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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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This issue is probably the most critical of all there is in this game. This can unbalance combat for certain classes due the sometimes huge animation duration that won't allow you to do other skills. Power Shot in the Bounty Hunter Class is a big example of it. It takes 1.5 to cast, yet the animation after it is 2 seconds long. And i might even be wrong about it and it would be almost 3. And thats a huge delay that does nothing.
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Are all professions affected by this?

Im thinking of rolling another toon just to try to enjoy the game,because what im experiencing is not working for me on Sith Warrior.

I can see thorugh the forest of trees with this issue.Im not into bad gamming experience's based off of an engineering design that does not work after all this money an development time that went into this.

Edited by AERHAE
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Its almost certainly an engine problem which is probably why they are ignoring it because it is either unfixable (just tweakable) or would require such a massive amount of time, resources, and testing to get to a better state that they just don't want to tell people that.


This engine is pretty crappy, I'm not surprised with so much of the WAR development team building it since the WAR engine was an atrocity.


WAR used a modified version of gamebryo engine, Rift proved that gamebryo can indeed yield good results in the MMO market - it's just that Mythic was unable to do so.


Heroengine may yield good results - maybe bioware just was unable to do so? (Dominus may be a good start to see if it's really the engine :>)

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Xcore...What do you think about making a poll with multiple types of problems that people have been describing so we can start breaking it down a little for the devs...


i.e: Some people have problems with animations not allowing them to cast next ability where some people dont...Some people can fire off abilities once GCD is done yet still get a delay...I dont know...just throwing some stupid examples out...


It's obvious that some people have more problems with certain things then others...If we can organize who's having exactly what problems, I believe it will make the process of elimination a lot easier for the devs


I dunno...Just an idea


I see the sentiment and I want to agree. However, no... there is no need for a list of abilities that causes the problem, there is no need for a Poll to further elaborate (though I think it would actually confuse even more). The Devs and Georg have "all" the information needed and I say this with all honesty: If Georg and the Dev Team do not understand the broad scope of this as well as the finer points by now, they're too talentless and don't deserve the success this game would bestow upon them if this were fixed.


I am not trying to be offensive but its just honesty, I actually believe that they are quite talented and I furthermore believe (very strongly) that they DO understand the issue. My very strong problem at this point is:


A) How much do the value this issue? Do they "really" understand the absolute importance? (This needs to be communicated to be on the same page and calm everyone)


B) Are they able to fix this -- If not, it does not necessarily mean lack of talent but possibly engine limitations etc.



Edit: I should add that its not "some people have some issues others have others". Everyone has the same issues with the same abilities and ability combinations (rotations). Its just a matter of being able to perceive them as well as properly communicate the issue.



P.S.: Every time I say "Talent" in the above, you may as well read "Intelligent/Intelligence".

Edited by Xcore
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Bioware should fix this really .. Its so annoying and frustrating and for a pvper like me IT IS gamebreaking. If it cant be fixed they should just tell us so can stop wasting our time here. If they do fix it , it will be the best MMO ive ever played ( yep, better than 'the other game' ) . Ill give them until february otherwise ill unsub
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Bioware should fix this really .. Its so annoying and frustrating and for a pvper like me IT IS gamebreaking. If it cant be fixed they should just tell us so can stop wasting our time here. If they do fix it , it will be the best MMO ive ever played ( yep, better than 'the other game' ) . Ill give them until february otherwise ill unsub


Sadly Bioware/EA really does differentiate itself from Blizzard in that Money >> ALL (Including Playerbase/Gameplay/Everything). What they fail to realize (perhaps) is that more money can be made through honesty and communication as "Trust" in the Team behind the game is invaluable.


Having said that, them being silent about this issue can very much be confused/substituted (depending on your mood) with inability to fix and milk your subscription.

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I agree, this is the number one issue. This needs to be fixed asap or they will lose a lot of subscriptions.


I thought it was something wrong with my computer actually, but now I see it is not.


Bioware get on this immediately, drop all other development, or loose subscriptions.

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Agreed 100% !!!

I couldn't put a label on what felt so wrong with the combat. After reading this, I know. it hits the nail on the head. A lot of class inbalance stems from this as well.


Bioware please fix this or the game really is going to die. I´m a massive fan, whos been looking forward to this game for 3 years and this is a huge let-down.

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Its good to hear that this is widespread (in the nicest way possible), I thought it was just me and my laptop, despite my good latency. Its annoying having to a space after I use force leap and when I actually jump. :D
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I agree, this is the number one issue. This needs to be fixed asap or they will lose a lot of subscriptions.


I thought it was something wrong with my computer actually, but now I see it is not.


Bioware get on this immediately, drop all other development, or loose subscriptions.


This and bump because I actually played wow today and was like "Awesome." cause stuff responded when I pressed the hotkey.

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I have no doubt that they will fix this issue, I dont think they have any intention of producing a product half-assed and then wash their hands and say "deal with it".


Have in mind that the Game is still young. Theres loads of other Mmo´s that have had a rough start with the early Patches, We just need to continue to forward our Experience, buggs, glitches that we find and Help out as much as we can and will. Then I can see this game blow the other Fishes out of the water with ease.

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I have no doubt that they will fix this issue, I dont think they have any intention of producing a product half-assed and then wash their hands and say "deal with it".


Have in mind that the Game is still young. Theres loads of other Mmo´s that have had a rough start with the early Patches, We just need to continue to forward our Experience, buggs, glitches that we find and Help out as much as we can and will. Then I can see this game blow the other Fishes out of the water with ease.


The game may be young but an essential feature is being able to play it smoothly and abilities not going off or having massive delay is not fun, and just makes the combat look terrible. (Nice if your watching, terrible if your controlling)

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This and bump because I actually played wow today and was like "Awesome." cause stuff responded when I pressed the hotkey.


Tempted to reinstall wow after a year or so and do some battlegrounds :( ffs tell me this isnt happening.

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Tempted to reinstall wow after a year or so and do some battlegrounds :( ffs tell me this isnt happening.


Its worth it, try it... at least for the experience. Not saying WoW is great etc, you'll probably hate it because of whatever BUT go ahead and evaluate the "Responsiveness" in contrast to SW:TOR.


Playing 1 for an hour and then the other for an hour and switching again, do that a few times and "Dear god, how could they release this" will be all over your face.

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Glad I found this thread. I have to agree with the OP, this should be fixed. I played WoW for a long time and noticed now that when I try to switch between spells, it isn't fluid and when I hit another button, it cancels my existing spell instead of finishing that one and fluidly moving to the next. Also when I mount up on my speeder and try moving, it cancels the spell. It's very annoying. I hope they fix this soon.
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I also love how sometimes I press an ability, the cast bar pops up, but nothing happens. Or vice versa, I press an ability, no cast bar pops up but the heal finishes.


Or when I am about to throw that game deciding heal in the last few seconds in Huttball, but my ally runs behind some stupid pole thing and is technically "out of sight" for a split second, which actually cancels your healing spell instantly.


Nevermind the missing (EDIT: either missing, or razzingly annoying -- Slow Release Medpac) acoustic feedback when casting most things, and since you can't rely on the visuals either for the above reason.......




I actually do like how my class (Heal Scoundrel) feels in pvp (I feel somewhat special being that person that does not wield a lightsaber in warzones), but the pvp-related gameplay (which is, you might have guessed it, the more important thing for me personally) sometimes reminds me of those free to play Korean rpgs.

Edited by dialer_
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I also love how sometimes I press an ability, the cast bar pops up, but nothing happens. Or vice versa, I press an ability, no cast bar pops up but the heal finishes.


Yep and the nice thing is that this ability has a 1 min cooldown (sadly the cooldown procs every time) which in pvp means an eternity.

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I can accept that my macbook (2010) needs to run this game on low settings, BUT I find it not acceptable to not be able to enjoy my PvP experience in warzones with the ability delay and this happens with stable 60ms latency. It feels like I am playing with 1000-2000ms latency every time I push a ability button. Playing as lvl 50 Juggernaut, I have during Huttball matches, accidentally pushed my foes right to the score line (6 times now so forced to drop that for now lol),..want to buy fix patch asap.
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Just about lvl 47 now and the ability delay is starting to annoy me more and more as I become better at my class.


The more you play the game the more you realize how poorly the combat is done. I'm not sure where in the coding this problem lies but it must be much harder to fix than people think or they would have already fixed it.


It's a real shame because I like this game but I just can't see playing a game heavily into endgame with such poorly implemented combat mechanics.


Priorities in all the wrong places during dev I see.

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I have no doubt that they will fix this issue, I dont think they have any intention of producing a product half-assed and then wash their hands and say "deal with it".


Have in mind that the Game is still young. Theres loads of other Mmo´s that have had a rough start with the early Patches, We just need to continue to forward our Experience, buggs, glitches that we find and Help out as much as we can and will. Then I can see this game blow the other Fishes out of the water with ease.


While I hope this is the case, this is a problem with the core of the game, and I don't see it being fixed without a major patch.

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