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Why Continue To Play SWTOR?


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I think I made it to level 30 in WoW. Don't know how I lasted that long. It bored me. I've never felt the need to be among an elite. And my MMO nursery was EQ. THAT was a game that allowed you to distinguish yourself in ways that WoW never tried. I'm amused when I see WoW veterans who regard their game as one with very high hurdles to leap. The requirements to be elite in WoW are nothing like in Norrath. To even get max level required a time and patience investment that WoW wouldn't dare. Problem for EQ was that those requirements mostly hinged on monotonous time sinks the likes of which WoW deliberately steered clear of, and understandably so.


Having said that, I'm playing it because its fun. Most players of any of these games, including EQ in its heyday, aren't driven by the need to be among an elite. That's always a small percentage of players. At least 95% of us can therefore ignore your suggestions.

Edited by EricOF
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QD, old fellow... the folks responding to your post are, in general, the sort of people who think J. Swift seriously advocated eating babies. They deserve to be treated with... well... as much respect as they deserve to be treated with. Tautology FTW!


I couldn't quite cross the barrier from satire to absurdity, that is my own failings, but ones I accept and move forward with this knowledge. I don't let my shortcomings stop me from attempts at excellence.


I'm glad to know someone else knows what tautology is and recognized it's proper usage.

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People riot after football games much more than they do after political debates, after all.


That is most likely because political debates are a bunch of good old boys sitting round mumbling "here here" and avoiding any issue that might actually get a rise out of the average joe, whereas football is slightly more interesting to watch and may involve beer.

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Get excited for that $60 expansion for Pokebattles, Pandas, and fighting that SAME BOSS you fought last expansion whose model was just recycled.


Yeah, I heard something about Pandas and did a spit take. Scott Kurtz is going to have a field day with that!

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I'm one of those who's never played an MMO seriously (read: never more than a free trial's worth) before, and about half the people in the clan I came here with are the same way. I am wondering what I'm going to do once I'm done with the storylines, and specifically, how the role-playing (I'm on an RP-PVP server...it looks like a minority of the population actually plans on role-playing) turns out to be.


Some sort of competitive inter-guild conquest mechanic would probably keep me, too.

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I'm one of those who's never played an MMO seriously (read: never more than a free trial's worth) before, and about half the people in the clan I came here with are the same way. I am wondering what I'm going to do once I'm done with the storylines, and specifically, how the role-playing (I'm on an RP-PVP server...it looks like a minority of the population actually plans on role-playing) turns out to be.


Some sort of competitive inter-guild conquest mechanic would probably keep me, too.


Well if it is rp pvp, perhaps organise something with another pvp guild on the other side regarding Ilium, or anywhere really, somewhere with a good defensible structure and fight for it, there are many things you can do and especially with an RP setting.


Don't give up on the game after the initial stories, there is a lot more to come and at lvl 50 there are still tons of things to do, the leveling game is only a part of the content, a fun part yes, but not all of it :}

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I'm one of those who's never played an MMO seriously (read: never more than a free trial's worth) before, and about half the people in the clan I came here with are the same way. I am wondering what I'm going to do once I'm done with the storylines, and specifically, how the role-playing (I'm on an RP-PVP server...it looks like a minority of the population actually plans on role-playing) turns out to be.


Some sort of competitive inter-guild conquest mechanic would probably keep me, too.


I fear your request would fall somewhere in line with PVP style settings. Though, that is quite interesting and could be a wicked cool dynamic to the game: Guild vs. Guild style conquest game play. It's pretty much like 'premade' style warzones, but everyone would have to be in the same guild per side. That would get the PVPers going NUTS!!


Kudos on the idea! You should officially submit that somewhere to BioWare.

Edited by QDMcGraw
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I agree with a great written OP. This game is amazing and it is what I need. I will never go back to text reading quests clicking them through to reach the topof my e-pen to wave in peoples faces.


Thank you Bioware, you could have possbily made the best MMO ever, time will tell and people need also time to adjust to this new kind of playing.

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I played Star Wars Galaxies for several years, beta tested the "combat upgrade" and quit playing regularly after the NGE (though occasionally jumped in to play my Master Musician Wookiee who could become one with the Force and turn blue glowie).


I then jumped into WoW and got into that well enough, until yeah - raid burnout.


I do think your perspective on MMO's is just one of a "been there, done that" sort of thing. I'm at that point, too.


I see the posts on this forum and see myself several years back. Bugs were a tragic issue. I demanded responses by Devs to acknowledge my problem/existence (rarely did happen - rarely ever does to anyone - they're busy working ussually).


I do agree with you that the hardcore will find things lacking in the state of the game and they'll want to show how awesome they are in some way - and there isn't a way right now to do that.


Things are still getting fleshed out. Things will always be getting fleshed out, it's an MMO. And bugs aren't really that tragic - except for people who can't login, hit Play on the launcher, or are stuck on Taris. That kind of stuff IS tragic for a game, but again not unusual at launch anymore for any PC game.


Bioware will need to add some level of hardcore shiny brass ring here somewhere - because I didn't enjoy throwing a million grenades at womprats (or whatever they were) to finally become a Jedi in SWG. But it kept me subscribing!

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I do think your perspective on MMO's is just one of a "been there, done that" sort of thing. I'm at that point, too.


I will state this is as true as anything. For me, I want to be entertained by the games I play, and 'entertainment' can be ambiguous. What is entertaining to me now was not entertaining years ago. The elements I find a drag may keep someone in the game forever. SWTOR entertains me for what it is. I've not seen many of the major bugs people are seeing and that was due to my own planning. I am seeing plenty of small, somewhat annoying bugs (chat channels not working, Guild Screen not showing anyone online, etc).


I see the posts on this forum and see myself several years back. Bugs were a tragic issue. I demanded responses by Devs to acknowledge my problem/existence (rarely did happen - rarely ever does to anyone - they're busy working ussually).


Yes, I have been a part of that crowd as well. I can look back wistfully and smile with a twinge of regret for being that way, but, I do believe that's part of the evolution of The Gamer.


Things are still getting fleshed out. Things will always be getting fleshed out, it's an MMO. And bugs aren't really that tragic - except for people who can't login, hit Play on the launcher, or are stuck on Taris. That kind of stuff IS tragic for a game, but again not unusual at launch anymore for any PC game.


These should be number 1 on their corkboards and whiteboards right now, as well as the Radeon Card issue. I'm running Nvidia and have no problems, but I've seen posts and screenshots of the Radeon issues. It's sadsauce.


Bioware will need to add some level of hardcore shiny brass ring here somewhere - because I didn't enjoy throwing a million grenades at womprats (or whatever they were) to finally become a Jedi in SWG. But it kept me subscribing!


I'm sure this is high on their charts to do as well. I think it would be a mistake to rush any of these things, but, they are under the gun with the game being live. Like I said before, those hardcore gamers are going to be the play testers for the casual crowd, which is why they are an important aspect to the game at large.

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Very well written and very true too. You can tell from a persons response exactly which side they fall on this issue. Most of the ones the letter was written too admit they couldn't even sit still long enough to read the entire thing before they felt they NEEDED to respond negatively. It's all rather amusing actually.
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Why write an Epic post about your love of WoW? just go log in over there and be gone.:D


FYI moderators: The smiley at the end makes it friendly and inviting :)


This wasn't a post for my love for WoW by any means. Read it in it's entirety for the true message.

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$10 says this guy works for Blizzard and is making a desperate attempt to get people back. :rolleyes:










Thanks, I needed that amazing laugh out loud moment from your post! Made my whole day! :D


PS - Great Essay OP - I wonder how many of the target audience will remember or appreciate it in 5-15 years ;)

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PS - Great Essay OP - I wonder how many of the target audience will remember or appreciate it in 5-15 years ;)


Thanks, and I'm guessing none, to be honest. Sometimes threads become the stuff of legend, I just don't think this one does. We'll see if it hangs around for the weekend, but I'm sure it will be buried under a metric ton of negative threads, endless demands and I QUIT threads.

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All in all, I'm happy for the life this thread has had thus far. It showed the many faces of players in game and how they feel. This thread will definitely be buried in a few hours at this rate. I think near 8200 views and a few hundred responses worked out very well and gave me a cause for the day.
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