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GSF Vote Kick


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Okay, this has been discussed a thousand times and nothing has been done about it but...


Here's a new wrinkle for me at least. Now that I've started playing GSF, I'm running into the vote-kick trolls. Only happened a couple of times in the last week, so not a major issue. But I like to fly the bomber and that really gets to some people. And both instances of me getting vote kicked were right after a match where I killed some people and then in the next match I got grouped with them. Then they started mouthing off about how they hated bombers and next thing I know I'm kicked.


I know EA/Bioware will never do the brave thing and do away with vote-kick no matter how much it's abused, but how about giving us a list of the people that vote-kicked us so we can ignore them. Right now I have to scroll back through the chat log and that's kind of hit or miss. I may be ignoring people who didn't vote to kick.


So, just an idea. Any tool to help deal with the toxic players would really be great. Thanks

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I actually feel the opposite - vote kick in GSF isn't strict enough. I see far too many straight 0s across the board every day (0 kills, damage, objectives, etc). Players sit on spawn the entire match and spin in circles or do nothing at all. I'd like to see those people be kicked more quickly, seeing as how reporting them has done nothing and the same people queue on Star Forge and just sit there AFK. Anyone who regularly plays GSF on SF probably already knows at least one of these players by name since they are so notorious in the community.


Currently, I would say this is one of the top ways people farm conquest with 0 effort.


I'm sorry you're feeling harassed though. You can try reporting them for that kind of behavior. But I don't think you can be vote kicked if you're contributing. So just contribute and put them on ignore so you can't see their messages, and problem mostly solved.

Edited by waisting
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They can only vote kick if you don't participate, it's not like pvp, people can't gang up on you, and kick you, if you participate. So either you are afk'ing, and it's why you are getting vote kicked, or you aren't hitting players enough, if it's the first, then you should be kicked, if it's the second, unfortunately the only way to avoid it, is to get better. There are plenty of guides to help you improve your skill. The game tells you when you have stopped participating, so in a dom match, head for a node and reset the timer, in a death match, there is no objectives to run to to reset it. The only way to reset is to blow up. Not that I'm suggesting self destruction, but if you are trying your best, and feel these people are targeting you, a reset is a reset.


I play all ship types, and I've never had anyone complain. Next time they do, put them on ignore, some people are just not worth wasting your time on.

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I actually feel the opposite - vote kick in GSF isn't strict enough. I see far too many straight 0s across the board every day (0 kills, damage, objectives, etc). Players sit on spawn the entire match and spin in circles or do nothing at all. I'd like to see those people be kicked more quickly, seeing as how reporting them has done nothing and the same people queue on Star Forge and just sit there AFK. Anyone who regularly plays GSF on SF probably already knows at least one of these players by name since they are so notorious in the community.


Currently, I would say this is one of the top ways people farm conquest with 0 effort.


I'm sorry you're feeling harassed though. You can try reporting them for that kind of behavior. But I don't think you can be vote kicked if you're contributing. So just contribute and put them on ignore so you can't see their messages, and problem mostly solved.


I don't know how many people it takes to actually vote kick, the issue is, even when someone says it in chat, most people ignore it. We've seen a certain player, in EVERY match, do the same thing, he has been reported numerous times, yet the CM's ignore it, and he is allowed to keep playing....

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I actually feel the opposite - vote kick in GSF isn't strict enough. I see far too many straight 0s across the board every day (0 kills, damage, objectives, etc). Players sit on spawn the entire match and spin in circles or do nothing at all.

Doesn't GSF auto-kick you if you don't do any attacking or objective-ing? I know I've seen the warning pop-up while I was trying to get back to objectives after a respawn ('cause holy crap ships be slow).

Edited by JLazarillo
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Doesn't GSF auto-kick you if you don't do any attacking or objective-ing? I know I've seen the warning pop-up while I was trying to get back to objectives after a respawn ('cause holy crap ships be slow).


Nope! It pops up letting you know players could now vote kick you. I rarely even see the most notorious AFK players get vote kicked, even if it's explicitly asked for in chat. You can safely ignore that warning.

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They can only vote kick if you don't participate, it's not like pvp, people can't gang up on you, and kick you, if you participate. So either you are afk'ing, and it's why you are getting vote kicked, or you aren't hitting players enough, if it's the first, then you should be kicked, if it's the second, unfortunately the only way to avoid it, is to get better. There are plenty of guides to help you improve your skill. The game tells you when you have stopped participating, so in a dom match, head for a node and reset the timer, in a death match, there is no objectives to run to to reset it. The only way to reset is to blow up. Not that I'm suggesting self destruction, but if you are trying your best, and feel these people are targeting you, a reset is a reset.


I play all ship types, and I've never had anyone complain. Next time they do, put them on ignore, some people are just not worth wasting your time on.


Interesting! I didn't know any of this. It's been a sudden increase in the last couple weeks though, I think more people are becoming aware that they CAN vote kick, I certainly didn't. I was worried about the ganging up idea because my deaths are often higher than kills. Yesterday several people wanted to kick a guy who would suicide, but by the end of the match had only done so 4 times, which is about par tbh.

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You can't be kicked unless you're not contributing. Contributing is pretty easy! Go shoot someone sometimes, which you should be doing as a bomber anyway. You have blasters for a reason. Getting even one single hit resets the counter, and so you are counted as contributing again if you do.


If it's domination, it's even easier! Go be in range of any node your team controls. If you're in a bomber, you should be near one of those anyway.


No one can kick you if you're actually participating, and anyone who's actually any good can tell the difference between "not contributing" and "new but trying".


If you're actually trying and still struggling to hit people enough to keep from getting flagged, please go watch Despon's excellent GSF School channel on Youtube, starting with

in the Basic Training series.


See also my signature for a guide that has information that can help as well as links to a few other guides.


Interesting! I didn't know any of this. It's been a sudden increase in the last couple weeks though, I think more people are becoming aware that they CAN vote kick, I certainly didn't. I was worried about the ganging up idea because my deaths are often higher than kills. Yesterday several people wanted to kick a guy who would suicide, but by the end of the match had only done so 4 times, which is about par tbh.


If this was on Star Forge and their name starts with a P (or lately, a C) consider listening next time. If people tell you someone rams walls all game they're probably not making it up. I'm not naming them because rules re: naming and shaming but this person does it often enough that they've got a reputation for it.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Okay, a few points:


I mainly fly bomber. The bomber isn't a dog fighter. I excel at domination, because I can burrow into the station and kill scouts by the ones and twos.


That brings me to another point. I average about 1 or two kills per match. On some of my best dom matches I've scored as high as 10 kills. I think one reason for that and it goes for both dom and death matches, when the other team gets a couple people killed at a certain location, they avoid it.


Now, the bomber is not a dog fighter and I have to move from cover to cover and that takes time. Maybe EA's software marks me as afk when I'm just trying to get to another relatively safe place. So, maybe EA should not apply the same contribution metrics to bombers?


Today was better. Only ran into one troll and he went after someone else. I put him on ignore after we lost that match. You'd think someone would point out all this time people spend worrying about what other are doing is time they're not contributing as well.


Just my opinion.

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Moving from 1 spot to another won't take that long where you'll get the noncontributing marker unless your not even using your thrusters. If that's the case, that's on you, not the system. No map is so large that you won't be able to either A) get to a sat, to stay contributing or B) be close enough to an enemy to get into firing range.
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You'd think someone would point out all this time people spend worrying about what other are doing is time they're not contributing as well.


Just my opinion.


Your opinion is objectively wrong. On every respawn, you can see at a glance who is and isn't contributing. You can also see it by hitting M to bring up your map. Takes all of a second or so, and it's a good habit to be in. You can do that and still be the top player in a game, speaking from experience.


You should not get flagged as not contributing if you're close enough to the action to begin with. Even in a bomber, you can get from your spawn point to the action without getting flagged. It's not that hard to do. If you get flagged, it is your fault.


And like someone else told you, you can't avoid playing with or against players in GSF or PVP just by putting them on ignore.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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If this was on Star Forge and their name starts with a P (or lately, a C) consider listening next time. If people tell you someone rams walls all game they're probably not making it up. I'm not naming them because rules re: naming and shaming but this person does it often enough that they've got a reputation for it.


You mean the famous WWI US general?


It's not a question of not listening, it's that it was unclear how we were supposed to votekick. Although, again, 4 deaths? lol I had six in my last match.

Edited by Ardrossan
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You mean the famous [removed]

It's not a question of not listening, it's that it was unclear how we were supposed to votekick. Although, again, 4 deaths? lol I had six in my last match.


Try 12 - 22 in games where they're self destructing. The leeching is preferable, but I would rather have neither, as it's bad for the game.


You've also named a player. You might want to keep from doing that.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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You mean the famous <redacted>*


It's not a question of not listening, it's that it was unclear how we were supposed to votekick. Although, again, 4 deaths? lol I had six in my last match.


No, there's nothing wrong with lots of deaths, if you are trying, it can happen, especially when aces group, or the match making seems to put them all on the same team, but the people we are talking about, don't contribute, and just either flies towards the enemy, or into objects.


In DM, this can effect a game, as the person who we can't name, does quite a lot. As for trying, and still not hitting anything, that can happen too if you are on the team with all the aces, I've been in matches where you go to fire on someone, and suddenly they blow up, and it happens over and over, so you get flagged...lol




*probably not a real char name, but redacting it, just in case CS goes overboard ;)

Edited by DarkTergon
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It will be hard to get any better for as long as the game gives special limited time missions (Galactic Seasons) that are needed to be done to earn limited earnable rewards. While it is a headache, it has definitely increased the numbers willing to play and get better at both starfighter and warzones, but along with the increase numbers comes the players who hate the gameplay but have to do it to earn the rewards.
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Try 12 - 22 in games where they're self destructing. The leeching is preferable, but I would rather have neither, as it's bad for the game.


You've also named a player. You might want to keep from doing that.


No, it is not a player name, it's a pseudonym. But fine, i'll make it even simpler.


I need more evidence than word of mouth on the forum before I do anything, especially when y'all can't even confirm it. Especially when it is routine for players to suicide for each ship type every match to take advantage of the conquest points.

Edited by Ardrossan
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No, it is not a player name, it's a pseudonym. But fine, I'll make it even simpler.


I need more evidence than word of mouth on the forum before I do anything, especially when y'all can't even confirm it. Especially when it is routine for players to suicide for each ship type every match to take advantage of the conquest points.


at the end of the match, look at the scores, where it says 0 across the board, except for deaths, you'll know who we are talking about, even a noob flying in circles shooting blindly will have more than 0's :) The one guy that was named is notorious for it. I know some of the stuff on the forums can be taken with a grain of salt, but in this case, you will see for yourself :) After playing a few matches you'll be able to tell the deliberate afk's from bad players, or noobs :)

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I actually feel the opposite - vote kick in GSF isn't strict enough. I see far too many straight 0s across the board every day (0 kills, damage, objectives, etc). Players sit on spawn the entire match and spin in circles or do nothing at all. I'd like to see those people be kicked more quickly, seeing as how reporting them has done nothing and the same people queue on Star Forge and just sit there AFK. Anyone who regularly plays GSF on SF probably already knows at least one of these players by name since they are so notorious in the community.

Loads of afkers are in GSF for the galactic seasons POs now too. Next galactic season aren't they changing it so players will only get points towards primary objectives if they earn medals? If that's the case they should do this for GSF missions as well. Maybe have a reduced medal tally for those so as not to make it too difficult for those just starting out with a plain/new ship?


I have a question: how can you participate in kicking someone in GSF? I still haven't worked it out!. In fact I haven't worked how to do anything during a fight other than participate in the match! And stupid google hates me.

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I'm not directing this at anyone, so please don't take it personally.


We're talking about a sub part of an online game. A game that's played by all ages and skill levels. And levels of interest in getting better or not. And commitment of finances and time. We can all name parts of the game that we'd like to see improved on. And the play of other players. My personal gripe in dom is the guys that fight like crazy to take a sat and then fly away and leave it unguarded. But I wouldn't vote kick someone for doing that even though it clearly costs matches.


As for not being able to be kicked if you're contributing: I've noticed the message "not contributing" while there were enemies all around me shooting at me and me shooting at them. I've noticed the message "contributing again" after fighting 4 or 5 enemies in a row. I never saw the warning, tho, even when I scrolled back looking for it. As for travel, I know about and use the F3 key. On some maps at some spawn points it can take me two complete tanks of energy to get where I'm going. I've noticed it varies from match to match on the same maps, so that's weird.


But all that's beside the point and again just my opinion. It's also my opinion that vote kick is abused in every game and should be removed. If you want the game to grow and improve why kick people who are trying to learn the game? That's counter productive, whether you understand it or not.


As for the self destruct, I bet if you're honest even the aces that are commenting here have done it. You know, your shields are red and someone you hate has a lock on you, so you fly into a wall to deny them a kill. Come on, admit it. I won't judge you.

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I'm not directing this at anyone, so please don't take it personally.


We're talking about a sub part of an online game. A game that's played by all ages and skill levels. And levels of interest in getting better or not. And commitment of finances and time. We can all name parts of the game that we'd like to see improved on. And the play of other players. My personal gripe in dom is the guys that fight like crazy to take a sat and then fly away and leave it unguarded. But I wouldn't vote kick someone for doing that even though it clearly costs matches.


As for not being able to be kicked if you're contributing: I've noticed the message "not contributing" while there were enemies all around me shooting at me and me shooting at them. I've noticed the message "contributing again" after fighting 4 or 5 enemies in a row. I never saw the warning, tho, even when I scrolled back looking for it. As for travel, I know about and use the F3 key. On some maps at some spawn points it can take me two complete tanks of energy to get where I'm going. I've noticed it varies from match to match on the same maps, so that's weird.


I want to say this as gently as possible: if you are in fact shooting at someone and landing your shots, you are immediately counted as contributing again with the first hit. I can record some video to prove this if you want. I know a couple of people who would be willing to help me do it so it wouldn't be any danger of costing someone a match.


If you're positive that it isn't changing things for you, try to get it on video and post it here or in the GSF Discord, because that would be a pretty big bug and it's something we would want to push to have fixed.


As for the engine power, someone already told you this, but make sure you hit F3 when you spawn and when you need to travel so that you have power to engines and it costs less engine power. Additionally, do your boosting in long bursts, as boost has an initial cost every time you press spacebar. Tapping boost will burn through your engines super quickly.


But all that's beside the point and again just my opinion. It's also my opinion that vote kick is abused in every game and should be removed. If you want the game to grow and improve why kick people who are trying to learn the game? That's counter productive, whether you understand it or not.


I don't kick people who are learning. It's pretty easy to tell the difference.


Let's look at an example (names removed so as to avoid getting a warn for "name and shame" because that's not the point here):





Okay, so, in this example, you've got players at pretty much every skill level. But only one leech/SDer, and they're easy to spot: 0 kills, 1 assists, 17(!) deaths. 650 damage, and most tellingly: 0% accuracy. This player spawns in, drifts forward in a bomber while dropping mines and drones along the way, and may or may not boost into a wall. Judging from some of the timestamps, there was a lot of boosting into walls:




I missed a few, but those are most of this player's deaths in the game. Again, censored so you can't see the player name but you can tell it's the same player. There's no way you self destruct that much unless you're doing it on purpose.


Let's compare with the players who had a similarly poor performance.


11 deaths player had a bad game, but they still had 2 kills and 2 assists with 10.7k damage and 36% accuracy. That's pretty solid accuracy, actually! They were trying, but probably out of position all game. This is fine, and even if they got flagged (which they wouldn't with this performance) I wouldn't try to get anyone to kick them.


What about the next lowest damage player? 0 kills, 4 assists, 7 deaths. 4% accuracy. This is a player who was trying but isn't very good at hitting their targets. They were trying though, and again, the scoreboard tells the story.


Next lowest damage on my team? 0 kills, 6, assists, 4 deaths and 3292 damage with 5% accuracy. Similar to the player above: trying, but not very good yet. It's likely that neither this player or the previous one understands that you have to aim at the lead reticule when in range, but they can still manage to contribute.


I have more examples, if we need more.


You know what else is bad for a game, though? Ask yourself what happens if I wasn't in this game. Self-destructor's team doesn't stand even a tiny chance, in that case. As it was, even with me in it, it was a narrow win. Had I messed up or been a bit less lucky with RNG, that's a loss when it shouldn't have been.


As for the self destruct, I bet if you're honest even the aces that are commenting here have done it. You know, your shields are red and someone you hate has a lock on you, so you fly into a wall to deny them a kill. Come on, admit it. I won't judge you.


lol why? They still get the assist, their team still gets the point, and they probably don't care that you did it. I see this all the time from players who aren't any good, but can't say I've seen it from "even the aces that are commenting here". If anything someone doing that just saves me time so I can move on to the next target.


The only time I self destruct on purpose is in domination when I've run out of rocket pods and no one on my team has a repair drone with ammo. I need the damage output so if I find time to do it I'll SD for more ammo. But that's one point in a thousand, and I get more than enough kills to make up for it in your average game.


I don't SD on purpose in TDM, generally speaking.


PSA: the shield half of that upgrade tier on repair drone does nothing. Nothing at all. The shields it regens are tiny, and will not save you or your teammates if they are under fire. If they are not under fire, then it's a waste, since their shields (and yours) will regen naturally anyway. The ammo option is better in every regard. Shields regen on their own, ammo does not.


Edit: I missed this before, but it's important.


I mainly fly bomber. The bomber isn't a dog fighter. I excel at domination, because I can burrow into the station and kill scouts by the ones and twos.


This tells me a lot. Here are some tips:


Bombers have blasters for a reason! You should use them more. If you hit someone with a blaster, you're automatically counted as contributing and cannot be flagged or kicked.


The behavior you're describing is called "ticking" and it doesn't really help you or your team against anyone who isn't totally clueless about how to fight someone doing it. It's even worse if you're doing this in TDM.


If someone is telling you that bombers should be moving instead of ticking, they aren't wrong. Yes, it is harder at first, but you'll contribute more in the harder games if you aren't free DPS for the other team.



For anyone who doesn't already know: fly under the sat and either use a gunship or lock on with proton torpedoes, the latter of which will ignore the fact that they're exploiting by hiding on top of their own mines and drones so they're harder to hit. Bonus if you do it with the Pike/Quell, which can also have EMP missiles which work very well against bombers as well.


In TDM, it's even easier: bombers are about area denial, and ticks don't like to move. Just don't bother with them, because they're probably in a bad location anyway. Either they get kicked or they do nothing. Either way, they won't help their team.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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No, it is not a player name, it's a pseudonym. But fine, i'll make it even simpler.


I need more evidence than word of mouth on the forum before I do anything, especially when y'all can't even confirm it. Especially when it is routine for players to suicide for each ship type every match to take advantage of the conquest points.


k see my post above then, i break down one example. i have more if you need them

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I have a question: how can you participate in kicking someone in GSF? I still haven't worked it out!. In fact I haven't worked how to do anything during a fight other than participate in the match! And stupid google hates me.


I did not think there was a way to actively vote kick someone. In all the matches I flew for GS, across SF, SS, and DM, I saw several people kicked, there is a message in chat, and not once have I ever seen a kick vote come up. I have, however, seen the message that says you are not participating and that if you do not start participating you will be removed from the match, which makes me think that it is automatic and does not require playing input.

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I did not think there was a way to actively vote kick someone. In all the matches I flew for GS, across SF, SS, and DM, I saw several people kicked, there is a message in chat, and not once have I ever seen a kick vote come up. I have, however, seen the message that says you are not participating and that if you do not start participating you will be removed from the match, which makes me think that it is automatic and does not require playing input.


No, it requires player input: you open the map and click the symbol next to the non-contributing player's name. They have to first be non-contributing, which only happens if... yeah, they're not contributing.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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No, it requires player input: you open the map and click the symbol next to the non-contributing player's name. They have to first be non-contributing, which only happens if... yeah, they're not contributing.


If I get back into GSF with GS2 I will have to remember that as there were more than a few times where I wanted to kick someone.

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