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Seasons Pilots read here.


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Right. So maybe I need to clear a couple of things up.


Statement: I have never once claimed to be a good pilot. I am here sharing the little I know in hopes of helping other new people. Basic information on GSF can be difficult to find. Nobody wants to spend all of their game time googling and reading. I got frustrated with all that and posted links and opinions I thought could be helpful. I am also here to learn. Main reason actually.


Challenge premise: Luc believes many people rely too heavily on secondary weapons. He made it clear I was maybe or maybe not one of those people. I have no idea. Never considered the question previously.


The implied challenge: "equip clusters and you will see how good you really are" Sounds like a challenge to me. I like challenges.


Everything else was my own idea. For me there is no point to the exercise unless we can display a body of work that definitively answers the implied question. Will equipping clusters reduce reliance on secondary weapons? and does it even matter? The in game stats provide all the numbers we need. Missiles fired, dmg done, primaries used, etc etc. Fresh ships are required so that the figures provided only reflect the numbers associated with the test. 3 ships are required so we can compare the percent of primary vs secondary dmg before, during, and after the test.


I am a little disappointed you would try to talk me out of it. I view this as a project that can only make me a better pilot, regardless of the outcome. So, you do your thing and I will do mine.


Hopefully that is enough info to smooth over any ruffled feathers. I won't address the subject again until I have results.


Happy flying :D

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Right. So maybe I need to clear a couple of things up.


Statement: I have never once claimed to be a good pilot. I am here sharing the little I know in hopes of helping other new people. Basic information on GSF can be difficult to find. Nobody wants to spend all of their game time googling and reading. I got frustrated with all that and posted links and opinions I thought could be helpful. I am also here to learn. Main reason actually.

Welcome contributions too.


Challenge premise: Luc believes many people rely too heavily on secondary weapons. He made it clear I was maybe or maybe not one of those people. I have no idea. Never considered the question previously.

Made it clear? Hmm, odd wording. I hope you didn't think that post was directed at you, it wasn't. It was general advice for the masses. I have never seen you fly so cannot comment one way or another. You expressed interest in the idea, I was just trying to stay impartial.


The implied challenge: "equip clusters and you will see how good you really are" Sounds like a challenge to me. I like challenges.
I like people who like challenges.


Everything else was my own idea. For me there is no point to the exercise unless we can display a body of work that definitively answers the implied question. Will equipping clusters reduce reliance on secondary weapons? and does it even matter? The in game stats provide all the numbers we need. Missiles fired, dmg done, primaries used, etc etc. Fresh ships are required so that the figures provided only reflect the numbers associated with the test. 3 ships are required so we can compare the percent of primary vs secondary dmg before, during, and after the test.


I am a little disappointed you would try to talk me out of it. I view this as a project that can only make me a better pilot, regardless of the outcome. So, you do your thing and I will do mine.

Certainly was not trying to talk you out of it. I am glad you are willing to test yourself. That is what makes great pilots. I was only suggesting a different approach. But no biggy, was only a suggestion. Carry on good man.


Hopefully that is enough info to smooth over any ruffled feathers. I won't address the subject again until I have results.
It never once entered my mind that there was ruffled feathers or anything that needed smoothing over :)
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Cool, good stuff. Hope nothing I typed came off as dck-ish. wasn't meant to be. Did not want to give the impression it was a negative type of challenge. FUN is the way my brand of nerdness sees it. Have always had a bit of trouble with my keyboarding. I get hyper focused sometimes and also am socially awkward. I appreciate everyone taking the time to read and comment.
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Cool, good stuff. Hope nothing I typed came off as dck-ish. wasn't meant to be. Did not want to give the impression it was a negative type of challenge. FUN is the way my brand of nerdness sees it. Have always had a bit of trouble with my keyboarding. I get hyper focused sometimes and also am socially awkward. I appreciate everyone taking the time to read and comment.


Not at all man. Enjoy the challenge :)

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Ha, funny because I cut my GSF teeth in gunships. Pretty much the only thing I fly. I love it when I get on a team that knows how to support their gunships. All too often that is not the case.


I've gotten Galactic Seasons on 4/5 servers, so don't do gsf much anymore, except on the 5th, but I always looked out for the gunships, especially people sneaking up behind them :)

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I've gotten Galactic Seasons on 4/5 servers, so don't do gsf much anymore, except on the 5th, but I always looked out for the gunships, especially people sneaking up behind them :)


Some matches I will be sitting there, happily sniping away, when I will take a few hits and by the time I have exited the scope and started to address my attacker someone will have already swooped in to cover me. Love a well coordinated team.


I am level 100 on my main account on Star Forge and Satele Shan. I need one more daily PO to hit 100 on my alt account on SF, and within a couple days will be 100 on SS. I am a little behind on Darth Malgus, my play times did not always match up with GSF pops, but will hit 100 on main within two weeks, which is good because I am having surgery the end of the month and likely will not feel up to playing for a bit, but that also means I likely will not get to 100 on my alt account on DM. So, this is kind of my retirement from GSF for now.


If I do start playing GSF again I will likely do so with different characters. A fresh start with new pilots and new ships.

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Wasabi home skillets!


Popped in today because I ran some early numbers and what I found out shocked me enough to come ask for help. I have a pretty serious problem.


Before we get into that I would like to say ..... 4/5 servers? Nice!!!;)


First I would like readers to know that I am still working on mastering the components I chose for this ship. Also I have switched from ions/quads to rapids/heavies and am still getting used to the set up. Not making any excuses. I believe both are relevant because both my accuracy and dmg are lower than what I was getting before the switch. About 10% accuracy and approx 10k damage less. That's a lot. I know I can improve both so sticking with it. Do like the setup. Only 30 matches completed. After 70 more we can see what changed in the final stats. So far been taking a lot of whoopins lol.


Second let's look at some screenies.

Proof of sexy new shipness:



1st page of in game stats:



2nd page of in game stats:



Best match so far with this ship. 8 deaths is rare for me these days but it does still happen. Most of my team was pretty new. We did the best we could. Had a strong GS pilot :). Check out Zia.



Now let's do some arithmetic:

Missiles fired x %accuracy% = 84.46 missiles landed

Missiles landed x missile damage (1097 each hit, concussions) = 92652.62 missile dmg

Missile damage divided by total damage x 100 = 10.05% of my total damage is missile damage.:(


10% missile damage tells me without question that I REALLY SUCK AT MISSILES! Please help. Maybe that is why I am not getting hardly any kills? As you can see currently averaging less than 4 per match (3.65? - too lazy to look). I can get opponents in my sights and do some damage but for one reason or another have trouble closing the deal.


2 other issues I would like some help with:

Defensive flying - this is largely situational, maybe some general pointers? When better than me pilots get after me I can lead them around for a bit but eventually I will get shot down. I try to turn it around so I am the attacker but I really have trouble against some of you all.


Locating my attacker: Some of you come in at angles that are really hard to detect until you fire blasters and I can use 'r' and 'c'. The good pilots have their timing down and won't even try for a lock until ready to use primaries. Usually its too late because by the time I have hit both keys my ship is smoking and all I can do is hit 2+4 and run for it. Never ends well for me. Others will beep beep beep me to death without using primaries, (leaving the 'r' option out), while I fly around objects trying to LoS + locate them. They stick like 3M.


I hope some Vets and Aces will offer tips that can help us new(er) people. I doubt I am the only person struggling with these things.


Thanks everyone for taking the time:cool:

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Alright lets break this down then :)


Now let's do some arithmetic:

Missiles fired x %accuracy% = 84.46 missiles landed

Missiles landed x missile damage (1097 each hit, concussions) = 92652.62 missile dmg

Missile damage divided by total damage x 100 = 10.05% of my total damage is missile damage.:(

Few things to get into here. In regards Accuracy with missiles. Every missile fired counts as a hit toward your accuracy stat, regardless of whether it actually hits or not. To put that in different more simple terms. If you entered a match, and never fired a single laser, but only spammed missiles, and none of your missiles actually hit your target, your end match accuracy would be 100%. Its just how accuracy works with missiles. I guess its rewarding you for getting the lock, not whether it actually hits.


So your damage calculation from missiles landed is incorrect. We don't know what it is, because unless you mentally keep track of missiles landed, during a match, there is no way to track how many actually hit from your stats. Even if this wasn't the case, your accuracy also factors in laser hits too. So yeah, non-starter that one.


Also you're using Protons in that match screen shot, not concussions. Protons deal damage direct to hull, by-passing shields. So while they appear to do the most damage to a ship, and they do, they actually get less damage numbers. because they ignore shields. Any weapon which does not ignore shields will get you higher damage numbers. So basing match effectiveness and kill ability on damage numbers from missiles is subjective.


10% missile damage tells me without question that I REALLY SUCK AT MISSILES! Please help. Maybe that is why I am not getting hardly any kills?
This tells me there is still too much emphasis on landing missiles in your mindset. High kill / damage counts come from being proficient with lasers, not from landing more missiles. But while its something to work on, it's not a huge issue for you either, because 200 missiles fired over 30 games is only 6.6 missiles fired per match, which isn't much. 41k damage with 44% accuracy in that screen shot when equipping protons at an average of 6.6 fired, means most of your damage is coming from lasers. Which is good!


As you can see currently averaging less than 4 per match (3.65? - too lazy to look). I can get opponents in my sights and do some damage but for one reason or another have trouble closing the deal.
A common problem, closing the kill is an acquired skill.


2 other issues I would like some help with:

Defensive flying - this is largely situational, maybe some general pointers? When better than me pilots get after me I can lead them around for a bit but eventually I will get shot down. I try to turn it around so I am the attacker but I really have trouble against some of you all.

IF you weren't having problems against better pilots that would be astonishing, to put it mildly. GSF takes skill + knowledge to ascend to high skill levels. Someone fairly new, should be struggling against someone who is a skilled old hand. That's correct. Means the game takes effort and tenacity to learn.


Locating my attacker: Some of you come in at angles that are really hard to detect until you fire blasters and I can use 'r' and 'c'. The good pilots have their timing down and won't even try for a lock until ready to use primaries. Usually its too late because by the time I have hit both keys my ship is smoking and all I can do is hit 2+4 and run for it. Never ends well for me. Others will beep beep beep me to death without using primaries, (leaving the 'r' option out), while I fly around objects trying to LoS + locate them. They stick like 3M.


I hope some Vets and Aces will offer tips that can help us new(er) people. I doubt I am the only person struggling with these things.


Thanks everyone for taking the time:cool:


All in all we need to work on general game play improvements. Have a look at the Defensive flying tips in my Every day tips thread. Focus on Accuracy > damage > kills. One leads to the other. Don't focus on kills for now. Start with better accuracy. If you have the facility to record yourself, I would be happy to analyse it and offer you some pointers. Keep watching videos of better pilots and watch what they do in the way of defensive /offensive flying.

Edited by Ttoilleekul
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Cerycp - Gl with your surgery and I hope we see you back soon! Apologies I meant to type that yesterday. Was too focused on thinking about my flying.


Luc - Well crap. A little bummed about the math. Good example of "when we are new, we don't even know what we don't know". Here to learn so all good.


Good catch on the prototorps. I unlocked the 1st 3 tiers and tried them for a few matches hoping to net more kills. made no difference so swapped back. Concussions are easier to land for me. Wish I had used the req towards t4/t5 concussion unlocks instead. 8 to 10 kills seems to be my ceiling right now. Even when flying my Sting. Love the sting - favorite ship.


You are correct about my mindset. I do try to finish opponents off with secondary's. My mindset when concentrating on accuracy includes landing missiles. Guess I will have to get over that.


On the other things what I am hearing is "working as intended, keep doing what you are doing". Is this correct? I will read through your def flying tips again so they are fresh in my noodle. I do watch the vids. Mostly yours because they are new almost daily and you are a really kick azz pilot. Will fish around for others. I know Drak has some older stuff and I have watched several of those before. Worth a review because he is good at explaining things and I am sure I didn't understand a lot of what I heard at the time. Was still too new to me.


Alright so didn't need to panic I guess. I genuinely thought I must be doing something very wrong and I couldn't think what. I admit I do feel a bit silly now. New info helps me understand some other things you typed, things that made me think you were trying to talk me out of this. You are awesome for being patient while things became clearer to me. Thanks again. Feel like I should smoke a brisket and feed you all. That's my super power lol.

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On the recording myself thing .... I am pretty sure my computer knows how mto do that. If I look into it Is youtube the only way to list it public for review? I use my youtube channel for other hobbies (chef and flintknapper) and don't want to mix it with gaming.
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Some matches I will be sitting there, happily sniping away, when I will take a few hits and by the time I have exited the scope and started to address my attacker someone will have already swooped in to cover me. Love a well coordinated team.


I am level 100 on my main account on Star Forge and Satele Shan. I need one more daily PO to hit 100 on my alt account on SF, and within a couple days will be 100 on SS. I am a little behind on Darth Malgus, my play times did not always match up with GSF pops, but will hit 100 on main within two weeks, which is good because I am having surgery the end of the month and likely will not feel up to playing for a bit, but that also means I likely will not get to 100 on my alt account on DM. So, this is kind of my retirement from GSF for now.


If I do start playing GSF again I will likely do so with different characters. A fresh start with new pilots and new ships.


My sub is up in 4 days and still unsure I'll re sub, so incase I'm gone by then, I'd like to wish you the best with your surgery.


I only started the 5th recently, so doubt I'll be finished before the end of GS, and if I don't sub, won't be much point in finishing the 5th once I go pref, as it's the cc's I'm doing it for. I can't complain though, I've gotten at least 4k per server so far, so 16k+ so far, with the little extra from the 5th :)


Anyway, just wanted to say GL to all you pilots , it's great to see so many interested (and interesting) players.


May the Shields protect, and the weapons hit on target.

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Cerycp - Gl with your surgery and I hope we see you back soon! Apologies I meant to type that yesterday. Was too focused on thinking about my flying.


My sub is up in 4 days and still unsure I'll re sub, so incase I'm gone by then, I'd like to wish you the best with your surgery.


Thank you both. The procedure is considered low risk, but my other medical issues will mean that my recovery will be a bit longer than average. I am expecting to have to cut back my play time quite a bit throughout September. Fortunately, I got KotOR 1 for Android, so time for a nostalgia overload.


I am now level 100 on Star Forge and Satele Shan on both of my accounts, and I will hit 100 on my main account on DM with just the login points, so this is my official good-bye (at least for now) to all of the wonderful GSF pilots I have had the pleasure of grouping with over the past few months.


The one-sided matches were either a snooze-fest if we were winning or a chore and exercise in frustration if we were losing, but there were some really good, really close matches along the way. Matches where it was anyone's game right up to the end, and more than a few that had sudden upsets. If I get back into the cockpit it will be with new characters; do not want to build a name for myself and get a reputation. Maybe next time I will try bombers.


Remember, space smells like burnt steak, so if you smell burnt steak you probably did something wrong, and always stay on target.

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You are correct about my mindset. I do try to finish opponents off with secondary's. My mindset when concentrating on accuracy includes landing missiles. Guess I will have to get over that.
This is exactly what running clusters will solve for you. Even better, don't upgrade them. Leave them completely stock. That will render them utterly useless. it will force your mindset, habits and thinking process to change, because stock clusters is like not having any secondary weapons at all.


On the other things what I am hearing is "working as intended, keep doing what you are doing". Is this correct?
As "expected" would be a better word. No one comes into GSF and excels from the word go. But the "intention" is to get you there.


I will read through your def flying tips again so they are fresh in my noodle. I do watch the vids. Mostly yours because they are new almost daily and you are a really kick azz pilot. Will fish around for others. I know Drak has some older stuff and I have watched several of those before. Worth a review because he is good at explaining things and I am sure I didn't understand a lot of what I heard at the time. Was still too new to me.
Drakolich is an excellent teacher and explains things extremely well. I had the privilege of being coached by him for a while before he went to SWS, after which Invis took over and finished my training. I found Drakolich's solo queue videos very informative. The group play stuff less so, because the circumstances of group play and the skills required are very different to solo play. Here are some other channels for you to watch:

Remsuqui's Youtube Remus is a friend from Malgus who recently achieved Ace level. Used to be a GS only pilot, now flies everything. Posts a lot.

Vilgrim's Youtube My friend Vilgrim, french guy, also mostly plays on Malgus. Scout main. Wrecks. Posts occasionally.

Lightsaber-Jerk Youtube US player. Plays on all servers. Post occasionally.

Jhingo Youtube Jhingo. My former Padawan. Scout main and Strike Fighters when the mood takes him. I taught Jhingo pretty much from the ground up. He eventually beat me in the final of a Battle Scout tournament. I couldn't have been more proud :D Posts occasionally.

Invis' Youtube Almost a legend in his own time. Still better than me, and the one person I strive to emulate. Himself taught by the greatest player to ever play the game, Neutrinos. Being taught by Invis is like being taught by Neutrinos. Posts occasionally.


That should keep you going for now, but there are more!


Alright so didn't need to panic I guess. I genuinely thought I must be doing something very wrong and I couldn't think what. I admit I do feel a bit silly now. New info helps me understand some other things you typed, things that made me think you were trying to talk me out of this. You are awesome for being patient while things became clearer to me. Thanks again. Feel like I should smoke a brisket and feed you all. That's my super power lol.
Happy to help any time. Keep up the good work :D


On the recording myself thing .... I am pretty sure my computer knows how mto do that. If I look into it Is youtube the only way to list it public for review? I use my youtube channel for other hobbies (chef and flintknapper) and don't want to mix it with gaming.
No there's other platforms. Or you can set it to private and send me the link. Edited by Ttoilleekul
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Regarding playing without secondaries. Here is a video I did a while back where Invis told me to learn to fly the T2S without using Secondaries. You can see the force of habit taking over near the start, where I still fire some Rocket Pods. But I counted and its something like only 26 fired. The rest of the match is Burst Laser Cannons only. So it doesn't matter what level you are at, whether you're a newbie or whether you are practicing advanced stuff, flying without using Secondaries will force you to improve. It worked for me both back as a newbie and recently. You run out of pods fast in a T2S, so this helped me better manage those occasions when I do run out, and still be effective. Which happens quite a lot. These days I don't care much if I run out of pods - unless its a super competitive match.


Challenging myself to play without Secondaries.


When I log in later, I'll see if I can find an old toon that doesn't have clusters unlocked. Then I'll equip them and leave them stock, and do a demonstration video for you of the T1F with primaries only.

Edited by Ttoilleekul
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Alright Luc you've talked me into it lol. I will do this following your suggestions. Did I mention I can be stubborn?


My original thinking is out the window. My approach to the numbers was flawed. Even though I only flew in 30 matches with the rapid/heavy set up I have used this ship plenty with ions/quads and even tried a quad/heavy set up for a bit. Have used both prototorps and concussions in plenty of matches across my account. My ceiling didn't change with any set up. Your point about the shields dmg (lack of) on prototorps made me realize I was getting more dmg with Ions because I was doing more shield dmg. I believe the ions helped with my higher accuracy number. I still like Ions. On the heavy/quad set up accuracy was actually a bit worse for me, low 30's. Dmg didn't stand out one way or another.


On to the next ship. You advised days ago not to fly this vanilla as I intended. Sounds good. I already have a rycer fully mastered yet never flown. That alt had plenty of req on a fresh ship so unlocked it a week or so ago intending it as my 3rd ship. It currently has prototorps. I will unlock the clusters and keep them stock for a while. Probs will unlock them fully though because I hope to do well with it and I am not skilled enough to overcome the disadvantage. Maybe if I become a better pilot I can try stocks on a scout or something. How many matches? I will leave that open. I want to fly as many as it takes to feel like my ceiling is a little bit higher. What that will look like I don't know. So let's find out. Will get a screenshot of the zeroes before I begin.


My focus will be on survival + accuracy with an over all goal to achieve a positive kill ratio. Is this still trying to take on too much at once or does it seem about right?


Appreciate the youtube links. Will add a note on the front page letting people know they can find them on this page. Going to watch yours before I login for some GSF. The other channels will be checking out for sure. I will look into the other thing and hope to submit a couple matches here for review. I like the idea of keeping it all public so that those who wish to can learn right a long with me.


Hope to see you others back for 7.0. Understand letting the sub lapse been considering it myself. This is normally the lull where I focus on PVP. It is so unbalanced right now that it just isnt fun for me. Sick to death of this bolster business and sick of some classes being dominant while others are really bad even in the hands of good players. Leaves me with an over all feeling that skill and gear just aren't important like they used to be. In todays games you can be in unaugmented 302 gear and dominate, so long as you are a power tech and bolstered to 306 + blue lvl augs stats. Why do we bother putting the time in for good gear? Ranked is no different. more players have 286 or 300 augs but are still over matched by some classes with less gear. Discussion for another forum I guess. I am really happy keeping busy with GSF while waiting for the changes. I hope we get more GSF stuffs.

Edited by Gundahar
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Regarding playing without secondaries. Here is a video I did a while back where Invis told me to learn to fly the T2S without using Secondaries. You can see the force of habit taking over near the start, where I still fire some Rocket Pods. But I counted and its something like only 26 fired. The rest of the match is Burst Laser Cannons only. So it doesn't matter what level you are at, whether you're a newbie or whether you are practicing advanced stuff, flying without using Secondaries will force you to improve. It worked for me both back as a newbie and recently. You run out of pods fast in a T2S, so this helped me better manage those occasions when I do run out, and still be effective. Which happens quite a lot. These days I don't care much if I run out of pods - unless its a super competitive match.


Challenging myself to play without Secondaries.


When I log in later, I'll see if I can find an old toon that doesn't have clusters unlocked. Then I'll equip them and leave them stock, and do a demonstration video for you of the T1F with primaries only.


And this is why we all love scouts! Very nice flying :rak_03:

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Alright Luc you've talked me into it lol. I will do this following your suggestions. Did I mention I can be stubborn?
Hehehe, don't sweat it.


Your point about the shields dmg (lack of) on prototorps made me realize I was getting more dmg with Ions because I was doing more shield dmg
Yep, quite probably.


I believe the ions helped with my higher accuracy number. I still like Ions. On the heavy/quad set up accuracy was actually a bit worse for me, low 30's. Dmg didn't stand out one way or another.
Maybe go Ion + heavies or Ion + rapids for now then.


On to the next ship. You advised days ago not to fly this vanilla as I intended. Sounds good. I already have a rycer fully mastered yet never flown. That alt had plenty of req on a fresh ship so unlocked it a week or so ago intending it as my 3rd ship. It currently has prototorps. I will unlock the clusters and keep them stock for a while. Probs will unlock them fully though because I hope to do well with it and I am not skilled enough to overcome the disadvantage.
I think at your level, mastered ship, with fully upgraded clusters will be enough to get you concentrating more on laser damage rather than missiles. No need to go stock ship or mastered ship with stock clusters.


Maybe if I become a better pilot I can try stocks on a scout or something
. Yep, later.


How many matches?
100. Minimum.


I will leave that open. I want to fly as many as it takes to feel like my ceiling is a little bit higher. What that will look like I don't know. So let's find out. Will get a screenshot of the zeroes before I begin.
I always advise, and so did Invis, that if you want to improve any aspect of your flying, or improve in a certain ship / build, fly 100 matches. And fly it in every match. Don't switch to a different ship no matter how bad that match gets. So to better explain that, we are saying do 100 straight matches. Think of it as you get one ship for 100 matches. Even batter take all the other ships off your bar so that you are not tempted to change ships. By the end of it you will have flown that ship in every conceivable type of match and situation.You will be a better pilot by the end of it. You can do more than 100 by all means, but 100 minimum.


My focus will be on survival + accuracy with an over all goal to achieve a positive kill ratio. Is this still trying to take on too much at once or does it seem about right?
Perfect. Not too much, not too little. Edited by Ttoilleekul
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Hi! Been a busy week. I did record the first of 100 matches for fun the other day. Took me a minute to set up a new youtube channel and figure out that they don't like 4k game video. Came out a bit fuzzy and lost the sides after they "processed it". Now I know to record in 1080P. Had some fun with it.




Stuck with the Rapids/heavies. Too much fun. Pulled ships off bar. Have some free coming up. Hope to fly a bunch.

Edited by Gundahar
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Hi! Been a busy week. I did record the first of 100 matches for fun the other day. Took me a minute to set up a new youtube channel and figure out that they don't like 4k game video. Came out a bit fuzzy and lost the sides after they "processed it". Now I know to record in 1080P. Had some fun with it.




Stuck with the Rapids/heavies. Too much fun. Pulled ships off bar. Have some free coming up. Hope to fly a bunch.


Alright. Sorry about being late getting to this. Just busy and what not.


So going to go over this video for you. Not going to go super in depth. Better to keep it to a few key points you will remember and work on.


3:47 - Break for cover faster - could have avoided the next missile.


3:59 - Wait until the missile hits to start repairing - Especially as you are full health.

SD - Unfortunate but it happens


4:54 - Good! But switch to rapids at 2.5k. Shoot in F1 not F3.


5:01 - 5:14 - Nice turn pursuit and kill. Well done: Notice here where Rapids work and heavies don’t. Do this in F1 though not F3. You turn faster and get more damage.


5:24 - The moment someone starts to lock you, hit tab to see who it is-and take evasive action accordingly. You were lucky to not eat a missile here.


5:54 - You didn’t need to cross the map to find safety. Stay closer to the engagement zone, just use cover near by.


6:29 - You’re being locked but again you ignore it. It’s the ship directly in front of you. Watch the video and you can see his missile launch. He’s not very good because he is in primary weapons range, but he’s trying to lock you, rather than shoot you. This is a kill opportunity. Flick your sights up, target him, joust him. That said you avoid the missile and pursue him for the kill. Well done.


6:53 - Again tab to see who is locking you and deal with them. Forget about that person you have in your sights. Deal with the threat to you, don’t ignore it.


Same again at 7:17 - Tab. You have no idea who is locking you and hence cannot deal with them.


7:53 - 8:18 lovely!


8:32 - Boosting in F4. Boost in F3.


9:14 - Good job. Should have been in F1 though.


9:40 Not your kill, but great job


10:50 -11:11 Boosting in F1. Good kill though.


11:15 - Again being locked, you don't tab. You don’t know where he is so you don’t know where to go. Boosting in F1 meant you didn’t have enough engines to find safety. Result means you SD.


12:06 - You’ve burned most of your engines to get back to the engagement zone, and you're wide open. You break a missile, but you don’t tab to see who it was. You stay wide open rather than seeking cover, but now you have no break. At 12:28 you decide to find cover, but you’ve burned your engines and can’t. You’re lucky to not get taken out by a Gunship or Torpedo’d here.


13:09 - I reckon you knew this would happen here? This one was more predictable?


13:40 - Being locked - no tab.

13:55 - He’s still on you. Tab.

14:07 - Tab. He’s still there.

14:13 - You just broke his missile. If he gets another one off it will hit. Tab and deal with him.

14:18 - Nice kill; but risky because you ignored the guy attacking you.


Overall its a really great effort to not use Ammo and focus on primary weapons. You didn't even attempt to fire any clusters, which was more than I was asking of you. By all means use them. They aren't Protons, you can't make kills with them, so use them to supplement your excellent laser damage. But I give you huge props for attempting to do it without firing any at all.


You demonstrated some really nice pursuit and positional flying there, enabling you to get kills with lasers that many players who are seasoned veterans can't do. Close range turn fighting with RFL - really great stuff! I can see you've been paying attention to videos of better pilots and trying to emulate them. Keep doing this, it will become more natural.


Things to work on. You have a tendency to ignore players attacking you. Tab Tab Tab, and Tab. Tab is how you see what's going on around you. The instant someone starts to lock you Tab! See who it is! If you've taken damage, press R, that will tell you who it was that last damaged you. When you do this, the arrow on your HUD will tell you what direction they are and help you either engage them or get evasive. An advanced technique is to press C after tabbing, which will flick your view around to look directly at them, meaning you can expertly avoid them or engage them. What you are doing is tunneling on one person. This will only get you destroyed. Be ready to switch targets, either to a better one or to the person attacking you.


You also have a tendency to be in the wrong power mode. This is just practice, because its also evident you are trying to do it correctly. Its just a lot to think about and it will come more naturally.


I'm certain of one thing already. With the potential you are showing here, you will be a different player after doing this for 100 matches. I look forward to your next one. Practice the things I mention here though before you post up another one.

Edited by Ttoilleekul
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This is great! Was not expecting so much detail I love it! This will help me a lot thank you! You really took the time to think things through and target the most helpful things to work on. Appreciate the extra effort this should help a lot of people. Makes me think of watching NFL film :)


Going to re-watch the battle using your timestamps as a guide. Before I do that I will need to clear the Celtic Knot that impersonates my brain.


TAB: You noticed right away that I have issues finding attackers. For me it is the most frustrating part of the game. I used to hit "R" and fly in circles like an idiot until I got shot down. Graduated to ignoring the lock until a missile launches. Then SDing because I didn't have a plan. Tab sounds much easier.


I have never met Tab. Somehow I overlooked it when going over the keybinds. I do know sister "E", and cousin "R". I have partied with "C" and "F". "Z" is useful for mousing over buffs/debuffs. But no Tab ...


Questions on Tabbing:

1. Does it cycle targets in 360 degrees? I will find out in one match just thinking out loud here. In regular game play it doesn't. Probably why I over looked it. E is my main target key for PVP & PVE so I am used to it.


2. Can I assume that I tab and check the target computer to see who has my name on their guns? Then use "C" to keep an eye on them and react? Seems like a no brainer but I don't want to miss anything.


This is pure gold! Been trying to figure it out since day 1.



Yep I admit I am very lazy about swapping. You taught me 2 very important things here that will definitely motivate me to do better.

1 - more damage? always thought it was just to keep my power level up

2 - tighter turns? makes perfect sense if F3 gives engine speed along with power regen.

3 - power to shield must also give stronger shields plus power regen?


Never noticed or thought about these things so this also is great info. MOAR DMG!!!!!! I feel dumb lol.


5:54 - I was running for help. Knowing I can never locate a lock gives me pretty much that one choice at times. When I got to a few mates turned around. Now I can Tab!


6:29 - I knew who had me on that one. Intentionally waited for him to go by before I switched target. Hoping he also swapped targets and I would have a second or two before he realized I cut back in. Worked out that time, doesn't always. I like Jousting but I suck at it so have been trying to avoid it for now.


Spanner - I will be mindful of repair timing. I do use it early at times to it is already ticking when I get hit. Have been caught a few times by protons with the DOT selected and was too late hitting 4. Mental note to activate immediately after a big hit.


Range - 2500M thank you.


New List of Things to Work On

  • Survival
  • Accuracy
  • Tab
  • Power Management
  • Repair timing


Unrelated question : How do I insert text over links so they look cool like yours?


I figured out the 4k upload. I waz dumb. Accidentally changed the aspect ratio in my editing tool.


Have very little extra going on next couple days hoping for 25+ battles. And with the new info I AM PUMPED to get started!!!


Thanks again!!! Going to watch/review now.

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oh yeah - lol yes another thought is trying to escape - On the missiles....


That was totally unintentional. Hyper focused on blasters. Did not even know I hadn't used one until after when I watched the recording. I did try to lock my first target of the match, he dropped over an edge and I lost it. Remember thinking "NO USE BLASTERS!""

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Questions on Tabbing:

1. Does it cycle targets in 360 degrees? I will find out in one match just thinking out loud here. In regular game play it doesn't. Probably why I over looked it. E is my main target key for PVP & PVE so I am used to it.


Yes it targets closest enemy to you first, in full 360 degrees. If you keep hitting it, it will slowly move away from you, should you wait sometime and hit it again, it will reset to closest person, for example if you're tabbing fast and skip over the person you see targeting you and need to restart, it easier to use "r" to target someone else, then start hitting tab again to get back to them. Since using "e" or "r" to target someone else resets "tab".


2. Can I assume that I tab and check the target computer to see who has my name on their guns? Then use "C" to keep an eye on them and react? Seems like a no brainer but I don't want to miss anything.


Yeah you just use tab while watching the targeting computer and when their target comes up in red, which is your name, you know who's targeting you. Now there can be multiple people targeting you, so sometimes you have to think a little while doing this, for example if you're worried about someone using a Proton on you and the first person you find targeting you is a Scout, you might need to keep going to find the correct target you're trying to Line of Sight.


This is pure gold! Been trying to figure it out since day 1.



Yep I admit I am very lazy about swapping. You taught me 2 very important things here that will definitely motivate me to do better.

1 - more damage? always thought it was just to keep my power level up

2 - tighter turns? makes perfect sense if F3 gives engine speed along with power regen.

3 - power to shield must also give stronger shields plus power regen?


Never noticed or thought about these things so this also is great info. MOAR DMG!!!!!! I feel dumb lol.


You can check out my detailed Power Management guide here to know exactly what each one does.




Hope that helps, if you have more questions ask away ^^

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Looks like Drakolich covered your questions so no need for me to add anything. I just want to say, remember the goal here is not to ignore missile usage long term or permanently. Its to get you to prioritize laser damage and kills, instead of missile spamming. To make your brain automatically think "lasers first." When you eventually re-equip Protons - if that is your wish - you will no longer be reliant on them, and you will be able to better utilize Protons for when one is needed, to make an opportunist kill (like seeing someone use their break), rather than spamming them in hope that one hits.


You're making it harder on yourself now to make it easier on yourself long term. Learning to fly without missiles is something everyone should prove to themselves they can do. I applaud you.

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