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Big things coming in 2021?


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I still hope for more class oriented stories. My main is a bounty hunter, but it might as well be a Sith, or a Jedi, the way the story has been going so far.


I actually liked a 3rd faction introduced, because I never felt that bounty hunters belong to the Empire, or the Republic, for that matter. But then, they made the story around the Sith emperor, the Force and the Jedi... It's time my character felt like a hunter.

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I still hope for more class oriented stories. My main is a bounty hunter, but it might as well be a Sith, or a Jedi, the way the story has been going so far.


I actually liked a 3rd faction introduced, because I never felt that bounty hunters belong to the Empire, or the Republic, for that matter. But then, they made the story around the Sith emperor, the Force and the Jedi... It's time my character felt like a hunter.


I agree completely !! That is the one thing that we can definitely use !! It really adds to the overall story / content !!

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you're still missing the points, it's pointless and it's taking everything of what the game is about, the alliance, the saboteur route everything is pointless


The alliance should've disbanded and ended after KOTET in which bioware should've then focused on only the Republic and the Empire, like they waisted our time with a mary sue of a third faction, divided the story upon favouritism and ruining it's balance, it's honestly becoming as a great mistake like the big mistake they made on war of Iokath, now if this story was out to a singleplayer game in a KOTOR way then yeah it would work, but for a multiplayer game with 2 factions no, as at this point they're neglecting the two key things of what this game is about.


For let me ask you this, when has bioware thought of the two factions and the six, yes six classes, (as the other two warrior and knight seem to be getting all the attention making it boring even when watching trailers) has got a chance of spotlight/attention trailer wise? Spoilers, None!


Bioware are being too lazy and narrow minded too fixated on a faction that should've been disbanded a long time ago, I mean take this list of planets for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Wars_planets_and_moons Bioware could picked or done ANY of these planets or moons for possible stories but no they are not. instead we're just getting too much focused on the mary sue faction and mini flashpoints.


It's a proven fact bioware could do alot more for this game and show each faction and classes the time and respect they have if they just simple disband the alliance and keep focus to what this game should be about, cause right now it seems they just now broke there word and promise back in 2011 where they said and qouted "It is not just about the Jedi and Sith".


If you ofcourse like how it is going, then thats fine, thats your opinion, but I have the proof and fact that where it is going now it's just getting lazy and pointless.

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It's a proven fact bioware could do alot more for this game and show each faction and classes the time and respect they have if they just simple disband the alliance and keep focus to what this game should be about, cause right now it seems they just now broke there word and promise back in 2011 where they said and qouted "It is not just about the Jedi and Sith".


If you ofcourse like how it is going, then thats fine, thats your opinion, but I have the proof and fact that where it is going now it's just getting lazy and pointless.


I'm not seeing any "proof" or much in the way of facts in anything you posted. Where are the links to your "proof?"


I've got no issue with your subjective opinion that BioWare could/should do more with SWTOR's story. My only issue is you seem to be trying to pass off your opinion as some kind of fact.


In any event, there are players with varying degrees of interest in seeing what "big things" BioWare will bring to SWTOR for the game's 10th anniversary. At this point it doesn't seem like a big change in the game's story will be one of those as the game's story seems to be including Malgus and Mandalorians. But who knows? Maybe BioWare will surprise us with some big change in SWTOR's story.

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Considering that Anthem got tossed in the dumpster, EA and BioWare have no excuse not to give SWTOR significantly more resources.


You're letting your emotions dictate your expectations and I'm pretty sure that EA doesn't make decisions strictly based on their feelings about a game. I don't think Anthem's demise necessarily means SWTOR will automatically get more resources. My impression is EA staffs a game's development team based on its expected revenue so that the game has a certain level of profitability. Unless BioWare management can successfully make the case to EA that an increase in staff size will result in more revenue and increased profitability then there is no reason for EA to allocate more dev resources to SWTOR, regardless of what is going on with BioWare's other games.

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You're letting your emotions dictate your expectations and I'm pretty sure that EA doesn't make decisions strictly based on their feelings about a game. I don't think Anthem's demise necessarily means SWTOR will automatically get more resources. My impression is EA staffs a game's development team based on its expected revenue so that the game has a certain level of profitability. Unless BioWare management can successfully make the case to EA that an increase in staff size will result in more revenue and increased profitability then there is no reason for EA to allocate more dev resources to SWTOR, regardless of what is going on with BioWare's other games.


As much as I hate admit it ... strictly a business stand point of view this is probably correct. This is also why items such as companions and "improvements" or "more of what we had" or especially "additional new interactions with said companions" looks bleak.


That said ... IMO there is still a HUGE opportunity IF someone (the RIGHT someone) wants to capitalize on it that is still there. Yes ... that is primarily due to the Star Wars community.


IMO there is NO denying the opportunity and the still untapped potential of this game.


Yeah ... I get it !! Some folks think I'm too much of an optimist !! (They'll just have to get over it !! ) :D

Edited by OlBuzzard
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And thats the problem. This game is Star wars the old republic, not Star wars the alliance. Having a third faction just ruins and destroys the games primary focus, as this game is about the Republic and the Empire, when they rolled in Zakuul it just tipped and ruined the games purpose that a unknown third faction just steam rolling the other 2 factions like if it's one giant Mary/Gary sue. Same as too the Alliance, a third faction thats more being more perfect and better then the main two factions...it's just dumb and boring. But if they want to do other secret/hidden factions then they should've done it like shadow of revan, not a massive giant army that can steam roll but a small organisation.


So thats why the Alliance needs to go, I dont care if they just disband it, or just blow up odesson there's just 0 point to keep it around.

Pure opinion, and nothing you can say now or in the future on any thread on this game's forum will change what you have said from opinion to fact.


Thank you for stating your opinion. My opinion is to disagree.

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That said ... IMO there is still a HUGE opportunity IF someone (the RIGHT someone) wants to capitalize on it that is still there. Yes ... that is primarily due to the Star Wars community.


IMO there is NO denying the opportunity and the still untapped potential of this game.


Yeah ... I get it !! Some folks think I'm too much of an optimist !! (They'll just have to get over it !! ) :D


What "big things" do you think BioWare could feasibly bring to SWTOR for the game's 10th anniversary that would tap some of this untapped potential that you believe SWTOR has?

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Yeah ... I get it !! Some folks think I'm too much of an optimist !! (They'll just have to get over it !! ) :D


Your optimism would have reasonable in 2014....maybe even 2015. But, the "big" decision on this game's direction was made around that time and nothing has changed since then. Of course...every now and then there's an attempt to exhume Humpty Dumpty and forensically reason him back together. Yet, we all know there's no sense in further torturing that poor soul.


Personally, I exhumed Humpty Dumpty enough times in 2016 to cover us all. Let the egg rest.

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Your optimism would have reasonable in 2014....maybe even 2015. But, the "big" decision on this game's direction was made around that time and nothing has changed since then. Of course...every now and then there's an attempt to exhume Humpty Dumpty and forensically reason him back together. Yet, we all know there's no sense in further torturing that poor soul.


Personally, I exhumed Humpty Dumpty enough times in 2016 to cover us all. Let the egg rest.


Actually.. I prefer my eggs scrambled or fried !! ( with 3 strips of thick sliced, peppered and cured in apple wood, bacon !)


:D :D :D

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What "big things" do you think BioWare could feasibly bring to SWTOR for the game's 10th anniversary that would tap some of this untapped potential that you believe SWTOR has?


I have to admit that is a very good question. Let me throw out a couple ideas that (hopefully) has already seen a work in process. IMO some of this stuff takes MONTHS to develop !


** Revival of class stories. IMO this can be reintegrated into the current story. Yes ... this means more VA ... etc. But "SHOULD" be doable. This could still be active even with the alliance still around. I've seen where many would like to see the alliance progress and become a viable 3rd faction. I have no real problem with that.


** Revitalization of some of the companions. I know that this is a touchy area (frankly). Some have been killed off (???). Maybe the first step would be to do a "few short stories" to reconcile some of the loose ends? ( Just a thought ) That might help with some of the story telling in order to help develop the next "BIGGER" story. It seems like there are a coupled of ideas currently developing and it should be interesting. ( see Moving the story more frequently listed below)

Companions in general are just about dead ... it use to be a bigger part of the game that did have a strong following.


** Old fashion BUG squashing. That would help a LOT with even the recently released FP's such as SoV. ( yeah ... there's at lest two that I know of personally ).


** Moving the story forward more frequently. This is perhaps one of the most time consuming parts. Yet it is one of the most important. By the time the 10th anniversary rolls around the entire situation (story line) should be reaching a major climax and READY for a crescendo. Frankly a MAJOR blow out that tops anything they've done !!


** There are some other tech stuff (64 bit etc) ... but I'm not sure just how practical that would be in terms or a realistic expectation right now. I also really would love to see another class (though not an off chute of a current one like the gray Jedi). BUT there again ... IMO that is probably a BIG stretch!!


** Strong holds: Those usually work quite well. It would depend upon WHERE they are located and all that good stuff as to how well that would work (yeah ... I know ... real technical ... right ?)


I might ask you the same question. I'm quite certain that these ideas just scratch the surface and may (or may not) be that great really.

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And thats the problem. This game is Star wars the old republic, not Star wars the alliance. Having a third faction just ruins and destroys the games primary focus, as this game is about the Republic and the Empire, when they rolled in Zakuul it just tipped and ruined the games purpose that a unknown third faction just steam rolling the other 2 factions like if it's one giant Mary/Gary sue. Same as too the Alliance, a third faction thats more being more perfect and better then the main two factions...it's just dumb and boring. But if they want to do other secret/hidden factions then they should've done it like shadow of revan, not a massive giant army that can steam roll but a small organisation.


So thats why the Alliance needs to go, I dont care if they just disband it, or just blow up odesson there's just 0 point to keep it around.


There are all kinds of other factions in star wars. The mandalorians are technically a seperate faction though they have aligned with imps they are not imps at all neither are the ordinary bounty hunters that work for the empire that are not mandalorian. There is also the Hutt Cartel as the Hutts are always a threat to both sides though they like to sit back and profit off the Republic and Empire as long as they are allowed to go about their business without interference but they are still a threat. Sith have splinter factions even within their order and always have had splinter factions. Jedi keep going through schisms exiling or massacring those that turn to the dark side in their order. Zakuul has always felt like a seperatist world/empire which is where they could actually end up taking it. It is never just the empire vs the republic or jedi vs sith thats the main focus but thats where it all starts with.


The alliance actually was a bit different it served to increase your power base to that of known characters like Revan, Malak, Malgus, Naga Sadow, Marr, Vadar/Anakin, Obi-wan, etc. Every leader in star wars or person in power in star wars has commanded more than a handful of ragtag misfits they have commanded armies. Going up against anything with a handful of enemies after class storylines was a good way to be mocked by other characters for not having a big enough following or power base and a good way to get yourselves killed. Alliance is technically not going to be disbanded or whatever its going to be reimagined into your own legions. Sure it's original purpose is done and over with, but the Alliance well as force is not maybe over with in name only but that's it. The fleet and gravestone was decimated because it was too OP. Though having your storymode flagship could actually probably happen at some point. Honestly I would love to have to go out personally recruit and train forces into it going forward where you would have to have certain amount of forces, vehicles and supplies to wage war.

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I strongly disagree...


IMO the alliance reminds me of groups like the Mandalorian people of Star Wars. No so much as a race of people but rather a group that has banded together based upon a common goal and belief.


Odessen is an excellent base. IMO ... there is still a lot that could be written to shore up the defenses and strengthen their resolve. This does not take away from the original story since it takes place approximately 3600 years before the original trilogy (IIRC). ( A lot can happen in that time frame).


Also the idea of Vitiate and Valcorian was a part of the "eternal emperor" was a part of the original SWTOR plot ( Please see the story of Scourge and his decision to help the Jedi to defeat the emperor ).


There is a lot more that can be said. But it is unlikely that anything I will say will change anyone's mind who is dead set against what has been done. I will only offer this: Change is inevitable. Perhaps there may come a time when players might want to change the role that they are currently in without destroying the integrity of the story that has been provided.


So many other factions in star wars: Mandalorians (probably the greatest threat to both empire and republic), Hutts (seperate factions within itself but a threat to both republic and empire), Exchange, Black Sun, Side Sith Orders (so many sith lords have broken off and created their own orders), exiled dark jedi (while not necessarily orders involved they do have sizeable population of exiled dark jedi throughout the galaxy), Yuuzhang Vong Scouts (did at times raid gauge the empire and republic, whether or not they return to being a thing is another thing entirely), the slave empires (there a few 1 is mentioned on nar shaddaa and another is Zygarians).


Odessen almost looks like some of the artwork for Darth Rivan's (i think maybe it was Darth Ruin) world he made a castle on. The sith that made the battlelords. The planet looks very similar to that in fact.


Vitiate/Valkorian was indeed but there was more to it than that. Valkorian did not actually focus as heavily on the eternal empire until about the time he as Vitiate had Revan imprisoned for 300 yrs they were influencing each other for that time frame. Vitiate learned much from Revan the light side and how narrow minded the sith actually were. Sure he had discovered Valkorian and the fleet way before revan but he did not fully actually embrace Zakuul as empire until Revan's imprisonment. So in many ways Revan's desire to destroy Vitiate led to Vitiate actually creating something Revan himself tried to create with Republic and the Foundry and failed when he tried to create his own sith empire to battle with the vitiate's sith empire.

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3 factions was done with another EA MMO (WAR) - it's totally do-able. That wasn't the reason that game crashed and burned.


For my part I'm expecting something big for this year and I would stop playing tomorrow if I thought this game wasn't going to get improvements down the line. Hype does keep people around and looking forward to the future. Stagnation does not.

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I've never heard of Gray Jedi so I read a bit about them and I love the idea of adding them. However, if they are indeed added then the Voss should be added as a playable species and the Mystics as the Counselor/Inquisitor (unless the Gray Jedi are made as melee-ranged hybrids).
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