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Played WOW after playing SWTOR this is what i found


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And then you looked at the dated graphics and IP franchise and said... this is not a Space type MMO I wanted to be in?


No what you missed was the same stale old BUILDINGS that are the SAME MODEL IN EVERY FRIGGING CITY for the last 6 years...


I can predict what the bosses will do and what the buildings will look like ... every single one of them.


So while you were on your mount that is stale or old model you forgot to mention that you do not care about what type of game your playing in the first place clearly.




Theme based MMOs are different then more OPEN MMOs.


sorry to say this "brand new" game feels just as dated

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They do but the mountains and oceans are a much much much longer mount run than the ones on SWTOR , much larger areas in WOW is not even comparable.


SWTOR is like a garage, walls on a 4 sides.


WOW is like a stadium walls on all 4 sides.


.. this is where i knew you were a troll. Tatooine is easily twice as large as the largest zone in WoW (Formerly, Dragonblight, might have been replaced with a zone in Cata). And Tatooine is the smallest of the later planets other than Quesh. It's pretty easy to test, and if i had an active wow subscription, i'd do it, but i dont, 'cause that game got old before Cata launched and i gave Cata a go and.. yeah. Bad. But it's easy to test. Get the 100% mount training in both games. Mount up and ride across the largest zones largest dimension. You will find that you will have cleared two zones this way in WoW and still be travelling through Hoth or Belsavis... and not close to the other side.


Nice try, though. I think what you're whining about is that the zones are segregated - you cant just ride your speeder from Tatooine to Hoth.




did you honestly expect to?


If so, the least of your problems is SWTOR. And.. 22 on Tatooine? You've got other problems, meng.

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this guy had multiple threads about the same thing in beta. He knew what he was getting into and knew exactly how the gameplay and world exploration works. He said he wasn't buying the game then, and his unsub is no surprise now.


So now he just trolls the forums hoping for?....*crickets* To discourage others from playing how constructive is this thread?

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.. this is where i knew you were a troll. Tatooine is easily twice as large as the largest zone in WoW (Formerly, Dragonblight, might have been replaced with a zone in Cata). And Tatooine is the smallest of the later planets other than Quesh. It's pretty easy to test, and if i had an active wow subscription, i'd do it, but i dont, 'cause that game got old before Cata launched and i gave Cata a go and.. yeah. Bad. But it's easy to test. Get the 100% mount training in both games. Mount up and ride across the largest zones largest dimension. You will find that you will have cleared two zones this way in WoW and still be travelling through Hoth or Belsavis... and not close to the other side.


Nice try, though. I think what you're whining about is that the zones are segregated - you cant just ride your speeder from Tatooine to Hoth.




did you honestly expect to?


If so, the least of your problems is SWTOR. And.. 22 on Tatooine? You've got other problems, meng.


Exactly. He has'nt spent enough time in the other zones doing his class story to even know for sure what kind of game TOR is. And as far the Horde attacking the npc's in Westfall...so what?...they can'nt control the zone...give the npc's about 10 mins and they will all respawn again and the cycle will be repeated. And those attacking Horde suffer no penalties if they die. PvP without lost is pointless.

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Yes , one way I was resricted by a mountain, another way i was restricted by a exhaustion zone.


Both of those things(natural barriers and exhaustion zones) both exist in WoW, you know.


The difference is, WoW is two continents with all the zones packed into one. In SWTOR, each "zone" has its own planet.

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This is 2 folded really.


Yes, it's a more open world, but at what price?


If you have an open world to run around in and there is nothing to do out there, what is the sense? A wasteful time sink.


This is one of the main reasons I left WOW after playing it for years. It gets old after a while. WOW's time has past, time to pass the crown to a new king.



I like this game but don't be silly, it doesn't hold a candle to WoW yet.

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@ OP


In WoW you have "open" zones and "forest / cavern" zones


In Tor we have (mind you I have not done all planets yet):


Tython (Open nature themed zone)


Corruscant (Compact sprawling metropolitan zone)


Tatooine (Open Desert zone)


Nar Shaddaa (Compact urban zone)


Taris ( Open / Urban zone depends more where you are at)




Seems to me that Tor has more variety to it. Just because you did not like the feel of for example corruscant does not mean there are not zones that make you feel like you are actually out in the open.


If nothing Tor did it job well if you feel like it's not open on a planet on corruscant or Nar shadda because it's SUPPOSED to feel like that.



Incorrect. In WoW you have open zones, period.

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Did you make it to Tatooine or Hoth. those worlds are huge


not in a mmo sense they wern't. but i think op noticed same thing i did the worlds are way too static they dont fell alive like other mmo world where you have day/night and weather cycles.

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


And then, you stand around in Org for hours doing nothing.


A lot of good that openness does.

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And then you looked at the dated graphics and IP franchise and said... this is not a Space type MMO I wanted to be in?


No what you missed was the same stale old BUILDINGS that are the SAME MODEL IN EVERY FRIGGING CITY for the last 6 years...


I can predict what the bosses will do and what the buildings will look like ... every single one of them.


So while you were on your mount that is stale or old model you forgot to mention that you do not care about what type of game your playing in the first place clearly.




Theme based MMOs are different then more OPEN MMOs.


HEHHEHHE You idiot! Have you seen SWTOR? Have you looked at it? Every area looks the same! Walk into any Cantina, it is exactly like every other Cantina. The patrons are all look the same! Look at the mobs in spaceports, they are all clones of each other. Ever notice in cutscenes, that all the facial models on women are the SAME woman by class?

There is not much variety at all.

Edited by JediSanta
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Go travel the balloon on Tattooine that takes you to the special sandcrawler in the Dune Sea. Do that and than see if the game still feels small. That is all.
And then count the mobs, resource nodes, quests etc. you come along...


Guess what? You might not even need your 2nd hand for that.

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.

You don't feel restricted because you can now fly in Azeroth. And I was thinking the exact opposite while questing in Alderaan. I can see much further in ToR, and there are massive things to see in the horizon. Like the massive broken bridges in the distance. SW is very immersive. In wow, there isn't much of a motivation to go out in the world. You just port everywhere. Not immersive at all.
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WoW is also so easy any retard with one arm can play it.


And you consider this game hard?....


But to go back on topic i enjoyed Taris it was like a nice release, i could almost see a rush of fresh air burst into my ship as i landed there. After being in basically one long corridor on Coruscant, it was nice to get to roam around a bit. But it still felt kind of caged, with walls on the very edge of the zone. Then Nar Shaddaa which was yet another corridor zone just one hallway after another.


Now i'm on Tatooine which is just boring (oh look sand and over there you can see....more sand!) I was tempted to start a game of eye spy where every answer was sand...or mound of sand. Even for Tatooine being such a large open area it just feels empty through most of it with maybe a lizard thing here or there. Virtually zero resource nodes in between each city. I would hate to see a resource node farming circuit for that planet.


I just hope the next planet i go to feels more alive.

Edited by Blankfaced
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WoW pre-cata I found had an amazing atmosphere in almost every zone. SWTOR lacks it somehow but they have time to fix this they have plenty of time.


edit: Actually I spoke too quickly now, Alderaan had an amazing atmosphere, but other planets weren't quite at that level. That is the goal that should be set for each level - "feel as atmospheric as alderaan"

Edited by Necrolepsy
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The way this game is built is a bioware staple


Think of the way the 'zones' were setup in Dragon Age and Mass Effect.. it's bioware sticking to what they know.


I'd love to see the sunset on the planets.. hell it would be different on every single one of them :) I understand why it's not built that way though.. it's pretty much all I miss from wow

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Yes , one way I was resricted by a mountain, another way i was restricted by a exhaustion zone.


did you even play vanilla wow? every zone was either surrounded by mountains you couldnt pass over, or an ocean leading to an exhaustion zone, and only 1 or 2 paths in said mountain leading to the next zone over.


fail try again.

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I 100% agree with you!! Star Wars is a massive universe and yet this game feels like its sets you on a closed road with only a few paths. I waited a really long time for this game to be release without even doubting that it would be a open world, but sadly it's not. Im still having fun with it, but it's wearing off. If i dont see some changes in the next few months i could see myself cancelling my sub.
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