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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I have no doubt it can work, I've plenty of times done combos and chains of abilities as well as held a decent rotation...


Its still not as fluid and responsive but very close to WoW, but then... you have these times where 2x Instant Abilities that don't trigger GCD + another instant following those two takes upwards of 4 seconds instead of 2 ish "max".



Georg is gonna have to dig deep with the Team on this one, hope they don't:


A) Give up

B) Pretend its fine

C) CU or NGE <--- huehuehue


My faith in them fixing this any time soon is low right now.


There's absolutely no way that they didn't know about this. There's no way they don't have competitive gamers that work for them that didn't notice this, let alone all the posts in beta.

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My faith in them fixing this any time soon is low right now.


There's absolutely no way that they didn't know about this. There's no way they don't have competitive gamers that work for them that didn't notice this, let alone all the posts in beta.


Maybe they didn't expect a big backlash? Hopefully its fixable, but my hopes aren't super high either.

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My faith in them fixing this any time soon is low right now.


There's absolutely no way that they didn't know about this. There's no way they don't have competitive gamers that work for them that didn't notice this, let alone all the posts in beta.


You definitely could be right...But at the same time, they might have been and still in the process of fixing it by going back through every single ability and etc which I could see taking a long time...Or they are not...Or they still dont know what the problem is...


It's definitely wishful thinking, but hopefully when they give a public statement on it, its a "We have now fixed/singled out/close to figuring out the problem" and not a we are going to investigate it further...It might not be ultra soon, but I think BW is smart enough to fix this and not let their game become a failure and not as successful as it should be

Edited by fallenvirtues
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I'm starting to have mixed feelings about this "complaint" - I suspect part of what we're seeing is due to intended mechanics, there are short little animations forced on you (and your opponents) by incoming damage that are causing the delays, which kinda makes sense. You do the same thing to your targets too. These "reaction" animations are probably the source of what people are complaining about.


I think we're better off with leaving the window set to 1 second, and learning the rhythm of the cool-downs, I'm starting to be able to get fairly fluid combos going.

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This is by far the biggest issue I have with the game and will be the reason why I won't be resubbing after my free trial for a bit. The entire game feels clusmy and awkward. Like how Warhammer Online was except to a far greater degree. Edited by Vgbeee
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My faith in them fixing this any time soon is low right now.


There's absolutely no way that they didn't know about this. There's no way they don't have competitive gamers that work for them that didn't notice this, let alone all the posts in beta.


The highlighted green is my issue, I really don't think they do... I think they consider "Competitive" something like -- "Yea, I raid!! WEEEE!"


There is no snowball's chance in hell that a "Competitive" or "Very Experience" MMO Gamer would've let this go through like that.



It makes me feel as though Bioware is made up of Writers, Artists and more technically versed people such as Coding/Animations etc. But to say they have on their team someone who really is "Hardcore" in the sense of Top100 Raiding in WoW type of Hardcore or "Gladiator" PvPer... or perhaps eSport of any other kind such as WC3, CS:S, SC2 the list goes on, I doubt that very much.


And if they did, we wouldn't be talking about why it takes 3 seconds for instants to get off. This is caused by Mythic Devs/Team influence, that is my best guess.

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I never played wow, but i did play lots of AGe of Conan. I can say that the combat is much smoother in SWTOR than it is in AoC, even if AoC's was more interesting (pre 1.5 patch).


I dont know, im still enjoying the game greatly. Questing is immensely fun, i really enjoy the flash points, and the crafting system really suits my style. I could put off raiding or PVPing for a few months until they fix this. I mean what other options do i have, start playing wow now? I really disliked wow the few times i tried it at friends houses, i really needed a story.


For those of you who are really noticing the ability delay, i feel for you, but also lets try to stay positive!


Anyways i am off to play the game! Enjoy the forums everyone.

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You definitely could be right...But at the same time, they might have been and still in the process of fixing it by going back through every single ability and etc which I could see taking a long time...Or they are not...Or they still dont know what the problem is...


It's definitely wishful thinking, but hopefully when they give a public statement on it, its a "We have now fixed/singled out/close to figuring out the problem" and not a we are going to investigate it further...It might not be ultra soon, but I think BW is smart enough to fix this and not let their game become a failure and not as successful as it should be


I would accept any statement that isn't incredibly vague, any honest statement including: "L2P noobs, this not WoW"... I would accept that too.

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This has been bothering me for quite some time now. However, I actually think this can and will be fixed. Even in Warhammer Online, this eventually got somewhat fixed to a playable degree and they started off far worse.


So, go for it, Bioware. This is one of the things I expect from you, if I have to pay the highest amount EVER as far as subscription fees go. Do this for us.

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Had to get that off my chest....but the controls are terrible and it honestly will determine if I can continue playing or not.


It does not feel right my char feels lose in general movement and slow as hell when m trying to fire off abilities.


I know bioware really wanted to make the animations look awesome but seriously thats not what they should focus on.


Please,Please Bioware im beggin you fix this issue I love this game but I cant get over the delay its downright awfull.


The fact that im still playing really says something about the game but I dont know how much longer I can hold on.:o

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Yea that makes sense of course and I would wager that its true but we have had no official word on their "thoughts" really.


A Ghostcrawler would actually share opinion/views etc. without much of a problem. We just got a very vague acknowledgment, mind you its still an acknowledgment and thats great but I for one am not quite sure where "they " stand on this issue so based on that how should I know where "I" stand on this.


I'm one foot out the door basically, its real easy to have me come fully inside... just say something.


I really see Bioware Developers and "Higher Ups" as a "Corporate Firm" kind of thing. I don't feel much of a human connection. With Blizzard there is much more of a Developer to Player connection I find, you have Blizzcon, "Many" different Blogs (addressing REAL issues and "understanding" the real issue at the Top level as well as casual level) by Developers, Blizzard Devs post on hard topic threads on the forums on a regular basis (especially GC) with in depth views and opinions (even negative things) etc.


I don't mean to divert from the Responsiveness subject at hand but it ties into why I feel insecure about it currently.



In the end I see Blizzard as Hardcore "Gamers" making high quality games not giving a f*** about how long it takes and what it costs. I know thats not exact reality but that is the perception.


I see Bioware as EA's little project for big cash, I don't feel the passion. If there was passion and care, there would be posts here on this forum... not on reddit for heaven's sake.


- Perhaps this is because Blizzard Devs come from a Hardcore Playing background in EQ and well I think Bioware Devs come from... something incredibly casual seemingly?.




Again, these are "my perceptions" formed by the actions I see Bioware taking. Of course these could be 100% wrong, or right...


I honestly put the blame on EA for this. Because there is no way bioware was not aware of the issue, everyone in beta told them about it.


I think at some point EA came in and said, have this out before 2012 in time for Christmas, or else.


And if bioware doesn't get this fixed in a hurry and swtor goes the way of warhammer, you can bet EA will give bioware the 'mythic' treatment and fire most of them in a parking lot somewhere.


Im guessing we will have to wait 3-4 years to find out the truth from some disgruntled employee, just like warhammer and vanguard.

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To the OP, you have identified and verbalised an issue that I was unable to pinpoint. I love this game, but something was lacking with the combat that I couldn’t work out. It did feel sluggish and unresponsive, but I had just assumed that it was some sort of connection or hardware issue at my end, or that I simply didn’t understand the combat mechanics properly and was making silly mistakes.
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There is no snowball's chance in hell that a "Competitive" or "Very Experience" MMO Gamer would've let this go through like that.


I think that snowball has a pretty good chance.


The question is: How high up the totem pole are they?


Edit: and by that, i mean, are they important enough to actually be listened to?


Edit2: I suppose that's a moot question. yay 20/20. If they did exist, obviously they're not important enough to listen to, or we wouldnt be here on a friday night. Well, i would. Because im sick. ;( But you get the idea. lol

Edited by Owarida
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To the OP, you have identified and verbalised an issue that I was unable to pinpoint. I love this game, but something was lacking with the combat that I couldn’t work out. It did feel sluggish and unresponsive, but I had just assumed that it was some sort of connection or hardware issue at my end, or that I simply didn’t understand the combat mechanics properly and was making silly mistakes.


I bet there are thousands of people playing thinking they need a new computer or better internet connection.


When i first got vanguard, i felt the same way, got a new computer, and boy was i mad when that did not fix things.

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The highlighted green is my issue, I really don't think they do... I think they consider "Competitive" something like -- "Yea, I raid!! WEEEE!"


There is no snowball's chance in hell that a "Competitive" or "Very Experience" MMO Gamer would've let this go through like that.



It makes me feel as though Bioware is made up of Writers, Artists and more technically versed people such as Coding/Animations etc. But to say they have on their team someone who really is "Hardcore" in the sense of Top100 Raiding in WoW type of Hardcore or "Gladiator" PvPer... or perhaps eSport of any other kind such as WC3, CS:S, SC2 the list goes on, I doubt that very much.


And if they did, we wouldn't be talking about why it takes 3 seconds for instants to get off. This is caused by Mythic Devs/Team influence, that is my best guess.


The truth is, even members of a development team may notice, but unless they work directly with these features on the animation team, or gameplay combat teams, they are not likely to get anything changed much more than we are. It's a really really huge project, and everything falls apart if people across disciplines can effect change in this kinda way... Basically what I'm saying is, it's not cool to tell others how to do their jobs. So unless someone from the design team, probably lead or higher made a splash about it, it easily could have gone under the radar. Or quite simply got put to bed early in favor of how it is now instead.

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The truth is, even members of a development team may notice, but unless they work directly with these features on the animation team, or gameplay combat teams, they are not likely to get anything changed much more than we are. It's a really really huge project, and everything falls apart if people across disciplines can effect change in this kinda way... Basically what I'm saying is, it's not cool to tell others how to do their jobs. So unless someone from the design team, probably lead or higher made a splash about it, it easily could have gone under the radar. Or quite simply got put to bed early in favor of how it is now instead.


What I'm trying to say is they need a proper GhostCrawler, no matter how much you may hate the man, he knows what makes a good MMO.


I agree fully with all you're saying but I would just expect more "knowledge"? Connection? Understanding? by someone that matters who "can" in fact affect these overarching and very important designs.


It feels like the lead designer is not very well versed with competitive or "more hardcore" gaming.



Unless all these people are wrong in claiming this was part of the problem in Beta (I don't know, I didn't get in) and this is just a technical hiccup. I firmly believe that this shouldn't/couldn't have gotten released with the current combat and responsiveness flaws if someone higher up knew what they were doing/looking at.


I'm not trying to rant against Bioware but obviously there is a pretty major issue that simply:


1) Was forgotten?

2) Overlooked?

3) Or maybe they were never "really" aware (which is the most scary answer)



So here again is hopes that this will be fixed and improved and communicated (soon). I should point out that you can read my early review (link in the OP). I actually enjoy the game very much otherwise and like a lot of things but how can you consider "ANYTHING" > Gameplay??

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