others. It doesn't have a LFD tool, but I like that. I think the lfd greatly destroys the community as a whole. Wow has one of the worst player bases I have ever run into anywhere. So far, I am funding SWTOR player base very helpful, and patient. I like shouting out looking for a group, it gets me interacting with the player base.
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I think you have me confused with another poster. Either that are you are insane and confusing me with the voices in your head. I never told you to go back to WoW or told you to stop trolling. :tran_tongue:


Please get the confusion corrected so we can converse like rational human beings.


I told him to stop trolling, and I told him that if he wants to play WoW which from his posts I logically inferred to be true, then he could do so or wait until SW:ToR is enough WoW for him.


He didn't like me inferring... You know Logic, it's a crutch argument really.

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OP here..


If you kids cant find the PATIENCE to give bioware the time needed to implement the features we are wanting, then maybe you need to cancel your sub and go back to wow. But in all likelyhood your like me and BURNT OUT on wow. I know I am.


If bioware were to implement all these things we are wanting pre launch it would have been another year wait to get the game, why wait when we can haz game now?


Were all talking about the features that wow has that this game does not.... Lets take a moment to look at what features this game has that wow does not....


Fully voiced mmo...

Engaging story...

A leveling experience that is actually fun...

better graphics

Space Combat (yea some of you might not like it but some I do)




Stop being so ungratful and appreciate that we have the game now.

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I don't compare.


I just see silly game development mistakes in the year 2011 / 2012.


- Bad IU

- Level Design in city's

- Didn't see any living creature (birds, fly's, cows,rabbits you call it) its give a empty boring feeling for a MMO.

- Map, (no unisverse map) without this its gives me a feeling I play RTS games with 1 single map.


- etc etc etc...

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Those are single player games not MMOs, if you want the single player experience play single player games, when they say they are coming out with an MMO we want an MMO.


And SWTOR is an MMO.


Can I group with other characters to complete missions in Mass Effect or Dragon Age?


Can I take my Commander Shepard in ME or Hawke/Grey Warden in Dragon Age and fight against other players?


Can I team up with 15 other players in Mass Effect or Dragon Age to complete a level?



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I told him to stop trolling, and I told him that if he wants to play WoW which from his posts I logically inferred to be true, then he could do so or wait until SW:ToR is enough WoW for him.


He didn't like me inferring... You know Logic, it's a crutch argument really.


I know you did, but he quoted me so I assumed he was talking to me. If he was responding to you he probably should have.. I'm just tossing this out as a possibility... quoted you. Other wise it makes it sound like he's accusing me of things I didn't do. I do enough bad things without getting flack for other peoples stuff! :jawa_angel:

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Seriously guys....Its ridiculous. Wow at launch doesnt even compare to SWTOR now... Give them some time....heres what most of you are crying about...


LFD tool...

It took wow until the end of Wrath to implement the LFD tool... Give Bioware some time


endgame content...

last i checked i belive we have 3 raids? And while i didnt raid in vanilla wow im pretty sure it had 1....



WOW pvp was abysmall at launch... SWTOR has so much more to offer than wow did...


UI customization

Bioware has already said this is coming....


Seriously..... The game is 10 days old (17 for some of us)



WoW launch had crashing servers and severe lag. There were points at the 6 month marker of WoW where entire servers would go into a state of halting where no actions could take place. No action bar skills, stuttering chat, getting stuck in the looting position, no loot windows appearing etc. WoW launch was very difficult. It was also an incomplete launch. There was no end game raiding and the level cap was 40. 60 end game econtent molten core came later along with bg's and BWL.


As for the PvP in WoW at launch that was the end game it was Tarren Mill/Southshore raids and world PvP.


The default UI was around for a very long time on WoWs launch also. While it was more streamlined then what Biowares is for SWTOR it was actually almost as ugly.


And as you already stated the LFD was implemented 4 years after launch. And prior to that Blizzards stance on an LFD tool was that it was unnecessary due to the game being small enough that players should have had no problem finding groups.

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I asked you to make a list of things that SWTOR lacks but other MMOs have since you claim SWTOR be be a single player game and no a MMO.



Well, in my own opinion. Fun. The character control is very clunky, and not fluid. To me i can only log in for maybe an hour at a time, then I have to play something else. Maybe this game just is not for me.


A very large, exspansive world, shared by everyone. The sharding idea imo was the worst design to happen to an online game ever. I have told friends in the past how I think a large mmo would be a neat idea, maybe it hasn't happened because the idea is held back by hardware. I'm currently level 38 in game. I bet you I have seen maybe 4-5 people on each planet, at any given time a day, MAYBE 4-5 people. I play on the crucible pits, it is a full server pretty much any time of day, with anywhere from a 10-30 minute wait time to log in. So... Where is everyone?

Edited by mbernert
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I don't compare.


I just see silly game development mistakes in the year 2011 / 2012.


- Bad IU

- Level Design in city's

- Didn't see any living creature (birds, fly's, cows,rabbits you call it) its give a empty boring feeling for a MMO.

- Map, (no unisverse map) without this its gives me a feeling I play RTS games with 1 single map.


- etc etc etc...


Dunno what game your playing.... Theres wildlife all over, i know because im biochem.

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So do you people think bioware can just waive a magic wand and poof the code is written and the stuffs in the game?


Or prehaps do you think they can just copypasta the code?


Have some common sense people, new features take time.


They had about 6 years of developing, so yeah we actually can compare it.

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I know you did, but he quoted me so I assumed he was talking to me. If he was responding to you he probably should have.. I'm just tossing this out as a possibility... quoted you. Other wise it makes it sound like he's accusing me of things I didn't do. I do enough bad things without getting flack for other peoples stuff! :jawa_angel:


Oh, surely your not that bad. :rak_angelic: Well, he is kinda thick it seems, again an inference so hopefully he catchs on and apologizes.

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Keep in mind that Bioware would probably be the last group around that wants the tag to their game being... "If you don't think we have the features that you want go back to WoW you whiners." Sometimes fans do more harm in defending something they like then people who are venting ever do.
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Okay so now that you mention it. How about make a list of what SWTOR lacks that other MMOs have?


Put your money where your mouth is!


It has raids, it has flashpoints, it has PvP. What exactly is SWTOR missing?


There are lists or were until the Devs removed those threads... Censorship anyone???


But then again many of the lists are subjective.


UI - may not bother you

Character Creation - No sliders

Character Creation - No racial differences in gameplay (Just Skins)

Companions - Can't click through.

Drops - Not varied enough.

LFG - may nt be necessary as this is more of a single player experience.

Lightsaber - Why does my class determine my lightsaber.

Ranged - Why does my class determine my gun.

Day/Night - Not available

Weather - Not available

Space - exploration

Space - economics impact


List that would have set themselves apart

Ability to switch faction

VO - completed

PVP space

Greater factions

Ability of guilds to provide/create mission content (bounties, raids)


And thats just off the top of my head, im sure theres more out there...

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Well, in my own opinion. Fun. The character control is very clunky, and not fluid. To me i can only log in for maybe an hour at a time, then I have to play something else. Maybe this game just is not for me.


A very large, exspansive world, shared by everyone. The sharding idea imo was the worst design to happen to an online game ever. I have told friends in the past how I think a large mmo would be a neat idea, maybe it hasn't happened because the idea is held back by hardware. I'm currently level 38 in game. I bet you I have seen maybe 4-5 people on each planet, at any given time a day, MAYBE 4-5 people. I play on the crucible pits, it is a full server pretty much any time of day, with anywhere from a 10-30 minute wait time to log in. So... Where is everyone?


1 - Talking about fun is very subjective because I am having a BLAST! with this game.


2 - I am level 39 going on 40 and the planets I play on are VERY full. Anywhere from 80-120 people on a planet at a given time. I play on The Shadowlands btw.

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