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Being Stalked, Harassed, and Bullied 1


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This is a very serious issue especially to minors and as social media is being used to display and encourage stalking, harassment, and bullying.


Thank you SWTOR workers and Community for extremely hard efforts visible and behind the scenes to try to protect us from stalking, harassment, and bullying. Ignore and legacy ignore, and language filters are powerful tools against verbal harassment. Strongholds and flagships along with legacy bans have provided safer havens for rpers and pvpers. Conflicts have been reduced by removing commanders and base guards from conquest activities and adding flagship plans to conquest rewards. Social messages have been imbedded into changes in dialogue and new heroes/companions increase inclusiveness. These are a few of the changes that have already occurred.


Please continue your efforts to stop stalking, harassment, and bullying.

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I'm not sure BioWare can do much about it, other than to make sure our /ignore lists are huge.


The latest I've experienced is some rando saying, "cute character", and if you reply, even with a nice "thank you" they will ask if you RP. The first time I just put them on ignore, and the second time I just couldn't resist replying with "no ERP for you, creeper" and then putting them on ignore. :p

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I'm not sure BioWare can do much about it, other than to make sure our /ignore lists are huge.


The latest I've experienced is some rando saying, "cute character", and if you reply, even with a nice "thank you" they will ask if you RP. The first time I just put them on ignore, and the second time I just couldn't resist replying with "no ERP for you, creeper" and then putting them on ignore. :p

i Tred to Ignore them and also reported them to bioware. I have got no respond from them. So what else can I do to make these trolls go away? Edited by Redopma
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Guess all this means is that I must stop whispering to other players that their outfit looks nice.


Because, after all, when I say someone's outfit looks nice, what I mean is, someone's outfit looks nice, and that's all there is to it.

Nothing more.


But after reading all this, silence is the rule now. Heaven help me if I'm reported for a compliment.

The latest I've experienced is some rando saying, "cute character", and if you reply, even with a nice "thank you" they will ask if you RP.

I'm obviously keying off the word will here. No, it's not a given, not a priori, that every compliment anyone ever gives is always followed by a request to RP when the person responds with a nice "thank you," nor always entails some manner of subsequent harassment.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Guess all this means is that I must stop whispering to other players that their outfit looks nice.


Because, after all, when I say someone's outfit looks nice, what I mean is, someone's outfit looks nice, and that's all there is to it.

Nothing more.


But after reading all this, silence is the rule now. Heaven help me if I'm reported for a compliment.


I'm obviously keying off the word will here. No, it's not a given, not a priori, that every compliment anyone ever gives is always followed by a request to RP when the person responds with a nice "thank you," nor always entails some manner of subsequent harassment.


I normally always respond with thank you and leave it at unless they take it a step further but for the most part most are like you and then I just say thank you/

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I got that whisper. I told him, "Look at me, I've already sold out to the Dread Masters". (I have the Dread Seed tuning)


No response.


lmao "who's the master now, random whisper-er"

I said "I'm my own master once" but got no response. I think that guy is just weird lol

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Guess all this means is that I must stop whispering to other players that their outfit looks nice.


Because, after all, when I say someone's outfit looks nice, what I mean is, someone's outfit looks nice, and that's all there is to it.

Nothing more.


But after reading all this, silence is the rule now. Heaven help me if I'm reported for a compliment.


I'm obviously keying off the word will here. No, it's not a given, not a priori, that every compliment anyone ever gives is always followed by a request to RP when the person responds with a nice "thank you," nor always entails some manner of subsequent harassment.


I think you're missing the point. Yes, of course I will respond with a "thank you" when someone compliments me on my character customization choice. That is it followed by "do you RP" is not the usual thing. Why would a "cute" appearance be the only reason for starting normal RP? As a female gamer who has played MMOs since 1995, I can spot a creeper a mile away.

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Having a character that's looks COOL or PRETTY is not an excuse to be harassed, but neither should you be offended when someone takes a moment to look.


And another person with questionable reading comprehension.


To be clear: I have no problem with someone paying a compliment. I do have a problem with someone paying a compliment just because they expect something in return.


"cute character"

"thank you"

"what set is that?" or some other similar response is fine


The following are unacceptable responses:

"do you RP" -- based solely on a (female) character being "cute", because we know what kind of RP they are after

"give me money"



Also, if the response was, "do you RP" with a qualifier to explain WHY they wanted to RP with me, that would also be fine.

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And another person with questionable reading comprehension.


To be clear: I have no problem with someone paying a compliment. I do have a problem with someone paying a compliment just because they expect something in return.


"cute character"

"thank you"

"what set is that?" or some other similar response is fine


The following are unacceptable responses:

"do you RP" -- based solely on a (female) character being "cute", because we know what kind of RP they are after

"give me money"



Also, if the response was, "do you RP" with a qualifier to explain WHY they wanted to RP with me, that would also be fine.


Who said I was talking about you?

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Tbh I have no idea why people in 2021 would still hit on random female toons that look sexy or wear skimpy outfits for ERP, because even if they do get the female toon to ERP to them, it's more possible that the person who controls the sexy female toon and ERP with them are dudes lol
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Tbh I have no idea why people in 2021 would still hit on random female toons that look sexy or wear skimpy outfits for ERP, because even if they do get the female toon to ERP to them, it's more possible that the person who controls the sexy female toon and ERP with them are dudes lol


As I explained to many many members and friends - in an effort to fix this.


Girl means - Guy-In-Real-Life


You'd be surprised how quickly they shut right up.

Even broke a poor gal's brain with this - she had no idea. (A girl in real life in fact)


Pretty sick people out there who are in denial of the obvious fact majority of female chars are actually guys. But hey...let them embarrass themselves - more entertainment for me.:D

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As I explained to many many members and friends - in an effort to fix this.


Girl means - Guy-In-Real-Life


You'd be surprised how quickly they shut right up.

Even broke a poor gal's brain with this - she had no idea. (A girl in real life in fact)


Pretty sick people out there who are in denial of the obvious fact majority of female chars are actually guys. But hey...let them embarrass themselves - more entertainment for me.:D


Some people lose their **** on fleet gen chat whenever someone says girl=guy in real life lol

Easier for me to disguise as a guy.

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Tbh I have no idea why people in 2021 would still hit on random female toons that look sexy or wear skimpy outfits for ERP, because even if they do get the female toon to ERP to them, it's more possible that the person who controls the sexy female toon and ERP with them are dudes lol


Ah yes the Internet, where men are men, women are men and kids are FBI.

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The latest I've experienced is some rando saying, "cute character", and if you reply, even with a nice "thank you" they will ask if you RP. The first time I just put them on ignore, and the second time I just couldn't resist replying with "no ERP for you, creeper" and then putting them on ignore. :p


I seriously cannot determine if your entire post is a troll, or if you actually believe that someone having the nerve to talk to you is a world-ending event

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I seriously cannot determine if your entire post is a troll, or if you actually believe that someone having the nerve to talk to you is a world-ending event


Have you ever been stalked in real life? I have, and I had to get the police involved.


And as I've said, I've been playing MMOs for almost 27 years. And yes, since I am female, that includes a lot of harassment. Unsurprisingly, creepers do still use all the same tricks.


I'm not going to read this thread anymore, since it has turned into a meeting place for those with no empathy for those who are different from themselves or who have had different experiences. And really, it is a microcosm of what the industry looks like these days. It's not pretty.


OP, if you're still here, I understand, and I stand with you. Hopefully more can be done in the future.

Edited by Cedia
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