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Played WOW after playing SWTOR this is what i found


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As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


This is where I stopped believing the post, you aren't going to find 15 (or hell probably even 2) WoW players who will rush to save something in Moonglade...people rarely bother running to save a faction leader that's 10 feet from where they're standing and waiting to do their heroic.


Funny thing is I played WoW after playing this game and I couldn't be bothered to stay logged in long enough to check my mail, WoW just lost it's appeal after this game came along.

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I actually play both games.


WoW world is more open then this game is by far.

You can run from one end of the map to the other in WoW, and never get a loading screen.

You can get on your flying mount, and fly ANYWHERE on the continent Even if there is nothing there and no place to even land, you can still get to that part of the map.


SWTOR is what it is. If you dont like it , dont play it.

Almost wish Bioware would be the first with a new rule of if you cancel your account.

You cant post on the forums even if your account still has time on it.

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I actually play both games.


WoW world is more open then this game is by far.

You can run from one end of the map to the other in WoW, and never get a loading screen.

You can get on your flying mount, and fly ANYWHERE on the continent Even if there is nothing there and no place to even land, you can still get to that part of the map.


SWTOR is what it is. If you dont like it , dont play it.

Almost wish Bioware would be the first with a new rule of if you cancel your account.

You cant post on the forums even if your account still has time on it.


I play them both too, and you need to clarify your statement better. You can go from one edge of the map to the other and fly ANYWHERE now that Cata is in game. Up until that expansion you could not. So don't bring it out here as if it was that way forever and SWTOR should have it that way too.


And yes I too wish BW makes the rule, if you cancel your off the forums immediately.

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My vote goes to less instancing and more open-ness


1) remove some of the instancing required to get to your ship, enter your ship, exit your ship, exit hanger, are all those really needed? If it were better streamed-lined, I wouldn't mind it so much, maybe 1 load screen (2 if really neede) should be all that is required to leave one planet and go to another.


Not to beat ya up here, but how do the instanced areas really effect you? Instead of seeing other people jumping around you ship and etc or a bunch of fellow SW's or whatever your class is, all AFK by the entry of your ship, which I would find hugely annoying...Also having to sit there and wait for the boss to respawn with other people (which not all places are instanced) for the objective of a key quest...


There is no loading time when you walk in those instanced areas...I just dont see how it cant be anything but benefictial

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


Wait, they RAN by you? They couldn't afford flying mounts or something?

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I actually play both games.


WoW world is more open then this game is by far.

You can run from one end of the map to the other in WoW, and never get a loading screen.

You can get on your flying mount, and fly ANYWHERE on the continent Even if there is nothing there and no place to even land, you can still get to that part of the map.


SWTOR is what it is. If you dont like it , dont play it.

Almost wish Bioware would be the first with a new rule of if you cancel your account.

You cant post on the forums even if your account still has time on it.


I just got to ask...when running around a planet in TOR, when do you ever get a loading screen???

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I play them both too, and you need to clarify your statement better. You can go from one edge of the map to the other and fly ANYWHERE now that Cata is in game. Up until that expansion you could not. So don't bring it out here as if it was that way forever and SWTOR should have it that way too.


And yes I too wish BW makes the rule, if you cancel your off the forums immediately.





I was not saying it has always been that way.

But it has always been you could run from one end of the continent to the other.

I'm only stating the fact that its more open for exploring.

Not saying that SWTOR has to be that way as well.

If I didnt like how SWTOR is set up with its zones, I wouldnt be playing or even on the forums.

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I just got to ask...when running around a planet in TOR, when do you ever get a loading screen???







Cant say much for the planets as I havnt been on most of them yet.

The running around I have done is just leaving and entering instanced areas alot.

I guess I made it sound as if I was getting loading screen on the planets.

The areas I have been in I see alot more loading screens then any other MMO I have played.

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And no Tat in SWG was not empty. It had player cities, POIs, housing, resources to find etc. I know that different people have different tastes but you can't just dismiss people that would prefer open spaces. Really complaining about having to travel for five minutes?! If your time is that limited then how do you even have to to play a video game?


I never played WoW myself but I don't like the claustrophobic feeling I get from a lot of the areas of this game.

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I don't play video games to see a sunset in the distance or to see clouds forming random animals in the sky. Nor do I play video games to go climb mountains or to go swimming in the ocean with friends.


If you want to see a sunset or have the ability to run in one direction forever, go outside ...

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How people can seriously defend the small confined static themepark of TOR is beyond my comprehension.


How deluded can you people possibly get?


Deluded enough to know that being confined in a video game is different than being confined in the real world. You do realize that they are different, right?


If it's not your cup of tea, why are you still playing? If you're not still playing, why are you here?

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Did you make it to Tatooine or Hoth. those worlds are huge


I haven't made it to Hoth yet but currently questing on Tatooine. The world looks open to exploring but its not. I tried going off the path outside the first town on tatooine and all of a sudden I am hit with exhaustion and am being forced back onto the designated path. I like this game, but it doesnt have an open world of exploring, only the places it wants you to go.

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I don't play video games to see a sunset in the distance or to see clouds forming random animals in the sky. Nor do I play video games to go climb mountains or to go swimming in the ocean with friends.


If you want to see a sunset or have the ability to run in one direction forever, go outside ...


Well as long as you get what you want right?

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I actually like the lack of a day/nigh cycle. I work during the day, and it gets old always playing at night on WoW. I want sunshine and cheerfulness if I am in a sunshine and cheerfulness zone and dark and gloomy if I am in a dark and gloomy zone. I like being on rails, that way i dont get lost or sidetracked. I can explore, but its not exactly required. This is why I dislike bethesda games, its to easy to get lost and go off the rails.
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Well as long as you get what you want right?


You missed the point completely.


But hey, the new ADHD and Self-Entitlement generation doesn't seem to understand common sense these days ... so it's ok.


You're playing a video game. I know that's hard to wrap your head around, but it is what it is ... a video game. If you're feeling confined, maybe SWTOR isn't your cup of tea. For me, it's about the story I've grown up on. The story that I took my kids to see at the theater in 1977. Again, I didn't purchase Star Wars: The Old Republic to see sunsets and go look at mountains. These things can be done in the real world.


I never watched the movies and said, "whoa whoa whoa, pause it and rewind ... I think I saw a beautiful sunset on Coruscant in that scene, LETS WATCH IT AGAIN!"


I watched it to see people shooting lasers and lightning coming out of people's hands while wielding a sword made out of a beam of light.

Edited by Alkiii
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Deluded enough to know that being confined in a video game is different than being confined in the real world. You do realize that they are different, right?


If it's not your cup of tea, why are you still playing? If you're not still playing, why are you here?


"haha get a life go out in real life loser"


Yeah, I go hiking and mountain biking in REAL LIFE on a regular basis kiddo.


I happen to enjoy exploration quite a bit (be it real life or video games), and enjoyed going around WoW's world (which actually feels like a WORLD).


Keep on keeping on my deluded drone, coddle that phallus.

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You missed the point completely.


But hey, the new ADHD and Self-Entitlement generation doesn't seem to understand common sense these days.


You're playing a video game. I know that's hard to wrap your head around, but it is what it is ... a video game. If you're feeling confined, maybe SWTOR isn't your cup of tea. For me, it's about the story I've grown up on. The story that I took my kids to see at the theater in 1977. Again, I didn't purchase Star Wars: The Old Republic to see sunsets and go look at mountains. These things can be done in the real world.


Yeah let's all go outside tonight and watch the twin suns of Tatooine set. Maybe tomorrow I'll go explore another planet since it's Saturday. No I think you missed my point but like I said as long as you get what you want...

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50pages on what I consider to be the worst OP I have seen sinceI got to these forums... the guy did not even play past level 22 and he quit on tatooine a world where you should be at 25 so you can use a speeder, game lists 24. Why do I read this garbage, I guess I made a misstake signing on these forums today, unless Bioware fixes them and adds server forums you will never see serious players except for trolls here.
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I played Wow after playing the Open Beta and decided then and there I'd never go back. I cancelled my pre-order of Pandaland CE last week. Almost got my Sorc to level 40, and still loving the game. Combat often feels exciting and rewarding, unlike Wow which was too faceroll easy, and I'm invested in my class' story.


It's apples and oranges. I don't like oranges, I'll eat apples.

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