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Game Update 6.3.1 - Known issues


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Here are the current known issues for GAME UPDATE 6.3.1:




Note: Use Ctrl+F and keyword to check if the bug you encounter is a known issue.


    • General
      • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - If the Strange Holocommunicator from the Ornate Kubaz Box is destroyed, it is not possible to get a replacement from the Collections.
      • Interacting with buttons from the Galactic Seasons Window is breaking the Galactic Seasons End Timer resulting in the following error: NaNd NaNh NaNm. Thread
      • Companions purchased from the Galactic Seasons vendor are not unlocked in the Collections. Thread
        • To avoid this bug, players need to make sure to have at least 3 free spaces in their inventory. If you already encounter this bug, you need to directly contact our support team with an in-game ticket or at this email address: support@swtor.com.


      [*]Priority Objectives

      • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - [Area 2+] Key to Decryption Mission is not counting towards the completion of the ‘Daily PO: Section X Daily Missions’.
      • It is possible to receive Wild Space Priority Objectives in other weeks.
      • The ‘Daily PO: Hutt Space Heroics’ only mentions Makeb in the progress part of the description despite Nar Shaddaa and Voss also being part of the planets where players can complete Heroics Missions on.
      • The ‘Daily PO: Outer Rim Heroics’ only mentions Belsavis in the progress part of the description despite Hoth and Tatooine also being part of the planets where players can complete Heroics Missions on.
      • The ‘Daily PO: Coreward Heroics’ only mentions Alderaan in the progress part of the description despite Balmorra and Corellia also being part of the planets where players can complete Heroics Missions on.
      • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - Rerolling a Weekly GSF or PvP Priority Objectives on a low-level character does not always change the PO.
      • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - Only 3 Flashpoints are listed for Weekly PO: Unknown/Wild Space Flashpoints in German.




    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - Phase Walk can be placed in spawn points in Warzones.
    • There are several issues in the Voidstar Warzone:
      • The round timer is ending before it runs out resulting in an early end of the match.
      • Defenders can be pulled back over the bridge after respawning on the other side.

      [*]Characters that use Phase Walk (Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Sage) are sent back to the cast position if Force Push (Sith Juggernaut/Jedi Guardian) reaches them in-between the cast and the teleport of Phase Walk.




    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - Engaging in ranged combat with the Advozse Enforcer in the [Heroic 2+] Static Mission does not automatically trigger the next step of the Mission.
    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - Subtitles are missing when discussing with Zenith in the second cinematic of the Relentless Ambitions Mission.
    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - Zenith’s default items are missing their icons after being recruited as a Companion by a Jedi Consular after the Relentless Ambitions Mission.
    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - Theron Shan reappears in Relentless Ambitions Mission after being exiled/killed. Thread
    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - There are discrepancies in the outfits of Theron Shan and Lana Beniko in the Relentless Ambitions Mission. Thread

      [*]Lieutenant Xorem is invisible in the Ord Mantell Mission "Victims of War".




    • It is not possible to complete the Blatant Beks, Horizon's Razors, and Pit Screamers Perfection Achievement on Tatooine and Onderon.




    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - Reopening the Conquest Window after Tracking a Conquest Objective results in the Objective being untracked in the Conquest Window.
    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - Jekiah Ordo has two hairstyles, resulting in inconsistent appearances.
    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - The Tython Highlander Gauntlets are in an unsymmetrical position on Female Body Type 3, Female Body Type 2, and Male Body Type 1. Thread
    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - The Ability "Targetting Matrix" does not increase the damage the target receives. Thread
    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - The Luxurious Rug (Red) is missing collision. Thread
    • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - An "undefined" button is displayed in the in-game help portal in the Character Selection screen preventing players from creating a ticket in this window.
    • The visual effect of the High Roller Shades (Nar Shaddaa Nightlife reward) disappears after certain cinematics.



    • The quickbar is unlocked during the encounter with Graul. Thread



    • General
      • When interacting with the Carrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock Stronghold Directory, players will receive a "subscribe" message even if they are Subscribers.
      • Players with a full inventory will not be able to claim Cartel Coins Rewards Level.
      • Will be fixed with 6.3.2 - The Legacy Unlock Button on the Collections window of the Kakkran Daggerstar mount is currently not working. Thread

      [*]Weekly Priority Objectives

      • The Daily Priority Objective: “Daily PO: Rishi Daily Missions” is missing from the Outer Rim Event.
      • Daily PO: Rishi Daily Missions cannot be completed by completing Daily Missions on Rishi and refers to Section X in the mission description.
        • As mentioned in the 6.3.1 patch notes: The Priority Objective ‘Daily PO: Rishi Daily Missions’ has been removed from the list of potential Priority Objectives while we continue to investigate reports regarding bugs on this Priority Objective.



    • The camera shake persists during the last cinematic of Echoes of Oblivion. Thread



  • Daily and Weekly Priority Objectives are not progressing or being tracked upon transitions.
  • Tracking any Priority Objectives before being progressed makes it impossible for the Objective to be progressed and completed.
  • Rass Ordo's gear is no longer placed in the player's mail or inventory and he now has a weapon.

Edited by CommunityTeam
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Tracked conquest objectives and daily POs are automatically untracked when you travel to a new area (new planet, warzone, etc). Tracked achievements seem to be unaffected.


"Daily PO: Defeat Unknown Wild Space Enemies" doesn't progress when killing mobs on CZ198, Ilum or Iokath. Are we in the wrong week? A bit hard to keep track.

Edited by Mubrak
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    • General
      • Tracking any Priority Objectives before being progressed makes it impossible for the Objective to be progressed and completed.


I already encountered this, I hope there is a hot fix coming soon because I track all my objectives before starting to farm seasons... and now I can't complete any of them:rak_frown:

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So great. First thing I did is track everything. I guess I'm screwed? Hopefully you hotfix this ASAP because they probably won't reset tomorrow and I'm not really happy about being at least a week behind in my Season... Edited by Pricia
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I already encountered this, I hope there is a hot fix coming soon because I track all my objectives before starting to farm seasons... and now I can't complete any of them:rak_frown:


Ah yes. that's it. Did a WZ. and it didn't count for the weekly, because of course I track the objectives first...

Edited by Mubrak
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Here are the current known issues for GAME UPDATE 6.3.1:

[*]Tracking any Priority Objectives before being progressed makes it impossible for the Objective to be progressed and completed.


only as an example, why, why, why is such a bunch of garbage going live? This known issues list is just getting longer and longer. Some less relevant or even irrelevant bugs are fixed and new ones are constantly introduced since 6.2.

Edited by The_Hightower
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Am I supposed to have Rass Ordo's and Darth Rivix's armour sets in my inventory? What's the point.

Also, that PO untracking malarkey needs and urgent fix.


    • General

      • Tracking any Priority Objectives before being progressed makes it impossible for the Objective to be progressed and completed.

w.t.a.f??? (the ban for this abbreviation is worth it) I saw the other tracking thing but just saw this after noticing nothing was counting towards the POs. First thing I did was track the weekly/daily POs and now they can't be completed? Why do any of us even bother? Why did you bother with this patch? Why didn't you just extend maintenance until this was fixed?

Edited by Sarova
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Am I supposed to have Rass Ordo's and Darth Rivix's armour sets in my inventory? What's the point.

Also, that PO untracking malarkey needs and urgent fix.


Yeah quite sure the armor wasn't intended. I'm just destroying it...

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Tracking any Priority Objectives before being progressed makes it impossible for the Objective to be progressed and completed.


I keep reading this wondering to myself... I just have to see the code. I just have to. How the hell does statusing something, which should be read-only, kill it? How does the code set it up so that the act of tracking something inhibits its completion?


That's some phenomenal code right there. Steve! Where are you! Come look at this!

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I'm not sure if the update forgot my Imp Saboteur's are Saboteur's, or if this is supposed to be how it goes, but when talking to Pardax

about the Turbo lasers, she says that we gave Corellia's Imperial Command Intel, that led to half the weapons being destroyed before the enemy fled.


At the time when the turbo lasers first came up, I had my Saboteur take the [saboteur] option involving the turbo lasers which was pretty much 'this isn't worth our time, ignore the shipment' but the new update seems to imply otherwise. Is this how it's supposed to go for an Imperial Saboteur or did the game bug and forget?


Is this supposed to be what happens for a Saboteur? Or did this option just mean we didn't try to use Zenith for it, and dealt with the shipment another way? My Imp loyalist was told Zenith escaped, but my Saboteur never had him mentioned. I just wanted clarification before I take anymore of my Imps through.


Edited by Farferello
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  • Tracking any Priority Objectives before being progressed makes it impossible for the Objective to be progressed and completed.


So, if we don't ever click on the option to add them to the Tracker, do they still progress?

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An update: I just got a complete on the warzones daily and weekly POs even though I'd tracked them before starting them. It seems they are completing but not tracking/updating progress in the conquest UI.

It would be good if a dev/official yellow poster could confirm this or update us on the situation. This would result in 100% less fuming from forum posters :D (myself included)

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An update: I just got a complete on the warzones daily and weekly POs even though I'd tracked them before starting them. It seems they are completing but not tracking/updating progress in the conquest UI.

It would be good if a dev/official yellow poster could confirm this or update us on the situation. This would result in 100% less fuming from forum posters :D (myself included)


I had the mission to do 3 Iokath dailies, ran 5 of them and got no progress on the PO.

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I had the mission to do 3 Iokath dailies, ran 5 of them and got no progress on the PO.

I'm about to try the others (which include Iokath) on another character - I'll track them first to test it out and report back.

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I believe I'm getting PO Dailies that were from Last week. on SS I have the dailies for doing 4 Yavin 4 dailies, and kill 75 Creatures on Oricon, Taris, Yavin, or Dantooine. Edited by Toraak
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Am I supposed to have Rass Ordo's and Darth Rivix's armour sets in my inventory? What's the point.

Same here with Rass, now I can't re-equip his blaster or any blaster cause of the whole "You cannot modify this companion's equipment", so he's now stuck doing SoV fist fighting.


I destroyed all his gear (gun included) and thought that would fix it, and while he wears his armor and his gun does appear in cutscenes, he doesn't have his weapon equipped in-game.


Edit: It's almost like what happened when I played through Eternal Throne and I had Lord Dramath as a temp companion, he didn't have his lightsaber pike weapon in that.

Edited by LorCaske
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I honestly feel bad for the team assigned to the game. Whether the game is going to the way of the dinosaurs or has a few more years left, there needs to be more people working on updates in order to avoid this. I trust the people working to maintain the game and thank them for all their hard work, but more staff would help with these issues.


For years, I never used the achievement tracker. Now using it before I start a mission prevents me from completing it.


Given that this is for Galactic Seasons (a limited time event), this makes no sense.


Luckily, I progressed enough (with the extra coins from GS leveling) that I have enough tokens to get Master Ranos (which is the main reason besides getting Altuur for playing GS).


Still, I was looking forward to maxing influence for Altuur without in-game or real money.

Edited by KnightJediShadow
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