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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I did my fist pvp session last night on my jedi consular and my god is this annoying, for pvp more than anything, it's just wrecks the fluidity of it.


Yup. What's funny is that it doesn't even look good because in PvP you're moving and using abilities far too quickly (plus jumping) for anything to look "epic" because of stupid drawn-out animations.

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I hope future developers of MMOs have finally realised that combat is the most important aspect of why a customer subscribes aslong as he/she does. Once all the content is gone, the combat is all we have left.


Judgeing by Biowares reply in this thread it's obvious that these issues are majorly linked into the hero engine itself. Like someone else said, if it was easy to fix the combat flaws it would have been done. The truth is they cheaped out by using the heroengine so they could spend all the money on quests and planet design, the latter being lackluster at best.


It's time to move on, even if they fixed the combat 'lag' the game would still feel clunky, slow and boring.

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I hope future developers of MMOs have finally realised that combat is the most important aspect of why a customer subscribes aslong as he/she does. Once all the content is gone, the combat is all we have left.


Judgeing by Biowares reply in this thread it's obvious that these issues are majorly linked into the hero engine itself. Like someone else said, if it was easy to fix the combat flaws it would have been done. The truth is they cheaped out by using the heroengine so they could spend all the money on quests and planet design, the latter being lackluster at best.


It's time to move on, even if they fixed the combat 'lag' the game would still feel clunky, slow and boring.


You may be right but I am still willing to give them a fair chance for resolution here, simply due to the "potential" I see in SW:TOR to finally get us away from WoW.


However, the complete lack of communication and honesty is very discouraging and I do believe you're more than likely correct with the highlighted statement.

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I actually like how Bioware takes these things into consideration and keeps remaking the threads instead of leaving them to rot.


That says a lot right there in my opinion and even before the game was released when they did this things were resolved.


I think some things people must realize is that a lot of these "Fixes" aren't as easy as they are making it sound. And personally I'd rather have a long answer after much thought and preparation to a problem than a "quick fix" to tide us over for a month till they find an actual solution. I've had enough of "we'll put a band-aid on it now and we promise to fix it later(and later never comes.)" in wow.


So I appreciate the patience of dealing with these issues Bioware has and the need to when they fix it to do it right the first time, after taking in all the feedback, rather than a quick response offering no real solution.


I just hope the people are as patient as well, these things aren't as "easy" to fix as people make it sound, and I'm willing to wait. Even so, I still have a lot of fun in PvP and I still will after the fix happens.

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i honestly do not see the problem. clipping doesn't occur in real life, nor star wars. being able to clip an animation seems hokey, cheap, and unrealistic to me. that being said i have not had any problems with delay, certain animations i have been able to cancel through and carry out another ability. if everyone has to watch the animation, then what is the problem? it's not giving anyone any unfair advantages. i really wish the QQing would end, this isn't WoW.


you can also click on your next attack before it lights up and it's activated as soon as the last animation is finished.

Edited by SgtGrumbles
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This might be a problem with the engine itself. Otherwise, how could such unresponsive user controls made it through beta?


That's the fear some people are having. The issue was seen long before release but it's still here, which gives credence to the idea of it being an engine problem, thus requiring a complete overhaul to fix.

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Dude it is there it IS a problem.


BW already stated this FACT, if you don't see it it's because you are of a poor standard.


Anyway I already unsubscribed over this, just checking in to see if anythings been done, still want to play the game but not in it's current state.


Not too late to save my ££££'s BW.

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This might be a problem with the engine itself. Otherwise, how could such unresponsive user controls made it through beta?


Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!


thanks for the reply to my previous post xcore, you've done an amazing thing here so don't feel dishearted. The longer this thread goes on the more attention it will get and ultimately the more MMO companies will take notice. So let's get this to thread 100!

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i honestly do not see the problem. clipping doesn't occur in real life, nor star wars. being able to clip an animation seems hokey, cheap, and unrealistic to me. that being said i have not had any problems with delay, certain animations i have been able to cancel through and carry out another ability. if everyone has to watch the animation, then what is the problem? it's not giving anyone any unfair advantages. i really wish the QQing would end, this isn't WoW.


you can also "click" on your next attack before it lights up and it's activated as soon as the last animation is finished.



This is probably why you don't notice these things...




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i honestly do not see the problem. clipping doesn't occur in real life, nor star wars. being able to clip an animation seems hokey, cheap, and unrealistic to me. that being said i have not had any problems with delay, certain animations i have been able to cancel through and carry out another ability. if everyone has to watch the animation, then what is the problem? it's not giving anyone any unfair advantages. i really wish the QQing would end, this isn't WoW.


you can also click on your next attack before it lights up and it's activated as soon as the last animation is finished.


You're right, this isn't wow. Wow's combat system actually works.

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i honestly do not see the problem. clipping doesn't occur in real life, nor star wars. being able to clip an animation seems hokey, cheap, and unrealistic to me. that being said i have not had any problems with delay, certain animations i have been able to cancel through and carry out another ability. if everyone has to watch the animation, then what is the problem? it's not giving anyone any unfair advantages. i really wish the QQing would end, this isn't WoW.


you can also click on your next attack before it lights up and it's activated as soon as the last animation is finished.


You're unable to see a problem because your APM is snail-like. This isn't "QQ" (I realize that makes you sound cooler and invalidates this thread but... no), this is actually a very real, very well supported concern voiced to Bioware to elevate this game from Mediocre/Good to Excellence.


Its not giving anyone any unfair advantages? Yes it is actually, its giving everyone with slow APM unfair advantages to keep up "unfairly" with much better players, due to this unresponsiveness.


"Its not WoW" is not a valid counter argument, neither is "Go play WoW if you like it" -- No-one here wants to go back to play WoW and thus this thread. However, WoW has done some things very well and this is one of those, in fact it is more than that -- you would realize this if you actually read the OP as well as subsequent 3000+ replies instead of just vomiting your thoughts out like this.




Edit: I already know what kind of player you are so I know you have no idea what APM stands for... "APM = Actions per Minute". If you now scratch your head and ask "what does that have to do with anything", you have proven my point and need to reconsider your own level of play/skill.

Edited by Xcore
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I'll bring this up again.


For Bounty Hunters, Unload is probably the worst offender. Try using Vent Heat and then unload immediately after and I guarentee you the GCD will STILL go off and the ability not go off.


It wouldn't be such as a big issue if the GCD went off but IT IS. It is completely bogus for the GCD to go off and nothing happen because it means you could of been doing something else. It's making you totally useless for seconds at a time, and in any PvP or PvE setting that's absolutely unacceptable.

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Just went through a deal where the inerface would not work at all.

No heals.

No fireing off anything.

Just default attack worked.

This was not a delay,this was not working at all period.

This is a repeating ordeal that will not stop happening.

Also loot window will not go away from the middle of your screen.

Again ,not a delay,just not doing anything at all when it comes to the inerface being used to executed any special.

Edited by AERHAE
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if the problem is in the engine .. can it be fixed?


Yes, but what we're not sure of is how much it would take to fix it. So it could be a huge ordeal, or it could be something that could be fixed by next weeks patch. Though, it's MUCH more likely to take a LONG time (both because an engine issue is quite big, and because Bioware will take their time on this because they have to figure out how to handle it correctly, politically speaking).


EDIT: This will take some time to fix regardless of how easy or hard the fix is, because Bioware released the game then went on vacation, so no one is back in the office yet, nor will anyone return for sometime (as they themselves have already said).

Edited by Yvin
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That's the fear some people are having. The issue was seen long before release but it's still here, which gives credence to the idea of it being an engine problem, thus requiring a complete overhaul to fix.


and if it is an engine problem then we wont be seeing a fix that big until at-least the next expansion

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I almost broke up with my boyfriend because we got in a huge argument over him not healing me. He kept insisting that his heals weren't working and I finally realized why.


I hope you can help me mend this relationship and find a fix asap. This is more important than any new content in the next update. Quite critical. May the force be with you, Bioware.


I was reading through the thread, mostly agreeing, and found this. While I'm sure (seriously hope) that it was a sarcastic comment, I found it none the less amusing.

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I was reading through the thread, mostly agreeing, and found this. While I'm sure (seriously hope) that it was a sarcastic comment, I found it none the less amusing.


Yes sad story. See? The ability delay is breaking families! :p I hope it was just a funny sarcastic comment but you never know...

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I really enjoy the smuggler story, but all of the delay, the cover issues and the perceived sluggishness are sooo annoying..


Because of the constant GCD hiccups, the ability lag, my character slowly crawling into cover etc. it feels like I could've done at least twice as much in terms of APM in a normal fight with any other ranged char in WoW.

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As others have mentioned, I saw these same problems in WAR.


That was another game with a lot of potential but the ability lag and other bugs were never fixed. The company just let it disappear rather than put money into fixing it. I really hope they don't let SWTOR suffer the same fate.

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I support this.


I have three characters now, mostly low level and all of them fairly caster-oriented. And while no one in a group or flashpoint has mentioned it, I feel horrid when my heals lag and just plain don't work how they should. This is an issue that will make or break the game, in the long run.


In the short run, it is completely ignorable by the average player, who is still enjoying the new stories and whatnot. But you won't keep many competetive players around with this, especially with the lack of general end-game content.

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I support this.


I have three characters now, mostly low level and all of them fairly caster-oriented. And while no one in a group or flashpoint has mentioned it, I feel horrid when my heals lag and just plain don't work how they should. This is an issue that will make or break the game, in the long run.


In the short run, it is completely ignorable by the average player, who is still enjoying the new stories and whatnot. But you won't keep many competetive players around with this, especially with the lack of general end-game content.


I conqure.

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