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What combat style combos will you come up with?


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Which do you think will synergize well? So far I'm thinking:


Advanced Prototype Powertech and Scrapper Scoundrel. Up in your face brawler.

Arsenal Mercenary and Saboteur Gunslinger. Can you say Sabine Wren?

Marksmanship Sniper and Concealment Operative. The Ghost Soldier


Those are the three that I'll probably make first. What about you? What crazy combinations are you going to make?

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The combinations I'll most likely do are

snipers/Merc for heals.


Sorc/sin combo's.


PT dps or tank/Merc






I know many will expect for FP's that everyone have a stealth class, however I'm not a fan of Sin tanking that much, and I don't like the feel for Operative healing. So I'd lean more to combinations for healing classes I'd actually like to play in group content with DPS or tanking classes I enjoy.


I know I will definitely not have a stealth class on each character.

Edited by Toraak
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Not being able to change Combat Styles while in a phase definitely reduces the attraction of the feature to long-term players. This seems like it is purely meant to allow new-players to play all styles without rolling multiple characters.


As a long-term players with several characters on multiple servers, I've played all these styles. I don't need a stealth style (*) or healer or something as a fallback to do regular, non-instanced content which is already easy. With a companion whose stance (DPS, Tank, healer) I can change any time - even in a phase - I'm hard pressed to see how I can take advantage of this feature now.


I plan to play some non-main characters initially once this goes on production servers, since the choices are permanent.


(*) I expect BW will add (increased) stealth detection to most mobs to prevent people from using stealth combat styles extensively. And I expect that to be accidentally omitted from patch notes.

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For me on the Rep Side.


CS#1 Main Jedi Sent

|____L/O#1 Combat Light Side

CS#2 Jedi Guardian

|____L/O#2 Vigilance Light Side

|____L/O#3 Tank Light Side


CS#1 Main Shadow

|_____L/O#1 Infiltration Light Side

CS#2 Sage

|_____L/O#2 Balance Dark Side


CS#1 Main Smuggler

|_____L/O#1 Ruffian Light Side

CS#2 Operative

|_____L/O#2 Concealment Light Side

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Heavyweight boxer. Not just any regular old boxer tho, but one with riveting, engaging and immersive skill tree that puts player choise to front and center. Several basic abilities needed to do any boxing at all are now needlessly arranged into three tiers. People have the completele, revolutionary freedoom to choose either of the two features offered from each tier!



Tier I:


Left leg OR Right leg


Tier II:


Left hand OR Right hand


Tier III:

Ability to punch OR Ability to dodge


Imagine the possibilities! Are you boxer with only left hand able to dodge? Or boxer with only right hand able to punch? Which leg is the one you hop on? Experience combat like never before!

Edited by Stradlin
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Heavyweight boxer. Not just any regular old boxer tho, but one with riveting, engaging and immersive skill tree that puts player choise to front and center. Several basic abilities needed to do any boxing at all are now needlessly arranged into three tiers. People have the completele, revolutionary freedoom to choose either of the two features offered from each tier!



Tier I:


Left leg OR Right leg


Tier II:


Left hand OR Right hand


Tier III:

Ability to punch OR Ability to dodge


Imagine the possibilities! Are you boxer with only left hand able to dodge? Or boxer with only right hand able to punch? Which leg is the one you hop on? Experience combat like never before!


Very well done, I appreciate your craftsmanship here.

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Agent: Marksmanship/Medicine. I've always role played the character as a sniper with field medic training so it's good to see it becoming a real thing in game.


For the others, I'll pick one combat style I prefer for the story with a stealth combat style for convenience.

Inquisitor: Lightning/Darkness

Warrior: Immortal/Darkness

Bounty Hunter: Shield Tech/Lethality


Jedi Knight: Concentration/Kinetic Combat. Story-wise I prefer the Jedi Knight to be more of a "dps" class and chop stuffs with 2 lightsabers lol

Smuggler: Ruffian/Sawbone

Sage: same as Inquisitor.

Trooper: Doesn't really care about the class, won't suffer the class story again if not for the legendary status.

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Knight/Warrior/Consular/Inquisitor: Juggernaut (or LS variant) and Sage or Shadow. They'll all be able to fight melee with single blade lightsaber, so I won't hate matching up with the cut scenes :p


Agent: Gunslinger or Mercenary (depending on if I want gadgets or not...undecided) and Scoundrel. Finally using a blaster pistol as was meant to be!


Hunter: Gunslinger (I do love the Gunslinger Class) and Mercenary or Sniper (Sniper is just like Gunslinger, but I could pull out that Sniper Rifle every now and again).


Trooper: Gunslinger and Commando. Blaster pistol use but I can pull out the Ion Cannon when I want <3


Smuggler: Gunslinger (pretty happy with this on my Smuggler) and Mercenary or Scoundrel.

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Based on a lot of this, i have a question...

It is my understanding that you cannot actually mix styles, for example i cant do a Merc/Op that basically uses all Merc skills and adds sheath... that once i swap styles i basically become the other class in all aspects. You cant be a Jugg with lightning added becasue if you swap to sorc, you lose all the jugg skills.

Many of the examples here are doing things as i hoped it would be, that once we have access to multiple styles that we could combine them, use skills from each into the chosen load out, but others have told me no that isnt how it will work.

I wish we knew for sure how they intend this to work.

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Based on a lot of this, i have a question...

It is my understanding that you cannot actually mix styles, for example i cant do a Merc/Op that basically uses all Merc skills and adds sheath... that once i swap styles i basically become the other class in all aspects. You cant be a Jugg with lightning added becasue if you swap to sorc, you lose all the jugg skills.

Many of the examples here are doing things as i hoped it would be, that once we have access to multiple styles that we could combine them, use skills from each into the chosen load out, but others have told me no that isnt how it will work.

I wish we knew for sure how they intend this to work.


This is the correct interpretation:

It is my understanding that you cannot actually mix styles
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This is the correct interpretation:


This was my assumption, and it greatly tempered my hopes... at first like many in this thread i thought of all the wonderful ways to combine them, then i relied it was never going to be like that and even if it would it would kill whatever balance we have... but it would have been a grap ton of fun i think.


I shudder to think how badly they are going to wreck Mercs with utility pruning though, good thing im trying something new this time around.

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This was my assumption, and it greatly tempered my hopes... at first like many in this thread i thought of all the wonderful ways to combine them, then i relied it was never going to be like that and even if it would it would kill whatever balance we have... but it would have been a grap ton of fun i think.


I shudder to think how badly they are going to wreck Mercs with utility pruning though, good thing im trying something new this time around.


Oh no. I know we don't get to combine skills. However, I can for instance be a Mando that uses a Sniper Rifle (Sniper Combat Style) and Ion Cannon (Commando Combat Style) and switch between the two classes as my mood strikes.


My Agent can always use a blaster pistol now, like I felt my Agent should always be able to do :)

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Oh no. I know we don't get to combine skills. However, I can for instance be a Mando that uses a Sniper Rifle (Sniper Combat Style) and Ion Cannon (Commando Combat Style) and switch between the two classes as my mood strikes.


My Agent can always use a blaster pistol now, like I felt my Agent should always be able to do :)


Yes it still has its advantages, just not as many as i had hoped :)

A Commando that doesnt have to carry a house on their back has its appeal, as does a power tech with a proper rifle.

But it would have been so much more fun to mix and match.

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It will be easier to switch roles when forming an operation group.


For example, I join an operation group as a marksmenship sniper, but we can't find a heal. With 7.0, I could switch to an medicine operative without having to log out/log in with another toon.


Not all people will pick D/H/T loadouts, but for the people who do, it will be pretty convenient.

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Well unless I am misinformed or have misread info about this update, I will not be able to make what I want to make. I want to play a Powertech with powertech powers but use a blaster rifle, or an Assassin with assassin powers but use a single bladed saber...etc.

But what I understand is that I can't do that. That basically I will be choosing to play the bounty hunter or assassin story etc as a different class....not what I wanted.

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Well unless I am misinformed or have misread info about this update, I will not be able to make what I want to make. I want to play a Powertech with powertech powers but use a blaster rifle, or an Assassin with assassin powers but use a single bladed saber...etc.

But what I understand is that I can't do that. That basically I will be choosing to play the bounty hunter or assassin story etc as a different class....not what I wanted.


Not as a different class, but with more options of combat styles than we had before.


That said, yes, as someone who loves the Deception and Infiltration specs, I was hoping to be able to change weapon to a single blade. This isn't the case.

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In the end it's still the same story / class ... conversations and choices. This affects nothing significantly. I've gone over the stories several times. (for the last 9+ years now)


A smuggler with stealth mode: already available. One gun or two ?? ... already available. Most of the variants of this class are still available. And since we must still choose one path or the other .. the outcome is essentially the same.


For a trooper: one gun or two .. rifle or cannon or perhaps a blaster pistol?? It might be interesting in newer content IF those choices proved to have different conversations. BUT with less and less of that sort of content it is unlikely that there will more choices available. Additional different "combat styles" perhaps ... but the content will still remain the same.


A Jedi is still a Jedi ... if he decides to follow the dark side then he is no longer a Jedi ... but rather something else (that is Star Wars canon ) .


Mixing up certain combat styles is fine. That is just another way of playing each class. That does not change the story lines of the individual 8 classes (pre KotFE / ET). All of that merged into only a few story lines after that (even post JUS).


As for what I plan on coming up with: I will only keep to the smuggler / JK / trooper skills ( or whatever the current descriptions are at that time) in order to remain in character as much as possible. I am hoping that if we want to try something different we can role a new character and start at JUS or Onslaught (maybe).

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Like most people will do...


Stealth and whatever...


Yep. It's the most generally useful ability you can gain.


Edit: Over and under on how long it takes for them to add stealth detection mechanics to every FP, etc?

Edited by Kurj
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