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Space Combat


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here's the thing


way back in the day, we asked for the ability to do space missions as a group

not galactic starfighter, but the actual space missions


a big important part of star wars has always been group space missions

luke and wedge may be the only people to have survived multiple death star missions, but none of those missions were solo or even single ship operations


and that's what they were


the first death star run is clearly, in terms of swtor, a flashpoint at a minimum, and the second one is clearly a multifaceted operation


many of us players asked, begged, demanded, yelled, and pleaded for a method of space combat, in class player ships, in which we could use group mechanics and complementary ship builds


i have looked through the forums many times, and in every single time that i have found, these threads as requests have been overridden by PVP players demanding pvp space combat


which brings me to my point:


many of us never wanted GSF, and we do not want it now

GSF, frankly, is terrible, requires way too much investment, wreaks havoc on players with motion sickness issues, and in all ways is just generally terrible and that's before we even get into spawn-camping teams, player attitudes, and etc


gsf. sucks.


give us space combat where we can all fly our ships together and take down space stations or star destroyers with concerted effort and piloting strategy, in the same style as the original old school space missions


please. it's what we've been asking for for 10 years.

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My boyfriend loves pvp but hates GSF. He would prefer PVE space combat and something like we had in SWG. I can remember even going up there with him in his ship and helping instead of doing it all solo and that was fun.


I loved the free roaming of swg space. When gsf was first announced it's what I was hoping for, but sadly dissapointed :(

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which brings me to my point:


many of us never wanted GSF, and we do not want it now

GSF, frankly, is terrible, requires way too much investment, wreaks havoc on players with motion sickness issues, and in all ways is just generally terrible and that's before we even get into spawn-camping teams, player attitudes, and etc


gsf. sucks.


give us space combat where we can all fly our ships together and take down space stations or star destroyers with concerted effort and piloting strategy, in the same style as the original old school space missions


please. it's what we've been asking for for 10 years.

I Enjoy GSF.


In GSF, teams have the ability to fly together with concerted effort and strategy toward a goal /objective. The "investment" required to play GSF is very low. "Spawn camping" isn't really an issue in GSF since standard spawn points have defenses and there are multiple spawn choices (it's not random). Attitudes in GSF are generally much better than you find in PUG FP groups, especially regarding new / learning players.


It sounds like you're proposing "on the rails" style group missions, Can you elaborate how this would work? Will there be ship classes? Is everybody avoiding and shooting at the same things. Are all the players stacked on top of each other?

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many of us never wanted GSF, and we do not want it now


gsf. sucks.


Speak for yourself. If you suck in GSF, it doesn't mean that GSF sucks.


Space Combat received almost no attention from Devs since it's launch, and I highly doubt that it will change in the future.

Personally, I'd like to see objective-based scenarios for GSF in the first place, but any similar updates for Space Combat missions would be most welcome.

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Speak for yourself. If you suck in GSF, it doesn't mean that GSF sucks.



He was speaking for himself, same as when you say it's great you are speaking for yourself.

Just because he dislikes gsf, doesn't mean he's bad at it. So no need to go that route.

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That´s a great idea. I´d love to fly my ship and with friends.

It´s actually such an obvious idea, I´m surprised they did GSF and not this.


While I sometimes enjoy GSF more than ground PVP, it´s still not a game mode I play often.

The investment is too high.

You need to play 300 matches to get a good understanding and you will still get obliterated by really good players.

And with only 4 maps and a small player pool it´s get boring really fast.


Anyway, this idea is great and it would be a nice addition to this game.

Also healer ships please? :)

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That´s a great idea. I´d love to fly my ship and with friends.

It´s actually such an obvious idea, I´m surprised they did GSF and not this.



When it was first announced, a lot of us, if not most thought that was what it was going to be, but then we got gsf. I think a lot of the hostility towards gsf was because of this. But people preserved, and eventually a core niche grew into a small community. With the advent of decent (mildly putting it) CQ rewards, a lot more people tried it, and some of those, realised it was fun, then add in GS, and we get gsf popping faster than anything else, more often, even on the quietest server, and off peak. Some do it because they love it, some for the points.


While I sometimes enjoy GSF more than ground PVP, it´s still not a game mode I play often.

The investment is too high.

You need to play 300 matches to get a good understanding and you will still get obliterated by really good players.

And with only 4 maps and a small player pool it´s get boring really fast.


Anyway, this idea is great and it would be a nice addition to this game.

Also healer ships please? :)


this is one of the really bad things about gsf, there are no brackets, you have pro players in with new players, some of these people group together, then sit on spawn points picking off the new players. what's worse, I've seen them do it in domination, two 'pro' teams on the one side, using half to hold the points, and the others to sit on spawn points..

What they need is brackets, and possible having teamed, and solo. That way, if you que solo, there's a good chance the team 'may' be more balanced

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please. it's what we've been asking for for 10 years.


The game already exists... SWGLegends.com has JtLS / Space and you can go make your own server by looking and downloading SWG Source which is the NGE version with JtLS.

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He was speaking for himself, same as when you say it's great you are speaking for yourself.

Just because he dislikes gsf, doesn't mean he's bad at it. So no need to go that route.


Actually, he isn't. In post he implies that "many" players asked for years for group Space Combat mode. Well, I've never seen any of that "many". What I have seen, is that GSF community is much more bigger and active than community of Space Combat fans.

Yes, I respect his opinion and I'm definitely not saying that GSF is great - actually, it in the worst state now than ever. But there is absolutely no need in exaggeration and statements like "many of us think, that GSF sucks". He clearly lacks authority to make such statements.

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here's the thing


way back in the day, we asked for the ability to do space missions as a group

not galactic starfighter, but the actual space missions


a big important part of star wars has always been group space missions



give us space combat where we can all fly our ships together and take down space stations or star destroyers with concerted effort and piloting strategy, in the same style as the original old school space missions


please. it's what we've been asking for for 10 years.


Preachin' to the choir ---> https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=989175


Unfortunately, BioWare either won't (cuz funding & devs are lacking with 10 year old game) or can't (cuz EA thinks it would undermine their 'Battlefront' space or 'SW:Squadrons' space audiences) sing along to the pleading chorus.


Sure GSF is fine, for fringe mouse-using "pilots" content with uniform ship scraps & limited queue windows , but it pales in comparison to

with true JOYSTICK support and ground game synergy.


Yet another opportunity lost for SWTOR. :(

Edited by Nee-Elder
why won't EA let BioWare make *space* like SWG JTL ?
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for the record, i was speaking for myself, my guildmates, and the many people both on the forums and on other sites who have expressed similar feelings about it over the last ten years


"no authority" is a non-factor

this is the suggestion box, i'm allowed to suggest that a part of the game sucks for a bunch of people who have expressed that it sucks and that it isn't what they wanted


that's all, this isn't a debate thread lmao

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here's the thing



GSF, frankly, is terrible, requires way too much investment, wreaks havoc on players with motion sickness issues, and in all ways is just generally terrible and that's before we even get into spawn-camping teams, player attitudes, and etc



Even manier of us know that everybody who actually figures GSF out tends to have a very high opinnion of it. Hate it as much as you like, but recognize it is due to you not getting it, not due to GSF being bad. Bit sad how you have more or less what you ask for in GSF. (ability to feel like Star wars pilot as heck while flying together with your friends) Maybe give it another go? Ofc, if it is the pvp portion that makes the hard no for you, then it is different. I'm not sure if motion sickness is any lesser in space pve, vs pvp? Why would it be?


Beyond that, it'd be great to have some space pve going for sure. I bet it won't happen.

Edited by Stradlin
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Even manier of us know that everybody who actually figures GSF out tends to have a very high opinnion of it. Hate it as much as you like, but recognize it is due to you not getting it, not due to GSF being bad. Bit sad how you have more or less what you ask for in GSF. (ability to feel like Star wars pilot as heck while flying together with your friends) Maybe give it another go? Ofc, if it is the pvp portion that makes the hard no for you, then it is different. I'm not sure if motion sickness is any lesser in space pve, vs pvp? Why would it be?


Beyond that, it'd be great to have some space pve going for sure. I bet it won't happen.


GSF is pure PvP, in a small confined space, and limited compared to what a free roam PvE experience could be, We get that you are fanatical about it, but not everyone is. I do GSF purely for easy CQ points and GS points, and although I'm not an ace, I've managed to improve quite a bit. But I still don't like it, it's not Free Roam Space combat, and never will be. Funnily enough, I'm not the only one who thinks that. It doesn't matter how often people try it, they either like it or hate it, .

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GSF is pure PvP, in a small confined space, and limited compared to what a free roam PvE experience could be, We get that you are fanatical about it, but not everyone is. I do GSF purely for easy CQ points and GS points, and although I'm not an ace, I've managed to improve quite a bit. But I still don't like it, it's not Free Roam Space combat, and never will be. Funnily enough, I'm not the only one who thinks that. It doesn't matter how often people try it, they either like it or hate it, .


I doubt it's such a hard line (either like it or hate it) with everybody. But that's no different than any other content.


Also, I'd like to clarify something. The OP is not suggesting a free roam PVE space combat. Here's the quote:


give us space combat where we can all fly our ships together and take down space stations or star destroyers with concerted effort and piloting strategy, in the same style as the original old school space missions


This is an "on the rails" suggestion.

Edited by BRKMSN
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The OP is not suggesting a free roam PVE space combat.


This is an "on the rails" suggestion.


hmm, i guess my earlier reply wasn't on-topic then :cool:


And if so, then doesn't the OP realize SWTOR already has

? (which are actually a pretty fun diversion sometimes imo) Edited by Nee-Elder
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hmm, i guess my earlier reply wasn't on-topic then :cool:


And if so, then doesn't the OP realize SWTOR already has

? (which are actually a pretty fun diversion sometimes imo)

The OP wants group versions of that. I just don't know how that would work.


Potential problem #1:

Currently, when we group up for content, things may be close, but not fully in sync with other players. Free roaming is forgiving here, but a "rails" design may not be.


Potential problem #2:

Where is each player placed on the screen? Rails missions center the player by default on the screen, while allowing moderate, necessary movement away from the rail on a short tether. It wont seem like group content if you can't see your team.


Potential problem #3:

How will roles work? How will they play into mission mechanics? You are moving forward at a constant rate, which means things have to be done in a fixed time. In regular game (group) content, if you are underperforming, things just take longer. The time is fixed on the rails.

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I doubt it's such a hard line (either like it or hate it) with everybody. But that's no different than any other content.


Also, I'd like to clarify something. The OP is not suggesting a free roam PVE space combat. Here's the quote:




This is an "on the rails" suggestion.


"in the same style as the original old school space missions"


True, it could mean space rails, or maybe he's talking about older style games (free roam)

I'd still support both types, but I don't see them doing it. :(


as for the hard line, all content has it's proponents / haters, but I think ( from what I've seen there is a harder line for gsf than most other content) Although they have improved GSF since it's initiation, and hugely incentivised it recently, so more people are trying it, so that line is softening

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"in the same style as the original old school space missions"


True, it could mean space rails, or maybe he's talking about older style games (free roam)

I'd still support both types, but I don't see them doing it. :(


as for the hard line, all content has it's proponents / haters, but I think ( from what I've seen there is a harder line for gsf than most other content) Although they have improved GSF since it's initiation, and hugely incentivised it recently, so more people are trying it, so that line is softening


He or she also mentioned the motion sickness issues in the initial post that some player have from GSF's free roam system that they don't experience on the rails.

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He or she also mentioned the motion sickness issues in the initial post that some player have from GSF's free roam system that they don't experience on the rails.


true, but people have claimed free roam wouldn't have that either. Don't know if that is true or not, as it's something i don't suffer from. My point was, either way, would be good :) But I don't see them doing either, unfortunately :(

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