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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Whoever said the mount bug didn't prove anything:


Casted spells work the exact same way, as do instant ranged attacks. Say you replaced the mounting spell with a healing one. Say you casted a 1.5 second heal and ran as soon as the bar was complete. You'd get the same result, or something equally buggy, or the instant cast you tried to cast afterwards might not even work.


This is basic stuff. The fact that so many people are trying to defend this issue just goes to show how awful most MMO players are.



Im defending this because : IT IS NOT HAPPENING TO ME.


Im really starting to fail to understand how people can not understand this.


even after i provide video example :

You can see i move right at 1.5 sec and the ability still fire.


now in this video i didnt tried to cast+run+instant but it works great for me, do you guys also need a proof that i can cast+run+instant ?

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I would like to ask you to post a video of yourself casting Dark Infusion on yourself (or someone else) over and over, as quickly as possible, over a 20 second period. You will most definitely see the issue, from a healing perspective as a sorcerer.


is that good enough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ASMusjTdyY.


it was in response to the wow video.


I will also try what you said .

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My instant is what killed the mob.... you think like its my spell that i cancelled that killed the mob? Cause its not.




... but you still dont see that glitches like that in a fast paced pvp when you must react fast and accurately gives you a feeling of .... randomness. The toon is not responsive and some abilities just dont part.

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Listen, it does not show me the flaw in the combat design because i am not experiencing it ! How hard is it to understand. You can tell yourself im not good enough to notice it when i play, doesnt change the fact that it does not happen when i play.

You want me to to make a freakin scoundrel and do those exact same move to show you it does not happen when i play?


Since when i show you an instance of ability having priority over animation now its just '' that particular ability that is not bugged''. Do i really have to make a scoundrel and do those ability to prove you that it does not happen with me?


Your crazy analogy aside, you are actually the one trying to convince me of what im seeing in my game.


I am sorry if you dont see it...congrats!


But for everyone else in this thread which is now in its third round we do....so please go away.


I myself definatly see it on my BH, the instants do not feel like instants and I find myself pushing a button only for the ability to not fire off.


The responsiveness of the game is not fluid period something is missing between pushing the key and the ability going off.

Edited by Guntsu
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Yes I want you to recreate the video showing the grenade being thrown as soon as you press your key not when the bolts stop flying...


Do it.


Youd have to take my word for it, cause i played a smuggler and everything felt really fluid. Unfortunately it was in beta and i dont have my char anymore. But i do have a level 9 bounty hunter and i could recreate what the poster in the previous page said , would that be alright?

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Youd have to take my word for it, cause i played a smuggler and everything felt really fluid. Unfortunately it was in beta and i dont have my char anymore. But i do have a level 9 bounty hunter and i could recreate what the poster in the previous page said , would that be alright?


No, make a lvl2 smuggler and recreate the video discussed between you and I and shown in the Original Post or leave this thread.


Furthermore, I feel the need to point out that the particular video (Smuggler Grenade etc.) is just ONE, JUST ONE cause of the over-arching problem of the entire Combat Design/Mechanics Flaw in this game.



Recreate it, as YOU suggested you would... or please, for the love of the force, leave this thread. The BDF surely can use your skills in another topic on the forums. Perhaps you can argue that Garrus' Face is fine in ME2 (or was it 1?), perhaps you can go defend the many varying dungeon designs in DA2? There is much work to do for BDF Drone nowadays.


My analogy of the Creationism vs. Evolution stands 100% firm and you sir take the position of Ray Comfort in this case... I say to thee, the Banana is not in fact proof of God. Take it or leave it.

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I am sorry if you dont see it...congrats!


But for everyone else in this thread which is now in its third round we do....so please go away.


I myself definatly see it on my BH, the instants do not feel like instants and I find myself pushing a button only for the ability to not fire off.


The responsiveness of the game is not fluid period something is missing between pushing the key and the ability going off.


You mean like how the missile blast animation take time to start? If yes then this is in no way related to this thread.


If you mean you cant fire an ability every gcd because you have to wait for the animation to finish, then yes there is a problem.


But i am not having it. Big difference with not seeing it.


I saw it instantly in this video :http://imageshack.us/clip/my-videos/846/iua.mp4/

and i can assure you i am not having this problem at all.

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Youd have to take my word for it, cause i played a smuggler and everything felt really fluid




listen bud


make a video where you join a warzone and run around only using instant casts


if there's no delay, i'll support you and admit that this problem we're all lying about doesn't exist.

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You mean like how the missile blast animation take time to start? If yes then this is in no way related to this thread.


If you mean you cant fire an ability every gcd because you have to wait for the animation to finish, then yes there is a problem.


But i am not having it. Big difference with not seeing it.


I saw it instantly in this video :http://imageshack.us/clip/my-videos/846/iua.mp4/

and i can assure you i am not having this problem at all.


Your assurance is acknowledged, please stop posting as you are confusing the real topic at hand as well as potential newcomers who may not have read through the past 3 threads.

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No, make a lvl2 smuggler and recreate the video discussed between you and I and shown in the Original Post or leave this thread.


Furthermore, I feel the need to point out that the particular video (Smuggler Grenade etc.) is just ONE, JUST ONE cause of the over-arching problem of the entire Combat Design/Mechanics Flaw in this game.



Recreate it, as YOU suggested you would... or please, for the love of the force, leave this thread. The BDF surely can use your skills in another topic on the forums. Perhaps you can argue that Garrus' Face is fine in ME2 (or was it 1?), perhaps you can go defend the many varying dungeon designs in DA2? There is much work to do for BDF Drone nowadays.


My analogy of the Creationism vs. Evolution stands 100% firm and you sir take the position of Ray Comfort in this case... I say to thee, the Banana is not in fact proof of God. Take it or leave it.


Ok i will make a level two smuggler if it can convince you that i am not having this pronlem.

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After reading some of the posts claiming nothing wrong an old saying comes to mind, "cut the nose to spite the face."


Also bumpity time and for people who keep saying they want more proof but obviously aren't reading the thread.




Relink from my post back on page 28, I'm not retyping all the crap either so you'll have to go back there to read the recaps. I'll just single out vid 4 and 6 as the prime offenders, anyone who thinks animations don't override ability, just watch how long I stay in unloads animation after the channel ends, and the second of lagtime before rocket blast click to activation. Or the way I just stand there with a sword in my face waaaaaiting nearly a full second and a half for my 'instant' to fire off.


Ability delay is an issue, if you're too blind to see it then sorry there's no helping you. But have fun defending a broken system while we're trying to get bioware to fix it. You know long term health of a game and all.


If you can't see the issue in these video's then you have been blinded by the BDF. I felt like I was watching video's from my own gameplay...

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If you can't see the issue in these video's then you have been blinded by the BDF. I felt like I was watching video's from my own gameplay...


I can see it in that video, but i also have a BH and it does not look close to that.


So if im able to see it in that video, i should be able to see it when i play too right? well it just does not happen when i play.

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It has nothing to do with playing alone in the world. It has everything to do with Warzones, where the coding actually becomes complicated. Fighting a monster that only does one thing until it dies is much different than fighting a player who might do a thousand different things.


The problem is when the game's combat system becomes complicated, or there's more to consider than a mob whose variable is completely standard and your own actions.


Failing to grasp this concept does not look good for you.

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Ok i will make a level two smuggler if it can convince you that i am not having this pronlem.



recreate this and show something different than a delay between the 2 abilities, if you do than we can stop worrying. I doubt you can and we will still be left with broken combat. It requires only lvl 2.

Edited by samdbtto
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recreate this and show something different than a delay between the 2 abilities, if you do than we can stop worrying. I doubt you can and we will still be left with broken combat. It requires only lvl 2.



Pay attention to the gcd, i am not wasting time beetween any.


So whats broken ? frag grenade that takes time to land? is that what this 3part thread is about??

(it was level 3 btw , damn you)

Edited by boobaffet
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I re-subbed to WoW for my first time in more than 6 months. All I have to say is good grief, SWTOR has lots of issues, particularly with its combat. I toggled between both about 6 times last night to really compare the look and feel of them. Needless to say, SWTOR gives very little feedback, is extremely clunky, and has jarring issues when an ability doesn't activate (GCD goes through, animation occurs, but the ability doesn't actually happen). I guess I'll come back to this game IF they ever fix this.
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