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Itemization in 7.0


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But he's not misrepresenting anything. You feel entitled to the system changing to support the way you play the game because you believe yourself to be more elite than other players, and thereby more deserving. You even believe yourself so much better than others that you can determine what gear they can want to have. It's the definition of elitism.

he was in fact misrepresenting by not mentioning the fact that person#1 felt entitled by paying for sub

i dont belive myself to be more "elite" than other players no1 deserves anything just by playing the game , i never determined what gear ppl wanted to have, just what they needed, if every1 would have access to everything they wanted, the world would be chaos


supporting a change that supports my favourite content isnt elitism or entitlement if that were true every1 that supported 6.0 gearing system is the same

Edited by ebinhovdloca
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Will the achievements currently categorized under "Spoils of War", the Equipment Sets and Tactical Items also be moved to the Feats of Strength category or will they still be achievable in 7.0?

  • The Spoils of War equipment sets will no longer drop from content nor be able to be directly purchased from a vendor. As a result, the achievements will be moved to the Feats of Strength category. The sets will still be obtainable via Kai Zykken’s Random Unique Items box.


What will happen to all the armor sets being sold by vendors in the supplies section of the fleet in exchange for tech fragments and credits?

  • They will not be available for direct purchase, but will be available in Kai Zykken’s Random Unique Items Box


This is a terrible change. The achievement didn't work right for over half of the expansion, and now that it does you are turning it into a gamble box. Leave the gear on the vendors so players can work toward completing the achievement. If it goes live like this I will be putting in a ticket every time the random box gives me something I already have. I will also encourage anyone else working on the achievements to do the same.


Is the only way we can get moddable gear is if we can clear VM 80 OP? Is there no more min/maxing for players who can't clear the hardest content in game?

  • No. Over time, as upgrade ceilings raise with new game updates, moddable gear will be accessible to all players. At 7.0’s launch there will be no moddable gear awarded above level 306


ALL GEAR SHOULD BE MODDABLE. No one sane is going to invest in augment slots on gear you will only have a few weeks at best. Matched shells make gear easier to recognize and organize as well, and pulling Mods is a big money sink in a game that sorely needs them. Trying to share sets of random garbage gear, and lets be super clear, unmoddable gear is GARBAGE at every level of play in this game, is going to be a nightmare when it is a random mix of garbage.


How does this affect crafting?

  • Augments and Augmentation Kits are still craftable, and able to be used on all 7.0 gear. We are not raising Crew Skills, Gathering or Crafting levels upon the 7.0 release, but they are a part of our 10-year celebration plans.


Not doing anything to fix crafting, like getting rid of the need to craft mats to craft mats to craft mats to craft an item, and adjusting the over 10x mat cost increase that tier 11 brought to the game is negligent at best.


Tier 11 crafting is a huge reason why inflation has exploded in this game, too bad you don't have anyone making decisions about this stuff on staff that ever took an economics class in college. Augments in tiers 1-10 cost 14 materials to make, equivalent tier 11 augments cost 184 materials to make. All tier 11 items require slicing mats on top of that, so most crafters cannot even solo craft their items, and will need to farm mats on multiple characters to even make something, unless they buy them.


You made it so annoying and time consuming to craft anything people rather buy from others, and that means less mats and items entering the economy from less sources when you massively increased the mats required causing massive inflation in price. That price inflation drives up the costs of other goods on the GTN. Reducing income for the poor by reducing credit rewards won't do anything to address the inflation, it will just make items even more out of reach for even more players and make their play experience even more frustrating.


When the game released crafting an item was a 1 step process, then you added bonded attachments and such and made it a two step process, then in tier 11 you made it a 4 step process that is very convoluted and to be efficient requires you to spend hours upon hours staring at companions crafting bonded attachments and such. Crafting needs to be brough back to its roots as a 1 step process where if you have the mats you can make an item, not jump though hoops.


  • The balance target for new Operations/Lair Bosses/etc (8-player) will increase as new tiers of gear become available in later patches, starting with the R-4 Operation in 7.1. Legacy Operations will remain balanced for 318.


This is the stupidest thig I ever heard, and I have been playing this game since pre-launch. You don't keep releveling the end game content in the same major patch. The whole idea that we are going to be forced to play this ops ad nauseum because of the worst loot system in MMO history is bad enough, but over time that loot won't even make any difference is the more asinine design I have seen in over 20 years of playing MMOs. SWTOR is not WoW, trying to apply unpopular WoW designs to a game that doesn't even release content on the same level is just terrible.


If you want to copy WoW here are some ideas:


  • Account Wide Pets and Mounts for no additional Cost
  • Have all gear and items from quests, vendors, and drops added to Collections
  • Allow us to pull any item we want from collections even if we don't have the complete set
  • Make it so we don't have to reclaim items in collections to apply it to outfit designer
  • Make it so we don't have to reclaim a complete set to use just a couple of items


So far the big 10th Anniversary expansion we should all be excited about doesn't have much going for it. It would be great if you all announced some stuff to get excited about at some point.

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i play both games and i still find and raid with ppl that arent tryhard or elitist, elitists or tryhards will exist in any game on any circumstance, yes playing the content because u enjoy it would be nice, if the content would be updated regularly which it isnt


And you could've done it the same way you'll be able to do it in 7.0 before - with this changes, or without them, you experience doesn't change and yet you are trying to argue with people whose experience did change, trying to persuade them that the way they were playing the game is wrong, because they don't need to play the way they want to play.


Yeah, it would be nice if OPS were updated regurarly, I don't argue with that - I still woudn've played them, but it would be nice that people that liked that would get more stuff - what does that get to do with the fact that people like me are pushed to that corner?

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Actually, it does, it adds a roadblock to players moving onto higher tier content. They will be locked out because they don't already have the best gear there is. Every MMO that locks its best gear behind only high-tier content will find those playlists decrease in population. It becomes a closed ecosystem that only lets those already in, in and those who don't meet the requirements will never get a chance. At least giving everyone a chance at max-level gear gives players the chance to actually try high-tier play.


You don't have to go into ops with the best stuff. Starting with weak gear and earning the higher stuff through ops and FP is called "progression raiding". If ANYONE has ever said otherwise, especially by putting someone down for not having BiS gear in a SM ops or vet FP run, they are a toxic individual and do NOT represent the raiding community. That person should be reported for toxic behavior and placed on your ignore list. That can be avoided by trying out different guilds until you find a good one (like Hell Bent on Star Forge). Beat way to see how good a guild is is to ask if they have ops training runs. If not, don't join them.

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he was in fact misrepresenting by not mentioning the fact that person#1 felt entitled by paying for sub

i dont belive myself to be more "elite" than other players no1 deserves anything just by playing the game , i never determined what gear ppl wanted to have, just what they needed, if every1 would have access to everything they wanted, the world would be chaos


Look all over this thread, buddy. You've told at least a dozen people that they "don't need" certain gear. You are aware that this is a video game, right? No one NEEDS anything from it, it's all something we want to get. There isn't any parity between a video game and the real world, trying to moralize your stance on gearing in a video game as the morally just position to have in life is, yet again, elitist.


"Disagreeing with my stance that only the people I deem worthy should have the best gear in a video game would lead to the world around us devolving into chaos!"

Edited by jkdshbr
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by "upgrade ceilings rise" it just means that the paths that dont have 336 gear available will have it raised until they reach 336


Unless it's specified that that's exactly what will happen - this is not a fact. If Conquest gear will rise from 326 to 330 - it's still counts for "upgrade ceiling rise", even if it will never hit 336.

If it will eventually will get to 336 - then it's better then the alternative, but it's not specified now.

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And you could've done it the same way you'll be able to do it in 7.0 before - with this changes, or without them, you experience doesn't change and yet you are trying to argue with people whose experience did change, trying to persuade them that the way they were playing the game is wrong, because they don't need to play the way they want to play.


Yeah, it would be nice if OPS were updated regurarly, I don't argue with that - I still woudn've played them, but it would be nice that people that liked that would get more stuff - what does that get to do with the fact that people like me are pushed to that corner?

i never tried to persuade any1 that their way of playing the game is wrong or right, u dont need to be pushed to the corner of ops as well , having higher than 318 gear will be a matter of want, if every1 got whatever they wanted the world would be chaos

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Unless it's specified that that's exactly what will happen - this is not a fact. If Conquest gear will rise from 326 to 330 - it's still counts for "upgrade ceiling rise", even if it will never hit 336.

If it will eventually will get to 336 - then it's better then the alternative, but it's not specified now.


yet it is on the same line that i mentioned

"Is the only way we can get moddable gear is if we can clear VM 80 OP? Is there no more min/maxing for players who can't clear the hardest content in game?

No. Over time, as upgrade ceilings raise with new game updates, moddable gear will be accessible to all players. At 7.0’s launch there will be no moddable gear awarded above level 306" "moddable gear will be accessible to all players"

moddable gear is 336 gear only(BiS gear)

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Look all over this thread, buddy. You've told at least a dozen people that they "don't need" certain gear. You are aware that this is a video game, right? No one NEEDS anything from it, it's all something we want to get. There isn't any parity between a video game and the real world, trying to moralize your stance on gearing in a video game as the morally just position to have in life is, yet again, elitist.


i have even told myself that i dont need the gear, if you would read the posts and as i said on multiple comments as well when expertise gear existed you NEEDED to have expertise gear to compete in pvp, when 224 gear was the highest gear u had u NEEDED 224 gear for the hardest NiM bosses

if you dont want to bring up IRL thats fine, if every1 got what they wanted from swtor, swtor would be chaos.


""Disagreeing with my stance that only the people I deem worthy should have the best gear in a video game would lead to the world around us devolving into chaos!"

this is your view not mine, never said that any1 was worthy of anything just that not every1 gets what they want, i want the cosmetics from pvp but i dont wanna play pvp, that doesnt entitle me to a way to have said cosmetics outside of pvp

Edited by ebinhovdloca
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i never tried to persuade any1 that their way of playing the game is wrong or right, u dont need to be pushed to the corner of ops as well , having higher than 318 gear will be a matter of want, if every1 got whatever they wanted the world would be chaos


But this isn't "THE WORLD", this is a video game - and if in the world the resources would've been infinite and everybody could've had anything they want without the need to redistribute resources properly - yeah, the worid woud've been a better place. But it's impossible in the world, but quite possible in this video game - actually, it's been that way till 7.0, when everybody can get BiS gear by doing what they want, without the need to do content they don't find enjoyable, so what are you talking about?

Edited by twistedbortik
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Hi everyone,


This is a follow up post to the OP to answer some of the questions that we've based off of the initial information that was shared. Please see below:

  1. Play Conquests/Daily Missions regularly - currency from this is used for gear upgrades across all other content, and the gear pool from this alone will upgrade you beyond what's needed for any solo activity. Max gear from this source is 326 at launch, and will increase in future patches - see #4 below.
    • All other solo (and most multiplayer) activities for 7.0 and beyond are balanced for 318 gear.
    • For comparison, completing the 7.0 storyline rewards gear up to level 320.


[*]Play Flashpoints, Warzones, and/or Ops as you like - gear drops from those activities will upgrade you regardless of where your currently-equipped gear came from.

[*]For Players with a favorite activity type, currencies and sidegrades from that activity will allow you to upgrade to the max needed for that activity, simply by playing that activity (plus Conquests/Daily missions).

[*]We will introduce higher tiers of gear in future 7.x updates. Even as the max gear rewards go up, the balance target for all solo and most multiplayer activities will remain at 318 for all 7.x content.

  • The balance target for new Operations/Lair Bosses/etc (8-player) will increase as new tiers of gear become available in later patches, starting with the R-4 Operation in 7.1. Legacy Operations will remain balanced for 318.
  • The item rating floor and ceiling for Warzones will also raise over time.

I hope this has been helpful!


Okay I'm still scared when the new content drops now I will be severely under-geared and if the new 318 "balance" is anything like the SoV FP for months on end. Ouch! Literally. Thank you, JackieKo you've done a great job. I can't say I am thrilled, but at least it's something.

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But this isn't "THE WORLD", this is a video game - and if in the world the resources would've been infinite and everybody could've had anything they want without the need to redistribute resources properly - yeah, the worid woud've been a better place. But it's impossible in the world, but quite possible in this video game - actually, it's been that way till 7.0, when everybody can get BiS gear by doing what they want, without the need to do content they don't find enjoyable, so what are you talking about?



every1 can still get BiS gear in 7.0

Edited by ebinhovdloca
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But this isn't "THE WORLD", this is a video game - and if in the world the resources would've been infinite and everybody could've had anything they want without the need to redistribute resources properly - yeah, the worid woud've been a better place. But it's impossible in the world, but quite possible in this video game - actually, it's been that way till 7.0, when everybody can get BiS gear by doing what they want, without the need to do content they don't find enjoyable, so what are you talking about?


It's a parallel. The attitude is the same. So it fits perfectly. Now you're arguing semantics and are starting to derail the thread. For the sake of the topic, I would like to make you aware that EVERYTHING in the game has monetary value, just as all resources in the world have monetary. It costs money to do anything regarding the game by the devs. It's finite. And it will this be gated by something, whether that's effort or real money. Whatever is deemed valuable as an exchange for the work.

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he was in fact misrepresenting by not mentioning the fact that person#1 felt entitled by paying for sub

i dont belive myself to be more "elite" than other players no1 deserves anything just by playing the game , i never determined what gear ppl wanted to have, just what they needed, if every1 would have access to everything they wanted, the world would be chaos


supporting a change that supports my favourite content isnt elitism or entitlement if that were true every1 that supported 6.0 gearing system is the same


If a person orders a big mac, and pays for a big mac, are they entitled to be served a big mac? I believe that they are.


If some people who ordered big macs were served plain hamburgers instead, I think those people would have the right to complain.


Likewise, if some of the people who pay to play this game get lesser gear than others, I think that they have a right to complain. So maybe it is an entitlement, but isn't that the way it should be?


I think it is.

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Can you please give a direct quote, that says that only 336 will be moddable and not gear from 334 ILVL to 336.


"Is the only way we can get moddable gear is if we can clear VM 80 OP? Is there no more min/maxing for players who can't clear the hardest content in game?

No. Over time, as upgrade ceilings raise with new game updates, moddable gear will be accessible to all players"

lets say that vet R4 that drops 334 gear will be modded that would still mean u would get 334 gear by doing solo content

if they go as far as giving you 334 i doubt they wont give you 336

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If a person orders a big mac, and pays for a big mac, are they entitled to be served a big mac? I believe that they are.


If some people who ordered big macs were served plain hamburgers instead, I think those people would have the right to complain.


Likewise, if some of the people who pay to play this game get lesser gear than others, I think that they have a right to complain. So maybe it is an entitlement, but isn't that the way it should be?


I think it is.


you arent entitled to anything in the game just by paying for the sub, you have to play the game, paying for sub doesnt mean u should be given every single cosmetic, unique mount, or gear in a silver platter, u need to play the game, and every1 will eventually have access to the same gear(which will basically just be cosmetic)

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"Is the only way we can get moddable gear is if we can clear VM 80 OP? Is there no more min/maxing for players who can't clear the hardest content in game?

No. Over time, as upgrade ceilings raise with new game updates, moddable gear will be accessible to all players"

lets say that vet R4 that drops 334 gear will be modded that would still mean u would get 334 gear by doing solo content

if they go as far as giving you 334 i doubt they wont give you 336


And as I said before - as long as there isn't a direct explanation of how this will work, that the BiS gear will be indeed achievable by playing in non-grouped content - I will continue to think that the BiS gear will be gatekeeped.

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If a person orders a big mac, and pays for a big mac, are they entitled to be served a big mac? I believe that they are.


If some people who ordered big macs were served plain hamburgers instead, I think those people would have the right to complain.


Likewise, if some of the people who pay to play this game get lesser gear than others, I think that they have a right to complain. So maybe it is an entitlement, but isn't that the way it should be?


I think it is.



That's not entitlement. That's an exchange of goods. If the exchange for goods for what was presented as available for said price was not met, then the complaint should be made.


An exchange of goods for the presented price given by the business is what is happening here.


The business is entitled to the full price of the goods given. The customer is not entitled to everything without paying the price for each item. A sub is a pass and access to all items. The further payment is that of time and effort in getting the highest stuff through Conquest, Ops, FP, and/or PvP.

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You don't have to go into ops with the best stuff. Starting with weak gear and earning the higher stuff through ops and FP is called "progression raiding". If ANYONE has ever said otherwise, especially by putting someone down for not having BiS gear in a SM ops or vet FP run, they are a toxic individual and do NOT represent the raiding community. That person should be reported for toxic behavior and placed on your ignore list. That can be avoided by trying out different guilds until you find a good one (like Hell Bent on Star Forge). Beat way to see how good a guild is is to ask if they have ops training runs. If not, don't join them.


That's the thing though, it happens consistently and it will continue to happen all the time. Look at it from a casual player, Casual Carl. They are in a social guild, they get on, shoot the ****, and maybe do some FP's. Whatever, but then Casual Carl goes, you know what I want to do an Op. So he sees a group forming, says "hey I want to try!" Then, as usual, Casual Carl gets hit by "Have you done it before" Which Casual Carl hasn't. So That group says fine, whatever, what's your gear. They then get examined, see that Casual Carl doesn't have 330 gear, so they boot him from the ops group. The Next group won't take him because he hasn't cleared the op some arbitrary amount of time so they don't even bother. Now to do as you say, Casual Carl has to leave his social guild, and now try this again with Raiding guilds. All he wants to do is run it because he has a long weekend and wants to try something new. Now let's say that like currently Casual Carl finally got all that Max gear, he would at least have been picked up by a group willing to teach him. Don't act like it doesn't happen, I've been playing MMO's for two decades, this is standard practice for Raiders. Maybe not all, but usually a Majority. If it's not a Majority it's a super loud minority that feels like the majority.


In the end, it only helps Raiders by letting the Casual Carl/Carla's get max gear, it allows them to start doing raids and not feel like they are handicapping the team. They can make up their OP knowledge with stat points. If it brings more people into OPs, which in turn makes the beancounters at EA see that it might be worth throwing more money for OPs. Raids are expensive and time-consuming to make for any MMO Studio, so for a company that is so driven by numbers like EA, you want to do whatever you can to pump those numbers up to show that it's worth spending the money to make them. yeah, you won't get every Casual Carl/Carla but you get more than you would be locking the gear.

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Hi everyone,


This is a follow up post to the OP to answer some of the questions that we've based off of the initial information that was shared. Please see below:


Clarification on gear ratings

What is the max gear level?

  • In the 7.0 release, players can upgrade up to level 330 via Legacy Master Mode Operations. The max obtainable gear level for all modes will rise over time throughout the expansion.


Max new gear ratings (7.0 gear upgrade caps):

  • 326: This can be obtained by doing anything in game (Conquests).
  • 322: Story Mode Legacy Operations
  • 326: Veteran Mode Legacy Operations
  • 330: Master Mode Legacy Operations


In the 7.0 release, it is only possible to upgrade to level 330 via Master Mode Operations. Over time, all other game modes will be able to upgrade to level 330 as the ceiling is raised, so essentially, gear progression is built into all modes.


What is the PvP experience like with these changes?

  • PvP will have a stat floor and ceiling, so players with higher levels of gear will have their gear reduced to the stat ceiling (326). GSF will be awarded akin to the PvP upgrade loop.
  • GSF will be awarded akin to the PvP upgrade loop.
  • There are no current plans for Social Achievements for PvP.


PvP Gear and Accuracy clarification.

  • Thyrsian armor, acquired by participating in PvP, will not contain any accuracy
  • Thyrsian offhands will come in two stat distributions, one with accuracy and one without. Players will be able to choose which version of offhand they desire, or collect both.


Can I acquire mats to max gear and mods without having to do grouped content?

  • Over time, as more patches are released in the expansion, you will be able to upgrade your gear more and more, including unlocking the moddable gear vendor.


What is happening with Tech Fragments?

  • Tech Fragments will remain, and will still be able to be spent on Tacticals, Cosmetics, Augment Components, and Kai Zykken’s offerings.


Will the achievements currently categorized under "Spoils of War", the Equipment Sets and Tactical Items also be moved to the Feats of Strength category or will they still be achievable in 7.0?

  • The Spoils of War equipment sets will no longer drop from content nor be able to be directly purchased from a vendor. As a result, the achievements will be moved to the Feats of Strength category. The sets will still be obtainable via Kai Zykken’s Random Unique Items box.


What will happen to all the armor sets being sold by vendors in the supplies section of the fleet in exchange for tech fragments and credits?

  • They will not be available for direct purchase, but will be available in Kai Zykken’s Random Unique Items Box


Will the DvL items be available for credits instead of tokens?

  • No - DvL items will remain available for tokens. We will add back in the ability to acquire tokens in a future update via the DvL bosses.


Is the only way we can get moddable gear is if we can clear VM 80 OP? Is there no more min/maxing for players who can't clear the hardest content in game?

  • No. Over time, as upgrade ceilings raise with new game updates, moddable gear will be accessible to all players. At 7.0’s launch there will be no moddable gear awarded above level 306


Are Renown Caches going away?

  • Yes as the Renown system is being removed.


Are individual characters that already have a social level keeping their social level and access to the associated items in 7.0?

  • Yes, you will keep your current social level and access to all unlocked rewards.


How do these changes affect story players in terms of getting rewards toward gearing?

  • Story players will still earn materials and gear via Conquests and Story mode missions, Dailies, and Heroics.


How does this affect crafting?

  • Augments and Augmentation Kits are still craftable, and able to be used on all 7.0 gear. We are not raising Crew Skills, Gathering or Crafting levels upon the 7.0 release, but they are a part of our 10-year celebration plans.


Where is the vendor for command crate shells?

  • These will be available for purchase on a vendor with 7.0’s launch for 3,500 Tech Fragments and 500,000 Credits.


For additional clarification on how gearing works in 7.0, to advance your character’s gear, you’ll want to do the following:


  1. Play Conquests/Daily Missions regularly - currency from this is used for gear upgrades across all other content, and the gear pool from this alone will upgrade you beyond what's needed for any solo activity. Max gear from this source is 326 at launch, and will increase in future patches - see #4 below.
    • All other solo (and most multiplayer) activities for 7.0 and beyond are balanced for 318 gear.
    • For comparison, completing the 7.0 storyline rewards gear up to level 320.


[*]Play Flashpoints, Warzones, and/or Ops as you like - gear drops from those activities will upgrade you regardless of where your currently-equipped gear came from.

[*]For Players with a favorite activity type, currencies and sidegrades from that activity will allow you to upgrade to the max needed for that activity, simply by playing that activity (plus Conquests/Daily missions).

[*]We will introduce higher tiers of gear in future 7.x updates. Even as the max gear rewards go up, the balance target for all solo and most multiplayer activities will remain at 318 for all 7.x content.

  • The balance target for new Operations/Lair Bosses/etc (8-player) will increase as new tiers of gear become available in later patches, starting with the R-4 Operation in 7.1. Legacy Operations will remain balanced for 318.
  • The item rating floor and ceiling for Warzones will also raise over time.

I hope this has been helpful!


All this did was reiterate what was in the original post. You explaining these changes with more words doesn't change the substance - this is not what the community wants and you are ignoring this.


I quit WoW because I was sick of my hard work constantly getting voided as they continually release better gear and make the gear I worked hard for irrelevant and easy to obtain. Constantly chasing better and better gear is a loop I do not want. I always feel like I should just wait until things are easy at the end of an expac to gear up... as why would I want to work hard on something only to have that hard work de-valued. You are wasting my time with this, and I will not try to get the best gear.

This system also gates off a HUGE percentage of you community from even attempting content.

DELAY THE EXPANSION - this is not what we want.

Edited by Phaedruss
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And as I said before - as long as there isn't a direct explanation of how this will work, that the BiS gear will be indeed achievable by playing in non-grouped content - I will continue to think that the BiS gear will be gatekeeped.


there is already an explanation, its confirmed 330 gear isnt modded and that modded gear will be available to every1

so every1 will have access to at least 334 gear and i doubt they will gatekeep the last 2 IR


"so essentially, gear progression is built into all modes."

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Yikes, gearing is looking kind of messy and confusing for 7.0. :( I'm not on the PTS, so I still don't understand how level sync will work. All I have to say is: in 7.0, if I am weaker in my "solo gear" when doing stuff like Yavin dailies or SM chapters than someone who has "raid gear" is, I will be quite unhappy. As a solo player I would be fine with not having the best gear for endgame group activities, but in old content where my power level is being downgraded via level sync (you know, a huge chunk of what "solo players" do?), I want to have the max power level possible.


Will the DvL items be available for credits instead of tokens?

  • No - DvL items will remain available for tokens. We will add back in the ability to acquire tokens in a future update via the DvL bosses.

So let me get this straight: in 7.x, DvL tokens will only be available via DvL bosses, which effectively makes all of the token rewards, that were previously available for solo players, require a group to earn? Meaning that Arcann customizations -- all two of them -- will be exclusive to group content (not to mention all the other goodies)?


I strongly dislike this change.

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That's the thing though, it happens consistently and it will continue to happen all the time. Look at it from a casual player, Casual Carl. They are in a social guild, they get on, shoot the ****, and maybe do some FP's. Whatever, but then Casual Carl goes, you know what I want to do an Op. So he sees a group forming, says "hey I want to try!" Then, as usual, Casual Carl gets hit by "Have you done it before" Which Casual Carl hasn't. So That group says fine, whatever, what's your gear. They then get examined, see that Casual Carl doesn't have 330 gear, so they boot him from the ops group. The Next group won't take him because he hasn't cleared the op some arbitrary amount of time so they don't even bother. Now to do as you say, Casual Carl has to leave his social guild, and now try this again with Raiding guilds. All he wants to do is run it because he has a long weekend and wants to try something new. Now let's say that like currently Casual Carl finally got all that Max gear, he would at least have been picked up by a group willing to teach him. Don't act like it doesn't happen, I've been playing MMO's for two decades, this is standard practice for Raiders. Maybe not all, but usually a Majority. If it's not a Majority it's a super loud minority that feels like the majority.


In the end, it only helps Raiders by letting the Casual Carl/Carla's get max gear, it allows them to start doing raids and not feel like they are handicapping the team. They can make up their OP knowledge with stat points. If it brings more people into OPs, which in turn makes the beancounters at EA see that it might be worth throwing more money for OPs. Raids are expensive and time-consuming to make for any MMO Studio, so for a company that is so driven by numbers like EA, you want to do whatever you can to pump those numbers up to show that it's worth spending the money to make them. yeah, you won't get every Casual Carl/Carla but you get more than you would be locking the gear.


no1 would boot you from SM ops if you dont have 330 gear(same way no1 kicks you from a SM ops currently if you have 270 gear, hell u can even do it at lv 70, maybe a minority will kick you), not only is 322 gear what drops from SM but SM ops are balanced to 318, obv if some1 is pugging a harder raid and they dont want to prog it they will ask for the achievment so that they have a low chance of wiping, this is where raid teams come in where u can join and progress trough the content together

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