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With PTS now live, you can help test the Combat Style for the Sage.


Please answer the following questions:


  • Does the current combat rotation make this experience feel like you are playing a Sage? Why or why not?
  • If you have feedback on the different discipline, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.
  • As you’re beginning from level 1, do you feel you have enough abilities that keep gameplay interesting?
  • Are you able to defeat enemies at a reasonable rate?
  • Do all your abilities feel like they’re working together?


Feel free to answer in as much detail as possible to help us understand your thought process and line of thinking.


Thank you!


EDIT: Added additional feedback questions.

Edited by JackieKo
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OK so I made a new Consular Sage for the test but upon arriving on Fleet I cannot find any Gear for Consular: There are gear NPCs for Knight and Warrior, Guardian and Juggernaut, Sentinel and Marauder but nothing for Consular.


This seems a pretty glaring oversight? Or are we supposed to test the Sage from 0?

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At this point (318 gear + 2 legendary):


1. Mtsteries of the force - with this gear it's impossible to get 2 stacks of this buff to get bigger heal. So you always operate with 1 stack. An it almost in all scenarios will not last enought to use it after force mend goes of cd. You need to increase internal timer


2.Forceful Retribution - what the point of this ability? it dealls almost equal dmg to telekinetic burst. Like the difference between crit is around 800dmg, non crit ~200 dmg. I don't see any point to take it in this bracket. Like you can get in this tear ~44k project (slowed + mind crush) against 15.5k forceful retribution or 25% dmg reduction


3.Power of the force - again it's dealing same amount of dmg as aoe one. no reson atm to take it

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I have been maining a sorc/sage healer for over almost 7-8 years now.

Here is my feedback for the sage:


- Does the current combat rotation make this experience feel like you are playing a Sage? Why or why not?

Yes, it does give me the feeling that I am playing a Sage. The main abilities that you have on a sage (I tested out Seer) are there and it doesn't feel that anything major is lacking that would make the sage look/feel off.


- If you have feedback on the different discipline, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.

On the PTS did I test the Seer(healing) as that is what I've been maining for over 7-8 years now.

lvl 47: It does feel a bit weird that you can choose between 2 passives or 1 ability. I think to either make it: only abilities or only passives to choose. But that's my personal take on it.

Also is it me or is the "flash"bubble (forgot the name of the passive) missing? This is when you put on a preserved armor bubble, there will be a flash that will CC the enemies around you.

It can be that I totally didn't see it and that it's there. But that is a really good ability for especially Ranked PvP AND it gives the sage/sorc healer some survivability to kite in PvP when getting focused. Since we already need to choose between either force walk or force lift (lvl 73)as that does that take 1 ability for survivability away.

The same goes for the knockback that roots the enemies.


This feedback ofc would also go for the sorc healer.


Additional do I want to give some extra feedback.

Yesterday me and a few others were trying out some endgame content (a flashpoint and TC) and I especially noticed force management issues on the sage. This is something that I barely have when on the main server.

With the removal of a few abilities by having to choose, do you need to use a few other abilities more (think about PvP: You either get Phasewalk or Force Lift)

Perhaps reduce the force cost of other defensive abilities which you use more?

Like Force Speed when trying to kite, Force Wave when knocking people back, Force stun, etc.


Same goes for healing abilities. When healing a group did I noticed that they got a lot more hits in (less defensive abilities) which had me spam my healing abilities A LOT more.

I think reducing the cost of force on example these abilities would help a lot.


This would also go for the Sorcerer/Scoundrel/Operative/Merc/Commando and their healing disciplines.

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1. Psychokinetic Torrent triggers flashy thing on mind crush and it's confusing. Because if you playing balance for some time it indicates that you can cast it instantly. And this flashy thing always activated on it, distracting.


2. There is no visual indication of re-applying class buff after death (and does it re-apply correctly?)



I experimented on soloing some vet FP and my thoughts:


I enjoy to solo MM FPS on live now. On pts vet fp feels like master mode fp on live, for solo players (except bosses harder because kolto stations don't work if you not in group).


3. Mysteries of the force in this case almost useless - TK crits not often so i almost never get benefit from this ability


4. I would think about swaping metaphusical alacrity (MA) and force mobility (FM) (60 and 68 lvl choices). Because for balance there is no use to get MA, so you have 2 choices, and at lvl 60 FM not in a good spot either. Swapping them you will give real choices and it will be more balanced between TK and balance specs


5. Lvl 47 choices ...again there is almost no point to take anything than Defensive Blast for balance


6. I want to see ability on phase walk that increasing your defences after you use it, as on live right now (maybe as legendary item?)


7. Dormant Tremors - good ability, interesting and new, i enjoyed how it works. Mb some minor dmg increase, on it, will be filling more smooth

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I like the rotation of the telekinetic sage. It was nice and easy to move in the rotation but I would like to see what it is like with tactical in play. I do feel the sage could be a little more mobile when castings some abilities like thundering blast.
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I experimented on soloing some vet FP and my thoughts:


I enjoy to solo MM FPS on live now. On pts vet fp feels like master mode fp on live, for solo players (except bosses harder because kolto stations don't work if you not in group).


Well realize 70-75 (36 New Item Levels) where we got larger Item Level increase, so one has to assume 80 will bring at least 37-41 as we Grind or earn it. Initially it will hurt a lot more until we get better gear!


So it's also going to mean they'll need to change VET mode Queue, to ensure a TANK & Healer are required similar to what they do for Master Mode today.


I like the rotation of the telekinetic sage. It was nice and easy to move in the rotation but I would like to see what it is like with tactical in play. I do feel the sage could be a little more mobile when castings some abilities like thundering blast.


Yea my friend tried Sage, and said very similar feelings about their mobility; and they were likely going to die a lot more too. They however mostly play a Healer, and missing abilities they previously had as Sage. You like myself mostly play Telekinetic, though my friend also has one of those. They were however a lot more upset than I was, by that and several other things in combination, in addition to renown levels going away. I think once new higher Item Level is earnable we should eventually see 37-41 new Item Levels beyond 318. How long though, who knows...


I'm very easy going even when I disagree or dislike things, I try to be fair and objective regardless. I created a Sage and download PTS update yesterday, yet honestly not too interested in even testing. I'll wait till they have more with Legendary bonus I desire, with at least the buff I also want. Still the far lower level Item Level 80 brings, and the removal of all Armor SET bonus too early (75-79) for example.


I'm surprised they DON'T offer Max Item Level to test on PTS in fact!

Edited by Strathkin
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For healer sage, I like the Keeper of Peace option on Deliverance, because it heals me and my companion if I'm soloing. This is new (unless I missed something for years, haha) but it feels like it really fits the sage.


I do not like having to choose between Force Lift, Phase Walk, and Telekinetic Blitz. These would all be abilities I'd use fairly regularly. I guess the upside is that it's very quick to swap between them, so in effect they are all available, just only one of them per combat? But I don't really see why this is necessary.


I appreciate that some properties from tactical items have been integrated to actual abilities, e.g. the healing added to Telekinetic Blitz.

Edited by Estelindis
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Still feels like telekenetics, however FORCE SLOW is essential to this class. Why remove it from tele/lightning? What were you thinking? It doesn't help that if you copy over a character (which I did, my level 75 Sage) the PTS can't distinguish between abilities you already have and abilities available in 7.0 on the tree after you choose them (it's confusing). I'm showing as having both the essential abilities (see below) offered in tier 73 but this is now the tier of doom. In addition, why is the tree different to the mirror class lightning's when that was up?


Ability & Ability Tree Feedback

Tier 35: Forceful Retribution (new ability) - I don't want it, yet it's forced on me unless I choose cloud mind in that level. Why would In need a new 1.3+ second killed-by-melee-while-I-cast ability? No thanks. I want to be able to select something in that tree other than that but it either won't let me or the tree selection is still not working correctly making tier 35 pretty useless. In my experience Cloud Mind does nothing so the only thing I'd pick is Clarity, which is not that good, but again the PTS won't allow this. GIVE US BACK FORCE SLOW IN AND PUT IT IN TIER 35 AS AN ACTIVE ABILITY.


Tier 73: Volt rush can naff off. My sage was geared at level 75 with Endless Offensive to make use of Volt Rush, but it still wasn't any good so I won't choosing that in 7.0 however, a choice between Force Lift and Phase Walk? What is the matter with you? Shouldn't you be making game play for tele/lightning more attractive and not diabolical? Force Lift is one of the defining Tele (and it's mirror lightning) abilities (though I am glad it's now passively instant). Force Lift should be available at a much earlier level (35 or lower). Put Phase Walk in tier 78 (see below).


Tier 78: This tree is bad to be blunt. Mind Ward is probably the only option worth taking for me. Put Phase Walk in this tier please and leave Force Lift (or better still put in a lower tier) so we can continue to have both.


Other thoughts

The way abilities are being offered in the PTS this time round is making me wonder if the nay-sayers are right to be concerned. In the Livestream, it was promoted that there would be lots of choice to improve the way we play. It was made to seem like we'd be able to ditch abilities we don't or rarely use (in my case, Rescue, Vindicate, Cloud Mind and Restoration on a telekenetics sage and the mirror abilities on my lightning Sorc) and choose force abilities that you use most plus some from other force classes that you might like the option to use (like force choke). Instead you've removed class essential abilities (like force slow) and are making us choose between our most used abilities (Phase Walk and Force Lift). It's like you want us to fail in PvP and want to make play-life a misery for soloers. Whilst I'm glad Force Lift is once again available and force barrier seems to be standard now (both were different the mirror class lightning last time), I'm overall disappointed with what I've seen this time around.

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So yes VET Flashpoints likely will feel like Master, and Master will certainly be taken to the NEXT level as well


Thx, for reply. But my point was more about that with stats we have NOW and scaling we have NOW, some abilities need adjustment. Good example will be "Mysteries of the force": solo/heroics, solo vet fp - you can't really benefit from it (mb with raising crit rating it will be more useful, but i'm talking about what we have NOW) in pvp it will be useless too (same reason).


On the other hand we have "Dormant Tremors" that is good right now and might need minor dmg increase.




That was the main point of my testing, to give feedback on what we have NOW, and what might need adjustment


But overall i really like that vet fp is now harder, i don't like how casual MM FP on live at all

Edited by Araberen
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Whirlwind/Force Lift. Level 73. Merge it with Dizzying Force(when Whirlwind/Force Lift ends, target's accuracy is reduced by 20% for 8 seconds)

Forbidden Knowledge. Level 27. Duration of the stacks is too short.

Death Brand. Level 27. Still feels too weak


Overall, I'm really like sorc/sage changes and tree chooses.

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Thx, for reply. But my point was more about that with stats we have NOW and scaling we have NOW, some abilities need adjustment. Good example will be "Mysteries of the force": solo/heroics, solo vet fp - you can't really benefit from it (mb with raising crit rating it will be more useful, but i'm talking about what we have NOW) in pvp it will be useless too (same reason).


On the other hand we have "Dormant Tremors" that is good right now and might need minor dmg increase.




That was the main point of my testing, to give feedback on what we have NOW, and what might need adjustment


But overall i really like that vet fp is now harder, i don't like how casual MM FP on live at all


I do understand that for certain, and agree with most of your comments!


Also the reason VET flashpoints feel far harder than on LIVE, is cause were contrasting LIVE in 306 Gear. Where on PTS the 318 Gear with (2) Legendary 326 is like running on LIVE today with 270 gear and (2) 278 Implants! So it should be harder! So while a 55-75 VET level 55-75 Flashpoint feels like MASTER, a level 80 Flashpoint even at VET mode is going to be far harder than DIAMOND. This at least until everyone can boost Item Level far more!


With 80 I'd expect at least (37-41) Item Level gear in time... :eek:



Still MANY upset or greatly disappointed you loose 3 of the 4 former Legendary BUFF's you previously got; they shouldn't do that. Completely fine it doesn't BUFF party/group anymore. Yet so much about 7.0 is removed abilities you had, removed customization by Combat Proficiencies, I'll warm up to the SET change to Legendary once we see the available options.


Hopefully though in future they don't enable a Shadow / Assassin to also use Sage Telekinetic / Balance while also choosing a Combat Style--or we'll need but 1 Force User / 1 Tech on each Faction.


I'm very disappointed with much work the 7.0 TEAM did, or the person leading that effort. Combat Style would have been fine, yet won't like it if they let you choose any discipline for Force user. Loosing Combat Proficiencies really drastically limits your ability to customize the Class to your play style though. :(

Edited by Strathkin
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Still MANY upset or greatly disappointed you loose 3 of the 4 former Legendary BUFF's you previously got; they shouldn't do that.

Posted this in another thread, however I just logged into the PTS to create a Sage to test out other features and it seems THE 4 LEGACY BUFFS are back! All 4 were automatically applied to my level 1 character and remained at level 80. Seems they did listen and/or read my post :)


As for the changes to the Sage, we really need Phase Walk AND Force Lift as well as Force Slow. They might not be that essential for solo story play but they are all we have in PvP, since we have low (read none) stun-lock defenses and the cooldowns of all three are long. Devs may think they are mitigating this by removing/reducing the ability to stun-lock Sages/Sorcs but I'm pretty sure they ain't. Why did you think removing Force Slow is a good idea? Will it be something we can buy? Same goes for Phase Walk - it's a class essential.

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Posted this in another thread, however I just logged into the PTS to create a Sage to test out other features and it seems THE 4 LEGACY BUFFS are back! All 4 were automatically applied to my level 1 character and remained at level 80. Seems they did listen and/or read my post :)


As for the changes to the Sage, we really need Phase Walk AND Force Lift as well as Force Slow. They might not be that essential for solo story play but they are all we have in PvP, since we have low (read none) stun-lock defenses and the cooldowns of all three are long. Devs may think they are mitigating this by removing/reducing the ability to stun-lock Sages/Sorcs but I'm pretty sure they ain't. Why did you think removing Force Slow is a good idea? Will it be something we can buy? Same goes for Phase Walk - it's a class essential.


Oh this is GOOD news if True, yet they'll have to spend months, making people happy with 7.0 again! Haven't seen it offered back giving all 4 Legendary buff's myself... I summarized my thoughts about 7.0 in general.



I think if they give 2 of the 3 former Class abilities back based on Discipline, many WARM UP a lot. :)

╘ perhaps we will with one as well in time... ...I think that will sting a very long time!


Don't like they took Combat Proficiency choice out, far less customization; now all same based on Discipline.

And far fewer (CP) buff's as passive based on discipline, than the 9 (CP) Buff's we had before.

╘ it offered far more choice to vary toons a lot more, now it's easier; yet also far less fun to play several!


▪ While Combat Style while sounds interesting, it also really differentiated each class far more!


▪ Once or if they let, any Force user also change to 12 Disciplines... or Tech User one question, why?

╘ so we only need to play 1 Force / 1 Tech user for each Faction? Hopefully they aren't doing that! :(


Also Legendary Buff's used to give 4, now we only get 1 of the former 4; fine if they removed group/party BUFF.

╘ if this has been corrected, it's a NICE development! I still like 6.0 Upgrade more than the 7.0 Downgrade!



Not a fan of UI trying to show everything ALL at once, as the window just far too large. I far more liked the separate, more FOCUSED approach in 6.0! Inventory isn't useful to see with Gear, as most stored in Cargo Hold or Legacy Bank; to copy from collections takes 5-7x longer to then empty out of Inventory.



I honestly WISHED had a lot more positive things to say, many characters with far less options to customize each class; many feel slower, or options to customize greatly reduced or eliminated! Loadout's are a good thing, allowing you to swap Gear, or change Combat Proficiencies (if they remained) / Disciplines etc...


Just far too much has been removed, and very little if anything offered in it's place as a choice!


Many are going to remove Several Character's in 7.0 perhaps, if there's no reason for them to remain...

Edited by Strathkin
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Unmatched Haste and Gathering Storm legendaries are the only choice. These bonuses are the Gathering Storm set on live server. This is one of the worst sets. Why? Because with this set Sage in DD spec must choose the utilities which reduces CD of Mental Alacrity (MA) and Force Speed (FS) only. And I always have to use FS not as a mobile ability (this is the only mobile ability), but as a damaging buff ability. Yes, maybe this is good for damage, but this is the worst solution for mobility, other classes are not forced to use mobile abilities to improve damage, why are we? As for MA, there's only one spec has bonuses for this ability, so this spec will be buffed better than others. Details will be in specs.

As for Legendaries' for a healer. The Empowered restorer bonus set is not bad, (the Unyielding Protector set at live server), but this bonus is situational, in PvE it will be useful for few bosses only, and sometimes in PvP. The Revitalize Mystic is bad, others are even worse for a healer. What do we have to choose? Add the Empowered restorer set bonus like Legendary with buff for Force Armor, or as another option, do you remember the set with the bonus that is lowering CD for Healing Trance? or you can add the set with bonus for Force regen, it will be really good, Sage has to use GCD ability for getting an extra force. Do the better force management for healers by adding bonus that facilitates it.


For all specs:

Where is the Force Slow? I don't know how to play PvP without it.

Mental Defence gives 30% DR from AoE and while stunned. All people play PvE only with that utility, and often use in PvP. Where it is?

Cloud Mind is now selectable at 35 level with Blockout, this is a must have in PvP, but we are not able to lower a treat now in PvE? Make only Blockout selectable.

Utility, that lowers CD for Force Stun and lowers Damage dealing by target 10 seconds after stun. I can’t find it too. It’s really good for PvP on live servers.

68 level selectable utilities for all specs, all DD must use Metaphysical Alacrity, maybe healers too. Hence we won't be able now to use another saving utility Valorous Spirit for buff Force Mend. In PvP i'm going to be without flash bubble, a free frag for melee.

73 level selectable utilities for all specs, giving us a choice between instant Force Lift and Phase Walk. Telekinetic Blitz was a useless ability from the beginning. And what about the instant Force Lift with a stun for 2 seconds after damage? Where it is? Phase walk is without the possibility lowering its CD for 45 seconds and without the immunity for leap or same? I agree, all these utilities are usable for PvP, and maybe few in bosses in PvE, but only a few. Can you buff the Phase Walk ability as a mark on the floor and all nearby characters will be buffed +5% to healing as it was in 2.0 when Shadows had Phase Walk.

At 78 level selectable utilities for all specs, Confound is never used in PvP and PvE, Mind Ward is maybe used sometimes in PvE, Egress is a must have for PvP, but in PvE only for few bosses. Again PvE is without useful utilities here.




1 lvl Foresight: Does it reduce activation of the Deliverance only or the Keeper of Peace too? In description - there is only Deliverance.

39 lvl Healing Trance: in description - In addition Healing Trance channels and ticks 10% faster - in comparison with what? It's the basic description of this ability.

47 lvl Force Defense: summary 6% DR, TK have 15% by default, Balance must choose and receive 15%, why does the healing spec have only 6%?

68 lvl Altruism: you forgot to add the Keeper of Peace to the description again.




27 lvl Power of Force (PoF): double damage of Telekinetic Wave (TW). In description: it immobilizes all affected targets, but it's a single target skill.

Do the passives with TW work with PoF? In description of those passives PoF is not mentioned, like Incoming Turbulence or Mental Momentum.

68 lvl Metaphysical Alacrity: it's a must have for everyone who wants to do damage because it's reduces the CD of FS for GS bonuses.

60 lvl Telekinetic Momentum and 73 lvl Tremors: reduces CD of MA by 15 seconds, increases duration of MA by 5 seconds and reduce CD of MA by triggered Telekinetic Momentum and Mental Momentum. So the TK spec will use GS bonuses more frequently than any other spec, and MA is longer in this spec, is it fair? Thanks to GS set, those passives and moving Focal Points form Balance spec made the Balance spec unplayable in comparison with TK.




23 level Force Suppression: 15 stacks it is not enough now, Sever Force and Weaken Mind eat them all or 14 at least, leaving no stacks for Mind Crush or Vanquish.

27 level Shifted Balance: Force in Balance damage + ~500 points for single target, compared with PoF from TK spec it's funny, in addition only doing target Assailable, this debuff can apply any DoT spec, like Sentinel in Watchman for examle.

43 level Shatter Connection: it's good, but there are too few stacks of Force Suppression, if the stacks run out this effect doesn’t work.

47 level Warden of the Force: 15% DR is selectable, but TK gets it by default with Telekinetic Burst at 68 lvl. Some people can say about life stealing and self healing in balance spec. You can do it selectable and it will be good. For example it's really bad at Monolith HM, I can't use this spec on this boss.

Enhanced Force Speed: we must choose it for damage, because GS bonus includes FS and MA, but I don't think it's comparable with passives in TK.

68 level Metaphysical Alacrity: look TK, same.


P.S. I haven't watched all descriptions of passives detailed, must be more errors with new replacement skills.

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Unmatched Haste and Gathering Storm legendaries are the only choice. These bonuses are the Gathering Storm set on live server. This is one of the worst sets. Why? Because with this set Sage in DD spec must choose the utilities which reduces CD of Mental Alacrity (MA) and Force Speed (FS) only. And I always have to use FS not as a mobile ability (this is the only mobile ability), but as a damaging buff ability. Yes, maybe this is good for damage, but this is the worst solution for mobility, other classes are not forced to use mobile abilities to improve damage, why are we? As for MA, there's only one spec has bonuses for this ability, so this spec will be buffed better than others.

This. Bioware, find an ability other than Force Speed to proc stuff so I can have my mobility spell back for mobility. It's also favors TK/Lightning over Balance/Madness, why?

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  • 1 month later...

Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope the BioWare staff are enjoying the holidays. I am limiting my feedback to minor tooltip updates and thoughts on the first ability tree choice for Telekinetics. Please let me know if this is useful and I will happily post more.





  • Add an option to adjust tooltip font size independent of UI.
  • Make ability tree selections more visually distinguishable.




Imbued Force Armor

Surrounds the target in a Force shield that absorbs X damage and lasts up to 30 seconds. The target becomes Force-imbalanced and cannot benefit from Force Armor again for 20 seconds. While imbalanced this way, you gain 5% damage reduction.


Telekinetic Wave

Sends a wave of telekinetic energy that deals X-Y kinetic damage to up to 8 targets within 8 meters of the primary target. Targets hit by Telekinetic Wave are immobilized for 0.5 seconds and slowed by 60% for 6 seconds. Targets impacted by Telekinetic Wave become Overwhelmed for 45 seconds, taking 10% additional damage from area attacks.


Tidal Force

Disturbance (or Telekinetic Burst), Turbulence, and Forcequake grant Tidal Force when activated. Tidal Force immediately finishes the cooldown on Telekinetic Wave (or Power of the Force) and makes the next cast activate instantly and consume 50% less Force. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.


Telekinetic Effusion

Direct Force attacks that critically hit grant Telekinetic Effusion, reducing the Force consumed by your next two non-channeled Force attacks by 75%. Increases the maximum range of your Force attacks by 5 meters.




Dormant Tremors

Telekinetic Wave applies Tremors to all targets it hits. Forcequake causes Tremors to erupt for additional damage.


Mysteries of the Force

Dealing damage with Telekinetic Wave builds stacks of Mysteries of the Force, increasing the healing done by Force Mend and reducing its cooldown.


Power of the Force

Increases the damage of Telekinetic Wave by X%. Telekinetic Wave no longer hits multiple targets.


FEEDBACK: Solid choice. They all modify the same ability and do so in meaningful ways. “Power of the Force” needs a new name as it sounds like a passive ability.

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Telekinetic Sage. (I do realize this is still not in stone yet but I just want to voice my personal concern for a class I have literally put thousands of hours into and love very much)

On the live server I can and do use all the abilities mentioned below and don't have to choose between them.

On the pts I have to choose between using force mobility and telekinetic defense. As well as between force lift and phase walk. examples:

using the "force lift" in vet mode (for flashpoints) to focus on certain targets etc. As for bosses "phase walk" is very needed as well (esp when the heals aren't available). Having "telekinetic defense" in solo pve content as well as "force mobility" helps mitigate trash mobs and I know some would say for the heroics on alderaan against kilek enemies is needed.

I'm not saying all 4 have to be made available but would maybe 3 ? (personally i use everything but phase walk more so in pve solo content).

It's just a request and in the end i will still adapt to whatever the final product gives us thanks for hearing me out.

I hope more choices down the road would compensate if these stay as is when it goes live.

I always thought more would come out of 7.0 but so far all I see is consolidation. But commonly used abilities I have to choose between doesn't make sense. Oh and that ability that you say replaces telekinetic wave has no aoe. How is that better? I can get a burst out of it while mobile and in my eyes is far superior.


Telekinetic Blitz was completely removed as well leaving me with haha "Saber strike" as my alternative replacement.

Sorry just want things to be even better. I might be a jerk here. Apologies.

Edited by ronin_chi_lao
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