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I am playing this as a single player game...


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I have to admit that after Esseles and a few other 2+ and 4 Heroics that I have stopped accepting these quests. Not that they aren't fun, its just that I actually prefer to play when I want and do as much as I want in the time I have without waiting to get in a group to complete these. And... since I don't need these quests to progress, I don't take them anymore.


And don't get me wrong, I am not starting a "Please, for the love of all that is good, implement a LFG tool NOW!" thread. This is not a commentary on the in game grouping system (or lack thereof). Just a comment on how I am playing the game right now.


Anyone else finding that they are playing this as a single player game as well (and still enjoying it a lot)?

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Yup, exactly how I play the game. Single-player all the way. For good or bad, the game allows for it.


Of course there is a ton of content I'm not doing, heroics, PVP, flashpoints, raids and so forth. So its not like the single-player content is all that there is. Many people seem to want more non single-player focused stuff but for those of us who enjoy it, its there in abundance.

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I play all MMOs primarily solo. I don't like depending on other players. At the same time I like the social aspect of these games and enjoy chatting with people while I play. SWTOR has been really great at allowing solo progression, not to mention even the heroic stuff can be solo'd after outleveling it just a little bit so I don't even have to skip content.
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Pretty much everybody is playing it as a single player game because that's how it was designed. You see lots of people mindlessly defending Bioware and claiming that they play with friends every minute of every hour that they're online, but I've yet to come across these mythical social beings in my playing time. With the exception of heroic areas, everyone I see is flying solo.
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I play all MMOs primarily solo. I don't like depending on other players. At the same time I like the social aspect of these games and enjoy chatting with people while I play. SWTOR has been really great at allowing solo progression, not to mention even the heroic stuff can be solo'd after outleveling it just a little bit so I don't even have to skip content.


That's a great point. I will probably do that as well (go back to lower level content and solo it once I am well past it).


And I do like talking to folks while playing, so I get my social quotient as needed! :)

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I have to admit that after Esseles and a few other 2+ and 4 Heroics that I have stopped accepting these quests. Not that they aren't fun, its just that I actually prefer to play when I want and do as much as I want in the time I have without waiting to get in a group to complete these. And... since I don't need these quests to progress, I don't take them anymore.



LFG tool would easily solve a lot of ppl's problems.

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i focus primarly on story as this is my first guy.. i like to see my guy in the social part. im not trying to fight others in my group for the head shot during the social event.(least not on this guy) plus i have had alot of fun soloing on a pvp reallm.
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I play solo a lot just because I don't have much choice. Its very difficult to find a group and even harder during those light server load times.


I would love to run a lot more FPs and do all the Heroic Quests every day. They have just made the game so its more hassle then its worth.

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Pretty much everybody is playing it as a single player game because that's how it was designed. You see lots of people mindlessly defending Bioware and claiming that they play with friends every minute of every hour that they're online, but I've yet to come across these mythical social beings in my playing time. With the exception of heroic areas, everyone I see is flying solo.


You mean people are soloing the solo content and grouping up for the group content? Shocking.

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I'm playing it as a single player game also.


It's the best single player game I ever played and considering I just played through skyrim that is saying a lot.


But, yes, I cannot see playing this game for the long haul like a typical MMO.


edit: That's not to say I don't have a guild and never group. But the fact is the story is the only great thing about this game. Once I've experienced the entire storyline that will be it.

Edited by Shillen
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Pretty much everybody is playing it as a single player game because that's how it was designed. You see lots of people mindlessly defending Bioware and claiming that they play with friends every minute of every hour that they're online, but I've yet to come across these mythical social beings in my playing time. With the exception of heroic areas, everyone I see is flying solo.



Actually we are grouping , see heres the deal I come from WOW . Prime example of why I LOVE this game . In wow if you choose to group with 2 or 3 people questing your experience gets nerfed so bad for being in a group that the game itself encourages (or forces) you to quest solo . I haven't seen a diminished or nerfed xp for grouping , we have been playing with 4 of us completing the quest , doing all the heroics and moving to flashpoints together .


The thing that people don't understand is you lvl so much faster this way .

Edited by ProphetX
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I always level solo while questing (in EVERY game) simply because most people I play with are awful at leveling characters. I can get to 50 in about 4 days sitting (not that I'd want to, but I can and have) or for comparison in WoW I can get to 85 in just over 7 days playing. So I just play every MMO solo/singleplayer while questing because it's easier for me, and I hate dealing with people that dilly dally when leveling.


Most of the time I make new characters because I enjoy leveling. I still go pretty fast, 2 weeks to 3 weeks to get to 50 or whatever max level be in the game, because I'm playing my main as well during that. I'll still stop for dungeons (FPs), PvP quite often, and craft/GMT/socialize as well.


There is nothing saying you can't play any MMO solo and still keep it an MMO.

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Mostly playing solo although did do most of the early heroics.


However, tend to find that most people only start doing heroics fairly late in the day and I don't want to start a long heroic late on as I am afraid I need my sleep - so haven't done any heroics in the last week.

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Mostly playing solo although did do most of the early heroics.


However, tend to find that most people only start doing heroics fairly late in the day and I don't want to start a long heroic late on as I am afraid I need my sleep - so haven't done any heroics in the last week.


That's probably why I don't focus on them as well. They are time consuming and if I don't have a block of time to devote to Heroics or FP's I won't be able to finish them anyway.

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I try to enjoy all the content, however what I have done is mostly the 2 mans. I have passed up quite a few 4 man heroics because I simply don't care enough about them to do them.

The rewards are normally good, but I just quest and if I see a group ill jump into it.

If not ill pass on it and move to the next planet.


Most of the time my chat box is off.

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You see lots of people mindlessly defending Bioware and claiming that they play with friends every minute of every hour that they're online, but I've yet to come across these mythical social beings in my playing time.


On my RP servers there are many, many, people running around in pairs or full groups going through all of the content together, some of them RPing the whole way through. For somebody who likes to play like that the game obviously supports it, and they are having a lot of fun when I ask them about it.

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I've passed up a lot of FPs because I got tired of trying to find a group, they eventually turned green or grey anyway. Would have liked to them but no one ever is really doing them much, and if they are they are always just needing a tank or healer, and I'm dps.


The lack of a LFD tool and dual spec are major issues right now.

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I play this game exactly like i have played all mmos while leveling up. Mostly solo with the occasional group. When I hit 50 and the game has been out a few months (ie given time to add more end game). I will start worrying more about find groups or not findig groups as it may be (hope that isnt a problem but it could be). When I played wow, eq2, war most of time while leving was spent soloing and I then come end game it ended up being around 50/50.


I see this as no different from other mmos. Infact i find the fps more captivating that most mmos low level content so I end up grouping a bit more than normal.

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I have found it easy to group (on occasion) during questing when there are one or more folks doing the same content. I usually click on the player, and the "very convenient button" on his picture (the right one at the bottom) to ask if they want to join a group has been very handy. No one ever turns it down, cause there is no penalty for grouping while killing or clearing a group of npc's. Don't usually stay grouped for long afterward, but say, "thanks for the help" and move along.


I do like that option!

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Pretty much everybody is playing it as a single player game because that's how it was designed. You see lots of people mindlessly defending Bioware and claiming that they play with friends every minute of every hour that they're online, but I've yet to come across these mythical social beings in my playing time. With the exception of heroic areas, everyone I see is flying solo.


Outside of Flashpoints and heroics, flying solo is the way to go, you do not have to wait on who ever you are grouped with, you have no restrictions what so ever, with a person grouped with ya it slows me down. I like going to a new planet and just start questing and following my story line.


I do sit in Ventrilo tho and talk with friends while they are on another planet. Now from time to time I will ask a buddy to come to my planet and help me with an elite or something, just so I don't have to wait till I level up to finished it.

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