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Please don't make alts useless by limiting CQ rewards to only 3 characters


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Like someone else said, is this confirmed that it will be this limited in live? The livestream this week is at risk of being filled with a lot of angry pitchfork wielding subscribers.


We know they will ignore any questions that have questions like this and others that they do not want to answer as they do not want to honest and upfront with anyone before they launch the expansion. They will launch it and let the players find out the truth while they go on vacation and ignore all the problems until late January or February.

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No the flashpoint spam thing isn't irrelevant. BW themselves said that there is a flashpoint gear upgrade path, and a CQ gear upgrade pah. A CQ player, whose main source of gear upgrades is CQ, will most likely not do group flashpoints, because they wouldn't even use the rewards for their gear path.


Again, this is a nerf to CONQUEST players. Ops players can still run as many ops as they want and be rewarded for it. Vet flashpoint players can still run as many flashpoints as they want and be rewarded for it.


CQ players can't. It's their ONLY source of commendations.


Dividing the player base even further. Truly a bad decision.

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Yes, it's a nerf to solo conquest players.


That said, the current system encourages an odd play loop for those of us who don't want to constantly play alts. I have found myself barely playing my main with the current system, because it quickly becomes less rewarding than alt hopping.


But I would favor buffing single char conquest rewards potential over this nerf to alts conquest rewards. This, paired with the itemization changes, I see as clearly disrespectful of solo players' time, money, and effort.


Unfortunately, the lead system devs seem more interested in playing to their small Discord clique rather than designing the new systems to be equatable across all currently viable play styles. We are lower class players. Going forward, our purpose within this community is to keep the lights on for elitist raiders that need superior quality gear to feed their fragile egos.

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That said, the current system encourages an odd play loop for those of us who don't want to constantly play alts. I have found myself barely playing my main with the current system, because it quickly becomes less rewarding than alt hopping.

Pretty much my main issue with how conquest works atm.


Unfortunately, the lead system devs seem more interested in playing to their small Discord clique

Is there an actual developer swtor discord? where you see developers post and chat about their systems?

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On the other hand, this game really encourages alts with all the story possibilities and the legacy stuff, and some people love having a ton of alts. Only being able to get full rewards on a few of them could seem very punishing and make playing alts less worthwhile. Diminishing returns, waste of time, etc. If the CQ rewards stay like the PTS version now, I will probably trim my frequently-played character list down from 6 to 3-4


to be fair, that whole thing about playing each class really only applied or mattered to 1.x when stories were different. now there's just two story lines: imperial or republic (and some of the xpacks don't even offer that lol).

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I'm curious about this.


Since they are limiting the ones that do Conquest like this are the ones that do OPS or Flashpoints limited as well or is just the conquest players. If it just conquest, that seems a bit discrimination in my book.

"the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people"

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seems a bit discrimination in my book.

"the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people"


No surprise there. This game will sunset without SSRs ever being engineered into the original class stories, so best people can do going forward with 7.0 changes is raise the pitchforks while it's still meaningful.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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No surprise there. This game will sunset without SSRs ever being engineered into the original class stories, so best people can do going forward with 7.0 changes is raise the pitchforks while it's still meaningful.


Thing is, as other people have said, by the time stuff gets to the PTS it is a done deal. Sure they might make minor tweaks but what you see now on the PTS is what you will get when 7.0 goes live. All the protestation on the forums at this point is meaningless with the release only a few weeks away. Sadly, for the first time in 10 years, I am thinking of letting my sub lapse. I can do everything worth doing as preferred. I used to do Raids and FPs but the type of people doing that content has changed over the years and the "have fun while doing the content" has been transformed into "blast through it as fast as you can to get on to the next Raid/FP". I don't see that changing with 7.0, in fact I see it getting even worse.

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They said the live stream will be mostly focusing on story. I expect BioWare will just ignore any and all questions and statements that have pissed people off. It will be the typical Bio-Ostrich live stream with their proverbial heads in the sand.

We know they will ignore any questions that have questions like this and others that they do not want to answer as they do not want to honest and upfront with anyone before they launch the expansion. They will launch it and let the players find out the truth while they go on vacation and ignore all the problems until late January or February.

They know by now that many players will come onto the livestream with questions outside their proposed focus (I was aware they said the livestream will focus on story). They must also know by now that not being open and honest about things we question from the PTS happens every single update.

I hope the pattern doesn't repeat but based on previous (as you've both mentioned) this forum needs more "despair" emojis.


Restricting conquest rewards to three characters is seems a very bad decision; I'd like to see some justification IF this going into live. If they're doing it to try to force soloers into group stuff, it won't work. If they are doing it because of the "economy" in relation to the crafting items rewarded as part of conquest, just reduce them or remove them even. Have they not considered that in doing this they are effectively penalising those of us altoholics who probably are the biggest CM spenders in the game? Alts are expensive business and I don't mind spending "real money" on alts. If this change makes to live, us altoholics may start looking elsewhere to get our multiple character fix and another game company will benefit from all the money we would have spent on swtor. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

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I'm curious about this.


Since they are limiting the ones that do Conquest like this are the ones that do OPS or Flashpoints limited as well or is just the conquest players. If it just conquest, that seems a bit discrimination in my book.

"the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people"


The Medal of Commendations which is used by EVERYONE to upgrade gear. So while it will make it less meaningful to do more then 3 conquest because of the cap, it will affect raiders and FP runners when they are upgrading gear as well.

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"it is what it is" sums up a great deal about TOR. Dev team is very small and rate with which new content gets released is VERY MODEST. When it comes to new content with logevity(ie everything besides storyline) , things look even worse.


Conquest is and has been a pretty good cure against boredom for many people. It has helped folks to endure repetition. It is genuinely a really cool system and a fine replacement for end game. Bringing obscene amount of alts to conq target each week has turned into a playstyle for many people. It is a good incentive to play all those alts. Messting up with this picture is a terrible idea. Should it be slower to ding conq target than it is now? Sure, why not. It is just silly you can do it in 15 mins now. Should there be some hard cap involved, that makes it either useless or less rewarding to reach target on multiple characters? Absolutely not!!


Having said that..if literally every single other venue of game has hard cap on rate with which commendations come in, then ofc conq must have a cap too. If I get Y amount of them from every single FP I do, then I totally should get similar amount from each conq target ding. If I only get max of y x 3 a week legacywide from Ops, GSF,FPs..then that restriction must be there for conq too.

Edited by Stradlin
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I'm curious about this.


Since they are limiting the ones that do Conquest like this are the ones that do OPS or Flashpoints limited as well or is just the conquest players. If it just conquest, that seems a bit discrimination in my book.

"the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people"


They are not limiting conquests, they are limiting a currency that everyone needs to upgrade their gear. It just so happens that if you're doing conquests that translates to three conquests, but that very same cap of 600 exists for everyone.

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They are not limiting conquests, they are limiting a currency that everyone needs to upgrade their gear. It just so happens that if you're doing conquests that translates to three conquests, but that very same cap of 600 exists for everyone.


while you are correct they aren't limiting conquest, they are making the rewards for doing conquest after you hit your cap less meaningful however. Your personal goals were only the credit chips to sell at vendors, 100 tech frags, and 200 Medals of Commendations. So once you cap on the Commendations not much reason to keep doing conquest on multiple alts unless your farming the flagship plans.

Edited by Toraak
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Elder Scrolls Online is designed to "play your way". Of course that doesn't stop elitist end game players from trying to insist there is only 1 way to tank, 1 way to heal or 1 way to DPS for each class and you better have chosen the 'right" race.


how many ways are there to tank? :confused:

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Title of this thread is incredibly and intentionally misleading.


* Conq rewards are not limited to three characters.


* Op is talking about "Tech Fragments" of the coming expansion. You can only earn set amount of them within a week. Completing conq on three characters brings you to this amount.

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Title of this thread is incredibly and intentionally misleading.


* Conq rewards are not limited to three characters.


* Op is talking about "Tech Fragments" of the coming expansion. You can only earn set amount of them within a week. Completing conq on three characters brings you to this amount.


So, unless they institute a completely new currency, system, and items sets, how do we outfit our alts? Because I can, if I'm lucky do one alt, seven pieces plus tactical, in about three (?) days. If 7.0 remains numerically constant, then......

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So, unless they institute a completely new currency, system, and items sets, how do we outfit our alts? Because I can, if I'm lucky do one alt, seven pieces plus tactical, in about three (?) days. If 7.0 remains numerically constant, then......


as someone pointed out (stradin?), it's the equivalent of a legacy lock, like we've always had for reputation (for example).


and I do think 3 is on the low side. instead of calling it character rewards, just put an actual legacy cap on it, and allow 1 toon or 20 toons to earn up to that weekly cap (in gear currency).

Edited by CheesyEZ
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how many ways are there to tank? :confused:


What race do you want to play (9 come with game 1 is extra) What class do you want to play (4,5,6 depending on which DLC content you purchased) ? What armor do you want to wear ? Every character can wear, light, medium or heavy armor in any combination. And they each protect from different forms of attack, have different strengths and weakness.. Light is more resistant to magic but weak to physical attacks. Heavy strongest against weapons but weakest against magic.. What weapons do you prefer? You might think a sword and shield is best for your tank but you may want healing staff. At level 15 you gain ability to alternate between two skill sets and most guides seem to suggest that if you are tanking the second set be with healing staff. but they have different variations on the first.

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Seems it's the case on PTS right now and it stinks. We put in the time, work, and sometimes money to level up alts, you're already doubling the amount of work to get CQ done, and now you want to altogether give us no incentive to play more than 3 alts?


That is not ok. And it will guarantee that the smaller alt guilds will not make it.


If we put in the extra work to do CQ on more than 3 characters, we need to get some sort of reward for it!


Don't forget that the first week, no one will get 200 "medal of commendation" from conquest.


You're going to hit 100,000 conquest goal before reaching level 80.

Only level 80 characters receive 200 Medal of Commendation for hitting conquest personal goal.


You would need to level 3 alts from 75 to 80 in the first week not to fall behind on week 2 of 7.0

Edited by Falensawino
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if all you do with your alts is use them for conquest then they are useless regardless. That isn't what they are meant for though that is just one thing they can do. You are meant to enjoy your alts, play a different playstyle, fill a group looking for a different role, enjoy a different story, do extra crafting.. etc etc.. Alts where a thing before conquest, they will be a thing after. :D Edited by SaerethDL
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Seems it's the case on PTS right now and it stinks. We put in the time, work, and sometimes money to level up alts, you're already doubling the amount of work to get CQ done, and now you want to altogether give us no incentive to play more than 3 alts?!

*Meanwhile here casually at 600k/50k not even 2 days since the weekly reset stuck with only 1 box of conquest rewards*

Dont use terms like time, work and money as if they are only relevant for people who play alts and everybody else's time, work and money is irrelevant cuz they choose to play on a main.


Why do you get 20 boxes right now, when I get one even though I do a lot of content.

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*Meanwhile here casually at 600k/50k not even 2 days since the weekly reset stuck with only 1 box of conquest rewards*

Dont use terms like time, work and money as if they are only relevant for people who play alts and everybody else's time, work and money is irrelevant cuz they choose to play on a main.


Why do you get 20 boxes right now, when I get one even though I do a lot of content.


If you go to the gym, and only do bench press, don't complain when people mention "chicken legs".

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