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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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This is strictly something they said they would do, then at the last minute changed their minds after a large number of people subbed BECAUSE of what BIOWARE proclaimed. It is a customer service issue, a trust issue and a taking advantage of people issue.


It is dishonest. If they think it is going to be postponed 2 more months they knew it for longer then a week ago. They just wanted that sub money for December. It really is that simple.


They can choose or not to make it right via refund or whatever but you have a lot of people that feel played and taken advantage of because of what they did and how they did it.


This was clearly a bait and switch...


Yeah, legal or not, that's not the point. It's all about the manner in which it was done. Of course, they knew weeks ago that they weren't ready for a Dec. release. They also knew people would sub right before the release date. This way, they get subs they weren't going to get otherwise and they also get a more relaxed holiday and more time to polish the content. It's a win-win for them.

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This is why I prefer the B2P format: no sub fees. If you want to play the game or its expansions, pay full price and play for as long as you want. Simplifies things and helps prevent a lot of headaches. Edited by oslek
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Stop pre ordering games, this is why so many games come out full of bugs, look at the state of New World, if they hadn't of had pre orders there's no way they would have released it like that. I get you maybe wanted to get some gear and clear your inventory before the expansion but the gear will save you maybe an hour or 2 during levelling and that gear will probably be replaced within a day at 80, if your still wearing it
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Stop pre ordering games, this is why so many games come out full of bugs, look at the state of New World, if they hadn't of had pre orders there's no way they would have released it like that. I get you maybe wanted to get some gear and clear your inventory before the expansion but the gear will save you maybe an hour or 2 during levelling and that gear will probably be replaced within a day at 80, if your still wearing it


Expansion to a 10 year old game isn't quite the same as a brand new MMo. Broadly speaking, people have pretty good idea what to expect when returning to TOR for a new expansion.


Guild mastah stuff keeps me subbed through thick and thin, so no personal horses on this particular race.. Still, I keep thinking 9.8 days(nine days and like 22 hours!) before release of the new expansion is the best possible moment to return to an MMO after a long break. That's approx what I've always done for WoW for example. You get to experience pre launch hype, do some waiting(ultimately gamers love waiting) decide which char to play, figure your class out, make some new internet friends, join a guild..Its optimal if you been away for years, not weeks. I can't recall ever getting burned for doing so. Not like people got burned here.


Again, I claim nothing like this has ever happened before. With any other MMO expansion. (3 weeks old release date pushed back by 2 months one week before release) so it's not like people "should have known"

Edited by Stradlin
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Again, I claim nothing like this has ever happened before. With any other MMO expansion. (3 weeks old release date pushed back by 2 months one week before release) so it's not like people "should have known"


Try again... there sure has and THIS year too....








SWToR is NOT the only MMO to delay an expansion of a game in 2021....

Edited by denavin
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Games get delayed all the time.


Combination of dates that make TOR expansion unique been outlined many times..Like in (brackets) of the post you quoted. Release date given just three weeks back moved 2 months away one week before release. It is very unusual combination.

Edited by Stradlin
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What is with these kids and this mindset of "THIS NEVER HAPPENS HOW DARE THEY I WANT MY MONEY BACK" Bantha poodoo they keep spraying?


You'd think they would get out from under the rock they are living under and actually look around for once.

And for the record - Endwalker should have been delayed 6 months out - so they could add more eff'ing servers.

Even today - people are in queues of 4-5000 people just to log into the damn game. (2-4 hour average wait time - we should be so fortunate - and they have more than enough reason to demand a refund at that rate - people here have zero cause to complain in comparison)

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thats not what he is said lol


He said announced 3 weeks before a delay one week before release.

Edited by SaerethDL
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Games get delayed all the time.


Combination of dates that make TOR expansion unique been outlined many times..Like in (brackets) of the post you quoted. Release date given just three weeks back moved 2 months away one week before release. It is very unusual combination.


this, they are making up stuff to defend bioware :rolleyes:

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He also said any other MMO Expansion - that means "any other MMO" - not just this game.


what are you getting at? none of those mmo's he listed meet that criteria he posted. He wasn't saying other mmo's don't get delayed.

Edited by SaerethDL
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If you don't like the game then by all means, please leave. Nobody will miss you.


Otherwise sucke it up butter cup and get over it....

Suck it up and get over it? Lol? This is a PRODUCT/SERVICE. Bioware's not an indie charity company giving us their passion project for free. Everyone has the right to complain all they want

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Yeah, the salient point here is how many MMOs have had expansions get delayed 1 week before their release dates.


Yup, this is half of what stinks here. I'm sure such last minute delays have happened before though. I'm much less sure if there has ever been last minute delays of TWO MONTHS though. These things happening to a three week old release date? That's where we reach the twilight zone. It is this sum of all parts that I claim has never happened before in history of MMO expansions.



Try again... there sure has and THIS year too....






He also said any other MMO Expansion - that means "any other MMO" - not just this game.


You'd think they would get out from under the rock they are living under and actually look around for once.


It is so crazy to me how you guys happily argue others without even reading their posts. What I said is super simple, this can't be the case of misunderstanding stuff. Its literally you not even reading the two line quote you disagree with properly.

Edited by Stradlin
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It is so crazy to me how you guys happily argue others without even reading their posts. What I said is super simple, this can't be the case of misunderstanding stuff. Its literally you not even reading the two line quote you disagree with properly.


I'm not going to bother quoting your own post.... so enjoy your blissful ignorance because It's obvious to me your just here for trolling attention.

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So, honestly, you saying you're sure this announcement wasn't done with a dishonest intention when it doesn't even affect you is as shady as their "surprise" and "angst" over having to make it.


So, everything you ever told someone else you'd do and subsequently failed to follow through with, everything from signing a library checkout card in the back pocket cover of a library book that you then turned in late to everything above that, it was all because you were dishonest about declaring you'd do it in the first place?

That's basically the equivalent of what you're saying here about Bioware.


Yes, Bioware published a ridiculous deadline in terms of having developers follow through on meeting it.

They did not meet that deadline.


That does not make Bioware dishonest. It makes them poor planners and wishful thinkers.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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So, everything you ever told someone else you'd do and subsequently failed to follow through with, everything from signing a library checkout card in the back pocket cover of a library book that you then turned in late to everything above that, it was all because you were dishonest about declaring you'd do it in the first place?

That's basically the equivalent of what you're saying here about Bioware.


Yes, Bioware published a ridiculous deadline in terms of having developers follow through on meeting it.

They did not meet that deadline.


That does not make Bioware dishonest. It makes them poor planners and wishful thinkers.


"Never attribute to malice, what can be explained by incompetence, lethargy or stupidity, for the latter are in far greater supply in our world" (With apologies to Goethe)

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