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Bounty Hunter: Male or Female?


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I've played through the Bounty Hunter story as a male already. But is female any better or would you guys say female is worse? I'd heard a rumor the female bounty hunter has a lot of sarcastic/sassy choices similar to female inquisitor but I wasn't sure if that was true Edited by EAFSAMWISE
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If the female BH has less sarcasm than the male, then that would be a hell of a lot of sarcasm. I smart-assed my way right across the galaxy. It was a hoot. I'm not even sure how I could possibly have handed people more attitude than I did. Also, I love the Torian romance. For me, he's one of the best romances in the game.
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It's always good to play every class as both genders, both alignments, and both human and non human to see what details are different IMO but then again I am an alt addict >.> A female BH can marry the Barron's son on Alderaan though.
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Bounty Hunter is one of the few classes, where I find male and female voice actors equally good. I never got the impression that one has more possibility for sass than the other and if they sass, both do it really well. Additionally, both work well as LS and DS imo.


Plus for the female: I prefer the Torian romance over Mako since it feels a lot more mature and on equal footing (especially if you aim to become a mandalorian). The grizzled voice of male BH with young Mako always makes me cringe a bit.


So, if you haven't tried it, a female playthrough is absolutely worth it imo.

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I played both of them through all the stories, but it's been so long I don't remember a lot of differences in their story/dialogue. One thing I do remember is the male BH voice gets fuzzy (sounds like he's got a lisp) in some of the expansions (maybe Hutt Cartel and Shadows of Revan?) because of too much sound compression on Bioware's part. Then Knights expansion and later, it gets good again. Female BH, being higher pitch, sounds good throughout.
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If the female BH has less sarcasm than the male, then that would be a hell of a lot of sarcasm. I smart-assed my way right across the galaxy. It was a hoot. I'm not even sure how I could possibly have handed people more attitude than I did. Also, I love the Torian romance. For me, he's one of the best romances in the game.


So...does that mean you

let Vette die?


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Bounty Hunter is one of the few classes, where I find male and female voice actors equally good. I never got the impression that one has more possibility for sass than the other and if they sass, both do it really well. Additionally, both work well as LS and DS imo.


Plus for the female: I prefer the Torian romance over Mako since it feels a lot more mature and on equal footing (especially if you aim to become a mandalorian). The grizzled voice of male BH with young Mako always makes me cringe a bit.


So, if you haven't tried it, a female playthrough is absolutely worth it imo.


There is a minefield of "kid" dialogues to try and avoid when romancing Torian though. I've definitely had to esc out of more than a few cutscenes because my character is calling the person she's hitting on a "kid."

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So...does that mean you

let Vette die?


Man, don't even get me started on that choice >:'( I love both of those characters and I even made a female BH who is a clone of Vette and even has Vette's name with special characters (AND she romanced Torian). She got completely abandoned when that chapter came out and I never played it on her.

Edited by Nefla
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There is a minefield of "kid" dialogues to try and avoid when romancing Torian though. I've definitely had to esc out of more than a few cutscenes because my character is calling the person she's hitting on a "kid."


Damn, yes, I forgot that. I wish they never had used that word at all coming from a player character. How much older are we supposed to be? :rolleyes:

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Damn, yes, I forgot that. I wish they never had used that word at all coming from a player character. How much older are we supposed to be? :rolleyes:

On the other hand, Jincoln seems to call both the bounty hunter AND Torian "children." I don't think that the bounty hunter is supposed to be old. I imagined my bounty hunter as pushing 30, and Mako as in her early 20s.

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On the other hand, Jincoln seems to call both the bounty hunter AND Torian "children." I don't think that the bounty hunter is supposed to be old. I imagined my bounty hunter as pushing 30, and Mako as in her early 20s.


I always got the feeling the Hunter and Smuggler were the older ones of the 8 origins, being mid 20's, while all the rest are early 20's if not late teens.

Edited by SithKoriandr
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On the other hand, Jincoln seems to call both the bounty hunter AND Torian "children." I don't think that the bounty hunter is supposed to be old. I imagined my bounty hunter as pushing 30, and Mako as in her early 20s.

At the points where you meet them, Mako is 18-20, and Torian is 17, and I always throught of the starting BH as being maybe around 25, enough to be taken at least somewhat seriously, but not enough to be a shoo-in for Nem'ro's sponsorship.

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On the other hand, Jincoln seems to call both the bounty hunter AND Torian "children." I don't think that the bounty hunter is supposed to be old. I imagined my bounty hunter as pushing 30, and Mako as in her early 20s.


Right? They're treated like a promising beginner in the start of the class story too so I would think of them as being pretty young themselves. It's the male BH voice that sounds like a grizzled veteran that throws thing off lol.

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