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POs not staying tracked, daily PO insectoids not advancing


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I keep tracking my POs and they are disappearing when I zone.


Also... I'm not getting any credit for killing insectoids on Tatooine, Alderaan or Balmorra so far for the "kill 75 insectoids" DO.


EDIT: daily Iokath mission didn't register either. I guess all POs are busted?

Edited by Pricia
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It's likely:

  • Tracking any Priority Objectives before being progressed makes it impossible for the Objective to be progressed and completed.


Who doesn't track their objectives before starting to work on them?

Edited by Mubrak
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It's likely:



Who doesn't track their objectives before starting to work on them?



Sigh. And they don't reset the next day if you don't complete them, right? So one week without objectives unless they hotfix it soon. This stinks.

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I did Czerka Labs. It did not advance the weekly PO related to 3 FPs, nor did it advance the PO to defeat enemies on CZ-198.


I made the "mistake" of tracking my POs before starting them. About that issue, I'm exercising restraint and holding my tongue here.:mad:


When you track POs, close Conquest window and re-open it, the POs are showing as not tracked in the window even though they're showing as tracked on the main game screen.

Edited by mike_carton
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Same problem as others are reporting.


I’m guessing this has to do with the change to the PO tracking across character levels that can’t do the POs on that lvl.


Can we get an answer from BioWare for a work around or a time frame for a hot patch.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Hi folks,


Our servers are currently down to fix the Priority Objectives not progressing bug. We'll update you when the servers are back up.


Thanks for your patience while we resolved this issue.


You could give an ETA, its obviously going to be a very quick fix to pull the servers during prime time for a bug thats not game breaking.

Edited by kurzis
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I got the daily PO of defeat seat of the empire enemies. Yes, seat of the empire. Oricon, Taris, Yavin and Dantooine listed. I killed over 80 mobs on Taris (wasn't tracking but i counted them and went over 75 to be sure) before you took the servers down and nothing. Went back into the game after your hotfix, assuming it would work now. Well, it still doesn't track, it still doesn't stay tracked, but I trusted you did *SOMETHING* during that half an hour and killed another 80+ mobs, counting them one by one again. Still nothing.


I don't care so much about the objective. It's just 3 points. But i've wasted so much time and mental energy on this for nothing not even knowing if it's working or not until I've massacred the planet.


TL;DR: It's NOT fixed.

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Has the hot fix helped anyone else or was it a waste of time for players who had already started it. Trying to work out if I can be bothered logging back in this week because I’d already tracked all my POs. Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Patch did nothing for my PO's on Satele Shan server. Guess I'll reroll one tonight, and one tomorrow and lose out on the 3 points.


And again, What were the POs. It might help BioWare if we can track which ones it’s worked for and which ones it hasn’t

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As far as I'm seeing, the only ones not working are the POs from previous week which somehow stayed tracked on some characters. All current week POs are working whether one tracked them or not; at least as far as I know from the Discord servers I'm on.


Mine for this week (all of which worked after the fix):


Server 1: PvP and GSF, both weeklies and dailies


Server 2 (just for testing): FPs and Defeat Enemies

Edited by mike_carton
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