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UI Feedback


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Be nice of a few tool tips reported the consequences of what something means. For example, when I mouse over the alignment icon on the gear window, the tool tip reports that I've 100 light side and 0 dark side points.


It'd be nice if it explained on the interface what the significance of that is.

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Closing the workbench after stuffing mods into a shell should be the event that clears any up arrows on a newly obsolesced piece.


For example, I had a belt in inventory with an up arrow on it. I stuffed a shell with mods using the Workbench window. Dismissing the workbench window, I see that I still have an up-arrow on the other belt, falsely reporting that the belt in inventory is an upgrade. The stuffed shell has an Irating of 38, the belt in inventory of 30. The arrow doesn't drop off until I close the window or hit the letter i to bring up the old window.


Let dismissing the workbench window instantly clear any up-arrows.

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Didn't like how I progressively saw my worn gear. I had the armor slots showing, but not accessories, yet I got an earpiece drop and didn't see the earpiece where it was auto-equipped for having no slot exposed for it. It was only until a few levels later that the accessories block was exposed. Show everything at once after character creation.
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Hmm... new UI looks nice but some behavior is odd.

You can open the inventory by pressing "I" but it won't close by pressing the button again, that's annoying because that's the behavior I was used to.


Yeah, I noticed that. If you can summon a dialog box with a key, you should dismiss the dialog with the same key. That particular box, however, will most likely go away. I believe it was there only as a backup while the new inventory window was being built.

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I'm not sure if it's simply because I'm not used to it, but I find that whatever was done to the game font starts hurting my eyes after a short time. This is primarily with regards to the chat, as well as the codex. On the chat, it feels like there is some kind of softness to the edges of the letters that seems to confuse my eyes, making it feel like the chat text is just the slightest bit blurred. In the codex, the white font is simply too strong and contrasts too heavily with the background.


Edit: comparing it to what's going on on live, the font in chat has a little bit of a background shadow that is missing on PTS. As for the codex, the font doesn't have a bold outline on live and isn't in white, but a light blue that meshes better with the background.

Edited by BenKatarn
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Hmm... new UI looks nice but some behavior is odd.

You can open the inventory by pressing "I" but it won't close by pressing the button again, that's annoying because that's the behavior I was used to.


I'm very greatful they revised the 9 width to 8! As at least at 80 slots you have even full rows. I do like the UI looks a bit improved over what we had earlier! Still one complication, is if Chat is even slightly longer to see messages, it prevents clicking on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th TAB. So most will be limited to seeing 8 lines of Chat without scrolling.


I'm not sure if it's simply because I'm not used to it, but I find that whatever was done to the game font starts hurting my eyes after a short time. This is primarily with regards to the chat, as well as the codex. On the chat, it feels like there is some kind of softness to the edges of the letters that seems to confuse my eyes, making it feel like the chat text is just the slightest bit blurred. In the codex, the white font is simply too strong and contrasts too heavily with the background.


Edit: comparing it to what's going on on live, the font in chat has a little bit of a background shadow that is missing on PTS. As for the codex, the font doesn't have a bold outline on live and isn't in white, but a light blue that meshes better with the background.


It looks similar to me, I think there's a slight shadow on PTS, perhaps it's more subtle though? Either way, it would be nice if they gave 2-4 different Fonts for Chat, maybe also a slightly larger size for those who desired it.

Edited by Strathkin
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Im playing on a 3840 x 2160 Screen the big TV screen. When I set my desktop resolution to 1280 x 720 and in the game I adjust global scale to 1.25 and not everything is scalling properly, like Map after pressing M is cut in half the skill window too also Cartel market so it's not possible to buy stuff for cartel coisn. I hope you can repair this and forward this problem because from what I've researched many people have this problem and they hope that when the new update will be out in Feb 22 this issue can be repaired. Many people try Global scaling just because they want to see the items descriptions font bigger, because the letters are too small so to solve this problem many people are using global scaling in the game options so the letters can be bigger but the global scaling itself is not working properly and it's not scaling everything as it should like Map and some other windows. Please repair global scaling or add a feature for the items description font to be adjustable when you hover the mouse over them. From what I've been researching I found out that people have been asking for this for many years now and sometimes when they play on their TV or bigger screens the game is unplayable because letters and items descriptions are too small it makes the game simply unplayable.


















Working properly:





With normal global scale (not adjusted and unplayable because of the font size):





Please fix this because it's the game ruining core feature of the game that is absolutely broken for many years now.

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Im playing on a 3840 x 2160 Screen the big TV screen. When I set my desktop resolution to 1280 x 720 and in the game I adjust global scale to 1.25 and not everything is scalling properly, like Map after pressing M is cut in half the skill window too also Cartel market so it's not possible to buy stuff for cartel coisn. I hope you can repair this and forward this problem because from what I've researched many people have this problem and they hope that when the new update will be out in Feb 22 this issue can be repaired. Many people try Global scaling just because they want to see the items descriptions font bigger, because the letters are too small so to solve this problem many people are using global scaling in the game options so the letters can be bigger but the global scaling itself is not working properly and it's not scaling everything as it should like Map and some other windows. Please repair global scaling or add a feature for the items description font to be adjustable when you hover the mouse over them. From what I've been researching I found out that people have been asking for this for many years now and sometimes when they play on their TV or bigger screens the game is unplayable because letters and items descriptions are too small it makes the game simply unplayable.


















Working properly:





With normal global scale (not adjusted and unplayable because of the font size):





Please fix this because it's the game ruining core feature of the game that is absolutely broken for many years now.


I'm in a similar boat. I have a 4K UHD Monitor and all other games I can run with no UI issues at all, with DLSS or without depending on how demanding graphics are, but never do i have UI Issues. Even the ME:Legendary edition looks amazing on a 4K Monitor. But this game just renders the world in 4K but has bad support for:


- Nameplates not visibe

- Flytext dmg numbers not readable

- Tooltip text being far too small



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  • Playing on a big TV at 4k running an RTX 3080 (I'm lucky), and notice that when I open the inventory window there's a brief pause, like a stutter.
  • When I use the keyboard shortcut for "inventory toggle" configured in my preferences to use "b" it opens the panel, but doesn't close it. I have to manually close the panel or Esc it closed.
  • I ran SM Esseles and when the bonus objectives would update the text read "Updating Bonus Objective: u"

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  • Seasons objectives don't seem to appear on the conquest page until personal conquest has been achieved for the week. If that's not intended behavior, it should be fixed. If that is intended behavior... it should still be fixed.
  • Making class buffs passives is cool, actually, but take them off the portrait if you're gonna do that. If I can't interact with them, I don't need to see them, all they're doing is wasting space on my buff tray.

Edited by Quething
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Couple things about the UI:


Can't say I like the inventory window being 8 columns / 10 rows. Having a taller inventory window makes it difficult to stack windows (i.e. cargo / legacy / vendor windows) for item movement. (play in 1920x1080 if that matters).


One thing driving me nuts on live and PTR, the linked tooltip for an item linked in chat is currently set to default placement below the chat window. I like my chat window in the bottom right corner. Currently if I click a linked item in the most recent line in chat, the pop up displays below my screen, and can't be closed (or another link clickable) correctable only by a game restart. Please have the box location editable in the UI editor or selection on the chat settings where it should hook (top left corner, top middle, bottom right, etc).

Edited by Aries
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Character UI is just... too big, with too much wasted space. On 1920x1080 at the default size, I have to close my chat window in order to interact with the thing because it overlaps every corner of the screen. Meanwhile my tiny paper doll is drowning in all that empty nothing.


Simultaneously, it is apparently too small; the loadout list has been clipping the last digit of my item rating on characters with triple-digit ratings (306 becomes 30).

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Double posted somehow, so I'll edit this one into something useful;


sometimes UI windows will just ignore the ESC button and stay open. You can spam ESC all you like, all it will do is open and close the menu. The specific keybind for the bugged window will still work normally to close it. I can't reliably reproduce it, but I've had it happen to both the inventory and the character/loadout windows.

Edited by Quething
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  • Playing on a big TV at 4k running an RTX 3080 (I'm lucky), and notice that when I open the inventory window there's a brief pause, like a stutter.
  • When I use the keyboard shortcut for "inventory toggle" configured in my preferences to use "b" it opens the panel, but doesn't close it. I have to manually close the panel or Esc it closed.
  • I ran SM Esseles and when the bonus objectives would update the text read "Updating Bonus Objective: u"


Hey, regarding your last point. I noticed similar errors on other flashpoint system messages with the ": u" at the end. I first noticed them when doing Lost Island.

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Awful. Plain awful.


My first reaction when opening the character sheet. And my reaction every time I've opened it since.


Whose bright idea was it to slap the INVENTORY into the character sheet and hide our STATS behind a click and a scrollbar?


Do you have any idea on what actual gamers need and want to see? I need to see my STATS with a single glance when I open my sheet. I have zero need to see my inventory when inspecting my character. And if I need to see my inventory, I can simply open it from its own button!


The new character sheet is the epitome of UN-informativeness.


This certainly is a change that should never, ever make it live.

Edited by Parsifal_
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I looked and cannot find this already reported. On live, when you push the "I" button on your keyboard, the inventory window comes up. When you press it again, the inventory window closes.


On PTS, when you hit "I", the inventory window opens, but when you press the button again, it does not close the window. I had to click the little "x" in the upper right hand side of the window to close it.


P.S. not UI related, but it would not allow me to put a weapon into the outfitter,

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Awful. Plain awful.


My first reaction when opening the character sheet. And my reaction every time I've opened it since.


Whose bright idea was it to slap the INVENTORY into the character sheet and hide our STATS behind a click and a scrollbar?

It eliminates juggling a second window. Everything's now contained in one window.


Took me a second to get used to, but I'm staying flexible enough with the changes. Anyone who's never played the game before looking at the new interface won't know any different and subsequently won't be popping an artery over it.

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Character UI is just...I have to close my chat window in order to interact with the thing because it overlaps every corner of the screen.


Same :mad:


Whose bright idea was it to slap the INVENTORY into the character sheet and hide our STATS behind a click and a scrollbar?

I need to see my STATS with a single glance when I open my sheet. I have zero need to see my inventory when inspecting my character. And if I need to see my inventory, I can simply open it from its own button!


The new character sheet is the epitome of UN-informativeness.

Agreed :mad:

Edited by EmperorRus
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An issue I noticed on life, that apparently made it to PTs as well: Depending on your mouse, it is easy to accidentally dislodge your chat tabs while switching between them. That by itself wouldn't be much of an issue, but it also prevents scrolling within the affected chat tab until you relog / reset UI. With the new, much larger character and skills windows, accidentally messing that up has become much more likely. Perhaps it would be possible to implement an option to lock your chat-window / -tabs in place?
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The new UI windows are very big covering a lot of the screen.

The new UI windows are also stuck behind other UI windows and the chat.

I echo statements that it would be nice to have the stat window permanently displayed on the left side of the character instead of whatever damage/survivability/etc. even mean.

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