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Issue with the Launcher and Intel i7-12700k


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Good work, Cassianus.


As for this thread, overall... Currently there are 200 replies and 24,879 views to this. No other thread/posting has that, at least not on the Bugs landing page.


That should, in some small way, suggest that the community is wanting a sense of urgency to this fix. Yes, as stated, I cancelled my account due to this going on since November and near silence from the devs and R&D teams... But I could see me subscribing again.


Right now? Not a chance.

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I am glad that you also attempted to solve this problem, it's not easy to do this alone. Currently I was managed to fix the launcher in the debugger, which is definitely not a solution for common players. Please count this as a demo that the real fix is possible and isn't very hard to implement.


BioWare, I apologise that I had to do this, only because of a desperate situation. I never wanted to be a hacker and even less wanted to "fix" the commercial product protected by copyright and other laws.


As I supposed early, the problem is in wrong interpretation of Alder Lake CPU information in the code which analyses the result of Win32 API function GetSystemInfo(). This code is located in the module SWTORLaunch.dll, apparently written by BioWare programmers (unlike some components from Solid State Networks). SWTORLaunch.dll is protected by digital signature and cannot be patched directly. This is important because it protects the integrity of binary files. The code, however, can be modified in the memory after DLL is loaded. Here is a fragment of the code (I hope it will help the developers too).


6F8F82F8 | 8B0D 28EFA06F                           mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F82FE | 8379 38 00                                   cmp dword ptr ds:[ecx+38],0
6F8F8302 | 74 07                                             je swtorlaunch.6F8F830B
6F8F8304 | E8 87ECFFFF                               call swtorlaunch.6F8F6F90
6F8F8309 | EB 10                                            jmp swtorlaunch.6F8F831B
6F8F830B | 8B55 FC                                       mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
6F8F830E | 52                                                 push edx
6F8F830F | 8D45 EC                                       lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
6F8F8312 | 50                                                  push eax
6F8F8313 | E8 08EEFFFF                               call swtorlaunch.6F8F7120
6F8F8318 | 83C4 08                                        add esp,8
6F8F831B | EB 4C                                            jmp swtorlaunch.6F8F8369
6F8F831D | 8B0D 28EFA06F                           mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8323 | C781 84000000 00000000            mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+84],0
6F8F832D | 8B15 28EFA06F                            mov edx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8333 | C782 8C000000 00000000           mov dword ptr ds:[edx+8C],0
6F8F833D | A1 28EFA06F                               mov eax,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8342 | C780 80000000 FFFFFFFF          mov dword ptr ds:[eax+80],FFFFFFFF
6F8F834C | 8B0D 28EFA06F                          mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8352 | C781 88000000 00000000            mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+88],0
6F8F835C | 8B15 28EFA06F                           mov edx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8362 | C742 7C 00000000                       mov dword ptr ds:[edx+7C],0
6F8F8369 | A1 28EFA06F                                mov eax,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F836E | 8378 2C 00                                   cmp dword ptr ds:[eax+2C],0
[color="SandyBrown"]6F8F8372 | 74 07                                             je swtorlaunch.6F8F837B[/color]
6F8F8374 | 83C8 FF                                        or eax,FFFFFFFF
6F8F8377 | EB 04                                            jmp swtorlaunch.6F8F837D
6F8F8379 | EB 02                                            jmp swtorlaunch.6F8F837D
6F8F837B | 33C0                                             xor eax,eax
6F8F837D | 8BE5                                             mov esp,ebp
6F8F837F | 5D                                                 pop ebp
6F8F8380 | C3                                                 ret


Code in the selected line "74 07" should be replaced with two "nop" operations "90 90", after that the launcher will be able to calculate the SpecsHash parameter and show its screen. This fix is nothing but a circumvention of validity check of calculated result, but the result itself is wrong in the case of Alder Lake. I am not sure whether this fix may have some unwanted consequences, but apparently it works. Then the client swtor.exe works without any noticeable error.

Note: the debugger sould be run as Administrator and launcher has -Elevated parameter in its command line.


This is the way !

Support, wake up !

There you got a damn FAQ how to fix this problem.

Do something for your money !

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I am glad that you also attempted to solve this problem, it's not easy to do this alone. Currently I was managed to fix the launcher in the debugger, which is definitely not a solution for common players. Please count this as a demo that the real fix is possible and isn't very hard to implement.


BioWare, I apologise that I had to do this, only because of a desperate situation. I never wanted to be a hacker and even less wanted to "fix" the commercial product protected by copyright and other laws.


As I supposed early, the problem is in wrong interpretation of Alder Lake CPU information in the code which analyses the result of Win32 API function GetSystemInfo(). This code is located in the module SWTORLaunch.dll, apparently written by BioWare programmers (unlike some components from Solid State Networks). SWTORLaunch.dll is protected by digital signature and cannot be patched directly. This is important because it protects the integrity of binary files. The code, however, can be modified in the memory after DLL is loaded. Here is a fragment of the code (I hope it will help the developers too).


6F8F82F8 | 8B0D 28EFA06F                           mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F82FE | 8379 38 00                                   cmp dword ptr ds:[ecx+38],0
6F8F8302 | 74 07                                             je swtorlaunch.6F8F830B
6F8F8304 | E8 87ECFFFF                               call swtorlaunch.6F8F6F90
6F8F8309 | EB 10                                            jmp swtorlaunch.6F8F831B
6F8F830B | 8B55 FC                                       mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
6F8F830E | 52                                                 push edx
6F8F830F | 8D45 EC                                       lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
6F8F8312 | 50                                                  push eax
6F8F8313 | E8 08EEFFFF                               call swtorlaunch.6F8F7120
6F8F8318 | 83C4 08                                        add esp,8
6F8F831B | EB 4C                                            jmp swtorlaunch.6F8F8369
6F8F831D | 8B0D 28EFA06F                           mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8323 | C781 84000000 00000000            mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+84],0
6F8F832D | 8B15 28EFA06F                            mov edx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8333 | C782 8C000000 00000000           mov dword ptr ds:[edx+8C],0
6F8F833D | A1 28EFA06F                               mov eax,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8342 | C780 80000000 FFFFFFFF          mov dword ptr ds:[eax+80],FFFFFFFF
6F8F834C | 8B0D 28EFA06F                          mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8352 | C781 88000000 00000000            mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+88],0
6F8F835C | 8B15 28EFA06F                           mov edx,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F8362 | C742 7C 00000000                       mov dword ptr ds:[edx+7C],0
6F8F8369 | A1 28EFA06F                                mov eax,dword ptr ds:[6FA0EF28]
6F8F836E | 8378 2C 00                                   cmp dword ptr ds:[eax+2C],0
[color="SandyBrown"]6F8F8372 | 74 07                                             je swtorlaunch.6F8F837B[/color]
6F8F8374 | 83C8 FF                                        or eax,FFFFFFFF
6F8F8377 | EB 04                                            jmp swtorlaunch.6F8F837D
6F8F8379 | EB 02                                            jmp swtorlaunch.6F8F837D
6F8F837B | 33C0                                             xor eax,eax
6F8F837D | 8BE5                                             mov esp,ebp
6F8F837F | 5D                                                 pop ebp
6F8F8380 | C3                                                 ret


Code in the selected line "74 07" should be replaced with two "nop" operations "90 90", after that the launcher will be able to calculate the SpecsHash parameter and show its screen. This fix is nothing but a circumvention of validity check of calculated result, but the result itself is wrong in the case of Alder Lake. I am not sure whether this fix may have some unwanted consequences, but apparently it works. Then the client swtor.exe works without any noticeable error.

Note: the debugger sould be run as Administrator and launcher has -Elevated parameter in its command line.


You're a genius, mate. Bioware should hire you so they can actually get things done.

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Pretty sure the develops are on holiday, and this is not seen as urgent enough to bring them/one back.


What other reason could there be for it to remain unpatched for sooooo long. I wonder how long it will remain broken even its pointed out what the issue is.

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Pretty sure the develops are on holiday, and this is not seen as urgent enough to bring them/one back.


What other reason could there be for it to remain unpatched for sooooo long. I wonder how long it will remain broken even its pointed out what the issue is.


They've been on holiday since mid November? I wish the company I work for gave me holidays like that.

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I would like to point out this fact...

If you search for games worth playing on the internet, it is interesting that most are older games like WOW, Final Fantasy, GW2 and EOS. SWTOR always rates somewhere. It is a 10 year old 'great game'. Lots of suitors get nowhere, Amazon New World did not really make it. Etc, etc, ad nauseum.

So, forgetting all we don't know, that is, why they are being so unresponsive and why they are so tight-lipped, and bottom line why the f#$% they just do not fix it. What about just plain customer service. In my business, (something completely devoid of computers), if I treated my customers like this, I would fail pretty damn fast.

I watched all the hype about the new patch from the SWTOR team. Great to see people so excited about a patch being offered; whilst so many peeps are completely screwed after upgrading their computers. I would say mostly we are an odd sort. We will spend thousands upgrading a computer, and with probably no great improvement. So, THIS IS IMPORTANT! We are anxious about this.

So, Bioware do what you need to do. Pull your best guys in, explain this is a catastrophe that needs extraordinary people to fix an extraordinary problem and get it done. We are not asking for 2 litres of milk and a loaf of bread, we are asking you to fix something important in a lot of peoples lives.

I have been playing off and on for 10 years. I am struggling to understand your lack of motivation. If nothing else you are going to lose a lot of faithful players and then wonder why it is so hard to provide a game in this climate where most people do not want to pay to play.

I will wait patiently, and I will probably keep subscribing cause I love the game. How sad am I?

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This is the way !

Support, wake up !

There you got a damn FAQ how to fix this problem.

Do something for your money !


Devs took so long a community member found the issue, and even fixed it at that! BioWare support already made a post in this thread, they have ZERO excuse now to not come back in here. To fix this in January, preferably within a couple weeks.


Literally handed to them on a platter, something like this almost never happens. Good thing the game is fine, the archaic launcher is nowhere near as difficult to debug. Don't even need a full update, just let us download a fixed launcher.


Thing is nobody at BW probably has an alder lake CPU to test with, could explain why it hasn't been fixed yet. Now they don't even need one. I'm almost inclined to mass e-mail and tweet swtor support with the fix post above you quoted, using a screenshot.

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Pretty sure the develops are on holiday, and this is not seen as urgent enough to bring them/one back.


What other reason could there be for it to remain unpatched for sooooo long. I wonder how long it will remain broken even its pointed out what the issue is.


Some factors like this only affected a specific platform (Intel 12th gen), the issue being with the launcher and not the game (rare), and the rush to push out 7.0 are all why it's still not fixed. 7.0 got delayed, someone here did their job for them, and the list of 12th gen subscribers going up during the holidays as people get new PCs all gives them no excuse to have us wait beyond January for the fix. We pay their salaries after all.

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I have been following this post for 2 weeks since I upgraded my PC, been an on and off again player for 10 years and am disappointed I am unable to play. Just writing this to add my name to the list and hope eventually 'they' will take notice.
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I feel for all of you my friends, and hope that this is resolved with the update next month. I actually looked this topic up in preparation for my Alder Lake upgrade (currently running a 4790k I've been meaning to swap out). Kind of glad I found out before making the switch.


I'm delaying my upgrade until this issue is firmly fixed on both Win 10 and 11. Really hope it's sooner rather than later!

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I feel for all of you my friends, and hope that this is resolved with the update next month. I actually looked this topic up in preparation for my Alder Lake upgrade (currently running a 4790k I've been meaning to swap out). Kind of glad I found out before making the switch.


I'm delaying my upgrade until this issue is firmly fixed on both Win 10 and 11. Really hope it's sooner rather than later!


Lol wish I had been able to do that, I got alder lake on launch fearing it would become unobtanium. Took awhile for this thread to pop up. Almost sold my old 4790K system, now I'm using it as well for the time being. Game runs pretty good with that and my old 750Ti all considering. Can't wait for the fix to finally enjoy some 165hz swtor :hope_02:

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and they lose another player to FF14


I'm guessing you already had an account on there. I wanted to play FF but idk if they're still closed off from new subscribers. Game is so good they need to upgrade their servers, take a lesson or two from them BioWare. :rak_wink:

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Same problem with my i5-12600k


Been playing since launch and I was excited to upgrade to new hardware before LoTS. So sad to see that no fix has been provided yet, since everyone prob wants to get some grind in before the new expansion. Just wanted to add my name to the list of unfortunate troubled players, hope we get a fix soon. We are 1 week into the 2022 its about time they get this problem resorted, hoping I dont need to cancel my subscription yet and get a fix.

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Same problem with my i5-12600k


Been playing since launch and I was excited to upgrade to new hardware before LoTS. So sad to see that no fix has been provided yet, since everyone prob wants to get some grind in before the new expansion. Just wanted to add my name to the list of unfortunate troubled players, hope we get a fix soon. We are 1 week into the 2022 its about time they get this problem resorted, hoping I dont need to cancel my subscription yet and get a fix.


Same Here

I hope they will fix it soon ...

Edited by Lianor
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I think at this point we can all assume that there is probably a communcation problem at Bioware. While the problem was acknowledged by a single bioware "Communityteam" on 11.15.2021 - it probably hasn't moved from that point, or it was deemed by uninformed useless management not important enough. Reguardless of where the thread stands on the official Bug forums; It's being ignored - even with a detailed explanation on how they can fix it.


Covid, Holidays, etc don't help things - but you'd assume some kind of update or thank you for the fix information passing it on the correct people - but I assume, due to the Free to Play Aspect/Limited Bioware Staffing (Pseudo-maintaince mode) - there is NO correct person, or at least we have no way to get in touch with them. You can be sure at this point, there probably isn't anyone working off a 12th Gen Intel CPU on the SWTOR bioware team.


I'm certain some executives son/daughter (Lucasarts/Disney/Intel) that played SWTOR and got a nice new 12th generation Intel computer for the holidays, things would gain some traction.


An even sadder fact, is we don't know for certain if the message even ever got to the right people. It could be sitting in a stack of silly bug fixes like armor color not being the right tint/color; that pile of bug fixes people report could be insanely large over the years.


Go to Twitter, Go to Reddit, Make Memes - If you make some more noise about this creatively, it might get looked at with the right set of eyes (and see the fix was given to them on a silver platter) - because the Bug Fourm message is ignored - The silence is telling.


I mean, how can you ignore a post that has 26,948 views?


Edit: I just realized, reguardless when they fix this - it will have to be a manual download as their patcher won't load to patch it.

Edited by Cerdinak
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So then, am I doing something wrong here?


I've placed the files where the reddit states to, yet all I get when I launch is the launcher stating it needs an update. Attempting to preform that, then once again closing. This is in the default launcher from swtor.com. I tried this as well with the steam version earlier. The launcher would appear, already a breakthrough on that end, then once again close itself.

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So then, am I doing something wrong here?


I've placed the files where the reddit states to, yet all I get when I launch is the launcher stating it needs an update. Attempting to preform that, then once again closing. This is in the default launcher from swtor.com. I tried this as well with the steam version earlier. The launcher would appear, already a breakthrough on that end, then once again close itself.


You need to restart it a few times using SWTORWrapper.exe. Every time it restarts itself to update the fix won't get re-applied automatically. I had to click through it 3-4 times like this before it worked properly.

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You need to restart it a few times using SWTORWrapper.exe. Every time it restarts itself to update the fix won't get re-applied automatically. I had to click through it 3-4 times like this before it worked properly.


I actually just ran it as Admin once and it kicked right in. Though it might have also just been the fact that it was run like 7 times and finally updated. So, either way, it is working now.

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