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Scoundrels/Operatives ridculously OP.


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Wouldn't be that hard for the ops to win. If a pair go after both the tank and his guard target then the tank will die within seconds since hell be taking so much damage with the healer unable to do anything since he is CC'd as well.


My brother is a Powertech and Im an OP healer not ONCE has a OP even gotten close to taking him down he absolutely wrecks them and if they jump me he just ropes them off me or stuns them you really have no clue how a decent premades run go back to your 1v1 world this is a team game here.


*Edit* Also you assume that tank isn't guarded by another tank, yeah I have seen this done in games so then your basically trying to figure out what target doesn't have guard on them, a "good" powertech/vanguard is stupidly hard to take down.

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Found this to be relevant to your request (from this thread):


How hard is it for them to understand the problem with Operatives/Scounds? They do too much burst damage period. Their openers hit to hard. Their constant backstabs cost too little for the incredible damage it outputs.


What more needs to be said? It's very simple: This class is doing WAY too much damage.

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So you're telling me none of you could break out of his cc?


As an operative I know it wouldn't matter if they break out as long as you don't engage them before they use their breaks. You can sleep dart someone over and over and over. The only cd is to not be in combat.

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How hard is it for them to understand the problem with Operatives/Scounds? They do too much burst damage period. Their openers hit to hard. Their constant backstabs cost too little for the incredible damage it outputs.


What more needs to be said? It's very simple: This class is doing WAY too much damage.


In your opinion. Like it said, just because you are the loudest does not mean they will listen to you. You post in every single nerf operative thread and create them every day. Maybe it is time that you learned how to beat them instead of calling for nerfs.

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How hard is it for them to understand the problem with Operatives/Scounds? They do too much burst damage period. Their openers hit to hard. Their constant backstabs cost too little for the incredible damage it outputs.


What more needs to be said? It's very simple: This class is doing WAY too much damage.


How constant can they be? Sure, it can be talented to cost 0 energy but Backstab is position dependent and is on a 9 second cooldown.

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so i have been pvping alot, and i am partially geared with champion gear on my sorc. ops/scoundrels destroy me. now before you trolls start saying how bad i am, you need to really listen to logic and dont troll just to be trolling. it ruins the experience for alot of players.


lets say you use your cc to score in huttball, but you die afterwards. so you run out to quickly get back into the action. i pop my shield as soon as i hit the floor, the next thing i know, i am knocked down. i have no cc so there is nothing i can do. as soon as i get up, i am just about dead if not dead already from that combo. im talking about sick crits and dmg here. and this wouldnt be the first time. im not sure what spec it is, but its burst dmg is pvp is way to strong. no class should be able to completely destroy you if your cc breaker is down.


you can say how we need to learn to play, or how they are a burst class and its expected, but i have been playing alot of pvp mmo's, and i know the difference between skill, a bad player, and an op class or mechanic.


if you want some games ive played ill give you some:





league of legends

lineage 2



dc universe


a few others but i cant remember the names right now.


ops/scoundrels really need to have a closer look at the dmg output in pvp.


even if they are stacking exp/biochem or whatever. its still just way to much dmg. maybe they need to look at biochem in regards to this. it seems like people who went biochem have a much bigger edge in pvp compared to other professions.

Edited by grahf
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You know when you play against certain class so much and die so many times you start to question your own skill and ability?


Well, for me it was first complete and utter fustration. Whatever I tried I ended up being dead. So I started saving my cooldowns thinking I am not playing smart. Nope, made no difference.


I went through a stage post-frustration of just shrugging it off and saying to myself they're FotM and will get nerfed eventually and then only very good OPeratives will be able to kill someone so quickly.


After that came histeria. Now when I get killed in 3 seconds after being picked up in stealth by OPerative I find it funny for some odd reason and burst into a laugh.


Tonight in Huttball a single OPerative carried the entire opposing team. Our players kept dropping like flies. I stood stealthed and FRAPSed the whole thing just to review in slow motion and analyze. You see level 50 Jedi Guardian running out of the spawn only to be knocked on his face few seconds later, followed by loss of almost 50% of his health and while he is getting up he goes back down face first. I stood there and just watched for a minute or two and recorded some really good footage of OPerative.


Game ends and the said individual is sitting at 400K damage, 150K healing, 70 Kills, 0 Deaths.


In one encounter I had all my cooldowns up, popped my Blackout, Force Potency, Battle Readiness, Relic, Deflection, Resilience right after that. I brought the sucker down to 30% health and just as I was to finish him/her off I got stunned, with my Force of Will on cooldown, he healed back to 40%-50% health, somehow restealthed. The next thing that happened was me face down first with vibrosword sounds in quick succession and a death dialog that popped so fast I couldn't believe it.


LOL. This truly is funny. I think I remember a video where 2 developers were theorycrafting about IA vs. Jedi Shadow. I think IA one was Senior Developer while Jedi Shadow one was Junior Developer. Senior used his rank and status to influence the design of the class. It's the only logical conclusion.

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PvP isn't balanced around one on one fights. Play as a team.




Very true.


But PvP should be balanced in such a way that no one clas can beat all others. Balancing revolves around each class having it's true nemesis. An OPerative can be a nemesis to Shadow, but they should have an incredibly hard time beating the tank classes. In the same light Shadow should be nemesis to Sorcerer class, and Sorcerer classs should be nemesis to Guardian class, etc. You know the drill.


As it stands right now OPeratives are nemesis to anyone and everyone. If OPerative takes on a class that they were designed to beat, that class should die, but it shouldn't die in 2-3 seconds without a chance to fight. They should be able to present a decent challenge to OPerative class if the skill favors the weaker class.


Analogous to that, OPerative taking on a class that is designed to beat it, shouldn't be able to kill it in 2-3 seconds, nor should that class be able to kill OPerative in 2-3 seconds. Similar to previous, OPerative should be able to present a decent challenge, and if the skill favors OPerative then OPerative should come out on top.


Right now there is no balance, there is OPerative and then there is rest of classes.

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You people just refuse to see that Operative's and Sorc's are extremely OP'd.


Enjoy it while you have it, because you will be getting nerfed or the other team will be getting buffed to the point that you won't be able to dent them.


These are the people that will quit playing all together in a few months because they can't just walk all over the enemy anymore. *tissue


It will be so glorious. I can't wait.

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In your opinion. Like it said, just because you are the loudest does not mean they will listen to you. You post in every single nerf operative thread and create them every day. Maybe it is time that you learned how to beat them instead of calling for nerfs.


Lol. Then leave the class as is. Just don't nerf it when I get my op to 50.

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Why do people keep saying trinkit. Go back to wow it doesnt exist here.


Saying "trinket" is a lot easier than using the term for whatever class spell you're talking about. Since it's different for every class, it's generally accepted that "trinket" means to use your escape mechanic.


Calm down.

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im a sorc and i dont really see us as op. in fact, i see some us as a tad bit underpowered in some aspects.


compared to other classes, overload has like no knock back. and its not instant, it takes like a second to activate. this would be the biggest fault i see. in fact the madness tree is a pve tree, and its worthless in pvp. dots can be outhealed. this might be my mistake. i have yet to try lightning spec, but madness is not really viable in pvp.


also the targeting system is terrible, even if i dot someone, and they go stealth for a split second, i lose my cursor on them. trying to tab through all the targets in a group fight or trying to click back on that person is fail.


is there a key that i can press that lets me target my previous target?

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Saying "trinket" is a lot easier than using the term for whatever class spell you're talking about. Since it's different for every class, it's generally accepted that "trinket" means to use your escape mechanic.


Calm down.


i prefer cc breaker.. trinket just doesnt feel right.

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Tried today one scoundrel with my assassin on void. I got 17550 hp, 547 expertise, and 3k armor... There were 4 fights in less than 2 mins (so you can't say he burned all his cd, biochem and any crap). It took him 4-5 hits to finish me mostly. No chances. Even when I opened first. I bet he was bored as hell to kill my full champion assassin... Edited by Kshahdoo
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I noticed something today about 50% of my Guild is now leveling Operatives, I see a trend starting. I guess if you cant beat em you can join them.


Hehe, they will be nerfed before people get to 50 lvl. There will be a lot of rage about it and QQ posts... Or they won't be nerfed, and SWTOR will become Star Wars: The Operative Republic...

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Indeed, operatives/scoundrels are the most overpowered class at the moment. Their damage seems to be out of proportion.


I done about 10 warzones yesterday, and whenever a well geared operative/scoundrel was present, we would basicly win the game, they end up normally with 300k-500k damage.. (LOL).


I'm a sith assassin, i can normally win against others classes 1vs1, i say about 50% or more of times.


However against an operative, with similar or better gear than me, i rather just run away or ignore the guy, he can kill me in about 4/5 seconds it's not worth it. And oh, unbreakable will has 1.5/2 mins COOLDOWN, so you can't really count on it, cause it won't be available most of times.

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Indeed, operatives/scoundrels are the most overpowered class at the moment. Their damage seems to be out of proportion.


I done about 10 warzones yesterday, and whenever a well geared operative/scoundrel was present, we would basicly win the game, they end up normally with 300k-500k damage.. (LOL).


I'm a sith assassin, i can normally win against others classes 1vs1, i say about 50% or more of times.


However against an operative, with similar or better gear than me, i rather just run away or ignore the guy, he can kill me in about 4/5 seconds it's not worth it. And oh, unbreakable will has 1.5/2 mins COOLDOWN, so you can't really count on it, cause it won't be available most of times.


I call BS on your numbers.


Operatives are usually around 250-350k for a really good one.


Snipers can push 400k.


The only ones coming near or even breaking 500k are Sorcs.


I have never seen an Operative break 400k in a match and I have 60 Valor. (Which means I have played far too many Hutball Games.)

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I call BS on your numbers.


Operatives are usually around 250-350k for a really good one.


Snipers can push 400k.


The only ones coming near or even breaking 500k are Sorcs.


I have never seen an Operative break 400k in a match and I have 60 Valor. (Which means I have played far too many Hutball Games.)


Well, i didn't took a screenshot, but in one of the games there was an Operative with 480k damage, and guess what.... 0 Deaths. This was the strongest one i saw, in other games, they were normally around 300k+.


I'm not lying, in my server Legions of Lettow, there are some really powerful Scoundrels/Operatives.

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So if we claim every class is OP'd does that mean they are actually balanced? Another week or two and we should have gone through why every class is OP'd :)


this needs to happen before the balancing starts. if not its going to snowball from one class being OP to another. causing nerf after nerf after nerf

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So me and another level 50 runs op to cap this point in the Alderaan warzone. Out of nowhere this scoundrel opens up and obliterates the other lvl 50 before I can even react. He then vanishes and opens up on me with a stun.


At this point im thinking surely he cannot do the same thing to me, he just did to the other guy 8 seconds ago. Boy was I wrong.








At this point I have about 10% of my hp left and the fight is over. He just creamed the both of us in less than 20 seconds and hes still got 90% hp left.



And tbh this is not the only time I've witnessed these scenarios with scoundrels completely destroying people in a single stun. This needs to be addressed immediatly.



Those numbers are only if your not a sorc./or jedi coun. else its 30 % higher at least.

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I noticed something today about 50% of my Guild is now leveling Operatives, I see a trend starting. I guess if you cant beat em you can join them.


There were more republicans on Ord Mandel lvling up Scoundrels the other day than on any other planet(republican side) excluding the fleet. I mean its not like it takes months to reach cap. Warzones will be interesting in a couple weeks full of flavor of the month classes.


bioware will probably see this surge in their metrics and commence with the nerfs

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