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Everything posted by kage_goomba

  1. I don't see you refuting the ones I picked neither. Time to move along.
  2. Dose no one ever bother researching or reading up on things before jumping to conclusions? Or are they just starving for attention?
  3. Try FFXIV. You lose that fight easily. EVE Online as well. That thing about presumptions/assumptions? Don't fall for that trap yourself.
  4. This is the worst time to talk to support in all fairness - try to remember what time of the year it is. People need to take a breather and step back and think about the situation before jumping to conclusions. Give support a call on Monday and try again. (not that anything is stopping you from trying again today/tomorrow) Goes without saying - I don't give either support much credit at all - bout as useful as a sack of potatoes - but like it or not its what we got.
  5. Where do you get the idea that I was playing into that belief that women don't play games? I never said that. I said that majority of female chars are male players. I have quite a few friendly gals who play games on Discord. Sadly not too many in SWTOR - not any I could hang around with. I also disagree about Male chars being driven by Female players - they are rather rare in my experience. But you may be talking about just this game alone - I'm talking all games here. But in any case - we agree on the fact that people tend to assume/presume too much.
  6. This - people love making presumptions - fact remains - be upfront and honest - generally miscommunications are avoided. If you can't handle it...ignore them and move on. (Aimed at general audience)
  7. Is it just me or the trolls are getting worse by the day? You know how to use google...look it up.
  8. ^^^this You'd be surprised how scary accurate this is. (Mental Health remark) I've been stalked too....prob not on the context you'd expect - but harassment is harassment.
  9. If you're having to ask - you're a part of the problem. The only troll I see here is you.
  10. Agreed...not sure where or what he's getting at. Seems to be looking for a fight or something.
  11. Take a step back before you blow a fuse. Beauty or Glamour is in the eye of the beholder - you are both in agreement regardless of what you prefer. We simply need more stuffs....and that's the bottom line. Whether it be scantly clad or a suit of beskar armor. Pretty sure we can all agree on that.
  12. Glitching the game to do something that wasn't intended is called an exploit. Obviously there's no advantage - but why would you want to shoot yourself in the foot is beyond me.
  13. Your going through the same system. Steam just makes it more complex - ironically - due to steam account linkage. In short you took the most complicated path to a subscription. It could be any number of things that caused the issue. Server outage - payment option misfired - etc.
  14. As I explained to many many members and friends - in an effort to fix this. Girl means - Guy-In-Real-Life You'd be surprised how quickly they shut right up. Even broke a poor gal's brain with this - she had no idea. (A girl in real life in fact) Pretty sick people out there who are in denial of the obvious fact majority of female chars are actually guys. But hey...let them embarrass themselves - more entertainment for me.
  15. I thought as much as well - whats the point of having a legacy with a family tree that can be built if your not able to have a child of your own or some kind of "padawan/apprentice" to create a legacy with. Lot of potential there.
  16. I'd have said something along the lines of "Oh sweet summer child - you are the sub in this relationship"
  17. If i had to guess based on my professional experience. They caved to feedback. Timing was too damn close to launch. Too many games launch things riddled with bugs in spite of it. Just look at FFXIV
  18. Its better than having a "child" race in FFXIV called lalafells (they are not children obviously) that people frequently use with "pedo" references. People will always come up with some stupid crap that devs didn't intend. It was never about "protecting kids" frankly - its just a matter of mitigating the crap people come up with. Good intentions and the road to hell as they say. That said - I still think its just a matter of budget and timing. There are laws yes (the kids thing for example) but even then - SWTOR needs some love in this area for sure (That being glamours and shinies...or not so shiny)
  19. "That Feedback" - resulted in a delay of the launch of 7.0 One can hope they will improve things as a result.
  20. There is always SOMEONE manning the "Fort", I know because I man said fort for my gaming company - the real question is whether they deem it worthy enough to fix or not.
  21. How did you purchase your sub/coins? Direct from site? PPC? I've done both - and both showed up almost immediately for me. You have your security token all locked in? Account verified? You going through steam? Account linked? Could be a small number of things stopping you. You emailing support or opening tickets in-game? Email be faster. Course with Christmas - may be delayed a bit.
  22. "Protecting the young children"? You just being sarcastic? Cause if you think that's the reason - don't ever go the cantina and see what the Twi-leks are doing/wearing. (More of a tease/poke) The reasons are likely budget and time centric - who knows. Companies do weird things and go in weird directions and constantly ignore QoL things on the game. Its why I keep saying we need an entire expansions worth of stuff just fixing QoL/Issues. Would do a world of good.
  23. This. Frankly they'd get more attention if they let people mix/match their own dyes....within reason. Say make it a CM option where you buy a "kit" and combine your wanted dye colors...etc. May actually bomb the inflation crap on popular colors...a good thing. My suggestion needs refinement - but the point is strong me thinks.
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